Why is Trump so gung-ho about protecting Putin and Asange?

Maybe because of EVIDENCE, you stupid fuck
Kicking out foreign diplomats without proof of why seems like political theater.

Yup. From what I've been reading they have no evidence Russia hacked anything.

That's probably why the meeting was postponed till Friday.

Of course Tigeridiot is to stupid to think before she puts another of her racist threads up.
Anybody with a working brain cell, can see this unyeilding alliance Trump has for Putin and Assange, vs our intelligence community and Obama, has a very suspicious taint to it. Like what fuckin president goes against its own people and protects a murderer and a rapist instead??

I'll say it again, Trump and Putin were both in on this email thing with Hillederbeast Clinton and protecting that source is crucial to Trump, else the shit from Russia will hit the fan and Trump will be exposed as the lying con fuck nut that he is.

White America, making your country great again, comes with a price tag, Trump is willing to pay...selling the American constitution, its current president and the American stupid down the drain...again, fools, you get exactly what you deserve....a nightmare in the works!!

And to prove I'm right...ever notice how all the Trump supporters post is shit about blacks, gays and bullshit...never about this headlined shit that they CAN'T EXPLAIN NOR DEFENDS...DEFLECT DEFLECT DEFLECT AND DEFLECT SOME MORE!! lololol
Trump is acting like he was in on it.
You don't know what you're talking about. Quit babbling you big black buffalo of a broad.
Anybody with a working brain cell, can see this unyeilding alliance Trump has for Putin and Assange, vs our intelligence community and Obama, has a very suspicious taint to it. Like what fuckin president goes against its own people and protects a murderer and a rapist instead??

I'll say it again, Trump and Putin were both in on this email thing with Hillederbeast Clinton and protecting that source is crucial to Trump, else the shit from Russia will hit the fan and Trump will be exposed as the lying con fuck nut that he is.

White America, making your country great again, comes with a price tag, Trump is willing to pay...selling the American constitution, its current president and the American stupid down the drain...again, fools, you get exactly what you deserve....a nightmare in the works!!

And to prove I'm right...ever notice how all the Trump supporters post is shit about blacks, gays and bullshit...never about this headlined shit that they CAN'T EXPLAIN NOR DEFENDS...DEFLECT DEFLECT DEFLECT AND DEFLECT SOME MORE!! lololol
It's Trump's narcissism getting in the way. The only way to keep him from doubling down and digging himself an ever deepening hole at times like this is to NOT make a big deal out of his defensive statements, ask him repeatedly about them, discuss them endlessly on cable news. It makes him more defensive. I'm telling ya, if when he first reacted to this, people had just nodded and said Uh huh, this would have been over long ago.
Oh....so just because he questions false claims by his opponent the claims must be genuine?

Personality I think you're literally dreaming this shit up as you go along. Eventually you'll be blaming Trump for creating ISIS and terrorism in the Middle East.

BTW, Obama claimed if he had run a 3rd time he would have won. Which president ever said that kind of shit in the past? You on the left had this narcissistic asshole in office for the last 8 years and yet you have the nerve to criticize Trump.
Lets just say for fun, that all this intelligence is fake, fabricated and made up....by both the CIA, FBI and God, all phoney.....again, why would a soon to be president be so bat shit crazy about proving them all wrong? Is he afraid it would de-legitimize his win? What gains does Trump and the american stupid receive by defending Putin? Let the intell community do its job and keep it moving Trump, stop trying to derail their claims but defending a known enemy...the fact he calls Trump a smart guy, speaks volume on how unhinged and dangerous he is....
Sorry, but Trump isn't dwelling on this fake conspiracy. He's busy filling his cabinet and getting ready to move into the Oval Office. You folks on the left are the ones in a tizzy over it.

I think it's so ironic that the folks who are screaming the election was rigged the loudest are the ones guilty of trying to rig it. How else can you explain bringing millions of foreigners here to change the demographics of the electorate.

Trump won because he ran his campaign to maximize the electoral votes needed to win. The Democrats basically assumed they could win enough battleground states to carry the election and lost because folks living there aren't stupid. Democrats want to turn most of America into California, a liberal shithole with a permanent underclass. They need a population that is used to poverty, not a population that demands a better life and representation in Washington that gets results.
Anybody with a working brain cell, can see this unyeilding alliance Trump has for Putin and Assange, vs our intelligence community and Obama, has a very suspicious taint to it. Like what fuckin president goes against its own people and protects a murderer and a rapist instead??

I'll say it again, Trump and Putin were both in on this email thing with Hillederbeast Clinton and protecting that source is crucial to Trump, else the shit from Russia will hit the fan and Trump will be exposed as the lying con fuck nut that he is.

White America, making your country great again, comes with a price tag, Trump is willing to pay...selling the American constitution, its current president and the American stupid down the drain...again, fools, you get exactly what you deserve....a nightmare in the works!!

And to prove I'm right...ever notice how all the Trump supporters post is shit about blacks, gays and bullshit...never about this headlined shit that they CAN'T EXPLAIN NOR DEFENDS...DEFLECT DEFLECT DEFLECT AND DEFLECT SOME MORE!! lololol
It's Trump's narcissism getting in the way. The only way to keep him from doubling down and digging himself an ever deepening hole at times like this is to NOT make a big deal out of his defensive statements, ask him repeatedly about them, discuss them endlessly on cable news. It makes him more defensive. I'm telling ya, if when he first reacted to this, people had just nodded and said Uh huh, this would have been over long ago.
Oh....so just because he questions false claims by his opponent the claims must be genuine?

Personality I think you're literally dreaming this shit up as you go along. Eventually you'll be blaming Trump for creating ISIS and terrorism in the Middle East.

BTW, Obama claimed if he had run a 3rd time he would have won. Which president ever said that kind of shit in the past? You on the left had this narcissistic asshole in office for the last 8 years and yet you have the nerve to criticize Trump.
There's a huge difference between an egotist and a narcissist, but I don't plan on trying to explain the difference. Just trust me.
I'm not a Democrat, so project all the bullshit you want--I'm just calling it like I see it, and Trump is giving the middle finger to the same people who keep him and us safe. Can they make mistakes? Sure. Does the Commander in Chief have an influence on how their findings are communicated? Probably yes. Does that mean we reject their findings out of hand without knowing what we are talking about? I don't think we should.
I think anyone who believes another one of Hillary's lies is a fool.

This conspiracy was hatched by the woman who claimed Monica Lewinsky was just a vast rightwing conspiracy. Hatched by the same folks that said Benghazi was over a disgusting video. Why do you still trust them after they have been caught lying time after time? All they have to do to convince you of anything is just say it never happened that it happened with no evidence to prove it one way or another. That Obama’s Administration is scandal-free. Just how friggen dumb can you be??
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Trump is acting like he was in on it.
Yes......but he was helped by Klingons. Klingons are trying to take over the Federation.:muahaha:

Everyone knows that if you aren't falling for Hillary's bullshit Russian (rightwing) conspiracy theories you must be in on it yourself.
It's not Hillary's, she is staying fairly quiet on the matter and not out there screaming from the roof tops.

Trump's right hand hit man, Roger Stone, was in on the releases to wikileaks and the timing of the releases.

Stone, tweeted about it several times saying such.

Trump also said he has information on it that our intelligence doesn't have and said he would tell us later what this information is... Roger Stone said he spoke to Trump at least a couple of times a week during the whole campaign and advised him...

There is no doubt that what Roger Stone knew about the theft and release of emails, Trump knew.
Maybe because of EVIDENCE, you stupid fuck
Kicking out foreign diplomats without proof of why seems like political theater.

Yup. From what I've been reading they have no evidence Russia hacked anything.

That's probably why the meeting was postponed till Friday.

Of course Tigeridiot is to stupid to think before she puts another of her racist threads up.
your ignorance is showing, there is a hearing going on today, all morning, with congress critters and intelligence that R's called to have before they meet with Trump....

you guys could not bend over far enough for your man, can you....? sickening to watch your cult.
Maybe because of EVIDENCE, you stupid fuck
Kicking out foreign diplomats without proof of why seems like political theater.

Yup. From what I've been reading they have no evidence Russia hacked anything.

That's probably why the meeting was postponed till Friday.

Of course Tigeridiot is to stupid to think before she puts another of her racist threads up.
your ignorance is showing, there is a hearing going on today, all morning, with congress critters and intelligence that R's called to have before they meet with Trump....

you guys could not bend over far enough for your man, can you....? sickening to watch your cult.
Yes, listen to their rhetoric and lack of proof. :rolleyes:
Maybe because of EVIDENCE, you stupid fuck
Kicking out foreign diplomats without proof of why seems like political theater.

Yup. From what I've been reading they have no evidence Russia hacked anything.

That's probably why the meeting was postponed till Friday.

Of course Tigeridiot is to stupid to think before she puts another of her racist threads up.
your ignorance is showing, there is a hearing going on today, all morning, with congress critters and intelligence that R's called to have before they meet with Trump....

you guys could not bend over far enough for your man, can you....? sickening to watch your cult.

Last I heard the meeting was going to be on Friday.

Speaking of ignorance. You backed Hillary. Can't get any dumber than that.
Trump is acting like he was in on it.
Yes......but he was helped by Klingons. Klingons are trying to take over the Federation.:muahaha:

Everyone knows that if you aren't falling for Hillary's bullshit Russian (rightwing) conspiracy theories you must be in on it yourself.
It's not Hillary's, she is staying fairly quiet on the matter and not out there screaming from the roof tops.

Trump's right hand hit man, Roger Stone, was in on the releases to wikileaks and the timing of the releases.

Stone, tweeted about it several times saying such.

Trump also said he has information on it that our intelligence doesn't have and said he would tell us later what this information is... Roger Stone said he spoke to Trump at least a couple of times a week during the whole campaign and advised him...

There is no doubt that what Roger Stone knew about the theft and release of emails, Trump knew.
This is all over John Podesta's emails.......Hillary’s head honcho.

The source is the Hillary Campaign. The media is simply acting as propandists for Hillary in an attempt to delegitimize Trump's victory and thus delegitimize his presidency. That's all it is about.
Maybe because of EVIDENCE, you stupid fuck
Kicking out foreign diplomats without proof of why seems like political theater.

Yup. From what I've been reading they have no evidence Russia hacked anything.

That's probably why the meeting was postponed till Friday.

Of course Tigeridiot is to stupid to think before she puts another of her racist threads up.
your ignorance is showing, there is a hearing going on today, all morning, with congress critters and intelligence that R's called to have before they meet with Trump....

you guys could not bend over far enough for your man, can you....? sickening to watch your cult.
The hearing being chaired by John McCain, one of Trump's worst critics?? That hearing??

What are they saying at that hearing? Accusations of racism, bigotry, and every other bullshit accusation that strangely sound exactly like all of the rhetoric that was thrown at Trump by Hillary when she spoke of the Deplorables that vote for Trump? Am I correct?

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Trump is acting like he was in on it.
Yes......but he was helped by Klingons. Klingons are trying to take over the Federation.:muahaha:

Everyone knows that if you aren't falling for Hillary's bullshit Russian (rightwing) conspiracy theories you must be in on it yourself.
It's not Hillary's, she is staying fairly quiet on the matter and not out there screaming from the roof tops.

Trump's right hand hit man, Roger Stone, was in on the releases to wikileaks and the timing of the releases.

Stone, tweeted about it several times saying such.

Trump also said he has information on it that our intelligence doesn't have and said he would tell us later what this information is... Roger Stone said he spoke to Trump at least a couple of times a week during the whole campaign and advised him...

There is no doubt that what Roger Stone knew about the theft and release of emails, Trump knew.
This is all over John Podesta's emails.......Hillary’s head honcho.

The source is the Hillary Campaign. The media is simply acting as propandists for Hillary in an attempt to delegitimize Trump's victory and thus delegitimize his presidency. That's all it is about.
Did Roger Stone PLANT the mole in the DNC?

Roger did this before, ya know, with planting a mole in the DNC/opponent campaign. Dole fired him for it, when Dole found out.

Roger Stone is up to his eyeballs in this leaking on wikileaks.... his tweets confirm it.....he actually bragged about it.

Stone also tweeted 2 months BEFORE wikileaks released the Podesta emails that Podesta stolen emails were next on the wikileaks dump.

So please tell me, why was Trump's right hand hit man so INVOLVED with this hit??? why?
and yet CIA wont back up its claim with anything more than trust us..........oooooooops
Maybe because of EVIDENCE, you stupid fuck
Kicking out foreign diplomats without proof of why seems like political theater.

Evidence? Evidence that exonerates Russia and Assange? Or you dont need that evidence?

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