Why is Trump so gung-ho about protecting Putin and Asange?

Trump is acting like he was in on it.
Yes......but he was helped by Klingons. Klingons are trying to take over the Federation.:muahaha:

Everyone knows that if you aren't falling for Hillary's bullshit Russian (rightwing) conspiracy theories you must be in on it yourself.
It's not Hillary's, she is staying fairly quiet on the matter and not out there screaming from the roof tops.

Trump's right hand hit man, Roger Stone, was in on the releases to wikileaks and the timing of the releases.

Stone, tweeted about it several times saying such.

Trump also said he has information on it that our intelligence doesn't have and said he would tell us later what this information is... Roger Stone said he spoke to Trump at least a couple of times a week during the whole campaign and advised him...

There is no doubt that what Roger Stone knew about the theft and release of emails, Trump knew.
This is all over John Podesta's emails.......Hillary’s head honcho.

The source is the Hillary Campaign. The media is simply acting as propandists for Hillary in an attempt to delegitimize Trump's victory and thus delegitimize his presidency. That's all it is about.
Did Roger Stone PLANT the mole in the DNC?

Roger did this before, ya know, with planting a mole in the DNC/opponent campaign. Dole fired him for it, when Dole found out.

Roger Stone is up to his eyeballs in this leaking on wikileaks.... his tweets confirm it.....he actually bragged about it.

Stone also tweeted 2 months BEFORE wikileaks released the Podesta emails that Podesta stolen emails were next on the wikileaks dump.

So please tell me, why was Trump's right hand hit man so INVOLVED with this hit??? why?
Who the fuvk is Roger Stone and what does he have to do with Russia???
Maybe because of EVIDENCE, you stupid fuck
Kicking out foreign diplomats without proof of why seems like political theater.

Evidence? Evidence that exonerates Russia and Assange? Or you dont need that evidence?
Sorry, dumbass. Where is the proof that Russia had anything to do with changing the results of the election?

You think you can throw out any ridiculous accusation and we must prove it's a lie.

It doesn’t work that way. You have to prove evidence of guilt......not the other way around. That's why they call a prosecutor a prosecutor. You must prosecute your case. The defense need not prove anything.
It's Trump's narcissism getting in the way. The only way to keep him from doubling down and digging himself an ever deepening hole at times like this is to NOT make a big deal out of his defensive statements, ask him repeatedly about them, discuss them endlessly on cable news. It makes him more defensive. I'm telling ya, if when he first reacted to this, people had just nodded and said Uh huh, this would have been over long ago.
How did you arrive at that? The Dems ran out of ammo since nothing else was selling. This is all they have left. Trump not speaking about it would look worse. Of course he should since he's the target of the political hit job. The WORSE thing Republicans have done in the past is letting leftist get away with their shit. Trump fights back. That's WHY he won and the only reason he won.

Leftists are not used to Republicans that stand up for themselves. They still can't figure out how to deal with it.

No, he won because of the electoral college.

And note the revealing word choice in your post. "Stand up for themselves."

SELF. That's all Trump is concerned with. Not America, and certainly not Republicans. He's all about enriching himself, and perhaps his cronies, with the office of president.

Michael Che probably put it best: Trump doesn't want to be president. He just wanted to beat the nerd. That's why instead of getting ready to be president he immediately upon winning returned to the road to take a victory lap. He soaks up the cheering of the crowd like a performer, because that's all he is.
Trump is acting like he was in on it.
Yes......but he was helped by Klingons. Klingons are trying to take over the Federation.:muahaha:

Everyone knows that if you aren't falling for Hillary's bullshit Russian (rightwing) conspiracy theories you must be in on it yourself.
It's not Hillary's, she is staying fairly quiet on the matter and not out there screaming from the roof tops.

Trump's right hand hit man, Roger Stone, was in on the releases to wikileaks and the timing of the releases.

Stone, tweeted about it several times saying such.

Trump also said he has information on it that our intelligence doesn't have and said he would tell us later what this information is... Roger Stone said he spoke to Trump at least a couple of times a week during the whole campaign and advised him...

There is no doubt that what Roger Stone knew about the theft and release of emails, Trump knew.
This is all over John Podesta's emails.......Hillary’s head honcho.

The source is the Hillary Campaign. The media is simply acting as propandists for Hillary in an attempt to delegitimize Trump's victory and thus delegitimize his presidency. That's all it is about.
Did Roger Stone PLANT the mole in the DNC?

Roger did this before, ya know, with planting a mole in the DNC/opponent campaign. Dole fired him for it, when Dole found out.

Roger Stone is up to his eyeballs in this leaking on wikileaks.... his tweets confirm it.....he actually bragged about it.

Stone also tweeted 2 months BEFORE wikileaks released the Podesta emails that Podesta stolen emails were next on the wikileaks dump.

So please tell me, why was Trump's right hand hit man so INVOLVED with this hit??? why?
Who the fuvk is Roger Stone and what does he have to do with Russia???
Roger Stone is Trump's close friend and first campaign manager, replaced with Manafort, a partner in a firm with Stone.

He is a dirty tricks man...involved in Nixon and watergate when just a young man and went on to be known for his scuzzy tricks...called the Prince of Darkness in the RNC circles, and he takes that name with pride.

He's the one who got the National Enquirer to do the article on Cruz and affairs and also the one that created and dumped in the National Enquier the story and lie that Cruz's father was involved in the assassination of Kennedy.
Maybe because of EVIDENCE, you stupid fuck
Kicking out foreign diplomats without proof of why seems like political theater.
Where's Trump's evidence that Putin & Assange didn't do it? Tha;'s right, your Agent Orange knows more than the CIA.
It's Trump's narcissism getting in the way. The only way to keep him from doubling down and digging himself an ever deepening hole at times like this is to NOT make a big deal out of his defensive statements, ask him repeatedly about them, discuss them endlessly on cable news. It makes him more defensive. I'm telling ya, if when he first reacted to this, people had just nodded and said Uh huh, this would have been over long ago.
How did you arrive at that? The Dems ran out of ammo since nothing else was selling. This is all they have left. Trump not speaking about it would look worse. Of course he should since he's the target of the political hit job. The WORSE thing Republicans have done in the past is letting leftist get away with their shit. Trump fights back. That's WHY he won and the only reason he won.

Leftists are not used to Republicans that stand up for themselves. They still can't figure out how to deal with it.

No, he won because of the electoral college.

And note the revealing word choice in your post. "Stand up for themselves."

SELF. That's all Trump is concerned with. Not America, and certainly not Republicans. He's all about enriching himself, and perhaps his cronies, with the office of president.

Michael Che probably put it best: Trump doesn't want to be president. He just wanted to beat the nerd. That's why instead of getting ready to be president he immediately upon winning returned to the road to take a victory lap. He soaks up the cheering of the crowd like a performer, because that's all he is.
Pretty much only big city libs supported Hillary, the rest of America not so much. And he won them over because he didn't let the libs walk all over him like they are accustomed to doing.

I have no idea who Che is but sounds like he babbles out of his ass like you do.
Maybe because of EVIDENCE, you stupid fuck
Kicking out foreign diplomats without proof of why seems like political theater.
Where's Trump's evidence that Putin & Assange didn't do it? Tha;'s right, your Agent Orange knows more than the CIA.
So now Trump has to prove Russia didn't do it? Assange said all along he was involved, were you in a coma?

What was his worse revelation for you?
Maybe because of EVIDENCE, you stupid fuck
Kicking out foreign diplomats without proof of why seems like political theater.

Yup. From what I've been reading they have no evidence Russia hacked anything.

That's probably why the meeting was postponed till Friday.

Of course Tigeridiot is to stupid to think before she puts another of her racist threads up.

The meeting was scheduled for Friday. Not Tuesday or Wednesday according to you or lying Trump.

They have all the evidence........ but losers like you refused to believe it.
Maybe because of EVIDENCE, you stupid fuck
Kicking out foreign diplomats without proof of why seems like political theater.

Evidence? Evidence that exonerates Russia and Assange? Or you dont need that evidence?
Sorry, dumbass. Where is the proof that Russia had anything to do with changing the results of the election?

IDK, since no one claimed that I'm wondering WTF you're talking about?

You think you can throw out any ridiculous accusation and we must prove it's a lie.

You're saying its not Russia with no proof and you want to cry about Proof, goofball?

It doesn’t work that way. You have to prove evidence of guilt......not the other way around. That's why they call a prosecutor a prosecutor. You must prosecute your case. The defense need not prove anything.

Shut up stupid, Not even Trump has said it wasnt Russia so you're jumping ahead of your dear leaders talking points. Go back and review, you're supposed to cast doubt for Trump. Go forth and be a lemming
Maybe because of EVIDENCE, you stupid fuck
Kicking out foreign diplomats without proof of why seems like political theater.

Yup. From what I've been reading they have no evidence Russia hacked anything.

That's probably why the meeting was postponed till Friday.

Of course Tigeridiot is to stupid to think before she puts another of her racist threads up.

The meeting was scheduled for Friday. Not Tuesday or Wednesday according to you or lying Trump.

They have all the evidence........ but losers like you refused to believe it.

The original meeting was set before Friday. Read a little you fucking idiot.

They postponed it to Friday.

They had no evidence that Russia did anything.

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