Why Isn't The GOP Reaching Out To The Black & Minority Community?


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
And if I'm wrong on that, please list what they are doing to reach out to them...to us.

Why are they waging a war to disenfranchise us and stop us from voting?

Is that going to help them get more votes?

USMB RWers, Republicans and self-proclaimed Conservatives...this means you.

I'd really like to know.

Tea-Party folk and self-proclaimed Independents please feel free to chip in as well.
No, you really don't want to know, you just want to troll.

Rand Paul spoke at Howard University earlier this year and you all berated him for it.
No, you really don't want to know, you just want to troll.

Rand Paul spoke at Howard University earlier this year and you all berated him for it.

Liar, that's not what happened.

They made fun of the nonsense he said, and that alone.

They welcomed him until he started making crazy assumptions.

No one berated HIM, they made fun of his stupid assumptions.

If you say otherwise, please post this "berating" you speak of.

You really have proven yourself to a solid RW liar man.

I used to take your seriously a couple years back.

Shame really.

And if I'm wrong on that, please list what they are doing to reach out to them...to us.

Why are they waging a war to disenfranchise us and stop us from voting?

Is that going to help them get more votes?

USMB RWers, Republicans and self-proclaimed Conservatives...this means you.

I'd really like to know.

Tea-Party folk and self-proclaimed Independents please feel free to chip in as well.

Many on the right will reject the OP’s premise and accuse him of being ‘wrong.’

This is telling and significant, because the issue isn’t whether the OP is ‘right’ or ‘wrong,’ but that this is his legitimate and sincere perception, and a expression as to his concern with regard to the listed and other issues.

The mistake most conservatives make is not respecting that, and refusing to engage with the African-American community in good faith debate.
They don't want to treat them like their handicapped
Many on the right will reject the OP’s premise and accuse him of being ‘wrong.’

This is telling and significant, because the issue isn’t whether the OP is ‘right’ or ‘wrong,’ but that this is his legitimate and sincere perception, and a expression as to his concern with regard to the listed and other issues.

The mistake most conservatives make is not respecting that, and refusing to engage with the African-American community in good faith debate.

It's true, the Republican Party doesn't reach out anywhere near enough to blacks, but as a Democrat, what do you care? It's their loss. Do you really want to start losing black voters to the GOP?
Our 'Conservatives' seem to believe they are still in the 1920's. And that the white male bigot is still the majority. They are simply unable to accept this is the 21st Century, and that a black man won the majority of the vote twice in a row. They cannot realize that what he offered the voters was more acceptable to them than what McCain or Romney offered.

So, they think the solution is to disenfranchise the American Voter that they disaprove of. However, too many people remember how that was done prior to the Civil Rights Laws. So, again, they are losing voters, and will lose even more until they become, once again, the Republican Party of Eisenhower and Tom McCall. Or they will go the way of the Whigs.
And if I'm wrong on that, please list what they are doing to reach out to them...to us.

Why are they waging a war to disenfranchise us and stop us from voting?

Is that going to help them get more votes?

USMB RWers, Republicans and self-proclaimed Conservatives...this means you.

I'd really like to know.

Tea-Party folk and self-proclaimed Independents please feel free to chip in as well.

Many on the right will reject the OP’s premise and accuse him of being ‘wrong.’

This is telling and significant, because the issue isn’t whether the OP is ‘right’ or ‘wrong,’ but that this is his legitimate and sincere perception, and a expression as to his concern with regard to the listed and other issues.

The mistake most conservatives make is not respecting that, and refusing to engage with the African-American community in good faith debate.
Unless they can list the myriad of ways the GOP is reaching out to blacks and minorities, there's no way in heck that they can state that I'm wrong.
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Because when the black community constantly calls you racist and accuses you of hating black people whenever you take any position on any issue other than the liberal one you realize that reaching out to the black community is a waste of your time and resources and they are better spent trying to win over Hispanic voters who are not locked into the Democratic party. A good question for the black community to ponder is why do you continue to follow the Democratic ideology considering it has not done all that well for you? Detroit with 50 years of Democratic leadership and policies being the most glaring example of this.
What I heard from RW leaders like O'Riled up, et al, is that Obama is not scolding blacks enough. Many have the belief that he should have used the platform yesterday to tell blacks about how they should be fathers and not abort their children. About how they are violent and sex-crazed. That's what's coming from the RW leaders in punditry.

I believe they represent the majority of self-proclaimed Republicans and Conservatives in this nation, I have seen little to no change in that message from their side to date. So there's nothing to say that that's not what they believe.

That being the case, that's not the way to reach out to us. Not at all. You're actually spitting in our proverbial faces with that rhetoric. But I know they don't believe that's the case. They think they're helping with that rhetoric.

Tell me where I'm wrong on this USMB RWers and self-proclaimed Conservatives.
Because when the black community constantly calls you racist and accuses you of hating black people whenever you take any position on any issue other than the liberal one you realize that reaching out to the black community is a waste of your time and resources and they are better spent trying to win over Hispanic voters who are not locked into the Democratic party. A good question for the black community to ponder is why do you continue to follow the Democratic ideology considering it has not done all that well for you? Detroit with 50 years of Democratic leadership and policies being the most glaring example of this.
This coming from a party member that currently LOVES to call our current President the "greatest divider of our time."

You are spewing the most divisive rhetoric.

Nothing you stated gives the impression on solving real or perceived divisions, so that tells me that when and if Republicans get in power again, it's going to be more of the same and worse of the same.

Isn't that the logical conclusion to your rhetoric?

If you're currently going to COMPLAIN about divisiveness, then LEAD in bringing an end to it. Not lead out in continuing and encouraging it.
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The OP is entitled to his opinion, but that is all that it is. This is nothing but trolling, kind of like asking someone when they stopped beating their spouse. And you disenfranchising analysis is bull shit because minorities are not the only ones subject to the law, are you saying a minority is less capable of compliance? If that is indeed what you are saying then your the bigot.
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What I heard from RW leaders like O'Riled up, et al, is that Obama is not scolding blacks enough. Many have the belief that he should have used the platform yesterday to tell blacks about how they should be fathers and not abort their children. About how they are violent and sex-crazed. That's what's coming from the RW leaders in punditry.

I believe they represent the majority of self-proclaimed Republicans and Conservatives in this nation, I have seen little to no change in that message from their side to date. So there's nothing to say that that's not what they believe.

That being the case, that's not the way to reach out to us. Not at all. You're actually spitting in our proverbial faces with that rhetoric. But I know they don't believe that's the case. They think they're helping with that rhetoric.

Tell me where I'm wrong on this USMB RWers and self-proclaimed Conservatives.

apparently you want your ass kissed simply because it's black
Politicians "reaching out" = pandering.

No matter who does it. They are supposed to vote on our behalf not fucking support us with debilitating bullshit programs.
Why aren't they "reaching out" to Blacks/minorities?

Why should they? You'll accuse them of pandering, reject their ideas because they're based on you actually doing something for yourself, and then you'll accuse them of racism because they want you to show ID in order to vote just like you have to do to buy beer, cigarettes and cough medicine.

I wish they'd stop wasting their time kissing your ass. Your masters need to be defeated (again), and you need to be turned loose into the real world to fend for yourselves (again).

The black community before the democrook president LBJ enslaved you was becoming prosperous. Blacks were devoted church goers, a tight knit community that looked out for each other. Not to kill each other over turf wars, but to defend each other from democrook klansmen.

I personally don't give a shit anymore if you feel "disenfranchised". You were actually motivated to do better as a people when you weren't getting your asses kissed by pseudointellectual white bed wetters with a self imposed guilt complex.

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