why not just sit on your butt and pray?

So here's your chance to pontificate. Start with the genesis tale. Identify which parts are literally and which are not. Be sure to give us authoritative information that we can independently confirm.

simple enough......the language of Genesis 1:1 is in the Hebrew imperative......thus it is properly translated as "In the beginning God made the heavens and the earth!".....it is a command, not narrative.....

Genesis 1:2 through 2:3 is an identifiable pericope which shares many characteristics with other Hebrew poetry and is significant for the beginning word, generally translated into English as "Now".......this word signals the beginning of stories that would have been spoken around the campfires at night by a tribal elder......we have the same phenomena in English.....phrases like "many years ago"......or "once upon a time"

Genesis 2:4 through 2:25 also has a beginning phrase "this is the account of", traditionally used in narrative, and interestingly, in the chronicling of the events in the king's archives....
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It's a goofy story that makes the rounds among the god did it'ists. There are other variations but yours is the most common.

????.....so it is common that God answers prayer.....understood.....

????...... and the Easter Bunny delivers colored eggs...... understood.......

the bastard discriminated against my kids.....maybe because I didn't believe in him.....oh wait, the same could be true of your prayers!.......
I know....that's the one you refuse to use....

My argument from the science perspective derives from the scientific method.

Your argument from the perspective of magic and supernaturalism derives from a book of tales and fables suggesting a 6,000 year old earth.

BTW, the earth is more than 6,000 years old.

The Bible says that 1 day for God, is 1,000 years for us.
It took God 6,000 years from start to finish for the creation of the Earth.
It does not tell how old the Earth is nor does it say how long Adam and Eve were in the Garden before they were cast out.

You are using faith that science age dating is correct, but there is no proof that it is correct.
If there was a world wide flood then any radio metric age dating would not be correct
Science is an educated guessing game, because no one was alive to ask for that proof of
actual facts.

You have faith in man's faulty science.
We have faith in God and someday you will find that God does exist.

It's really not difficult to understand that with the unwarranted extreme size of an ego such as Hollie's, why she has difficulty believing in anything greater than self. ;)
So here's your chance to pontificate. Start with the genesis tale. Identify which parts are literally and which are not. Be sure to give us authoritative information that we can independently confirm.

simple enough......the language of Genesis 1:1 is in the Hebrew imperative......thus it is properly translated as "In the beginning God made the heavens and the earth!".....it is a command, not narrative.....

Genesis 1:2 through 2:3 is an identifiable pericope which shares many characteristics with other Hebrew poetry and is significant for the beginning word, generally translated into English as "Now".......this word signals the beginning of stories that would have been spoken around the campfires at night by a tribal elder......we have the same phenomena in English.....phrases like "many years ago"......or "once upon a time"

Genesis 2:4 through 2:25 also has a beginning phrase "this is the account of", traditionally used in narrative, and interestingly, in the chronicling of the events in the king's archives....

Put your dancing shoes back on and pay attention.

Did you somehow miss the part where your homework was to: "Identify which parts are literally and which are not. Be sure to give us authoritative information that we can independently confirm."
My argument from the science perspective derives from the scientific method.

Your argument from the perspective of magic and supernaturalism derives from a book of tales and fables suggesting a 6,000 year old earth.

BTW, the earth is more than 6,000 years old.

The Bible says that 1 day for God, is 1,000 years for us.
It took God 6,000 years from start to finish for the creation of the Earth.
It does not tell how old the Earth is nor does it say how long Adam and Eve were in the Garden before they were cast out.

You are using faith that science age dating is correct, but there is no proof that it is correct.
If there was a world wide flood then any radio metric age dating would not be correct
Science is an educated guessing game, because no one was alive to ask for that proof of
actual facts.

You have faith in man's faulty science.
We have faith in God and someday you will find that God does exist.

It's really not difficult to understand that with the unwarranted extreme size of an ego such as Hollie's, why she has difficulty believing in anything greater than self. ;)

It's really not difficult to understand how your comments get less meaningful with every slathering, pointless, out of context piece of drivel.
????.....so it is common that God answers prayer.....understood.....

????...... and the Easter Bunny delivers colored eggs...... understood.......

the bastard discriminated against my kids.....maybe because I didn't believe in him.....oh wait, the same could be true of your prayers!.......

Praying doesn't actually work. Perhaps that's why your life is filled with such despair and disappointment.

Have you considered that the gods are just too busy to listen to your gimme' gimme' whining?
You edited your post 123.

Secondly, I'd suggest not using wiki as your science source.

How is it again the earth is 50,000 years old?

odd that she edited it at 11:50 and the text didn't show up until you "quoted" it at 1:20.....especially since the highlighted words don't show up in the other two posts where people quoted her......

She's a liar and a poser and holds absolutely no integrity whatsoever, this is just yet another example, I'm not sure why people even waste their time trying to 'debate' her. I've never seen anyone on a message board filled with such hate, she takes the award for that as well.
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So here's your chance to pontificate. Start with the genesis tale. Identify which parts are literally and which are not. Be sure to give us authoritative information that we can independently confirm.

simple enough......the language of Genesis 1:1 is in the Hebrew imperative......thus it is properly translated as "In the beginning God made the heavens and the earth!".....it is a command, not narrative.....

Genesis 1:2 through 2:3 is an identifiable pericope which shares many characteristics with other Hebrew poetry and is significant for the beginning word, generally translated into English as "Now".......this word signals the beginning of stories that would have been spoken around the campfires at night by a tribal elder......we have the same phenomena in English.....phrases like "many years ago"......or "once upon a time"

Genesis 2:4 through 2:25 also has a beginning phrase "this is the account of", traditionally used in narrative, and interestingly, in the chronicling of the events in the king's archives....

Put your dancing shoes back on and pay attention.

Did you somehow miss the part where your homework was to: "Identify which parts are literally and which are not. Be sure to give us authoritative information that we can independently confirm."

everything I have said can be independently confirmed.....
here, knock yourself out....
Greek and Hebrew Interlinear Bible and Concordance
????...... and the Easter Bunny delivers colored eggs...... understood.......

the bastard discriminated against my kids.....maybe because I didn't believe in him.....oh wait, the same could be true of your prayers!.......

Praying doesn't actually work.

yet I just gave you an example where it did......your response was that I copied it from somewhere.......why accuse me of lying simply because you don't want to believe.....did I accuse you of lying when you claimed the Easter bunny gave you candy?......
You edited your post 123.

Secondly, I'd suggest not using wiki as your science source.

How is it again the earth is 50,000 years old?

odd that she edited it at 11:50 and the text didn't show up until you "quoted" it at 1:20.....especially since the highlighted words don't show up in the other two posts where people quoted her......

She's a liar and a poser and holds absolutely no integrity whatsoever, this is just yet another example, I'm not sure why people even waste their time trying to 'debate' her. I've never seen anyone on a message board filled with such hate, she takes the award for that as well.
You need help for your self-hate.
Leave it to a member of the godsquad to pick the worst possible example so as to ensure at least some people will be decieved by the answer to the question. It was a nice touch using the Khan reference as it lends further credability to your intellectual slight of hand.

I cannot believe you stumbled upon this convenient example that SOUNDS like the truth yet is a bald faced lie.

OR are you truly innocent of deceit and just as stupid as a bag of doorknobs?

You are dealing with something much SMALLER than half truths here. :lol: The particles that leave the original carbon atoms and account for the NUMBER released over a known/predictable and measurable amount of time are NOT WHOLE ATOMS !!!!! The are just particles too small in mass to weigh.

I have tried to make this simple to understand. The first step in learning is to realise you could be wrong about something.

Think of it more like this...

Is your computer screen any heavier when you add a period "." at the end of a sentence?

The site is using the same example as Kahn Academy did with the pennies. They are not saying that the mass or material is gone.
Just like the Dead Sea scrolls or the shroud of Turin when they did the carbon dating. The material is still there.

They are using pounds, when Kahn Academy used grams.
That means if you took one pound of 100 percent carbon-14, in 5,730 years, you would only have half a pound left
They are not saying 1 pound of material or mass.

You still don't get it.
Pounds are a measurement of mass.

So do you think that the National Earth Science Teachers Association has it wrong also?

Half-Life in Radioactive Decay - Windows to the Universe

Let's say you had 100 kilograms of tritium. Tritium is a radioactive form of hydrogen. The half-life of tritium is about 12 years. After 12 years, half of the tritium would be "gone". It would have given off radiation and decayed... and turned into helium. Only 50 kg of tritium would be left. After another 12 years (a second half-life), half of what was left would decay. There would only be 25 kg of tritium left after 24 years from the start. That's one-quarter (half of half) of the 100 kg we started with.

100 kilograms = 220lb. 7.3965oz
50 Kilograms = 110lb. 3.6982oz.
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the bastard discriminated against my kids.....maybe because I didn't believe in him.....oh wait, the same could be true of your prayers!.......

Praying doesn't actually work.

yet I just gave you an example where it did......your response was that I copied it from somewhere.......why accuse me of lying simply because you don't want to believe.....did I accuse you of lying when you claimed the Easter bunny gave you candy?......

You provided no example. And, I do believe. I believe a pretentious, self-entitled "prophet" is a fraud.
odd that she edited it at 11:50 and the text didn't show up until you "quoted" it at 1:20.....especially since the highlighted words don't show up in the other two posts where people quoted her......

She's a liar and a poser and holds absolutely no integrity whatsoever, this is just yet another example, I'm not sure why people even waste their time trying to 'debate' her. I've never seen anyone on a message board filled with such hate, she takes the award for that as well.
You need help for your self-hate.

how do you explain the fact that you apparently hit the "quote" button and got text that wasn't in the post you quoted?......text that others who hit the "quote" button before you didn't get.....text that can be found no where else on the thread......
She's a liar and a poser and holds absolutely no integrity whatsoever, this is just yet another example, I'm not sure why people even waste their time trying to 'debate' her. I've never seen anyone on a message board filled with such hate, she takes the award for that as well.
You need help for your self-hate.

how do you explain the fact that you apparently hit the "quote" button and got text that wasn't in the post you quoted?......text that others who hit the "quote" button before you didn't get.....text that can be found no where else on the thread......

How do you explain sidestepping arguments to comment on what you know nothing about?
simple enough......the language of Genesis 1:1 is in the Hebrew imperative......thus it is properly translated as "In the beginning God made the heavens and the earth!".....it is a command, not narrative.....

Genesis 1:2 through 2:3 is an identifiable pericope which shares many characteristics with other Hebrew poetry and is significant for the beginning word, generally translated into English as "Now".......this word signals the beginning of stories that would have been spoken around the campfires at night by a tribal elder......we have the same phenomena in English.....phrases like "many years ago"......or "once upon a time"

Genesis 2:4 through 2:25 also has a beginning phrase "this is the account of", traditionally used in narrative, and interestingly, in the chronicling of the events in the king's archives....

Put your dancing shoes back on and pay attention.

Did you somehow miss the part where your homework was to: "Identify which parts are literally and which are not. Be sure to give us authoritative information that we can independently confirm."

everything I have said can be independently confirmed.....
here, knock yourself out....
Greek and Hebrew Interlinear Bible and Concordance

That confirms only that can cut and paste.

Are you hoping to prove the bibles are true by cutting and pasting from the bibles?
She's a liar and a poser and holds absolutely no integrity whatsoever, this is just yet another example, I'm not sure why people even waste their time trying to 'debate' her. I've never seen anyone on a message board filled with such hate, she takes the award for that as well.
You need help for your self-hate.

how do you explain the fact that you apparently hit the "quote" button and got text that wasn't in the post you quoted?......text that others who hit the "quote" button before you didn't get.....text that can be found no where else on the thread......

You don't think she'll actually admit to doing it do you?? :lol: She'll just try to marginilize you by calling you names, making accusations, deflecting, etc... it's all she does, all she knows how to do. See her post answering your question, she's a joke.. ;)
Hollie, One aspect of your conversation with PostmodernProph that you should note. When PostmodernProph told about the prayer and the cured cancer he did not say, "Look. Here is a miracle God has performed." He gave the facts and was sure to include that there were multiple observers of the occurrence. When he noticed that the text in the posts were inconsistent with the time stamps he noticed it and said it was odd not, "Look. Here is a miracle God performed." You denied that there was anything odd about the timing and the text of the posts. In this manner PostmodernProph is being more more scientific and you are being much more 'religious'. Sometimes it is not a question of believing as much as it is a fact of accepting the truth.
You need help for your self-hate.

how do you explain the fact that you apparently hit the "quote" button and got text that wasn't in the post you quoted?......text that others who hit the "quote" button before you didn't get.....text that can be found no where else on the thread......

You don't think she'll actually admit to doing it do you?? :lol: She'll just try to marginilize you by calling you names, making accusations, deflecting, etc... it's all she does, all she knows how to do. See her post answering your question, she's a joke.. ;)

Why is everyone so sure someone did it. Oh ye of little faith. ;)

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