why not just sit on your butt and pray?

but still, you're going to then have to do a lot of special peading and adjustments for what parts of the bible are to be taken literally and which are not.

its actually not that difficult if you take the time to examine the original language.....
If the Bible is literally true, then something is seriously amiss. Simply look at the facts. In Matthew 7:7 Jesus says:

Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.

/shrugs.....if you're going to insist on a literal interpretation why stop there.....obviously, the only ones who are going to be saved are those who are converted while standing next to a door.......

are you kidding?....I expect your ridicule will earn me a room with a view when I get to heaven....
Matthew5:10"Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 11"Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. 12"Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great; for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
God does answer prayers. Very distinctly at times.

"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all men liberally and upbraideth not and it shall be given unto him." (James 1:5)

He will give anyone wisdom if they sincerely ask with faith that they will obtain it. You, me, everyone.

The key is a sincere desire to seek God. God isn't going to answer your prayers if you don't really care and are just doing so to mock Him or others.

Try seeking Him sincerely and you may be surprised

Well, I do need some help with tuition, and I'm sincere about that. If the gods don't answer my prayers, could you PM your MasterCard number?

are you surprised that someone you refuse to believe exists hasn't answered you?......
God does answer prayers. Very distinctly at times.

"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all men liberally and upbraideth not and it shall be given unto him." (James 1:5)

He will give anyone wisdom if they sincerely ask with faith that they will obtain it. You, me, everyone.

The key is a sincere desire to seek God. God isn't going to answer your prayers if you don't really care and are just doing so to mock Him or others.

Try seeking Him sincerely and you may be surprised

Well, I do need some help with tuition, and I'm sincere about that. If the gods don't answer my prayers, could you PM your MasterCard number?

God does answer prayers. Very distinctly at times.

"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all men liberally and upbraideth not and it shall be given unto him." (James 1:5)

He will give anyone wisdom if they sincerely ask with faith that they will obtain it. You, me, everyone.

The key is a sincere desire to seek God. God isn't going to answer your prayers if you don't really care and are just doing so to mock Him or others.

Try seeking Him sincerely and you may be surprised

That is not what you god man jr jebus said in your book of fables

"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours".
If God says, "believe that you have received it, and it will be yours," and if we believe in God and his power, then what should happen if we pray to cure cancer tonight? It should be cured. Either that, or God is lying.
In John chapter 14, verses 12 through 14, Jesus tells all of us just how easy prayer can be

actually, I can attest to a situation in which we specifically prayed for a woman in our church to be cured of cancer, based upon the text that if we ask for stones he would not give us bread.....as we were praying a chill went through the air.....I opened my eyes in surprise and half the others in the room were all looking around because they had sensed it too.......the next morning she went in for surgery and when they did a final exam before the operation, they could not find the tumor and sent her home.....
Well, I do need some help with tuition, and I'm sincere about that. If the gods don't answer my prayers, could you PM your MasterCard number?

God does answer prayers. Very distinctly at times.

"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all men liberally and upbraideth not and it shall be given unto him." (James 1:5)

He will give anyone wisdom if they sincerely ask with faith that they will obtain it. You, me, everyone.

The key is a sincere desire to seek God. God isn't going to answer your prayers if you don't really care and are just doing so to mock Him or others.

Try seeking Him sincerely and you may be surprised

That is not what you god man jr jebus said in your book of fables

"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours".
If God says, "believe that you have received it, and it will be yours," and if we believe in God and his power, then what should happen if we pray to cure cancer tonight? It should be cured. Either that, or God is lying.
In John chapter 14, verses 12 through 14, Jesus tells all of us just how easy prayer can be

actually, I can attest to a situation in which we specifically prayed for a woman in our church to be cured of cancer, based upon the text that if we ask for stones he would not give us bread.....as we were praying a chill went through the air.....I opened my eyes in surprise and half the others in the room were all looking around because they had sensed it too.......the next morning she went in for surgery and when they did a final exam before the operation, they could not find the tumor and sent her home.....

You've got that backwards. I read that part last night.
Read post 123
Then read your post 131.

Just because you don't like a certain religious site does not mean that its false.

Read Wikipedia where it says that there are flaws with carbon dating.

Radiocarbon dating - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Errors and reliability

There are several possible sources of error in both the beta counting and AMS methods

You edited your post 123.

Secondly, I'd suggest not using wiki as your science source.

How is it again the earth is 50,000 years old?

odd that she edited it at 11:50 and the text didn't show up until you "quoted" it at 1:20.....especially since the highlighted words don't show up in the other two posts where people quoted her......
That is not what you god man jr jebus said in your book of fables

"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours".
If God says, "believe that you have received it, and it will be yours," and if we believe in God and his power, then what should happen if we pray to cure cancer tonight? It should be cured. Either that, or God is lying.
In John chapter 14, verses 12 through 14, Jesus tells all of us just how easy prayer can be

actually, I can attest to a situation in which we specifically prayed for a woman in our church to be cured of cancer, based upon the text that if we ask for stones he would not give us bread.....as we were praying a chill went through the air.....I opened my eyes in surprise and half the others in the room were all looking around because they had sensed it too.......the next morning she went in for surgery and when they did a final exam before the operation, they could not find the tumor and sent her home.....

You've got that backwards. I read that part last night.

???....since I have not posted it before how could you have read it last night?....oh sorry, yes ask for bread....give stones....
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What - this is what was said ; The half-life of carbon 14 is approximate 5,730 years. That means if you took one pound of 100 percent carbon-14, in 5,730 years, you would only have half a pound left.

Says that same thing; half life of about 5730 years

Half life has absolutely nothing to do with weight.
It is a function of radioactivity. Nothing shrinks or gets lighter.

Half-life | Radioactive decay | Khan Academy!
grams are weight.

Multiply the number of pounds by 453.6 to convert to grams. For example, to find the number of grams in 2 lbs., multiply 2 by 453.6 to get 907.2 grams.

How to Convert Weight to Grams | eHow

Khan Academy
I'm learning about radiation decay and I need help understanding half life in a more easier sense?
Scientists answer;
Imagine that you have 100 pennies in a box. You shake the box thoroughly, open it, and remove all pennies that show tails. That would remove somewhere around 50 pennies, more or less. These penny "nuclei" would have decayed one half-life in the time you were shaking the box. You'd have close to 50 pennies left. Now, close it up and shake it again. Another half-life has passed, and you remove the decayed pennies (showing tails). You have something like 25 pennies left after two half-life…

Leave it to a member of the godsquad to pick the worst possible example so as to ensure at least some people will be decieved by the answer to the question. It was a nice touch using the Khan reference as it lends further credability to your intellectual slight of hand.

I cannot believe you stumbled upon this convenient example that SOUNDS like the truth yet is a bald faced lie.

OR are you truly innocent of deceit and just as stupid as a bag of doorknobs?

You are dealing with something much SMALLER than half truths here. :lol: The particles that leave the original carbon atoms and account for the NUMBER released over a known/predictable and measurable amount of time are NOT WHOLE ATOMS !!!!! The are just particles too small in mass to weigh.

I have tried to make this simple to understand. The first step in learning is to realise you could be wrong about something.

Think of it more like this...

Is your computer screen any heavier when you add a period "." at the end of a sentence?
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actually, I can attest to a situation in which we specifically prayed for a woman in our church to be cured of cancer, based upon the text that if we ask for stones he would not give us bread.....as we were praying a chill went through the air.....I opened my eyes in surprise and half the others in the room were all looking around because they had sensed it too.......the next morning she went in for surgery and when they did a final exam before the operation, they could not find the tumor and sent her home.....

You've got that backwards. I read that part last night.

???....since I have not posted it before how could you have read it last night?....oh sorry, yes ask for bread....give stones....

Because a hundred people before you have claimed the same unsupported story. It's a favorite on the evangelical scene.
actually, I can attest to a situation in which we specifically prayed for a woman in our church to be cured of cancer, based upon the text that if we ask for stones he would not give us bread.....as we were praying a chill went through the air.....I opened my eyes in surprise and half the others in the room were all looking around because they had sensed it too.......the next morning she went in for surgery and when they did a final exam before the operation, they could not find the tumor and sent her home.....

You've got that backwards. I read that part last night.

???....since I have not posted it before how could you have read it last night?....

I read it from the Bible last night. You said, if we ask for stones he would not give us bread". The Bible says, "Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone?". (Luke 11:11) I love coincidences so maybe you will like this too. I was lying in bed and woke up in the night. I recently bought the Bible on the Kindle but only having my phone handy I used the Android Kindle app to reference it. I was trying to get to where I was in Matthew but missed and got Luke. And that is why I happen to have read that part last night. :)
actually, I can attest to a situation in which we specifically prayed for a woman in our church to be cured of cancer, based upon the text that if we ask for stones he would not give us bread.....as we were praying a chill went through the air.....I opened my eyes in surprise and half the others in the room were all looking around because they had sensed it too.......the next morning she went in for surgery and when they did a final exam before the operation, they could not find the tumor and sent her home.....

You've got that backwards. I read that part last night.

???....since I have not posted it before how could you have read it last night?....oh sorry, yes ask for bread....give stones....

It's a goofy story that makes the rounds among the god did it'ists. There are other variations but yours is the most common.
Half life has absolutely nothing to do with weight.
It is a function of radioactivity. Nothing shrinks or gets lighter.

Half-life | Radioactive decay | Khan Academy!
grams are weight.

Multiply the number of pounds by 453.6 to convert to grams. For example, to find the number of grams in 2 lbs., multiply 2 by 453.6 to get 907.2 grams.

How to Convert Weight to Grams | eHow

Khan Academy
I'm learning about radiation decay and I need help understanding half life in a more easier sense?
Scientists answer;
Imagine that you have 100 pennies in a box. You shake the box thoroughly, open it, and remove all pennies that show tails. That would remove somewhere around 50 pennies, more or less. These penny "nuclei" would have decayed one half-life in the time you were shaking the box. You'd have close to 50 pennies left. Now, close it up and shake it again. Another half-life has passed, and you remove the decayed pennies (showing tails). You have something like 25 pennies left after two half-life…

Leave it to a member of the godsquad to pick the worst possible example so as to ensure at least some people will be decieved by the answer to the question. It was a nice touch using the Khan reference as it lends further credability to your intellectual slight of hand.

I cannot believe you stumbled upon this convenient example that SOUNDS like the truth yet is a bald faced lie.

OR are you truly innocent of deceit and just as stupid as a bag of doorknobs?

You are dealing with something much SMALLER than half truths here. :lol: The particles that leave the original carbon atoms and account for the NUMBER released over a known/predictable and measurable amount of time are NOT WHOLE ATOMS !!!!! The are just particles too small in mass to weigh.

I have tried to make this simple to understand. The first step in learning is to realise you could be wrong about something.

Think of it more like this...

Is your computer screen any heavier when you add a period "." at the end of a sentence?

The site is using the same example as Kahn Academy did with the pennies. They are not saying that the mass or material is gone.
Just like the Dead Sea scrolls or the shroud of Turin when they did the carbon dating. The material is still there.

They are using pounds, when Kahn Academy used grams.
That means if you took one pound of 100 percent carbon-14, in 5,730 years, you would only have half a pound left
They are not saying 1 pound of material or mass.
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but still, you're going to then have to do a lot of special peading and adjustments for what parts of the bible are to be taken literally and which are not.

its actually not that difficult if you take the time to examine the original language.....

It actually is that difficult. Either the stories are literally true, or they're metaphors, or they're tales and fables subject to legend building as the tales have been re-told or the tales are kinda' true but exaggerated, or.... one accepts that tales and fables written long after the events, written by humans who are imperfect with imperfect memories have passed on recollections of events that they never actually witnessed.

So here's your chance to pontificate. Start with the genesis tale. Identify which parts are literally and which are not. Be sure to give us authoritative information that we can independently confirm.
You've got that backwards. I read that part last night.

???....since I have not posted it before how could you have read it last night?....

I read it from the Bible last night. You said, if we ask for stones he would not give us bread". The Bible says, "Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone?". (Luke 11:11) I love coincidences so maybe you will like this too. I was lying in bed and woke up in the night. I recently bought the Bible on the Kindle but only having my phone handy I used the Android Kindle app to reference it. I was trying to get to where I was in Matthew but missed and got Luke. And that is why I happen to have read that part last night. :)

OK, turn that thing all around. I did read the stone instead of bread in Matthew 7:9 yesterday evening and then last night I was reading Exodus, burning bush and all that. (I got a story about that one too. ;) )
Half-life | Radioactive decay | Khan Academy!
grams are weight.

Multiply the number of pounds by 453.6 to convert to grams. For example, to find the number of grams in 2 lbs., multiply 2 by 453.6 to get 907.2 grams.

How to Convert Weight to Grams | eHow

Khan Academy
I'm learning about radiation decay and I need help understanding half life in a more easier sense?
Scientists answer;
Imagine that you have 100 pennies in a box. You shake the box thoroughly, open it, and remove all pennies that show tails. That would remove somewhere around 50 pennies, more or less. These penny "nuclei" would have decayed one half-life in the time you were shaking the box. You'd have close to 50 pennies left. Now, close it up and shake it again. Another half-life has passed, and you remove the decayed pennies (showing tails). You have something like 25 pennies left after two half-life…

Leave it to a member of the godsquad to pick the worst possible example so as to ensure at least some people will be decieved by the answer to the question. It was a nice touch using the Khan reference as it lends further credability to your intellectual slight of hand.

I cannot believe you stumbled upon this convenient example that SOUNDS like the truth yet is a bald faced lie.

OR are you truly innocent of deceit and just as stupid as a bag of doorknobs?

You are dealing with something much SMALLER than half truths here. :lol: The particles that leave the original carbon atoms and account for the NUMBER released over a known/predictable and measurable amount of time are NOT WHOLE ATOMS !!!!! The are just particles too small in mass to weigh.

I have tried to make this simple to understand. The first step in learning is to realise you could be wrong about something.

Think of it more like this...

Is your computer screen any heavier when you add a period "." at the end of a sentence?

The site is using the same example as Kahn Academy did with the pennies. They are not saying that the mass or material is gone.
Just like the Dead Sea scrolls or the shroud of Turin when they did the carbon dating. The material is still there.

They are using pounds, when Kahn Academy used grams.
That means if you took one pound of 100 percent carbon-14, in 5,730 years, you would only have half a pound left
They are not saying 1 pound of material or mass.

The "Khan" example is flawed because it instructs to remove the tailed pennies. That implies that the mass of pennies has been reduced by their abscence in the box after their removal.

I do not believe that the Khan Academy would offer such a bad example. I suspect tampering.
Half-life | Radioactive decay | Khan Academy!
grams are weight.

Multiply the number of pounds by 453.6 to convert to grams. For example, to find the number of grams in 2 lbs., multiply 2 by 453.6 to get 907.2 grams.

How to Convert Weight to Grams | eHow

Khan Academy
I'm learning about radiation decay and I need help understanding half life in a more easier sense?
Scientists answer;
Imagine that you have 100 pennies in a box. You shake the box thoroughly, open it, and remove all pennies that show tails. That would remove somewhere around 50 pennies, more or less. These penny "nuclei" would have decayed one half-life in the time you were shaking the box. You'd have close to 50 pennies left. Now, close it up and shake it again. Another half-life has passed, and you remove the decayed pennies (showing tails). You have something like 25 pennies left after two half-life…

Leave it to a member of the godsquad to pick the worst possible example so as to ensure at least some people will be decieved by the answer to the question. It was a nice touch using the Khan reference as it lends further credability to your intellectual slight of hand.

I cannot believe you stumbled upon this convenient example that SOUNDS like the truth yet is a bald faced lie.

OR are you truly innocent of deceit and just as stupid as a bag of doorknobs?

You are dealing with something much SMALLER than half truths here. :lol: The particles that leave the original carbon atoms and account for the NUMBER released over a known/predictable and measurable amount of time are NOT WHOLE ATOMS !!!!! The are just particles too small in mass to weigh.

I have tried to make this simple to understand. The first step in learning is to realise you could be wrong about something.

Think of it more like this...

Is your computer screen any heavier when you add a period "." at the end of a sentence?

The site is using the same example as Kahn Academy did with the pennies. They are not saying that the mass or material is gone.
Just like the Dead Sea scrolls or the shroud of Turin when they did the carbon dating. The material is still there.

They are using pounds, when Kahn Academy used grams.
That means if you took one pound of 100 percent carbon-14, in 5,730 years, you would only have half a pound left
They are not saying 1 pound of material or mass.

You still don't get it.
Pounds are a measurement of mass.
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???....since I have not posted it before how could you have read it last night?....oh sorry, yes ask for bread....give stones....

It's a goofy story that makes the rounds among the god did it'ists. There are other variations but yours is the most common.

????.....so it is common that God answers prayer.....understood.....

????...... and the Easter Bunny delivers colored eggs...... understood.......

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