WHY Obama will not be re-elected..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
A prior comment :"The Obama campaign continues to try to mislead voters with ads"

Obama continually misleading voters is the key.

Remember the adage: "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me".

Well Obama continues to try to "fool" people but not only are more white people especially since they statistically were the reason Obama was re-elected, now have the past lies of Obama to compare with reality.."I'll close Gitmo"..NOT.. I'll be the most transparent,"NOT,
But Obama TOLD Americans..In an interview with Matt Lauer in the beginning of his presidency, Barack Obama said he should only serve one term if he could not fix the economy.
Is the economy fixed? NO!

Then when ANY person examines THIS statement you have to ask..Is the guy truly that dumb?

President Obama tells ABC News' Diane Sawyer that he'd rather be a "really good one-term president" than a "mediocre two-term president."

WHAT??? Does HE Understand how totally STUPID that is?
IF a president was a REALLY GOOD (sounds like a 5th grader..) why would he NOT be re-elected?

It makes NO sense! If you were doing a good job as President ..people would want to keep you!

But you see that's why Obama IS NOT going to be re-elected!
People have seen he talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk.. for you younger post Vietnam..means Obama is all show and no dough, means HE talks a good game but is worth crap when it comes to action!
All of the above shows Obama has FAILED to do what he said he would do and in doing so
Obama has FAILED to convince those white voters that voted the first time out of ignorance of his lack of qualifications but because he was black.. they NOW KNOW even with on the job training Obama is STILL NOT qualified!

The reasons he's not qualified is he hates people. He hates America. He hates businesses.

And NONE of those statements are made up but can be proven from Obama's OWN mouth his hatred of whites,America, businesses. His actions prove that.

So coupled with his failures, his words and actions.. MORE people will not re-elect him!

Whatever.. can't deny FACTS..
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows
Mitt Romney attracting 47% of the vote,
while President Obama earns 44%.
Four percent (4%) prefer some other candidate, and
five percent (5%) are undecided.
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

Must be right in your view because when people like you can not dispute the facts..
you shoot the messenger which doesn't alter the FACTS!

Whatever.. can't deny FACTS..
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows
Mitt Romney attracting 47% of the vote,
while President Obama earns 44%.
Four percent (4%) prefer some other candidate, and
five percent (5%) are undecided.
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

Must be right in your view because when people like you can not dispute the facts..
you shoot the messenger which doesn't alter the FACTS!

Rasmussen is far right wing propaganda that is not credible nor factual.

Obama is kicking Willard's ass today, just like he was yesterday, the week before, the month before, 6 months ago, and will continue to do so. Give it up, Willard isn't going to win.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama
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Whatever.. can't deny FACTS..
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows
Mitt Romney attracting 47% of the vote,
while President Obama earns 44%.
Four percent (4%) prefer some other candidate, and
five percent (5%) are undecided.
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

Must be right in your view because when people like you can not dispute the facts..
you shoot the messenger which doesn't alter the FACTS!

Rasmussen is far right wing propaganda that is not credible nor factual.

Obama is kicking Willard's ass today, just like he was yesterday, the week before, the month before, 6 months ago, and will continue to do so. Give it up, Willard isn't going to win.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama

OK.. let's agree Rasmussen is far right pollster. I agree.
What about Gallup? Is he respected as being neither left or right?
Let me know ok ?

Another point..
Who do you think make up most Rasmussen polls more democrats or more GOP answer the questions?
So coupled with his failures ...

which failures are those ???

certainly not the ACA or any other legislation's he has signed have any of them proved to be failures.

far more productive in just 4 years than the previous two term Republican Administration ....

Whatever.. can't deny FACTS..
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows
Mitt Romney attracting 47% of the vote,
while President Obama earns 44%.
Four percent (4%) prefer some other candidate, and
five percent (5%) are undecided.
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

Must be right in your view because when people like you can not dispute the facts..
you shoot the messenger which doesn't alter the FACTS!

Rasmussen is far right wing propaganda that is not credible nor factual.

Obama is kicking Willard's ass today, just like he was yesterday, the week before, the month before, 6 months ago, and will continue to do so. Give it up, Willard isn't going to win.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama

So coupled with his failures ...

which failures are those ???

certainly not the ACA or any other legislation's he has signed have any of them proved to be failures.

far more productive in just 4 years than the previous two term Republican Administration ....

You mean like the Stimulus that was going to assure Unemployment never went over 8% I guess we misunderstood him, he meant to say it would never drop below 8%.


Or his healthcare Mandate that wasn't a tax, until it came time to argue it before a court?


Yeah Obama has been a wonderful success.

Romney lost the election when Roberts declared the ACA Constitutional.

Every thing that happens now..is just a show.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9b-i0XknSnM]Styx - Crystal Ball - YouTube[/ame]
Romney lost the election when Roberts declared the ACA Constitutional.

Every thing that happens now..is just a show.

You're an idiot..it must come from your fathers side

CNN Poll: Romney Leads in Battleground States

Obama leads Romney nationally by three percentage points, 49 to 46, with 4 percent of those saying they would vote for another candidate or neither candidate, which is inside the poll's margin of error. In the 15 states CNN calls battleground states — Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin — Romney leads Obama, 51 percent to 43 percent.

"Note carefully that this does not mean that Romney will win each of those states by eight points, or that he will win all 15 of those states," said Keating Holland, CNN’s polling director. "That's both good news and bad news for Romney. The good news: he has residual strength in states that the two campaigns are fighting over. The bad news: Romney is also spending resources defending states that should be part of the GOP coalition, rather than taking the battle to Obama's home turf."

Romney leads among men by 5 points and among voters 50 and older, Romney leads, 53 percent to 43 percent. Obama leads by 11 among women and gets strong support from young voters. Obama also wins 39 percent of the white vote and four-in-five nonwhites say they would vote for Obama over Romney.
The CNN/ORC International poll was conducted June 28-July 1.

CNN Poll: Romney Leads in Battleground States
Romney lost the election when Roberts declared the ACA Constitutional.

Every thing that happens now..is just a show.

You're an idiot..it must come from your fathers side

CNN Poll: Romney Leads in Battleground States

Obama leads Romney nationally by three percentage points, 49 to 46, with 4 percent of those saying they would vote for another candidate or neither candidate, which is inside the poll's margin of error. In the 15 states CNN calls battleground states — Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin — Romney leads Obama, 51 percent to 43 percent.

"Note carefully that this does not mean that Romney will win each of those states by eight points, or that he will win all 15 of those states," said Keating Holland, CNN’s polling director. "That's both good news and bad news for Romney. The good news: he has residual strength in states that the two campaigns are fighting over. The bad news: Romney is also spending resources defending states that should be part of the GOP coalition, rather than taking the battle to Obama's home turf."

Romney leads among men by 5 points and among voters 50 and older, Romney leads, 53 percent to 43 percent. Obama leads by 11 among women and gets strong support from young voters. Obama also wins 39 percent of the white vote and four-in-five nonwhites say they would vote for Obama over Romney.
The CNN/ORC International poll was conducted June 28-July 1.

CNN Poll: Romney Leads in Battleground States



Well if you have so much faith in this..we can do a bet.

Sig lines. For 3 months.
Romney lost the election when Roberts declared the ACA Constitutional.

Every thing that happens now..is just a show.

You're an idiot..it must come from your fathers side

CNN Poll: Romney Leads in Battleground States

Obama leads Romney nationally by three percentage points, 49 to 46, with 4 percent of those saying they would vote for another candidate or neither candidate, which is inside the poll's margin of error. In the 15 states CNN calls battleground states — Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin — Romney leads Obama, 51 percent to 43 percent.

"Note carefully that this does not mean that Romney will win each of those states by eight points, or that he will win all 15 of those states," said Keating Holland, CNN’s polling director. "That's both good news and bad news for Romney. The good news: he has residual strength in states that the two campaigns are fighting over. The bad news: Romney is also spending resources defending states that should be part of the GOP coalition, rather than taking the battle to Obama's home turf."

Romney leads among men by 5 points and among voters 50 and older, Romney leads, 53 percent to 43 percent. Obama leads by 11 among women and gets strong support from young voters. Obama also wins 39 percent of the white vote and four-in-five nonwhites say they would vote for Obama over Romney.
The CNN/ORC International poll was conducted June 28-July 1.

CNN Poll: Romney Leads in Battleground States



Well if you have so much faith in this..we can do a bet.

Sig lines. For 3 months.

it's a CNN poll you idiot:eusa_whistle:
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A) Obama signs order to close Guantanamo Bay facility January 22, 2009
Gitmo is still open as of yesterday!

B) The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 52% of Likely U.S. Voters favor repeal of the health care law, while 39% are opposed. That’s little changed from a week ago. Indeed, support for repeal has barely budged since the law was passed.

C) Unemployment..
10% Actual as of 12/2009
8.1% Obama promised!
9.5% Actual as of 12/2010
7.9% Obama promised!
8.5% Actual as of 12/2011
7.1% Obama promised!

It now ( I'm just stating) it is as of June 30,2012 it is 8.2%


Unemployment Rates: Promised vs. Actual - By Veronique de Rugy - The Corner - National Review Online
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NOW there are some examples of Obama "doing good".. i.e. being that 'compassionate" feeling President and here is one example:
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s (CPSC or Commission) performance
budget request for 2012 is $122 million and 610 full-time equivalents (FTEs).
The CPSC reached its lowest staffing levels in 2008 (385 FTEs) as a result of a long decline
in agency resources beginning in the 1980s.
So as a result of Obama's efforts we now thanks to the CPSC KNOW what no one evidently never knew that:

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 26, 2012 Release #12-203

CPSC Special Study on Fireworks Incidents Finds Hundreds of Injuries a Day Surrounding July 4 Holiday Festivities

YES!!! Thanks to Obama's arduous efforts to FIND ways to hire MORE non tax generating government employees thanks to the CPSC and their SPECIAL!!! Study.. we now KNOW more people injured by Fireworks around the 4th!

So YES... Obama HAS and I admit Done SOME things...
A) Spending more money to find out fireworks' injuries occur more frequently around the 4th!
B) Increased the budget to hire more CPSC people!
C) did lower unemployment rates for Govt. workers... NO question..

ONLY problem is they don't GENERATE any NEW Consumer product REVENUE!
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incumbents under 50% always lose..........thats why.

well, that may be a little better a reason than it being Romney - however with that handicap (Romney) you might lower the margin to less than 35% ... which keeps it a tossup.

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