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Why "Pre-existing conditions" is a phony, blown out of proportion issue.

You are missing the point

What happens to those who have pre-existing conditions who are fired or want to leave their current employer?
Going on the open market means rejection or exorbitant premiums

Do you think those with pre-existing conditions should pay the same rate as you?
Since when does lack of prior planning on your part, constitute an emergency on my part?

So you must support the Obamacare mandate

Every American should be covered in case of a health emergency. People who are sick should not be priced out of the market
This is not a collective, because collectives are fucked up
Government mandated acceptance of preexisting conditions = welfare.

More free stuff that the filthy Left demands. Despicable, isn't it?
If they want to remain in the insurance business, they have to cover everyone who applies

Seems fair
So you're going to try and demand what another person to do, while bearing absolutely no responsibility for the consequences when they do it.

Seems totally fair!

If you want to be in the health insurance business you should have to cover anyone who applies regardless of sex, age or pre existing conditions
No one should be forced in any sort of socialize medicine, the whole concept is fraudulent
AGAIN... Folks stay on topic!
Pre-existing conditions was a phony blown out of proportion argument just as Obama's "46 million uninsured Americans" was and both were used to completed destroy the
Health insurance industry!
And folks you do that because Obama told us he preferred a single payer system... guess what happens!

4,000 companies go out of business.
These companies employed 450,000 people that will need unemployment benefits that won't be paying payroll taxes
These companies pay over $100 billion a year in Federal/state/local (including property taxes on buildings in some cities you people live in and guess what goes up???)

All because grossly ignorant people who under Obama care forced these same insurance companies to raise their premiums because of :
1) ACA required a 85% expenditure of premiums for claims... 85%??? That left 15% for overhead,salaries and GUESS what else you and the Obama dummies seem to forget..PROFIT!
2) Why is profit so important? CALLED RESERVES for future claims! See again most idiots don't seem to realize when an insurance company insures it means they have to pay
claims in the future! To do that you have to have reserves and that is a STATE by STATE LAW! You can't sell insurance in any state in America without reserves for CLAIMS!

So these idiots increased the average insurance companies Medical liability ratio which was about 80% to 85%! This additional forced 85% now meant insurance companies had
to A) drop out of the health insurance business. or B) raise premiums. WHICH is what happened!

Most people don’t get a rebate check, because most insurers are spending the majority of premiums on medical costs
Across all market segments, the majority of insurers are meeting or exceeding the MLR rules, which is why most people don’t receive MLR rebate checks. According to the data that was calculated in 2017 (for plan years 2014-2016), the average individual market MLR was 92.9 percent and the average small group MLR was 86.1 percent (both well above the 80 percent minimum requirement). In the large-group market, the average MLR was 90.3 percent, also well above the 85 percent minimum requirement for that market segment. For all three market segments, the average MLR reported for 2017 was the highest it had ever been.
Billions in ACA rebates show 80/20 Rule’s impact

So the idiots of Obamacare said hey you insurance companies... making too much profit. Either spend it on health care costs or pay a rebate!
Well guess what you idiots!!!!
The industry was shit before Obamacare.
Obama care bankrupted millions of conservativeS
So you must support the Obamacare mandate

Every American should be covered in case of a health emergency. People who are sick should not be priced out of the market
Wow, you're even less bright than I remember.

I support NO mandates, for anyone anywhere.

Let them die.....

GOP mandate
Does this sound like a great system?

The World Health Organization (WHO), in 2000, ranked the U.S. health care system as the highest in cost, first in responsiveness, 37th in overall performance, and 72nd by overall level of health (among 191 member nations included in the study).
Keep your socialized medicine is to yourselves, Millions of conservatives want no part of it
The below statement sums up why the issue is phony.

An estimated 27% of adults under age 65 in the U.S. have a pre-existing condition.

And, a 2010 study conducted before enactment of ACA showed that 42% of adults aged 50 to 64 who tried to buy insurance in individual insurance markets were rejected outright, charged higher premiums, or had one or more disease conditions removed from coverage.
Possible Removal Of Pre-Existing Conditions Protections

WOW... 27% of adults under age 65 have a pre-existing condition that means of the total 55,671,030 supposedly
have a pre-existing condition that means that can't get health insurance right???
55.7 million! WOW...
But wait... 56% have group health insurance that covers them... that means.. 24.5 million without group insurance.
But wait...7% of Americans have private insurance so that leaves 22.7 million with out health insurance that might have "pre-existing conditions"...and can't get insurance... but WAIT...

When Obama floated this statement:
"We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,
It was proven by Politifact.org that Obama was "sloppy" because he counted 10 million that were illegal aliens.!
Wow... that meant then not 46 million but 36 million... But WAIT.....

Obama forgot this fact that was later PROVEN to be true by the same guy who said it took the stupidity of voters to pass Obamacare, when Obama counted 14 million as part of the 46 million uninsured...THAT WERE ELIGIBLE BEFORE ACA for Medicaid... they just didn't enroll!
PROOF! Last year, analysis from the RAND Corporation found that 6.1 million new Medicaid enrollees were already
eligible for Medicaid. MIT economist and Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber estimates that nearly 9 million new Medicaid enrollees were already eligible.
Millions of Obamacare enrollees already had health insurance

a) So of the 46 million Obama stated 10 million illegal, 14 million were eligible for Medicaid...
that leaves 22 million that don't have insurance...
b) So if the 27% is a valid number 27% of 22 million that honestly WANT health insurance but due to pre-existing
conditions or less than 6 million people that can't get health insurance that want health insurance but due to
pre-existing conditions can't get it!

I'm going to shout now:
THAT is NOT half of all Americans that have pre-existing conditions!!!
Yet that was what started this whole conversation when Obama said:
Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition." — Barack Obama on Thursday, September 26th, 2013 in a speech about the Affordable Care Act
Obama says half of Americans have a pre-existing condition

AND that's what got people all bent out of shape!
There are NOT half of all Americans that pre-existing conditions preventing them from getting health insurance!

NOW here is a solution for those truly 6 million that either don't qualify for Medicaid or group health insurance:
TAX the lawyers who have caused NEARLY $850 Billion a year in wasted health expenses.
10% of the The legal services industry in the United States generated 256.66 billion U.S. dollars in revenue in 2013.Topic: Legal services industry in the U.S.
25 billion in tax revenue would provide a $340/month health insurance premium for the 6 million that have pre-existing conditions.
View attachment 221886
In Websters, under "paid shill for the insurance industry", it says: "See him (or her)"

That's right, folks... go along with the Corporatists... doesn't matter, until YOU have a preexisting condition, right?

Me... I don't have to worry... I'm covered with excellent healthcare for life, but there are vast legions of Americans for whom that's not true...

And, within that universe, there are vast numbers of those lacking adequate healthcare who do, indeed, have preexisting conditions...

The exact numbers don't matter a damn... the point is, there are very large numbers of people for whom we should make provision...

With respect to healthcare, the Republicans are turning Bedford Falls into Pottersville, one sick, needy American at a time...

Where-the-phukk is your humanity and your compassion and your empathy for those in grave need of care, who are no longer eligible?

If the poor will not go to the workhouses, then they should die, and thereby decrease the surplus population, right, a$$holes?

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, but some of you Sheeple just don't think... or feel... or anticipate the future in a sensible way.

How many is "Vast legions of Americans"?

Did you read this where ACA PROVED that there never were 46 million uninsured?

did you read this? Did you know that ACA proved there never were 160 million Americans that couldn't get insurance due to pre-existing conditions!
Everyone has has a pre-existing condition, mortality. If anyone can be so designated and denied coverage, then we all can. That should be the concern, because it can effect all of us when those decisions can be made solely on a financial basis.
Do you have car insurance or home insurance?
Did you know that every car or home insurance policy is priced BASED on your conditions... not necessarily health but other factors.
Why are you then offended when a health insurance company wants to minimize their costs by eliminating risks?
After all that's what insurance is all about.

Agreed, but you see they were left to decide on who lives, who dies

That is why the ACA was created.

Regulating the insrance cabal was necessary

the ACA is no more than a legislative leash, which (if you research) your house and car insurance(s) have had instituted by gub'mit, having gone the very same route.

But wait... 56% have group health insurance that covers them... that means.. 24.5 million without group insurance.
But wait...7% of Americans have private insurance so that leaves 22.7 million with out health insurance that might have "pre-existing conditions"...and can't get insurance... but WAIT...
You are an idiot, and have no idea how health insurance works.

Just because someone has insurance does not mean they aren't paying more for that insurance because of their pre-exising condition, you fucking moron.

I once worked at a company with 50 employees who had group insurance. One woman in the company had a serious medical condition which caused ALL of our insurance premiums to skyrocket.

Just about every one of your premises in your OP had giant flaws. This was one of the worst.
I don’t want anything to do with insurance, millions of conservatives are just like me. I’ve never purchased insurance myself, and I know a lot of people that have purchased insurance and benefited in no way for it. That being said, which is antidotal People being forced into Obamacare/single payer/insurance is fucked up beyond all reason

If you want to be in the health insurance business you should have to cover anyone who applies regardless of sex, age or pre existing conditions

And then accordingly, those who want it, have to pay the cost, full freight. Notto mention, what you are advocating, is not insurance.
So severely sick people should lose everything for being ill

HOW many severely sick people LOSE everything? Where are your facts? AGAIN sounds so caring, so thoughtful but yet you haven't any proof!
FACTS are if you read the below ... NONE would have to if YOU read the facts!
View attachment 221902

First of all SNOPES statement was a mixture of truth and falsehood!

The reason:. However, in that analysis NerdWallet repeatedly stated that their findings were “estimates” or “extrapolations,” and some of their data were quite old even back in 2013.

The best way to avoid medical bankruptcy is to prevent medical bills.
To do that, you must prevent or manage chronic diseases.
The most expensive are diabetes, at $26,971 per family, and neurological disorders like multiple sclerosis, which cost $34,167 on average.
The biggest expense is hospitalization, which caused half of the bankruptcies.

High medical bills from accidents can't be avoided. For those situations, a financial cushion is a must. Sock away three to six months of expenses in a savings or money market account. Only a third of Americans have more than $1,000 in savings.

As the research shows, health insurance won't completely protect you. Many people were bankrupted by high deductibles and other out-of-pocket expenses.
You should have at least the amount of your deductible in savings
Do Medical Bills Really Bankrupt America's Families?

But why don't you attack lawyers because of what they do to encourage this waste? Why do you love lawyers that you won't even mention this? Are you afraid?

View attachment 221908
Snopes is Is that left-wing whack job organization, fraudulent all the way
The below statement sums up why the issue is phony.

An estimated 27% of adults under age 65 in the U.S. have a pre-existing condition.

And, a 2010 study conducted before enactment of ACA showed that 42% of adults aged 50 to 64 who tried to buy insurance in individual insurance markets were rejected outright, charged higher premiums, or had one or more disease conditions removed from coverage.
Possible Removal Of Pre-Existing Conditions Protections

WOW... 27% of adults under age 65 have a pre-existing condition that means of the total 55,671,030 supposedly
have a pre-existing condition that means that can't get health insurance right???
55.7 million! WOW...
But wait... 56% have group health insurance that covers them... that means.. 24.5 million without group insurance.
But wait...7% of Americans have private insurance so that leaves 22.7 million with out health insurance that might have "pre-existing conditions"...and can't get insurance... but WAIT...

When Obama floated this statement:
"We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,
It was proven by Politifact.org that Obama was "sloppy" because he counted 10 million that were illegal aliens.!
Wow... that meant then not 46 million but 36 million... But WAIT.....

Obama forgot this fact that was later PROVEN to be true by the same guy who said it took the stupidity of voters to pass Obamacare, when Obama counted 14 million as part of the 46 million uninsured...THAT WERE ELIGIBLE BEFORE ACA for Medicaid... they just didn't enroll!
PROOF! Last year, analysis from the RAND Corporation found that 6.1 million new Medicaid enrollees were already
eligible for Medicaid. MIT economist and Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber estimates that nearly 9 million new Medicaid enrollees were already eligible.
Millions of Obamacare enrollees already had health insurance

a) So of the 46 million Obama stated 10 million illegal, 14 million were eligible for Medicaid...
that leaves 22 million that don't have insurance...
b) So if the 27% is a valid number 27% of 22 million that honestly WANT health insurance but due to pre-existing
conditions or less than 6 million people that can't get health insurance that want health insurance but due to
pre-existing conditions can't get it!

I'm going to shout now:
THAT is NOT half of all Americans that have pre-existing conditions!!!
Yet that was what started this whole conversation when Obama said:
Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition." — Barack Obama on Thursday, September 26th, 2013 in a speech about the Affordable Care Act
Obama says half of Americans have a pre-existing condition

AND that's what got people all bent out of shape!
There are NOT half of all Americans that pre-existing conditions preventing them from getting health insurance!

NOW here is a solution for those truly 6 million that either don't qualify for Medicaid or group health insurance:
TAX the lawyers who have caused NEARLY $850 Billion a year in wasted health expenses.
10% of the The legal services industry in the United States generated 256.66 billion U.S. dollars in revenue in 2013.Topic: Legal services industry in the U.S.
25 billion in tax revenue would provide a $340/month health insurance premium for the 6 million that have pre-existing conditions.
View attachment 221886
In Websters, under "paid shill for the insurance industry", it says: "See him (or her)"

That's right, folks... go along with the Corporatists... doesn't matter, until YOU have a preexisting condition, right?

Me... I don't have to worry... I'm covered with excellent healthcare for life, but there are vast legions of Americans for whom that's not true...

And, within that universe, there are vast numbers of those lacking adequate healthcare who do, indeed, have preexisting conditions...

The exact numbers don't matter a damn... the point is, there are very large numbers of people for whom we should make provision...

With respect to healthcare, the Republicans are turning Bedford Falls into Pottersville, one sick, needy American at a time...

Where-the-phukk is your humanity and your compassion and your empathy for those in grave need of care, who are no longer eligible?

If the poor will not go to the workhouses, then they should die, and thereby decrease the surplus population, right, a$$holes?

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, but some of you Sheeple just don't think... or feel... or anticipate the future in a sensible way.

How many is "Vast legions of Americans"?

Did you read this where ACA PROVED that there never were 46 million uninsured?View attachment 222129
did you read this? Did you know that ACA proved there never were 160 million Americans that couldn't get insurance due to pre-existing conditions!
View attachment 222130
"Your Honor, the Prosecution rests."
And then accordingly, those who want it, have to pay the cost, full freight. Notto mention, what you are advocating, is not insurance.
So severely sick people should lose everything for being ill

HOW many severely sick people LOSE everything? Where are your facts? AGAIN sounds so caring, so thoughtful but yet you haven't any proof!
FACTS are if you read the below ... NONE would have to if YOU read the facts!
View attachment 221902

First of all SNOPES statement was a mixture of truth and falsehood!

The reason:. However, in that analysis NerdWallet repeatedly stated that their findings were “estimates” or “extrapolations,” and some of their data were quite old even back in 2013.

The best way to avoid medical bankruptcy is to prevent medical bills.
To do that, you must prevent or manage chronic diseases.
The most expensive are diabetes, at $26,971 per family, and neurological disorders like multiple sclerosis, which cost $34,167 on average.
The biggest expense is hospitalization, which caused half of the bankruptcies.

High medical bills from accidents can't be avoided. For those situations, a financial cushion is a must. Sock away three to six months of expenses in a savings or money market account. Only a third of Americans have more than $1,000 in savings.

As the research shows, health insurance won't completely protect you. Many people were bankrupted by high deductibles and other out-of-pocket expenses.
You should have at least the amount of your deductible in savings
Do Medical Bills Really Bankrupt America's Families?

But why don't you attack lawyers because of what they do to encourage this waste? Why do you love lawyers that you won't even mention this? Are you afraid?

View attachment 221908
Fact is lots of people go bankrupt.
Insurance will never stop that, because you can’t trust the fucking insurance companies and most certainly no one can trust the federal government. So shut the fuck up
So severely sick people should lose everything for being ill

HOW many severely sick people LOSE everything? Where are your facts? AGAIN sounds so caring, so thoughtful but yet you haven't any proof!
FACTS are if you read the below ... NONE would have to if YOU read the facts!
View attachment 221902

First of all SNOPES statement was a mixture of truth and falsehood!

The reason:. However, in that analysis NerdWallet repeatedly stated that their findings were “estimates” or “extrapolations,” and some of their data were quite old even back in 2013.

The best way to avoid medical bankruptcy is to prevent medical bills.
To do that, you must prevent or manage chronic diseases.
The most expensive are diabetes, at $26,971 per family, and neurological disorders like multiple sclerosis, which cost $34,167 on average.
The biggest expense is hospitalization, which caused half of the bankruptcies.

High medical bills from accidents can't be avoided. For those situations, a financial cushion is a must. Sock away three to six months of expenses in a savings or money market account. Only a third of Americans have more than $1,000 in savings.

As the research shows, health insurance won't completely protect you. Many people were bankrupted by high deductibles and other out-of-pocket expenses.
You should have at least the amount of your deductible in savings
Do Medical Bills Really Bankrupt America's Families?

But why don't you attack lawyers because of what they do to encourage this waste? Why do you love lawyers that you won't even mention this? Are you afraid?

View attachment 221908
Fact is lots of people go bankrupt.
And thanks to Trump, medical costs are at the highest they have ever been in the history of the Universe.

This Is the No. 1 Reason Americans File for Bankruptcy

According to the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF), more than a quarter of U.S. adults struggle to pay their medical bills. This includes folks who have insurance, whether independently or through an employer. In fact, medical debt is the No. 1 source of personal bankruptcy filings in the U.S., and in 2014, an estimated 40% of Americans racked up debt resulting from a medical issue.

"You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy."

Socialize medicine will not solve anything, it’s all about control you fucking moron
Sooooo...we've been waiting for 8 and a half years now for that Obamacare replacement the Republicans said they had. We've been waiting for nearly two years for that TrumpCare plan which was going to lower costs to a "tiny fraction".

Could it be...could it be...

No...say it ain't so!

Could it have all been a giant...HOAX?!!?

You have to wonder why the brainwashed, brain dead, idiot suckers aren't even a little bit pissed they have been made utter fools of.
I don’t want any socialize medicine of any sort because it will fuck my life over and my families life over
I have asked the tards pseudocons countless times what the Republican replacement plan was. This question always pissed them off. Because there isn't one. There never has been.

They can't admit they look like fucking fools for falling for this "repeal and replace" hoax for over eight and a half years now.

From the time I came to this forum, I've been asking them. And they STILL haven't caught on they have been HOAXED.

A small sampling, in chronological order:

Do you think the Right is incapable of fucking up?

So let's say they get ObamaCare repealed.

Then what?

The American people are going to want to know.

"Repeal ObamaCare...and then what?"

They have not forgotten how much their premiums were going up before ObamaCare.

"Repeal/Defund ObamaCare" is a badly conceptualized publicity stunt, not an alternative.

Repeal ObamaCare...and then what?

How many times have I said, "Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT? The GOP falls flat on its face at the 'and then what' part.

"Repeal ObamaCare". I'm right there with you.


"Repeal/Defund ObamaCare" is a badly conceptualized publicity stunt, not an alternative.

Repeal ObamaCare...and then what?

How many times have I said, "Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT? The GOP falls flat on its face at the 'and then what' part.

A lot of hot air, but no actual proposals. No plan.


Repeal ObamaCare...and then what? It's the "then what" where the GOP falls flat on its face.

"Repeal ObamaCare". I'm right there with you.


A repeal is not an option if there is no other option on the table.

That's what the GOP does not seem to understand. Repeal ObamaCare...and then what?

The 2016 GOP candidate for President will have to answer the following question: "Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT?"

With specifics required. Not some bloviation about "free market solutions". Actual specifics.

This has been the GOP's gigantic blind spot the size of an elephant.

That's what you fools don't get. Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT?!?

Repeal/Defund ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT!!??!!

Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT!?!

Show me the GOP health care reform package.

There isn't one.

It's what I have been saying here for years.

Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT!?!?!

This is where the bag of dicks fall on their bulbous faces. This is the dead giveaway the GOP abdicated on health care and sold us all down the single payer river decades ago.


Six years in, and the GOP has still not put an alternative on the table.

I guess they're utterly stumped, eh?

It sure would be nice if the rubes would answer the question I have been asking for years: "Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT!?!?"

The GOP has never laid a comprehensive health care reform package on the table. That's why no one goes along with their idiotic repeal.

Show everyone what would replace ObamaCare and maybe they'll start listening.

How many times over the years have I asked the rubes here, "Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT?"

Trump has not answered that question on his web site, either. Not a word.

So here's the question I have been asking since I arrived on this forum:

Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT?!?!

This has stumped every last one of you.

Every time.

One of my early posts about health care reform on this forum, June 2012:

I've already invented a bumper sticker for the limited intellectual bandwidths in the GOP: IT IS NOT A RIGHT, IT IS A TAX. REPEAL OBAMACARE.

Okay...then what?

If the Right does not think beyond repeal, and does not offer up a workable alternative, the Right will be soundly bashed and we will be stuck with ObamaCare forever.

High stakes.

1. Raise the retirement age. We are living longer, we should be working longer. 6 percent of Americans were over 65 when the retirement eligiblity age was set at 65. Today, 12 percent of Americans are over 65. The life expectancy was 60 then. It was not expected that everyone would draw from Social Security. That's why it was called Social Security Insurance. Life expectancy is 78 now and it has become an entitlement.

Raise the eligiblity date to 70, not even to life expectancy, and Americans will pay into Medicare and SS for five more years and draw out five less years. That will have a huge impact on bending down the healthcare cost curve.

2. Eliminate Employer-Provided Health Insurance. It drives the cost of medical care up. Not only that, it is income that is tax exempt. To make matters worse, Obama personally raised the tax-exemption ceiling from $18,000 to $27,000 so that labor union Cadillac plans would not be taxed. Yet he has the balls to say not raising taxes on the rich is costing the rest of us money!

3. Make health insurance the same as home, auto, and life insurance. You should be able to pick up the phone and call any insurance company in the country. And you should be able to pick and choose what coverage options you want.

There are plenty of other ideas which will bend the cost curve down.

Stop focusing on Obama's golf game and bring your A-game, conservatives.
You can keep your socialize medicine, the rest of us want nothing to do with it
Gee, let's repeal Obamacare and then do NOTHING so we can return to the decades when health care costs were skyrocketing again!

Believe it or not, folks, that is the Republican plan.

ACTIONS speak much louder than WORDS.
I don’t want to socialize medicine millions of conservatives are just like me… Fuck socialized medicine
The Republicans have never put a replacement on the table.

Neither has Trump.

ACTIONS speak louder than WORDS.

The rubes are too stupid to catch on they have been hoaxed.

Their egos cannot handle they have been fools. It is too difficult to admit to themselves.
Socialize medicine will not save me and my family, In fact it would make life a living hell. Keep that shit to yourselves
Does this sound like a great system?

The World Health Organization (WHO), in 2000, ranked the U.S. health care system as the highest in cost, first in responsiveness, 37th in overall performance, and 72nd by overall level of health (among 191 member nations included in the study).
Keep your socialized medicine is to yourselves, Millions of conservatives want no part of it

Doesn't matter whether you want it, the chances are pretty good that you're eventually going to get it.

The tide has turned and the "GIVE MEs" outnumber the "I'll EARN ITs", the American spirit of self-reliance and personal responsibility is on its deathbed. Eventually the progressive gub'mint worshippers are going to get their way, unfortunately we're all going to have to end up paying the price for it.

… on the bright side, once they're done destroying the currency and the economy along with it, the progressive numbskulls will be too busy starving to bother with obsessing over controlling everybody else's lives. :)
Sooooo...we've been waiting for 8 and a half years now for that Obamacare replacement the Republicans said they had. We've been waiting for nearly two years for that TrumpCare plan which was going to lower costs to a "tiny fraction".

Could it be...could it be...

No...say it ain't so!

Could it have all been a giant...HOAX?!!?

You have to wonder why the brainwashed, brain dead, idiot suckers aren't even a little bit pissed they have been made utter fools of.
Well I think we see the gop alternative. Cut all taxes that paid for the program. Remove all mandates. Keep Medicaid expansion despite cost. Keep popular pre-existing conditions coverage and letting kids stay on in adulthood, all of which increase costs for private plans.
Yes, Trump's plan has been to sabotage Obamacare so that disastrous program is even MORE broken.

And now health care costs are at the highest ever.

Meanwhile, the rubes have STILL not caught on they were hoaxed! It's astonishing just how willfully blind they are.

"You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy."

It's not all Trump. McConnell bemoaned the fact that anything done on healthcare to contain costs will make the few hurt vocally unhappy, and the majority who see benefits ... sanguine, so it has to be bipartisan. Yet, McConnell has spent the past two years making any bipartisan senate moves impossible. He has broken an institution that took over 250 years to create. And I don't see what possible benefit is worth the cost. At worst we'd have Garland and Gorsush on the Court and nothing much different otherwise.

And yes, Obama passed Obamacare with no gop votes. And he was wrong there too.

But both McConnell and Boehner tried to make a bipartisan deficit deal, that failed only because of the Freedom Caucus.

But there's no way in hell anything bipartisan will pass in the foresseable future.

Getting along is overrated

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