Why Putin's plans in Ukraine are doomed

Wrong again. The majority of Ukrainians are proud of their country. You will see the change more dramatically as the Ukrainian army pushes more of the thugs out.


Where do people get this stuff from??

s0n.....do you actually navigate somewhere in society and if so, where? Perhaps the University of Mars? Nobody thinks the Ukranian army can "push the thugs out". There is ZERO chance of that happening here. This is not a makey-uppey game from Bubbleland as depicted by PBS.:D WIthout NATO assistance, the Ukrainian army is like an ant facing a round of 00 buckshot.:D Only a mental case lefty would think that Russia will stand by and watch a civl war unfold where the final result will could be a country more firmly entrenched with NATO on the Russian border. Zero % chance.
What sort of help would you suggest NATO supply to Ukraine's un-elected government, and do you remember Russia's policy on using tactical nuclear weapons?

Please list the instances of Russia using nuclear weapons. Thanks!

Where do people get this stuff from??

s0n.....do you actually navigate somewhere in society and if so, where? Perhaps the University of Mars? Nobody thinks the Ukranian army can "push the thugs out". There is ZERO chance of that happening here. This is not a makey-uppey game from Bubbleland as depicted by PBS.:D WIthout NATO assistance, the Ukrainian army is like an ant facing a round of 00 buckshot.:D Only a mental case lefty would think that Russia will stand by and watch a civl war unfold where the final result will could be a country more firmly entrenched with NATO on the Russian border. Zero % chance.
What sort of help would you suggest NATO supply to Ukraine's un-elected government, and do you remember Russia's policy on using tactical nuclear weapons?

Please list the instances of Russia using nuclear weapons. Thanks!
"Last nuclear test October 24, 1990."
You're welcome!

Russia and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wrong again. The majority of Ukrainians are proud of their country. You will see the change more dramatically as the Ukrainian army pushes more of the thugs out.


Where do people get this stuff from??

s0n.....do you actually navigate somewhere in society and if so, where? Perhaps the University of Mars? Nobody thinks the Ukranian army can "push the thugs out". There is ZERO chance of that happening here. This is not a makey-uppey game from Bubbleland as depicted by PBS.:D WIthout NATO assistance, the Ukrainian army is like an ant facing a round of 00 buckshot.:D Only a mental case lefty would think that Russia will stand by and watch a civl war unfold where the final result will could be a country more firmly entrenched with NATO on the Russian border. Zero % chance.
What sort of help would you suggest NATO supply to Ukraine's un-elected government, and do you remember Russia's policy on using tactical nuclear weapons?

Hey.....my comment comes as a response to this stoopid-ass notion that the Ukaranian army is going to kick the mofu's out. Laughable.......already they are reaching points east, seeing the shit going down and tossing their own flags and running Russian ones up on thier tanks instead. This Jim asshole lives in Disney...........:D:D:D
Hello! much easier, the U.S. war with Iraq is not against terrorists and not because of bialogicheskogo weapons, and to be able to adjust the price of oil. In Ukraine, for everything comes from shale gas, since the production of this gas otrovlyaetsya a lot of land, it was after failure of Yanukovych in the development of this gas started this (Europe does not want Portet at ground)
Uh oh. I'll bet Obama drew a red line around the Ukraine
Putin has Bobo's original long form BC in Putins' bedroom safe. Putin has certified copies of all of Bobo's university applications and school records. Think that's just BS? Putin's KGB knows when Bobo takes a leak before Bo bo knows it. The very most wonderful part is Bobo knows it and can't do anything about it........so does Putin and every other world leader.
Think Bobo will ever stand up to Putin?
Ya right.
Nato has always been a world wide joke. Two words to prove it: Wesely Clark.
What's the UN and Nato and the EU and Bobo going to do when thousands of Russians claim they are being 'persecuted' in E. Ukraine? Sweet fuck all when Putin sends in his tanks to "defend' his people".
Uh oh. I'll bet Obama drew a red line around the Ukraine
Putin has Bobo's original long form BC in Putins' bedroom safe. Putin has certified copies of all of Bobo's university applications and school records. Think that's just BS? Putin's KGB knows when Bobo takes a leak before Bo bo knows it. The very most wonderful part is Bobo knows it and can't do anything about it........so does Putin and every other world leader.
Think Bobo will ever stand up to Putin?
Ya right.
Nato has always been a world wide joke. Two words to prove it: Wesely Clark.
What's the UN and Nato and the EU and Bobo going to do when thousands of Russians claim they are being 'persecuted' in E. Ukraine? Sweet fuck all when Putin sends in his tanks to "defend' his people".

IDK bro....that phone call to Putin from Soetero demanding he sign a non-aggression pact may well have made Putin poop his shorts.:D

Soetero doesnt give a rats ass whats going on over there. But he will!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up:
Putin is going to do whatever it is Putin wants. The era of the United States unilateral slaughter is over and it will die violently attempting to maintain it. I predict 70 million less Americans in the next 20 years.
The only way obama is going to take action against Putin is if Putin becomes an American citizen and moves to Nevada.


Good one!

Don't cha know you can show strength and resolve in Nevada, or that is what the government figures these days, but out in the world, ummm it isn't allowed anymore because we have lost our way in the world, so Nevada it is for the feds to flex it's muscles on an old rancher. I guess Putin may see how the feds are doing to the once super strong Americans who fought world war two, and he wants no part of that sort of thing himself when looking on right?

The whole world is looking at how America is crumbling within now, and some may be seeing it as the great weakness that is soon to come as confusion is beginning to reign supreme in our country these days. There is a serious problem when a government becomes hostile to it's own, where as others see it as opportunistic and valuable unto them when looking upon our resolve on issues from way out in the world.

Remember now, that we went forth into the world in order to say with a strong resolve that others were evil, and therefore they had to be dealt with because of that evil. Does America not realize that the same will be said of us, if we show the world that we are sucumbing to the same evils that we had once scorned another for in the world ? Strange days are upon us indeed, yes strange days.
Putin is going to do whatever Putin wants. The era of the United States unilateral slaughter is over and it will die violently attempting to maintain it. I predict 70 million less Americans in the next 20 years.
Hope those 70million aren't among the 80 million Americans who are workers in which are holding up the 140 million Americans who are on some sort of government assistance.. Ouch!

Who will pay the bills then ? Oh that's right the government will, because it will be a communist nation by then.
obama is on the cusp of killing his own citizens and becoming another Bashir Assad. Democrats want him to take that next step not realizing that every door world wide would slam shut.

Did the Ukranians have a right to remove their president? Do we? When Gaddafi said that the opposition were terrorists, we're they?

Democrats who say that the people who stopped the feds from destroying private property are terrorists. Nadal Hassan killed 13 people and the same democrats won't call him a terrorist.

Time for regime change.

Many have suggested that Putin’s actions show that a fond remembrance of the Soviet Union drives his actions, and he’s stuck in a Cold War mentality. Unfortunately for him, these numbers show that the majority of Ukrainians are not.
Dear God but you are a fucking idiot!
Typical stuuupid LIB pussy-boy. That's right. Putin's adventure in Ukraine is "doomed".
The majority of people in E. Ukraine have already bought the new map showing all of E. Ukraine as Russian territory.
Meanwhile you and your 'Man-God' Bobo are watching 'Bird Cage' while Putin is sending thousands of his military dressed in civilian cloths into his next target. Belarus.
Russia says reinforced troops on Ukraine border as precaution
Funny that Putin would claim Ukraine had just gone through a military coup. If anyone should already know that it's Putin. After all he was the one who made the coup happen behind the scenes.
"Ukraine is on the frontline of Russia v US superpower tensions, while a major naval base there makes it the bottom line underlying this confrontation, Richard Sakwa, professor of Russian and European politics at the University of Kent, told RT.

"RT: Is Crimea becoming a new battleground between East and the West?

"Richard Sakwa: Putin describes the things in his speech that he told about on March 18. There is a mixture of two things going on at the moment. There is the enlargement of the EU which in the past was considered fairly benign. What happened is its mixture with the development of the Euro-Atlantic partnership, NATO.

"Ukraine today is the new Balkans.

"During the WWI it was these superpower tensions over the Balkans. Today it’s Ukraine in the frontline. And indeed, there is one significant difference, because the Balkans didn’t really have any major naval bases, so this is clearly the bottom line underlying this confrontation - at the moment is concern not so much as President Putin said."

What sort of help would you suggest NATO supply to Ukraine's un-elected government, and do you remember Russia's policy on using tactical nuclear weapons?

Please list the instances of Russia using nuclear weapons. Thanks!
"Last nuclear test October 24, 1990."
You're welcome!

Russia and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's not using nuclear weapons, that's testing nuclear weapons.
If you arm chair genitals want war then you'd be better off praying that Russia will try to annex an actual NATO country like Estonia. That's your best chance, although forces backed by the U.S. are trying really hard with their silly propaganda campaigns and Jewish registration hoaxes that Kerry invented or was just too stupid to see through the shenanigan. Fact is, your stupid government has put too many lines in the sand to be taken seriously anymore and is broke, morally bankrupt, and teetering on the brink of having it's head severed off.

The fact is Putin has put up with a lot of bullshit, most importantly the Bush abandonment of the the ABM treaty. They stood aside as we fought a 1 sided war in Yugoslavia. The stood by our side in Afghanistan and then we took a deuce on their face by chipping away at them via proxy wars in Syria, and now perhaps the Ukraine. Putin has every right to fight back. I hope he rolls over that country with tanks and infantry just so I can see the look on Barry's face.
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Putin succeeds so far, while Obama fails
Ukraine pretty much gives up on everything

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