Why Ryan is reluctant to accept the Speaker position....

I don't like Paul Ryan very much, but unlike the right wing zealots, I can admit when someone of the opposite party is rather smart.

Ryan has executive ambitions and is young enough to try for the presidency 4-8-or 12 years from now.......The Speaker's position is somewhat of a trap for Ryan, for TWO important reasons"

1. The tea baggers currently in the House don't want someone who is reasonable....The only objective for these morons is to shut everything down (except for their salaries) and to oppose and derail Ryan, they would dig up "dirt" on the guy that would remain vivid on the dwindling ultra right wing base.

2. Ryan also knows that were he to become Speaker, he would taint his reputation a-la-Boehner; nothing of substance would get accomplished in the bitching and moaning House and, as is always the case, the "leaders" of a caucus would bear the brunt of the dysfunction.

True, Ryan may still accept the position of Speaker...but he probably knows that such would make his White House aspirations much, much more difficult.

Because no one wants to deal with Obama..

No one wants to deal with afar left tyrant that will pout and pick up his ball and go home when he does not get his way. So he will just pull out his pen and put forth yet an illegal action/law..

The far left does not want to compromise..

Obama is a wuss.

A weak and incompetent leader!!

If that was true, you should see hundreds of Republicans lining up so they can stomp all over the lamest lame duck president in modern history!!

Is it possible that Obama isn't so weak? Is it possible that Obama is adept at accomplishing what HE wants. If so, then the right has been pushing lies about this President.

No Republican wants to become speaker because Obama is going to eat their lunch in front of America.
I will do some research myself, because I'm curious if there has ever been complete reluctance to be Speaker of The House

I think this situation is unprecedented. Boehner gets the last laugh... What a circus the GOP has become, elephants and clowns just go naturally together I guess. BTW anyone the republican hierarchy chooses can become speaker of the house... This guy would make an excellent choice:

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Leave it vacant... And see what happens.

Boehner stays as Speaker until a replacement can be found..
Can he be forced to stay?

I will do some research myself, because I'm curious if there has ever been complete reluctance to be Speaker of The House

I think this situation is unprecedented. Boehner gets the last laugh... What a circus the GOP has become, elephants and clowns just go naturally together I guess. BTW anyone the republican hierarchy chooses can become speaker of the house... This guy would make an excellent choice:

View attachment 52128
Leave it vacant... And see what happens.

Boehner stays as Speaker until a replacement can be found..
Poach boehner... Too many Rinos

You're the RINO. Your actual political viewpoint is fascism, which is not the Republican Party.
Boehner is leaving--and if the GOP do not get their act together, some of them may defect and vote for Pelosi.

Do you hear that. The gross incompetence and failure to work together as a party could actually give the speakership back to the Democrats!

Nails in the 2016 election cycle coffin if it is that bad on the right.
Boehner is leaving--and if the GOP do not get their act together, some of them may defect and vote for Pelosi.

Do you hear that. The gross incompetence and failure to work together as a party could actually give the speakership back to the Democrats!

Nails in the 2016 election cycle coffin if it is that bad on the right.
Kudos on the Pelosi line. LOL.
T.E.A. (Taxed Enough Already) is the name they gave themselves. Liberals educated me on the meaning of "teabagging." Information I could have lived without.

Well,no. Teabaggers proudly chose that name, and only later regretted their poor choice when someone told them what it really means.
This was shown on fox

And, of course, this was put out by the Tea Party it's self
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I don't like Paul Ryan very much, but unlike the right wing zealots, I can admit when someone of the opposite party is rather smart.

Ryan has executive ambitions and is young enough to try for the presidency 4-8-or 12 years from now.......The Speaker's position is somewhat of a trap for Ryan, for TWO important reasons"

1. The tea baggers currently in the House don't want someone who is reasonable....The only objective for these morons is to shut everything down (except for their salaries) and to oppose and derail Ryan, they would dig up "dirt" on the guy that would remain vivid on the dwindling ultra right wing base.

2. Ryan also knows that were he to become Speaker, he would taint his reputation a-la-Boehner; nothing of substance would get accomplished in the bitching and moaning House and, as is always the case, the "leaders" of a caucus would bear the brunt of the dysfunction.

True, Ryan may still accept the position of Speaker...but he probably knows that such would make his White House aspirations much, much more difficult.

Well you missed the most important reason. If you have a record, you piss off 1/2 the voters. Regardless of what he would do or not do as Speaker it would not bode well for future ambitions.
What is most telling is that the guy who was going to get the job with very little trouble torpedoed his own candidacy by telling the truth about Ben-Gotcha.

Others look at the "gaffe" and think "I have to live a lie" 24/7. Suddenly anonymity looks pretty good.
"T.E.A. (Taxed Enough Already)"

Which is itself ridiculous ignorance and idiocy.

The TPM and social right is the biggest problem facing republicans, a problem they're unable or unwilling to address.
T.E.A. (Taxed Enough Already) is the name they gave themselves. Liberals educated me on the meaning of "teabagging." Information I could have lived without.


It was FOX that gave them that tag.

I don't like Paul Ryan very much, but unlike the right wing zealots, I can admit when someone of the opposite party is rather smart.

Ryan has executive ambitions and is young enough to try for the presidency 4-8-or 12 years from now.......The Speaker's position is somewhat of a trap for Ryan, for TWO important reasons"

1. The tea baggers currently in the House don't want someone who is reasonable....The only objective for these morons is to shut everything down (except for their salaries) and to oppose and derail Ryan, they would dig up "dirt" on the guy that would remain vivid on the dwindling ultra right wing base.

2. Ryan also knows that were he to become Speaker, he would taint his reputation a-la-Boehner; nothing of substance would get accomplished in the bitching and moaning House and, as is always the case, the "leaders" of a caucus would bear the brunt of the dysfunction.

True, Ryan may still accept the position of Speaker...but he probably knows that such would make his White House aspirations much, much more difficult.

Ryan wants to be President.

That would effectively be shot down by accepting the Speaker position.
Ryan wants to be President.

That would effectively be shot down by accepting the Speaker position.

not that he'd have a snowball's chance in hell to be elected president, but why would being speaker of the house necessarily preclude him from ever running for president?
I don't like Paul Ryan very much, but unlike the right wing zealots, I can admit when someone of the opposite party is rather smart.

Ryan has executive ambitions and is young enough to try for the presidency 4-8-or 12 years from now.......The Speaker's position is somewhat of a trap for Ryan, for TWO important reasons"

1. The tea baggers currently in the House don't want someone who is reasonable....The only objective for these morons is to shut everything down (except for their salaries) and to oppose and derail Ryan, they would dig up "dirt" on the guy that would remain vivid on the dwindling ultra right wing base.

2. Ryan also knows that were he to become Speaker, he would taint his reputation a-la-Boehner; nothing of substance would get accomplished in the bitching and moaning House and, as is always the case, the "leaders" of a caucus would bear the brunt of the dysfunction.

True, Ryan may still accept the position of Speaker...but he probably knows that such would make his White House aspirations much, much more difficult.
I can't imagine a scenario in which he'd take the position. That doesn't mean it won't happen, of course.

This position, right now, is a career-killer. The "Freedom Caucus" would be the end of him, and he's too smart and ambitious to fall into that trap.
Thought this might be an interesting topic but I quit reading at "tea bagger."

I agree with you!

Why the attitude about people like me and millions like me that:
a) Really believe the USA is made up of exceptional people, most coming Legally to the USA because their countries didn't have America's opportunities.
b) Believe that "principles" should be adhered to rather then "compromise" to ideology.
What this means is there are basic principles people like me believe:
1) The primary function of the Federal Government is to defend our country.
2) That the 50 states are comprised of people with regional differences in economy, in life style, in attitudes...not a monolithic one mass of 310 million people
3) That there really is NO need for Government to fund projects like the following examples. Just a gross waste of money with NO justification.

  • The National Institute of Health’s Center for Alternative and Complimentary Medicine spent $387,000 to study the effects of Swedish massages on rabbits.
  • The Department of Interior spent $10,000 to monitor the growth rate of saltmarsh grass. In other words, the government is paying people to watch grass grow. On the bright side, they have not started paying people to watch paint dry.
  • The National Science Foundation has granted more than $200,000 to a research project that is trying to determine how and why Wikipedia is sexist. Wikipedia’s War on Woman?
  • The National Institute of Health funded a study to see if mothers love dogs as much as they love kids. Regardless of the results, this experiment cost taxpayers $371,026.
  • The federal government has granted $804,254 for the development of a smartphone game called “Kiddio: Food Fight.” The game is intended to teach parents how to convince their children to try and eat new healthier food choices.
  • The National Endowment for the Humanities has provided $47,000 for undergraduate classes that teach students about laughing and humor.
  • The National Science Foundation spent $856,000 to teach mountain lions how to walk on treadmills as part of a research project whose aim was to better understand mountain lions’ instincts.
Top 7 Wackiest Examples of Wasteful Government Spending from Wastebook 2014

c) Finally people like me, i.e. those dastardly "tea baggers", believe the there are laws that supersede the laws of man. For example:
1) The Constitution acknowledges that fundamental rule: "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you"!
2) That there are times when neither the laws of man can refute the laws of physics.
For example I hopefully like most "tea baggers" KNOW that driving 50mph in a 20mph school zone the driver can't stop if a kid darts out from behind a car.
3) There are times when there are no laws except those that our God has given us and these laws are above all other laws.
I don't like Paul Ryan very much, but unlike the right wing zealots, I can admit when someone of the opposite party is rather smart.

Ryan has executive ambitions and is young enough to try for the presidency 4-8-or 12 years from now.......The Speaker's position is somewhat of a trap for Ryan, for TWO important reasons"

1. The tea baggers currently in the House don't want someone who is reasonable....The only objective for these morons is to shut everything down (except for their salaries) and to oppose and derail Ryan, they would dig up "dirt" on the guy that would remain vivid on the dwindling ultra right wing base.

2. Ryan also knows that were he to become Speaker, he would taint his reputation a-la-Boehner; nothing of substance would get accomplished in the bitching and moaning House and, as is always the case, the "leaders" of a caucus would bear the brunt of the dysfunction.

True, Ryan may still accept the position of Speaker...but he probably knows that such would make his White House aspirations much, much more difficult.

Because no one wants to deal with Obama..

No one wants to deal with afar left tyrant that will pout and pick up his ball and go home when he does not get his way. So he will just pull out his pen and put forth yet an illegal action/law..

The far left does not want to compromise..
Why should the left compromise with RW obstructionists?

Says the far left drone spouting far left religious dogma..
Well? Go on... So what? Jesus must have been a lefty too since he wasn't a materialistic capitalist butt head like you!
Jesus was and is perfection... Irrelevant theory.
Hopefully Green Eggs and Ham doesn't go for the job, he is low in the polls so the Koch brothers will probably pull him out soon.
Hopefully Green Eggs and Ham doesn't go for the job, he is low in the polls so the Koch brothers will probably pull him out soon.

No only is the myth of the so called "assault weapon", the "Koch brothers" also seem to be another "boogieman".

Progressives need to find "real bad bad guys"... Because the ones they have picked are turning out to be 100% harmless
Hopefully Green Eggs and Ham doesn't go for the job, he is low in the polls so the Koch brothers will probably pull him out soon.

No only is the myth of the so called "assault weapon", the "Koch brothers" also seem to be another "boogieman".

Progressives need to find "real bad bad guys"... Because the ones they have picked are turning out to be 100% harmless

I can not think of anyone worse, except for Sheldon Andelson . The Koch brothers are the founders of the Tea Party, and their companies are ranking in the top % by poisoning our water and land . I find these 2 to be crazy ass loons who only care about themselves.

Thanks in part to its 2005 purchase of paper-mill giant Georgia-Pacific, Koch Industries dumps more pollutants into the nation's waterways than General Electric and International Paper combined. The company ranks 13th in the nation for toxic air pollution. Koch's climate pollution, meanwhile, outpaces oil giants including Valero, Chevron and Shell. Across its businesses, Koch generates 24 million metric tons of greenhouse gases a year.

Read more: Inside the Koch Brothers' Toxic Empire | Rolling Stone
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