Why should a hamburger flipper make the same as a highly skilled worker???

I'm not talking about wealthy people at all. I'm wondering if you think the guy cleaning windshields down at the corner (or mowing lawns, or cleaning houses, or any of the other jobs people do as low income, independent business people) should be allowed to work if he's not making minimum wage.

They're doing those things because they can't get a good job. And since almost all that money is under the table, most of those folks are probably collecting welfare. So essentially, you are probably paying for Squeegee man if you use him or not.

I'm just trying to figure out how minimum wage laws make any sense to you people. They're built on a couple of really dumb assumptions. First, the notion that banning low wages jobs will simply convert them into high wage jobs. It won't. If people don't value a job very much, laws aren't going to change that. Second, the idea that the damage done by minimum wage hikes will only burden business owners. Neither of these assumptions holds up to scrutiny, and without them, minimum wage is a bad joke.

Actually, we had our greatest prosperity when the minimum wage laws had teeth.

The real problem is that we've had a shifting from the working class to the investor class of the wealth.

I go back to my post at the beginning of page 35. We have AIRLINE PILOTS making barely minimum wage. We have PROFESSORS making barely minimum wage. That's fucking insane.

The foundation of a modern democracy is a well-compensated working class that can buy things.
30 years ago, a guy like Obama NEVER could have gotten elected. Today he does. That's how bad it's gotten for working class folks.

Lies and damned lies ....

1) Perhaps you can show us some airline pilots making minimum wage.

2) Perhaps you can show us some professors making minimum wage.
I'm not talking about wealthy people at all. I'm wondering if you think the guy cleaning windshields down at the corner (or mowing lawns, or cleaning houses, or any of the other jobs people do as low income, independent business people) should be allowed to work if he's not making minimum wage.

I'm just trying to figure out how minimum wage laws make any sense to you people. They're built on a couple of really dumb assumptions. First, the notion that banning low wages jobs will simply convert them into high wage jobs. It won't. If people don't value a job very much, laws aren't going to change that. Second, the idea that the damage done by minimum wage hikes will only burden business owners. Neither of these assumptions holds up to scrutiny, and without them, minimum wage is a bad joke.

If this pressure on MW continue, I'm thinking that MW will be eliminated for good and replaced with contract work. Just like you mentioned window cleaners and lawn movers, you pay them to finish the job, and you don't care how much time they spend doing it.

Very astute - and exactly where we are going.
...the concept that we can't mandate fair wages is a fallacy. Of course we can...

Let's dip you nose in some of the BS you posted in post #367 when you were arguing just the opposite:
"Honestly, because there's always someone who is willing to work for less."

There's no contradiction at all.

You have to pay a living wage. If you don't, you lose your business. Period.

Lies and damned lies ....

1) Perhaps you can show us some airline pilots making minimum wage.

2) Perhaps you can show us some professors making minimum wage.

Again, top of page 35, I laid it all out. Despite the universities and airlines making record profits, they are paying their key people poverty wages. Have someone help you with the big words.
...the concept that we can't mandate fair wages is a fallacy. Of course we can...

Let's dip you nose in some of the BS you posted in post #367 when you were arguing just the opposite:
"Honestly, because there's always someone who is willing to work for less."

There's no contradiction at all.

You have to pay a living wage. If you don't, you lose your business. Period.


And if there is no wage, but contract price, how you gonna determine "living wage"?
...the concept that we can't mandate fair wages is a fallacy. Of course we can...

Let's dip you nose in some of the BS you posted in post #367 when you were arguing just the opposite:
"Honestly, because there's always someone who is willing to work for less."

There's no contradiction at all.

You have to pay a living wage. If you don't, you lose your business. Period.


And if there is no wage, but contract price, how you gonna determine "living wage"?
That's what I was getting at. Are people who work for themselves culpable if they don't pay themselves a living wage? Are their customers?
...the concept that we can't mandate fair wages is a fallacy. Of course we can...

Let's dip you nose in some of the BS you posted in post #367 when you were arguing just the opposite:
"Honestly, because there's always someone who is willing to work for less."

There's no contradiction at all.

You have to pay a living wage. If you don't, you lose your business. Period.


And if there is no wage, but contract price, how you gonna determine "living wage"?
That's what I was getting at. Are people who work for themselves culpable if they don't pay themselves a living wage? Are their customers?

I couldn't care less. We negotiate price of mowing my lawn. He finish it, he gets paid. After that he's on his own.
"Why should a hamburger flipper make the same as a highly skilled worker???"

No one says he should.

But it would get millions off of food stamps and Medicaid for a start, a clear benefit to taxpayers.

How is it a clear benefit for the tax payer?
You're either giving it up in taxes or in higher product costs. The end result is the same for the tax payer..not so much for the businesses that close and those who no longer have a job.
But whatever..it doesnt effect me one way or another.
Lies and damned lies ....

1) Perhaps you can show us some airline pilots making minimum wage.

2) Perhaps you can show us some professors making minimum wage.

Again, top of page 35, I laid it all out. Despite the universities and airlines making record profits, they are paying their key people poverty wages. Have someone help you with the big words.

I know!! If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth ... Leftist 101.

You STILL haven't proven your statement to be true ... I believe it is false.

  1. The median annual wage for airline pilots, copilots, and flight engineers was $98,410 in May 2012. The median wage is the wage at which half the workers in an occupation earned more than that amount and half earned less. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $66,970, and the top 10 percent earned more than $187,200. http://www.bls.gov/ooh/transportation-and-material-moving/airline-and-commercial-pilots.htm
  2. The average salary of an assistant professor is $66,564 for the 2011 to 2012 school year, according to the American Association of University Professors. This organization surveyed over 1,200 colleges on how much they paid their full-time faculty. The amount contrasts with the $113,176 per year averaged by full professors and the $82,556 per year made by all higher education teaching ranks. The Average Pay for an Entry Level College Professor Chron.com
Please quit lying to yourself and others ...
I know!! If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth ... Leftist 101.

You STILL haven't proven your statement to be true ... I believe it is false...

You believe in a magic Fairy in the sky you call God and you think George W. Bush was a good president.

Please go back and read what I posted at the top of page 35. Yes, there are pilots and professors making shit starvation wages despite their skills.

That not all are is irrelvent to the conversation. That the "Average" is higher than that is irrelvant to the conversation.
If people are dumb enough to apply for being a burger flipper then then deserve low wages. Leave those jobs unfilled. Nobody apply. Everyone wins then. But no, people apply anyway. Dumb.

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