Why should there be “universal background checks” for firearms sales and transfers?

I am fine with what the Founders did.
We just are screwing it up with over reaching federal abuse, like the BATF, DEA, FDA, etc.
There are not supposed to be any federal gun, drug, or medical laws at all.
Can we stop derailing the thread yet?
The thread is about how it is illegal for the feds to have anything to do with background checks, because then they have a list of who to arrest if they want to impose a dictatorship.
The paper work is the same though so yes, it's a backdoor registration scheme.

You are still required to fill out the 4473 and the dealer is still required to keep it on file. Most now use the online system so it's already recorded in a federal database.

I can only cite things as they are here in Florida.

I have my CCW, which means I can walk into a gun store, purchase a firearm and walk out with it immediately. Will there be a record of that sale? Of course there will be. There's no way that will ever be avoided, and I can certainly see how this would be seen as a sort of backdoor registration.

The thing that changes that, however, is that I can bring the gun home and then sell it to my neighbor; that same day, if I want. The authorities can come to my house and demand to see the gun until they're blue in the face. If I tell them I sold it, that's the end of the conversation, as there's no obligation on my part to tell them who I sold it to...
The thread is about how it is illegal for the feds to have anything to do with background checks, because then they have a list of who to arrest if they want to impose a dictatorship.

That's why you offer someone the ability to obtain a background check without the need to purchase a firearm...
The cult is really proving how they hate women and minorities.

The cult wants to take away the right of women and minorities to protect themselves from evil white people who want to rape and murder them.

Pelosi doesnt want security at the home of SCOTUS judges…..BUT THAT FUCKING BITCH HAS ROUND YHE CLOCK SECURITY.

If that dried up old twat still has guns protecting her, she cant take away MY PROTECTION.
One of the idiotic complaints that the Right Wing makes is that guns are only dangerous in the hands of criminals.

If that is the case. Then reducing the numbers of guns in the hands of criminals is logical. A private seller who provides a gun to a criminal unknowingly is contributing to this situation. In other words. The guy looked alright to me.

Criminals don’t have tattoos on their face that says felon. And most of the idiots on the Right are under the impression that only Blacks commit crimes.

So the idea of a Universal Background Check says that the seller confirms that the person buying the gun is legally allowed to. If the seller doesn’t do it he commits a crime.

Now this is all stupid. The person who was convicted should be allowed to buy a gun. There is nothing in the second about prohibiting anyone from getting a firearm. Shall not be infringed.

Another idiotic statement the left makes is that any of these laws they propose would stop shootings.

Why are they not working in Chicago?
why drive into the school when you can just wait until they come outside for recess or loading the bus??

you p[eople really need to keep your mouths shut cause you prove yourself to be fucking idiots when you open them,,
How many times has that happened compared to a school shooting?

It is not a real threat, there are coffins full of kids proving my point...

So while the other is possible, it doesn't happen...

This is the only one I could find and

It is in Germany, killed one...
BC's are already required on every purchase through an FFL dealer whether it is online, through a store, or at a gun show.

True. I think I said that already, but yeah.

I'd be fine with UBC's IF we allow private individuals access to the NICS system but not if they have to go through an FFL.

Playing devil's advocate here. Say a friend or neighbor or co-worker pisses you off for whatever reason. Should it be legal for you to run a BC on him, even though he/she isn't trying to buy a gun from you? There could be privacy issues involved. It could be abused, people could find out negative stuff about you and use it against you at work or wherever.

From what I understand, private sales do not require a BC cuz it isn't feasible to regulate it. Obviously the crooks and the crazies aren't going to do it, the black market lives. What are you going to do, ask for ID from a prospective buyer so you can run a BC on him right then and there? Might be a good way to lose a friend or maybe even get yourself shot.

Going through an FFL eliminates private transfers completely by definition and that violates a whole host of rights.

It seems to me the only people whose rights are violated are those who can't pass a BC and shouldn't gain access to a gun. If I'm clean how are any of my rights violated by going through an FFL?
Playing devil's advocate here. Say a friend or neighbor or co-worker pisses you off for whatever reason. Should it be legal for you to run a BC on him, even though he/she isn't trying to buy a gun from you? There could be privacy issues involved. It could be abused, people could find out negative stuff about you and use it against you at work or wherever.
I'd have to have the info for the guns being transferred in order to run the NICS check.

You can for a few bucks run down to your local sheriff or state police barracks run a background check on anyone or go through any of the private sources that will run them for you for a fee.
Damned few people are blindly selling to people they don't know. Those that do will continue to find away around a back ground check system since there are already over 400 million guns in circulation, many of which have been traded many times since the last time they were sold through an FFL.,

Until recently Georgia was a shall issue permit state for Concealed Weapons.

Better than 90% of those who applied were approved.

But that means some are rejected. In 2020 with Covid running amok and fewer people were applying than usual. 5,800 people were denied.

That is 5,800 people who either knew they were prohibited or were ignorant. Let’s give them the benefit of the doubt and say they were ignorant.

That is 5,800 people prohibited by law from possessing weapons. And those were the ones who applied. Are they carrying now? Probably. We went to Constitutional Carry. And unless the cop has probable cause he is not supposed to run a check on a citizen. So this fellow can continue to carry illegally and expect to get away with it so long as he appears confident and cool when talking to cops.

I have my own license. I’ll be keeping it. And I’ll renew it when the time comes.

The statistics suggest that at least 30,000 people are carrying illegally in Georgia. The way we get that is the number of denials and assume it is average for a year. The licenses are valid for five years.

That is why I think the Right is full of shit. They argue the problem is guns in the hands of criminals. Then they object to anything that would reduce. Reduce. Not eliminate. Reduce the numbers of guns in the hands of criminals.

Despite the fact that we have the highest number of people incarcerated per capita. They insist that more prisons are the answer. They also object to paying for prisons.

The argument you made is typical. If something isn’t 100% effective it isn’t worth doing.

So when are you going to ban bullet proof vests for cops? Despite the fact that cops wear them, cops still die from being shot. The vest isn’t 100% effective. Why permit them?

Seatbelts aren’t 100% effective. Why require them? Child seats aren’t 100% effective. Why require them?

I will head off your idiotic reply now. Although I doubt you’ll read this far. No. I don’t support gun bans either. I think the Left and Right are both full of shit. And I think the country would be much better off if both sides jumped off a cliff.
No shit, that's why I said, "most".

As long as guns exist there are going to be some crimes committed with them and we're never going to eliminate guns.
No shit. I’m not saying we’re going to eliminate guns or crimes committed with them.

All caught up now?
How many times has that happened compared to a school shooting?

It is not a real threat, there are coffins full of kids proving my point...

So while the other is possible, it doesn't happen...

This is the only one I could find and

It is in Germany, killed one...
Someone hell bent on a mass casualty event will use whatever they have access to.

If we eliminated every gun in the people wanting to commit such acts would certainly turn to vehicles, explosives, or incendiaries all of which are easier to obtain legally than firearms and are even easier to obtain illegally.

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