Why should there be “universal background checks” for firearms sales and transfers?

That is the whole point, that these has to be something intrinsically wrong with society and schools in particular, if these otherwise law abiding citizens are being made so upset by schools that they want to commit mass murder/suicide.
Clearly blaming the individual makes no sense and it a coverup.
It has to be society and schools in particular, that are inherently wrong and causing all the violence.
The problem is with people. We had bullying in my eara but no school shootings and it would have been extremely easy then since there were guns on campus and in every pickup in the parking lot.

Somewhere along the lines we lost the concept that you don't shoot up a school because your feelings are hurt.,
Well lets look at the constitution...

It was written when a gun had a rate of fire of at best 1 a minute...

I think if you think you should have a musket that can fire at that rate then I think I would give you that right...

Now if you can prove the founding founder the modern advancements in in personal weapons and the consequences of their effect to society then you are just using ancient text to run your life..
The most retarded argument of all. That would have been the equivalent of limiting the colonial militia to pitch forks, shovels, hoes, sling shots and hand thrown rocks against those armed with firearms, grenades, and cannon.,
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Background checks are actually backdoor gun registration.
Not necessarily.

Background checks to buy a firearm could be conducted in the same manner as background checks for CCW's.

Here in Florida, a person can request a CCW and not carry a gun. Likewise, a background check to purchase a firearm could be requested by an individual without them being required to purchase a firearm. If a person passes the background check, he receives a card or ID of some sort which would tell a gun retailer that, if the person wants to buy a firearm, that a satisfactory background check has already been conducted.

If there's no gun, there's no registration (which I am against).

I would see that as an acceptable compromise...
Specifically why and specifically how will it stop shootings of 4 or more people in one incident?

Walk us through….specifically.

One of the idiotic complaints that the Right Wing makes is that guns are only dangerous in the hands of criminals.

If that is the case. Then reducing the numbers of guns in the hands of criminals is logical. A private seller who provides a gun to a criminal unknowingly is contributing to this situation. In other words. The guy looked alright to me.

Criminals don’t have tattoos on their face that says felon. And most of the idiots on the Right are under the impression that only Blacks commit crimes.

So the idea of a Universal Background Check says that the seller confirms that the person buying the gun is legally allowed to. If the seller doesn’t do it he commits a crime.

Now this is all stupid. The person who was convicted should be allowed to buy a gun. There is nothing in the second about prohibiting anyone from getting a firearm. Shall not be infringed.
constitutional republic,, try googling it sometime,,

Constitutional republic implies that an elite minority impose their political plan.
A democratic republic implies that the population as a whole are more trustworthy when it comes to selecting between options.
The fact we have indirect elections of representatives instead of direct democracy, does diminish the importance of popular input.
Not necessarily.

Background checks to buy a firearm could be conducted in the same manner as background checks for CCW's.

Here in Florida, a person can request a CCW and not carry a gun. Likewise, a background check to purchase a firearm could be requested by an individual without them being required to purchase a firearm. If a person passes the background check, he receives a card or ID of some sort which would tell a gun retailer that, if the person wants to buy a firearm, that a satisfactory background check has already been conducted.

If there's no gun, there's no registration (which I am against).

I would see that as an acceptable compromise...
The paper work is the same though so yes, it's a backdoor registration scheme.

You are still required to fill out the 4473 and the dealer is still required to keep it on file. Most now use the online system so it's already recorded in a federal database.
Constitutional republic implies that an elite minority impose their political plan.
A democratic republic implies that the population as a whole are more trustworthy when it comes to selecting between options.
The fact we have indirect elections of representatives instead of direct democracy, does diminish the importance of popular input.
as I said,, you should try googling it,,

the fact we have a constitution sets us apart from a democratic republic that doesnt have a constitution,,
One of the idiotic complaints that the Right Wing makes is that guns are only dangerous in the hands of criminals.

If that is the case. Then reducing the numbers of guns in the hands of criminals is logical. A private seller who provides a gun to a criminal unknowingly is contributing to this situation. In other words. The guy looked alright to me.

Criminals don’t have tattoos on their face that says felon. And most of the idiots on the Right are under the impression that only Blacks commit crimes.

So the idea of a Universal Background Check says that the seller confirms that the person buying the gun is legally allowed to. If the seller doesn’t do it he commits a crime.

Now this is all stupid. The person who was convicted should be allowed to buy a gun. There is nothing in the second about prohibiting anyone from getting a firearm. Shall not be infringed.
Damned few people are blindly selling to people they don't know. Those that do will continue to find away around a back ground check system since there are already over 400 million guns in circulation, many of which have been traded many times since the last time they were sold through an FFL.,
Constitutional republic implies that an elite minority impose their political plan.
A democratic republic implies that the population as a whole are more trustworthy when it comes to selecting between options.
The fact we have indirect elections of representatives instead of direct democracy, does diminish the importance of popular input.
We are a constitutional republic with democratically elected representatives. There isn't even a direct vote of The People for President.

I apparently gave you more credit than you deserve but let's cease derailing the thread.
he didnt abbreviate,, he stated a totally different system,,

Not different at all.
If we wanted to be exact, we would also have to add codified law, blind justice, 3 distinct branches, bicameral legislation, etc. The list is almost infinite.

What we do not want is people who feel superior making all the decision for us without any popular input, like "Plato's Republic".
While a "meritocracy" sounds good, the reality is it is way to corrupt and elite.
The majority may be less intelligent, but have a more trustworthy sense of justice.
Not different at all.
If we wanted to be exact, we would also have to add codified law, blind justice, 3 distinct branches, bicameral legislation, etc. The list is almost infinite.

What we do not want is people who feel superior making all the decision for us without any popular input, like "Plato's Republic".
While a "meritocracy" sounds good, the reality is it is way to corrupt and elite.
The majority may be less intelligent, but have a more trustworthy sense of justice.
We've had that since we started directly electing senators. Let's cease derailing the thread now please.
Not different at all.
If we wanted to be exact, we would also have to add codified law, blind justice, 3 distinct branches, bicameral legislation, etc. The list is almost infinite.

What we do not want is people who feel superior making all the decision for us without any popular input, like "Plato's Republic".
While a "meritocracy" sounds good, the reality is it is way to corrupt and elite.
The majority may be less intelligent, but have a more trustworthy sense of justice.
google is your friend,,
I've posted the links for you many times so I can only assume at this point youre a liar trying to mislead the simple minded,,
If there is no public input into the constitution, then a constitutional republic can easily be a sham.
That is what we refer to as "banana republics".
having public input is what a democratic republic is,, the constitution says we go by it not public emotion,,

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