Why should there be “universal background checks” for firearms sales and transfers?

also applies to the states for the same reason,,

Maybe, but states are closer so are automatically more representative.
If nothing else, states are much easier to sue.
Suing in federal court costs millions.
And the SCOTUS is totally corrupt, like recently they admitted rights were being abused, but refused to do anything since congress had not passed legislation to address it.
Maybe, but states are closer so are automatically more representative.
If nothing else, states are much easier to sue.
Suing in federal court costs millions.
And the SCOTUS is totally corrupt, like recently they admitted rights were being abused, but refused to do anything since congress had not passed legislation to address it.
Then you are telling us congress is entirely corrupt as well.
True. I think I said that already, but yeah.

Playing devil's advocate here. Say a friend or neighbor or co-worker pisses you off for whatever reason. Should it be legal for you to run a BC on him, even though he/she isn't trying to buy a gun from you? There could be privacy issues involved. It could be abused, people could find out negative stuff about you and use it against you at work or wherever.

From what I understand, private sales do not require a BC cuz it isn't feasible to regulate it. Obviously the crooks and the crazies aren't going to do it, the black market lives. What are you going to do, ask for ID from a prospective buyer so you can run a BC on him right then and there? Might be a good way to lose a friend or maybe even get yourself shot.

It seems to me the only people whose rights are violated are those who can't pass a BC and shouldn't gain access to a gun. If I'm clean how are any of my rights violated by going through an FFL?

Makes no sense to me.
If a neighbor were to be allowed to run a background check on someone who was not trying to buy a gun, so what?
It would not reveal any details, just approved or denied.
In fact, we could get around that as well, by simply issuing background check verification cards to people about their own background.
If they want to buy a gun from a stranger, they can show the card and legally buy then.
But if they want privacy, they would not have to show the card to anyone.

Your rights are violated by going through an FFL because the federal government then gets a list of who owns what, and that is illegal and dangerous.
Your rights are violated by going through an FFL because they add another $30 to the cost.
It is not just a violation of privacy, but of your right to sell goods you legally own.

The federal government is not legally authorized to have anything at all to do with guns or gun laws.
And clearly the background checks are not for safety, but for control.
The cult says rapists and then abortion prohibition are the greatest threats to women.


The biggest threat to blacks are white cops who hunt down and systemically murder black men.


Why are the legislators protected by guns….but they will not allow YOU to have the same protection?
Specifically why and specifically how will it stop shootings of 4 or more people in one incident?

Walk us through….specifically.
You actually do not have the IQ capacity to figure out why it is not a good idea to do a background check on someone before you sell them a weapon capable of killing dozens of innocent children in a few minutes?


What's your next, thread topic?
You want to be explained to why it is not a good idea to drink battery acid?
Total and utter horseshit...

The Constitution was written by a bunch of men who thought women should be allowed to vote and black people should be slaves... Do you think they should be still there too?

None of those leaders came to power due to the people having a lack of guns... But your lack of education and ignorance...
Yes and Amendments where added to give women the right to vote and free the slaves. Educate yourself jackass. You morons want to amend or abolish the 2nd fucking do it the legal way. Call for a Convention or get a 2/3rds vote from the House and Senate, but you know that shit will never pass.
Until recently Georgia was a shall issue permit state for Concealed Weapons.

Better than 90% of those who applied were approved.

But that means some are rejected. In 2020 with Covid running amok and fewer people were applying than usual. 5,800 people were denied.

That is 5,800 people who either knew they were prohibited or were ignorant. Let’s give them the benefit of the doubt and say they were ignorant.

That is 5,800 people prohibited by law from possessing weapons. And those were the ones who applied. Are they carrying now? Probably. We went to Constitutional Carry. And unless the cop has probable cause he is not supposed to run a check on a citizen. So this fellow can continue to carry illegally and expect to get away with it so long as he appears confident and cool when talking to cops.

I have my own license. I’ll be keeping it. And I’ll renew it when the time comes.

The statistics suggest that at least 30,000 people are carrying illegally in Georgia. The way we get that is the number of denials and assume it is average for a year. The licenses are valid for five years.

That is why I think the Right is full of shit. They argue the problem is guns in the hands of criminals. Then they object to anything that would reduce. Reduce. Not eliminate. Reduce the numbers of guns in the hands of criminals.

Despite the fact that we have the highest number of people incarcerated per capita. They insist that more prisons are the answer. They also object to paying for prisons.

The argument you made is typical. If something isn’t 100% effective it isn’t worth doing.

So when are you going to ban bullet proof vests for cops? Despite the fact that cops wear them, cops still die from being shot. The vest isn’t 100% effective. Why permit them?

Seatbelts aren’t 100% effective. Why require them? Child seats aren’t 100% effective. Why require them?

I will head off your idiotic reply now. Although I doubt you’ll read this far. No. I don’t support gun bans either. I think the Left and Right are both full of shit. And I think the country would be much better off if both sides jumped off a cliff.

Your arguments make no sense.

For example, you worry about what if 6000 people who were denied background checks were able to get guns, when in reality you should be much more upset about the fact 40 million innocent citizens have been prevented from voting or buying guns, due to drug felonies that the government has absolutely no authority to charge people with in the first place.

The reality is that the problem is NOT guns in the hands of criminals, but of a system so corrupt that over half the population rejects government as totally corrupt, and deliberately become criminal out of spite against government.
The majority oppose criminalization of drugs, just like the majority opposed Prohibition. So we are not the democratic republic people falsely believe we are.
Well lets look at the constitution...

It was written when a gun had a rate of fire of at best 1 a minute...

I think if you think you should have a musket that can fire at that rate then I think I would give you that right...

Now if you can prove the founding founder the modern advancements in in personal weapons and the consequences of their effect to society then you are just using ancient text to run your life..
Your opinions will be ignored because the internet was not around when the 1st Amendment was written. If you write it out using a quill and ink and then send it to me via a man on a horse I will hear you out and then tell you why you are wrong about the 2nd.
Because the Proud Boys and KKK make their money smuggling drugs and guns into the cities.

Other than the CIA smuggling drugs from Laos, I never heard of anything like that?
And exactly where does the authority to make drugs or guns legal come from?
You actually do not have the IQ capacity to figure out why it is not a good idea to do a background check on someone before you sell them a weapon capable of killing dozens of innocent children in a few minutes?


What's your next, thread topic?
You want to be explained to why it is not a good idea to drink battery acid?

That is silly.
If they are so dangerous that you should not sell them firearms, then they will just stab you and steal it anyway.
Well lets look at the constitution...

It was written when a gun had a rate of fire of at best 1 a minute...

I think if you think you should have a musket that can fire at that rate then I think I would give you that right...

Now if you can prove the founding founder the modern advancements in in personal weapons and the consequences of their effect to society then you are just using ancient text to run your life..
This is the most retarded of all 2nd Amendment arguments.

Their intent was to preserve as a right our ability to be as well equipped as any threat we might face including our own gov't.

The founders were educated men of vision, innovators and inventors who understood that like all technology firearms tech would advance with time.

What you suggest is the equivalent of limiting colonial militias to shovels, hoses, pitchforks, sling shots and hand thrown rocks to defend themselves against people armed with Firearms, Grenades, and Cannon.

Nobody is that retarded, it has to be an act.
The Bay of Pigs scandal was mostly Cuban expatriates who were armed by the CIA.
I believe they were right wing, but HIspanic, so not KKK material.
Bayou of Pigs, a conspiracy to overthrown the gov't of the Dominican Republic.
YES! The background of any person having ever voted Democrat should be examined with a fine-tooth comb! They also must be subjected to in-patient psych exams! And even then, remember, they lie so the results can't be trusted and they mustbe banned from owning guns, sharp items, even glass bottles.

Thank you, "president' Xiden, for showing America what sort of pants-pooper should be on a red-list printed on asbestos.
having public input is what a democratic republic is,, the constitution says we go by it not public emotion,,
Decisions are made by the party in power, often disenfranchising everyone else. At any given moment in America nearly half of the population has no representation in government at any level.
Decisions are made by the party in power, often disenfranchising everyone else. At any given moment in America nearly half of the population has no representation in government at any level.
Sadly this is largely correct.

The power brokers behind the scenes of both parties are largely responsible for everything that happens in DC and to a lesser extent within each state but state gov'ts are more responsive to the people they serve/govern.

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