Why should there be “universal background checks” for firearms sales and transfers?

Sadly this is largely correct.

The power brokers behind the scenes of both parties are largely responsible for everything that happens in DC and to a lesser extent within each state but state gov'ts are more responsive to the people they serve/govern.
At my local level the Dems, who have held the offices of Mayor and Common Council for decades have allowed the Canada geese to take over the most beautiful public parkland in the city. Where people used to picnic, play games, sunbath, etc. is now the grazing ground for hundreds of 'protected' geese, who litter the grasses with sticky dung, which also pollutes the lagoons in and lake adjacent to the park. The large, beautiful grassy areas are completely devoid of human activity, where hundreds used to gather, because of this. The polluted lakes and parks are a testament to the disdain the Dems have for common folks.
The Bay of Pigs scandal was mostly Cuban expatriates who were armed by the CIA.
I believe they were right wing, but HIspanic, so not KKK material.

Bayau. Not Bay. The KKK and Canadian Nazi’s were gathering weapons to overthrow the Dominican Republic. Two people plead guilty and three were convicted.
Come on cult, tell women and blacks they are not allowed to protect themselves from the greatest threat to America…….ACCORDING TO YOU!

Awful White National terrorists are going to rape women and kill minorities…and you cult fucks do not want women and blacks to be able to protect themselves.

Sick misogynists and racists just like every single person who voted for Joe Biden is.
I don't give a rats ass what other countries do.
I don't either. But it destroys your already weak argument that "criminals don't follow the law so, therefore, we should not have gun laws". We have criminals that commit gun violence. They have criminals but somehow, they don't have gun violence.
I have a Constitutional right to own a firearm without infringement from the Federal or State Government. All those other countries do not and that's why you see people like Hitler, Stalin, Mao and a shit load of other dictators rise to power and murder significant amounts of their own people. The population can't fight back.
Your tantrum doesn't help your argument.

Be better.
Anyone can buy a gun. They can buy from a drug dealer, a thief, a straw purchaser, an unfinished ghost gun, etc.
Wouldn't you agree that this makes it harder? You have to find a thief, get someone to commit a felony, or set up a workshop?
The penalty for obtaining a gun illegally is trivial compared to what they already intend to risk, so is NOT going at all to be a deterrent in any way.
That part is true. Which is why the idea ramping up security at schools--while it is the only mitigation move at the federal level that'll pass--is a band-aid and doesn't treat the wound.
If we could stop drugs, you might have a point.
But clearly we can not stop drugs, so we can not stop illegal guns.
Okay, tell me why other nations can and we can't.
And what if we could magically stop all illegal guns?
Would a person bent on homicide/suicide just give up when there are no laws or background checks for things like explosives, toxins, flammables, etc.?
In fact, if one used one of these methods, not only could then kill 10 times as many, but get away with it so they could keep doing it again and again.
Wow... Just out of curiosity...why do you just assume that someone who uses a bomb, toxin, or arson will just "get away with it"?

Look, if this Ramos character was in Paris, France, his loser ass would have just been an angry frenchman. He would have either gotten over whatever his main-malfunction was or not. But since he was in a town like Paris, Texas, he had the wherewithal to go purchase an arsenal and over 1,000 rounds of ammunition. With predictable results.

True...humans will never stop killing other humans. I'd like to make it harder.
Think of the wives of "progressive" (undecided male/female spouses) when they are treated to the services of an actual male (of any colour)! Their joy and determination to forever eschew intimate contact with the weak of dick and the weak of mind!
Okay, tell me why other nations can and we can't.
There is no nation on earth similar to the US to even compare us to.

Find a country with our physical size, 5,000 miles of unsecure borders, our racial and cultural demography, and our population and then lets have a talk.
I don't either. But it destroys your already weak argument that "criminals don't follow the law so, therefore, we should not have gun laws". We have criminals that commit gun violence. They have criminals but somehow, they don't have gun violence.

Your tantrum doesn't help your argument.

Be better.
You say you don't care but you loons bring up other countries gun control measures ad nauseam. I will point it out again those countries have never had a guaranteed right to own firearms and stating they don't have gun violence is a straight up lie. In fact it is rising. They have strict gun control so how is that happening.

Specifically why and specifically how will it stop shootings of 4 or more people in one incident?

Walk us through….specifically.
How many lefties on this thread so far have walked us through how exactly background checks would stop these shootings, as your opening post asks?
You say you don't care but you loons bring up other countries gun control measures ad nauseam. I will point it out again those countries have never had a guaranteed right to own firearms and stating they don't have gun violence is a straight up lie. In fact it is rising. They have strict gun control so how is that happening.

Let me know when they have 30,000 gun deaths a year.

As for the "they never had a guaranteed right to own firearms"....its strange how when new nations were formed well after ours was, they didn't look at each other while drafting the Constitutions of their nations and say, "Yep...we definitely need a 2nd Amendment". None of them wanted to import the mayhem that the 2nd Amendment has brought to the US.
Let me know when they have 30,000 gun deaths a year.

As for the "they never had a guaranteed right to own firearms"....its strange how when new nations were formed well after ours was, they didn't look at each other while drafting the Constitutions of their nations and say, "Yep...we definitely need a 2nd Amendment". None of them wanted to import the mayhem that the 2nd Amendment has brought to the US.

Get back to us when Hunter passes his "back-ground" check...dumbass.
Let me know when they have 30,000 gun deaths a year.

As for the "they never had a guaranteed right to own firearms"....its strange how when new nations were formed well after ours was, they didn't look at each other while drafting the Constitutions of their nations and say, "Yep...we definitely need a 2nd Amendment". None of them wanted to import the mayhem that the 2nd Amendment has brought to the US.
This conversation has no point. I'm not giving up my Constitutional right to bear arms no matter what you fucking loons say or do.
Let me know when they have 30,000 gun deaths a year.

As for the "they never had a guaranteed right to own firearms"....its strange how when new nations were formed well after ours was, they didn't look at each other while drafting the Constitutions of their nations and say, "Yep...we definitely need a 2nd Amendment". None of them wanted to import the mayhem that the 2nd Amendment has brought to the US.
So, go live there, then you tell us…

Oh, that’s right they don’t offer residency to welfare recipients with no skills.
Let me know when they have 30,000 gun deaths a year.

As for the "they never had a guaranteed right to own firearms"....its strange how when new nations were formed well after ours was, they didn't look at each other while drafting the Constitutions of their nations and say, "Yep...we definitely need a 2nd Amendment". None of them wanted to import the mayhem that the 2nd Amendment has brought to the US.
Throwing in suicides with homicides is a completely dishonest stat.

How many of those countries do you have to combine to equal the population of the US?
Let me know when they have 30,000 gun deaths a year.

As for the "they never had a guaranteed right to own firearms"....its strange how when new nations were formed well after ours was, they didn't look at each other while drafting the Constitutions of their nations and say, "Yep...we definitely need a 2nd Amendment". None of them wanted to import the mayhem that the 2nd Amendment has brought to the US.
You are fabricating BS. How many of them had so much as a discussion over gun rights?
Your surrender is accepted.
No surrender. This conversation serves no point I will not give up my Constitutional rights no matter what. You morons can not win this fight legally so a lot of people are going to get hurt when you loons go the illegal route. It won't be people like you of course because you don't have the guts to stack up behind your ideals.
No surrender. This conversation serves no point I will not give up my Constitutional rights no matter what. You morons can not win this fight legally so a lot of people are going to get hurt when you loons go the illegal route. It won't be people like you of course because you don't have the guts to stack up behind your ideals.
Lots of people are getting hurt now because you guys see no problem with periodic massacres.

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