Why should there be “universal background checks” for firearms sales and transfers?

We don't know how many shootings have occurred by someone with one of those guns
Seems to me that every mass shooting I've heard of in recent years has been committed by a person who legally purchased the firearm or stolen from someone who had. Now, the gang shootings in Chicago that are rampant, are another story. Can't say that I've heard that they have recovered any of those firearms.
So - nobody has a valid reason not to pass a federal UBC law, or at least I haven't seen one. We don't know how many guns have been bought at a gun show from a non-FFL seller where no BC was done, but I guess that's okay. We don't know how many shootings have occurred by someone with one of those guns, not just a mass shooting but any shooting. We don't know that, but I guess that's okay. And until such a federal UBC law is passed we don't know how many people will be shot in the future as a result, but I guess that's okay too.

Would any law-abiding citizen be denied his/her 2nd Amendment rights? NO. They gotta pass a BC anyway to buy a gun at a store that sells them or online, or even from an FFL vender at a gun show.

But who does get denied their 2nd Amendment rights? The people who can't pass a BC. Maybe they'll get a gun some other way, by stealing one or buying one on the street or through a 3rd party that can pass the BC. That UBC law wouldn't be perfect, right? All it does is close off one avenue to acquire a gun, and IMHO that is not a bad thing. And the thing is this, how is anyone else harmed? It's no skin off my ass, right? Or yours, so where's the beef?

With that, I'm done here. Have a nice day.
we've given you several reasons,, just because you reject them doesnt mean they would or wouldnt work any better than your idea thats already been proven to fail,,
You mean like ALL the mass shootings in Chicago???
Have they recovered those weapons? How do you know they were not acquired legally--not that I believe they were. However, I would not be surprised that they were not straw purchases either--more likely stolen.
When guns are gone, somebody will come up with an alternative......humans are very ingenious.
Klebold and Harris had multiple explosive devices that didn't go off. Why? Because we don't have bombing ranges (yet) to where gun/bomb nuts can perfect their technique as we have with gun ranges.

So again, a gun nut without a gun is less deadly than a gun nut with a bomb. For the time being.
If someone can't buy a gun, they most likely know it and will not try to buy one.

They will steal one.
If they can’t buy a gun and decide to steal one then that is a barrier that could lead to them getting caught and arrested for theft vs. murder. How great would that be?!
we've given you several reasons,, just because you reject them doesnt mean they would or wouldnt work any better than your idea thats already been proven to fail,,

I did not see any cogent reason that explains any rationale at all for why UBC laws would infringe on any law-abiding citizen's 2nd Amendment rights. At all. Nor did any response in this thread prove that UBCs are fruitless, not just for mass shootings but for every shooting in this country. There's no way to know how many illegally bought guns were acquired in a gun show from a non-FFL seller. And there's no way to know how many people have been shot by one of these guns. Or will be shot by one of these guns in the future because the UBC law doesn't exist.

So why don't we do this? Damned if I know.
I did not see any cogent reason that explains any rationale at all for why UBC laws would infringe on any law-abiding citizen's 2nd Amendment rights. At all. Nor did any response in this thread prove that UBCs are fruitless, not just for mass shootings but for every shooting in this country. There's no way to know how many illegally bought guns were acquired in a gun show from a non-FFL seller. And there's no way to know how many people have been shot by one of these guns. Or will be shot by one of these guns in the future because the UBC law doesn't exist.

So why don't we do this? Damned if I know.
thanks for your opinion,,
have a nice day,,
What you leave out is that many guns are sold at gun shows by private individuals nut subject to background checks
What you leave out is private individuals are permitted to sell their guns,on occasion, to private buyers.
They can not set up a kiosk and make a weekly living selling guns w/o a license.

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