Why should there be “universal background checks” for firearms sales and transfers?

what’s the difference between a background check and a universial background check?

Current federal law requires a background check for any gun bought from an FFL dealer, but not from a private sale by a non-licensed FFL person. A UBC would include private sales, like your dad or neighbor sells you a gun and he/she is not an FFL gun dealer. A lot of people do not support that, they see it as a gov't intrusion into your business.
Current federal law requires a background check for any gun bought from an FFL dealer, but not from a private sale by a non-licensed FFL person. A UBC would include private sales, like your dad or neighbor sells you a gun and he/she is not an FFL gun dealer. A lot of people do not support that, they see it as a gov't intrusion into your business.
how is that enforced? how am i gonna do a background check on my neighbor? who’s gonna pay for it?
Why is that a bad thing. You have to register your friggin car…
That's a good question. Why are repeat drunk drivers allowed to continue to drive after revocation (they are still allowed to keep their vehicles even after repeated DUI convictions). Most fatal crashes involving drunk drivers happen after numerous convictions, when the subject should have long since been prohibited from even owning a vehicle.
A lot of those guns were bought in Indiana...just miles away from Chicago where gun laws are far less strict

You dipshit.....

This brings me to my favorite part.

The gun-grabbers will argue: Guns are shipped into these cities from places without tough gun control laws!

Okay, then shouldn’t these places where all the guns supposedly originate from be even more violent?

FACT: Gun control is a total failure at stopping gun crime.

FACT: Gun control encourages violent crime and criminals.

Let me explain it this way… There is no stronger gun control law than a total gun ban, and yet… Most of these mass shootings happen in places that ban guns entirely. These places are called gun-free zones, and gun-free zones attract mass shooters like heavily-armed moths to an innocent, defenseless flame.

Advertising your school, mall, or city as unarmed is equivalent to mailing out engraved invitations to every violent criminal in the world to come and have a go.

If you think gun control deters violence and crime, try this experiment…

Publicly advertise your home as a gun-free zone.

I didn’t think so.

But you want schoolchildren to do that.

Out here where I live, in a Utopia called Rural MAGA Country, everyone’s armed to eyebrows. We’re buried in firearms out here: shotguns, AR-15s, pistols, revolvers, and all kinds of wondrous shit that’s illegal—and guess what? We don’t have anywhere near the violent crime problems Democrat-run cities have. All of these guns out here, and no one bothers us.

We live together — people of all races and creeds — in relative harmony. And it’s not just because MAGA people are normal people, it’s because we know the guy who’s letting his dog shit in our yard owns guns, so maybe it’s best we be civil about things.

what’s the difference between a background check and a universial background check?
I would imagine that a "universal" background check is every transaction and a background check is just if you're a dealer. I'm not sure.

We do background checks when we hire folks (I do credentialing which means that lands in my inbox). Something I learned a while back was that there is even a difference in background checks to make matters worse. Some places offer to check court records to see if there are any convictions. Meaning that if a guilty verdict was returned, that would show up. A not-guilty verdict may show up as may a no-bill because there was a an out-of-court settlement. Then there are the jurisdictions. In the county where the check was conducted, there may not be any legal actions. Two counties over (let alone 2 states), you can have multiple warrants that some checks may not reveal. And then there is the whole question of Juvenile record.
They can still stab, bludgeon, strangle, burn, poison, or run over, them. :omg:
There is a billboard on a highway 130 over in Texas advertising a gun you can buy at a local gun shop. "Make 1,000 yard hits". I'll take my chances with being bludgeoned, strangled, burned, poison or ran over.
I would imagine that a "universal" background check is every transaction and a background check is just if you're a dealer. I'm not sure.

We do background checks when we hire folks (I do credentialing which means that lands in my inbox). Something I learned a while back was that there is even a difference in background checks to make matters worse. Some places offer to check court records to see if there are any convictions. Meaning that if a guilty verdict was returned, that would show up. A not-guilty verdict may show up as may a no-bill because there was a an out-of-court settlement. Then there are the jurisdictions. In the county where the check was conducted, there may not be any legal actions. Two counties over (let alone 2 states), you can have multiple warrants that some checks may not reveal. And then there is the whole question of Juvenile record.
so you are advocating for something you aren’t even sure what it is? hahah cultist parroting, parrot cultist
how is that enforced? how am i gonna do a background check on my neighbor? who’s gonna pay for it?

Two excellent points...and the most important point....?

How will the government know a background check was done?

That is where the demand, and the actual goal, of gun registration comes in.....
Two excellent points...and the most important point....?

How will the government know a background check was done?

That is where the demand, and the actual goal, of gun registration comes in.....
dembot cultist just parrot their cult leaders without actually thinking about what they are saying…because the reality is they are saying nothing
I would imagine that a "universal" background check is every transaction and a background check is just if you're a dealer. I'm not sure.

We do background checks when we hire folks (I do credentialing which means that lands in my inbox). Something I learned a while back was that there is even a difference in background checks to make matters worse. Some places offer to check court records to see if there are any convictions. Meaning that if a guilty verdict was returned, that would show up. A not-guilty verdict may show up as may a no-bill because there was a an out-of-court settlement. Then there are the jurisdictions. In the county where the check was conducted, there may not be any legal actions. Two counties over (let alone 2 states), you can have multiple warrants that some checks may not reveal. And then there is the whole question of Juvenile record.

Ok.....let's try you out.....

A free phone App.....you punch in the buyers name, birthday, like cops do doing a traffic stop....it will give you info on if they are a felon, or have outstanding warrants.....

Free, simple, no record of the check, anyone can do it....and no gun registration needed......

This is all we need........

Would you support that?
There is a reason why not......the next step will be to demand gun registration, which they will claim is necessary for universal background checks...

They don't care about background checks....they want gun registratin.
The dirty little secret is that they don't care how many people get shot either. Crime and bloodshed is "coin of the realm", 'grist for the mill", for the criminal justice system and the legal system.
so you are advocating for something you aren’t even sure what it is? hahah cultist parroting, parrot cultist
Universal sounds more robust than the other type.

Anything that keeps guns aways from the mentally ill is a good thing. Your bloodlust doesn't matter to me.
Ok.....let's try you out.....

A free phone App.....you punch in the buyers name, birthday, like cops do doing a traffic stop....it will give you info on if they are a felon, or have outstanding warrants.....

Free, simple, no record of the check, anyone can do it....and no gun registration needed......

This is all we need........

Would you support that?
Doesn't go deep enough.

How many times have they been arrested? How many DUIs have they had? How many misdemeanors.
Universal sounds more robust than the other type.

Anything that keeps guns aways from the mentally ill is a good thing. Your bloodlust doesn't matter to me.

You didn't answer post #171

A free phone App.....you punch in the buyers name, birthday, like cops do doing a traffic stop....it will give you info on if they are a felon, or have outstanding warrants.....

Free, simple, no record of the check, anyone can do it....and no gun registration needed......

This is all we need........

Would you support that?
Yup. Too many young men who commit those mass shootings.

Perfect reason why they should raise the minimum age for rifles.
To follow your logic.

Too many idiot 18, 19 and 20 year old vote for Democrats that have an agenda to destroy this country so that is a reason to prevent that age group from voting.

Also, that age group has a disproportionate number of auto accidents because they drive too wild so we should prevent them from driving.
Doesn't go deep enough.

How many times have they been arrested? How many DUIs have they had? How many misdemeanors.

See....you expose yourself.....

One felony is all you need, DUIs don't matter......unless they include a felony. Misdemeanors? Not all create a gun prohibition, but they would show up too.......allowing the gun seller to ask more questions or cancel the sale....

Free....simple, no gun registration needed..........available to all....

The same as cops use when they pull you over and run your license.....enough for them to know if they have to go from a ticket to a felony stop.......
Because there is no background check requirement for face-to-face intrastate sales between residents of the same state. In such a transaction the seller could unknowingly sell a firearm to a prohibited person.
Then we should require background checks before selling a car because you could be selling it to somebody that has a history of DUIs, right?
Then we should require background checks before selling a car because you could be selling it to somebody that has a history of DUIs, right?

And electronic devices....computers, laptops, ipads........sex traffickers and pedophiles use electronic devices for their crimes and when convicted, often are prohibited from using the internet...

So no sale of electronics without a criminal background check.......

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