Why the 2014 Mid-Terms were so unimportant - Nate Silver

1st Hillary's numbers suck and are going down not up,and she isn't helping herself at all.She missed her chance last time.
2nd no the repubs might put up a women
Americans have figured it out. Neither party has any intention of ever balancing the budget or solving any other problems. They are beholden to whoever writes the biggest checks to help them keep their seats in the American Politboro.
Support public financing of elections. When WE write the checks, they'll have listen to us instead of the special interests.

Bad idea, have you learned nothing about government corruption?
1st Hillary's numbers suck and are going down not up,and she isn't helping herself at all.She missed her chance last time.
2nd no the repubs might put up a women

That suggests that you think the chances of a woman being top ticket for one of the parties is higher than 80%, since even with a 20% chance, a 1-2 odds are pretty good.

Interesting then. Suppose instead someone offered just a straight $20 bet on whether there will be a top-ticket woman, would you take that?
Agreed that it's an old story, and offyear second term elections are typically not important, because people generally want change. Gary Hart probably wins in 1988, as a fiscal reformer who has a for policy resume, and progressive (for the times) on social issues. But the dems ended up with a kook. If the gop runs on a tea party/anti-gay/anti-latino platform, the result will be pretty predictable.
1st Hillary's numbers suck and are going down not up,and she isn't helping herself at all.She missed her chance last time.
2nd no the repubs might put up a women

That suggests that you think the chances of a woman being top ticket for one of the parties is higher than 80%, since even with a 20% chance, a 1-2 odds are pretty good.

Interesting then. Suppose instead someone offered just a straight $20 bet on whether there will be a top-ticket woman, would you take that?
No the chances are 20% for ether party,leaning to the repubs to nod a women
1st Hillary's numbers suck and are going down not up,and she isn't helping herself at all.She missed her chance last time.
2nd no the repubs might put up a women

That suggests that you think the chances of a woman being top ticket for one of the parties is higher than 80%, since even with a 20% chance, a 1-2 odds are pretty good.

Interesting then. Suppose instead someone offered just a straight $20 bet on whether there will be a top-ticket woman, would you take that?
No the chances are 20% for ether party,leaning to the repubs to nod a women

Interesting. Highly risk averse apparently or you don't really take that 80-20 claim seriously. Ok. Suppose someone offered to make a bet with you that the Democrats will nominate a woman where you get $10 if they don't and you pay $20 if they do, would you take that?
1st Hillary's numbers suck and are going down not up,and she isn't helping herself at all.She missed her chance last time.
2nd no the repubs might put up a women

That suggests that you think the chances of a woman being top ticket for one of the parties is higher than 80%, since even with a 20% chance, a 1-2 odds are pretty good.

Interesting then. Suppose instead someone offered just a straight $20 bet on whether there will be a top-ticket woman, would you take that?
No the chances are 20% for ether party,leaning to the repubs to nod a women

1st Hillary's numbers suck and are going down not up,and she isn't helping herself at all.She missed her chance last time.
2nd no the repubs might put up a women

That suggests that you think the chances of a woman being top ticket for one of the parties is higher than 80%, since even with a 20% chance, a 1-2 odds are pretty good.

Interesting then. Suppose instead someone offered just a straight $20 bet on whether there will be a top-ticket woman, would you take that?
No the chances are 20% for ether party,leaning to the repubs to nod a women

One more then I'm curious about. If someone offered to make a bet where you got paid $10 if the Democratic nominee was not Hillary and you paid $20 if it is Hillary, would you take it?
1st Hillary's numbers suck and are going down not up,and she isn't helping herself at all.She missed her chance last time.
2nd no the repubs might put up a women

That suggests that you think the chances of a woman being top ticket for one of the parties is higher than 80%, since even with a 20% chance, a 1-2 odds are pretty good.

Interesting then. Suppose instead someone offered just a straight $20 bet on whether there will be a top-ticket woman, would you take that?
No the chances are 20% for ether party,leaning to the repubs to nod a women

Interesting. Highly risk averse apparently or you don't really take that 80-20 claim seriously. Ok. Suppose someone offered to make a bet with you that the Democrats will nominate a woman where you get $10 if they don't and you pay $20 if they do, would you take that?
betting on on which way political winds will blow so far out is risky and generally foolish.
1st Hillary's numbers suck and are going down not up,and she isn't helping herself at all.She missed her chance last time.
2nd no the repubs might put up a women

That suggests that you think the chances of a woman being top ticket for one of the parties is higher than 80%, since even with a 20% chance, a 1-2 odds are pretty good.

Interesting then. Suppose instead someone offered just a straight $20 bet on whether there will be a top-ticket woman, would you take that?
No the chances are 20% for ether party,leaning to the repubs to nod a women

One more then I'm curious about. If someone offered to make a bet where you got paid $10 if the Democratic nominee was not Hillary and you paid $20 if it is Hillary, would you take it?
That and your rewards/risk ratio is lopsided,a fools bet.
1st Hillary's numbers suck and are going down not up,and she isn't helping herself at all.She missed her chance last time.
2nd no the repubs might put up a women

That suggests that you think the chances of a woman being top ticket for one of the parties is higher than 80%, since even with a 20% chance, a 1-2 odds are pretty good.

Interesting then. Suppose instead someone offered just a straight $20 bet on whether there will be a top-ticket woman, would you take that?
No the chances are 20% for ether party,leaning to the repubs to nod a women

Interesting. Highly risk averse apparently or you don't really take that 80-20 claim seriously. Ok. Suppose someone offered to make a bet with you that the Democrats will nominate a woman where you get $10 if they don't and you pay $20 if they do, would you take that?
betting on on which way political winds will blow so far out is risky and generally foolish.

*shrug* you could have said that the first time. But let's be clear here: that means that when you said 80-20, you don't really mean 80-20. You mean something much closer to 50-50 with maybe a slight lean. Because that would fact in the potential for wind blowing in other directions. This is a big part of why I ask people to bet, it does an excellent job reflecting when their claimed certainties aren't really nearly as certain as they say.
The 2014 Election Is the Least Important in Years FiveThirtyEight

Yes, the Republicans worst nightmare is back. Nate Silverman calls them the way he sees them. He is a impartial political scientist and leaves partisanship at the door. He predictions are hardly ever wrong. This is a great read!

The 2014 elections turned out as expected. The turnout was historically low. In 2016, with a woman for the first time at the top of a political ticket, you can expect a record turnout. Not so good for the GOP.......

Wow, they were so meaningless that you're STILL talking about them.

Thread FAIL.
The 2014 Election Is the Least Important in Years FiveThirtyEight

Yes, the Republicans worst nightmare is back. Nate Silverman calls them the way he sees them. He is a impartial political scientist and leaves partisanship at the door. He predictions are hardly ever wrong. This is a great read!

The 2014 elections turned out as expected. The turnout was historically low. In 2016, with a woman for the first time at the top of a political ticket, you can expect a record turnout. Not so good for the GOP.......
Nate Silverman widely missed the mark in the UK general election, so he is hardly infallible.

The 2014 US election had the lowest voter turnout in 72 years, and the GOP always does well in low voter turnout elections. Thus, they do their best to suppress turnout.

As for 2016, there is no way it will have a record turnout. It will have a higher turnout than 2014, only because it is a presidential election. But it will probably have the lowest turnout in a presidential year since WWII.

America is sick of both parties. Barely a third of voters voted last time, and I would be very surprised if half vote in 2016. We will have a choice of an utterly corrupt Hillary Clinton or a Republican with his head up his ass.

Americans have figured it out. Neither party has any intention of ever balancing the budget or solving any other problems. They are beholden to whoever writes the biggest checks to help them keep their seats in the American Politboro.

How can you honestly say 2016 will have the "lowest turnout in a presidential election since WWII?" With a woman at the top of the ticket for the first time in US History, the female vote will be huge and the RW loons will be drooling all the way to the polls. As for the UK, everyone drastically miscalculated that election. But Silver know US politics.

I say it because the woman at the top of the ticket will be Hillary Clinton.

Lowest turnout in a presidential election since WWII. Book it.
1st Hillary's numbers suck and are going down not up,and she isn't helping herself at all.She missed her chance last time.
2nd no the repubs might put up a women

That suggests that you think the chances of a woman being top ticket for one of the parties is higher than 80%, since even with a 20% chance, a 1-2 odds are pretty good.

Interesting then. Suppose instead someone offered just a straight $20 bet on whether there will be a top-ticket woman, would you take that?
No the chances are 20% for ether party,leaning to the repubs to nod a women

One more then I'm curious about. If someone offered to make a bet where you got paid $10 if the Democratic nominee was not Hillary and you paid $20 if it is Hillary, would you take it?
That and your rewards/risk ratio is lopsided,a fools bet.

Really? It is consistent with the probabilities you claimed. If you really think there's almost no chance of Hillary winning the nomination, that's a great ratio. But if you wanted, I would be sincerely interested in a purely 20-20 bet on the matter. Are you even confident enough to take that or are your claimed probabilities simply a way for you to shout boo! at candidates you don't like?
1st Hillary's numbers suck and are going down not up,and she isn't helping herself at all.She missed her chance last time.
2nd no the repubs might put up a women

That suggests that you think the chances of a woman being top ticket for one of the parties is higher than 80%, since even with a 20% chance, a 1-2 odds are pretty good.

Interesting then. Suppose instead someone offered just a straight $20 bet on whether there will be a top-ticket woman, would you take that?
No the chances are 20% for ether party,leaning to the repubs to nod a women

Interesting. Highly risk averse apparently or you don't really take that 80-20 claim seriously. Ok. Suppose someone offered to make a bet with you that the Democrats will nominate a woman where you get $10 if they don't and you pay $20 if they do, would you take that?
betting on on which way political winds will blow so far out is risky and generally foolish.

*shrug* you could have said that the first time. But let's be clear here: that means that when you said 80-20, you don't really mean 80-20. You mean something much closer to 50-50 with maybe a slight lean. Because that would fact in the potential for wind blowing in other directions. This is a big part of why I ask people to bet, it does an excellent job reflecting when their claimed certainties aren't really nearly as certain as they say.
No 80/20 this isn't hard and i did say it the 1st time 80/20 20 % chance a women for ether party leaning right
Nate Silverman widely missed the mark in the UK general election, so he is hardly infallible.

The 2014 US election had the lowest voter turnout in 72 years, and the GOP always does well in low voter turnout elections. Thus, they do their best to suppress turnout.

As for 2016, there is no way it will have a record turnout. It will have a higher turnout than 2014, only because it is a presidential election. But it will probably have the lowest turnout in a presidential year since WWII.

America is sick of both parties. Barely a third of voters voted last time, and I would be very surprised if half vote in 2016. We will have a choice of an utterly corrupt Hillary Clinton or a Republican with his head up his ass.

Americans have figured it out. Neither party has any intention of ever balancing the budget or solving any other problems. They are beholden to whoever writes the biggest checks to help them keep their seats in the American Politboro.

Point about the UK general seems accurate. Most of the rest seems off.

I'm curious, 1996 had a voter turnout of 49%. If someone offered to bet you $20 that voter turnout percentage for this election will be at least 49%, would you take it?
Yes, I would take that bet.

Who was on the ticket in 1996?

Another Clinton. You have to go all the way back to 1924 to find a lower turnout.
1st Hillary's numbers suck and are going down not up,and she isn't helping herself at all.She missed her chance last time.
2nd no the repubs might put up a women

That suggests that you think the chances of a woman being top ticket for one of the parties is higher than 80%, since even with a 20% chance, a 1-2 odds are pretty good.

Interesting then. Suppose instead someone offered just a straight $20 bet on whether there will be a top-ticket woman, would you take that?
No the chances are 20% for ether party,leaning to the repubs to nod a women

One more then I'm curious about. If someone offered to make a bet where you got paid $10 if the Democratic nominee was not Hillary and you paid $20 if it is Hillary, would you take it?
That and your rewards/risk ratio is lopsided,a fools bet.

Really? It is consistent with the probabilities you claimed. If you really think there's almost no chance of Hillary winning the nomination, that's a great ratio. But if you wanted, I would be sincerely interested in a purely 20-20 bet on the matter. Are you even confident enough to take that or are your claimed probabilities simply a way for you to shout boo! at candidates you don't like?
So how are you going to pay up when you lose? I stand by 80/20
The 2014 Election Is the Least Important in Years FiveThirtyEight

Yes, the Republicans worst nightmare is back. Nate Silverman calls them the way he sees them. He is a impartial political scientist and leaves partisanship at the door. He predictions are hardly ever wrong. This is a great read!

The 2014 elections turned out as expected. The turnout was historically low. In 2016, with a woman for the first time at the top of a political ticket, you can expect a record turnout. Not so good for the GOP.......
Nate Silverman widely missed the mark in the UK general election, so he is hardly infallible.

The 2014 US election had the lowest voter turnout in 72 years, and the GOP always does well in low voter turnout elections. Thus, they do their best to suppress turnout.

As for 2016, there is no way it will have a record turnout. It will have a higher turnout than 2014, only because it is a presidential election. But it will probably have the lowest turnout in a presidential year since WWII.

America is sick of both parties. Barely a third of voters voted last time, and I would be very surprised if half vote in 2016. We will have a choice of an utterly corrupt Hillary Clinton or a Republican with his head up his ass.

Americans have figured it out. Neither party has any intention of ever balancing the budget or solving any other problems. They are beholden to whoever writes the biggest checks to help them keep their seats in the American Politboro.

How can you honestly say 2016 will have the "lowest turnout in a presidential election since WWII?" With a woman at the top of the ticket for the first time in US History, the female vote will be huge and the RW loons will be drooling all the way to the polls. As for the UK, everyone drastically miscalculated that election. But Silver know US politics.

I say it because the woman at the top of the ticket will be Hillary Clinton.

Lowest turnout in a presidential election since WWII. Book it.
Every single one of you people were saying the same thing in 08 how did that work out?
Low turn out ,you may be correct.
The 2014 Election Is the Least Important in Years FiveThirtyEight

Yes, the Republicans worst nightmare is back. Nate Silverman calls them the way he sees them. He is a impartial political scientist and leaves partisanship at the door. He predictions are hardly ever wrong. This is a great read!

The 2014 elections turned out as expected. The turnout was historically low. In 2016, with a woman for the first time at the top of a political ticket, you can expect a record turnout. Not so good for the GOP.......

Yup........the turnout will go up to keep the last 7 years from ever happening again.....

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