Why the hell are we having Muslim hearings?

Still working hard, I see. You're insatiable.

Get well soon.

Get a new line and obsess over someone else Hagitha.. I'm not interested. I don't swing your way..

Gay women thruout the world thank you.

So, I saw that yesterday was a very interesting day for you.....both of you. :eusa_whistle:

Get well soon.

You're completely boring and lame but whatever tickles your vibe.. I'm glad gay women don't give a damn about me. .. who gives a shit anyhow?! Later Hagitha~
Get a new line and obsess over someone else Hagitha.. I'm not interested. I don't swing your way..

Gay women thruout the world thank you.

So, I saw that yesterday was a very interesting day for you.....both of you. :eusa_whistle:

Get well soon.

You're completely boring and lame but whatever tickles your vibe.. I'm glad gay women don't give a damn about me. .. who gives a shit anyhow?! Later Hagitha~

Well, yesterday YOU weren't boring. I must say......Neither of you were boring..

Get well soon.
Open hearings are as American as you can get. And if someone says something at an open hearing that may offend someone and they don't like it, well then fuck them. If you are not open to criticism then go back to where you came from and see if they allow open ANYTHING over there.

Don't they already have open hearings on the various aspects of homeland security?
You think these same people would be protesting as much if these were hearings on right wing extremism or right wing terrorism.

somehow I doubt it.

LOL and I doubt that these right wingers defending the current hearings would be defending hearings on rigthwing extremism or right wing terrorism.

Amazing how easy roles reverse when the subject is changed. LOL
lol,You leftwing loons can lick the balls of the muslim scum,In the end they will kill you anyway!
I guess I haven't been paying attention, but wtf are we doing this for...what goal are we trying to accomplish?

And then this stupid Republican from California comes out and says they are no different than having hearings on Nazis or the KKK???

It was not hearings on muslims. It was about the radical muslims in America and what threat they pose to all citizens.

Here are some things I learned;
If your kids come home and take down all the pictures, or sets loose their dogs find out what's going on. there was a father of a kid that got radicalised at college. When he came home he took down his life long pic of MLK. Then ended up killing himself, even though he was raised christian, he had converted. (dogs are unclean to muslims)

Samali immagrants are intimidated by the immams into not seeking help from the police. A small community had 21 teens go missing, when they went to the immams for help, they told them to stop looking and if they went to the cops they would damn the whole family to hell, get sent to gitmo and the teen would never be seen again.

this kind of crap was unkown to me before the hearing. If I had any idea my fellow Americans were being treated in this fashion I would have wanted something done earlier.

sadly, to many on the left are hung up on racism and that King supported the IRA back in 1985.

that will simply compound the problem. Personnally I'd rather help and hurt some feelings than hear about another kid killing himself and others since we wanted to be sensitive.
You think these same people would be protesting as much if these were hearings on right wing extremism or right wing terrorism.

somehow I doubt it.

LOL and I doubt that these right wingers defending the current hearings would be defending hearings on rigthwing extremism or right wing terrorism.

Amazing how easy roles reverse when the subject is changed. LOL
lol,You leftwing loons can lick the balls of the muslim scum,In the end they will kill you anyway!

Nice imagery, there... :uhoh3:

Can you give a particular reason why these same Muslim American leaders can't already be heard at other various congressional hearings related to homeland security without creating a separate hearing targeting only a certain segment of our population...?
LOL and I doubt that these right wingers defending the current hearings would be defending hearings on rigthwing extremism or right wing terrorism.

Amazing how easy roles reverse when the subject is changed. LOL

Well when rightwingers start blowing us up and killing innocent folks going about their busy days.... lets hold hearing to look into christian churches.

As a group, American Muslims are exceptionally law abiding

More facts you just made up, cool....

As a whole, American Muslims are higher educated than a typical American

lol,Every muslim believes that the evil pig muhammad( who raped little girls,caravan thief,cold blooded killer) was a real prophet.That alone proves what brainwashed backward savages all muslims are,I will do NO business with the islamic pigs!
All loyal Americans should do no business with these muzzie savage vermin.The whole point of islam as printed in the evil quran is to force it on the rest of the world.With PRIDE I HATE islam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks all for trying, but no one really gave a good answer.

In my view all these hearings will accomplish is the demonization of a group of Americans that are as a majority not in any way connected to terrorists.

Bad things happen when groups are demonized and I am ashamed of our politicians for taking this route.

It's called fearmongering. Standard poitical tactic of the GOP for years. It didn't work on the American people in 2008, but I gues since the GOP has won back the House, they figured it might work again?
Oh, yeah, from the people who brought you...




THAT'S fear mongering...in fact, it's very much like blood libel.

Fear mongering is NOT pointing out danger where danger exists...i.e., it isn't "fear mongering" to point out that every country Islam has invaded, and every single country that suffers under Sharia law, is a festering boil of human degradation and death. That's an observation of something that's, well, true and observable.

Making shit up, then THAT'S fear mongering, besides being a false premise.
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Thanks all for trying, but no one really gave a good answer.

In my view all these hearings will accomplish is the demonization of a group of Americans that are as a majority not in any way connected to terrorists.

Bad things happen when groups are demonized and I am ashamed of our politicians for taking this route.

It's called fearmongering. Standard poitical tactic of the GOP for years. It didn't work on the American people in 2008, but I gues since the GOP has won back the House, they figured it might work again?

Both of you are full of shit.

Did either of you even whatch part of the hearing?

Did you miss the part where immams terrorise immagrants to THIS COUNTRY into not talking to the cops when their kids are taken?

Why do you want this to continue?

Why are you OK with an America immagrant living in fear?

The racism fear mongering crap is a fucking lie.
Oh, yeah, from the people who brought you...




THAT'S fear mongering...in fact, it's very much like blood libel.

Fear mongering is NOT pointing out danger where danger exists...i.e., it isn't "fear mongering" to point out that every country Islam has invaded, and every single country that suffers under Sharia law, is a festering boil of human degradation and death. That's an observation of something that's, well, true and observable.

Making shit up, then THAT'S fear mongering, besides being a false premise.

Blood libel like "death panels" perhaps?
Thanks all for trying, but no one really gave a good answer.

In my view all these hearings will accomplish is the demonization of a group of Americans that are as a majority not in any way connected to terrorists.

Bad things happen when groups are demonized and I am ashamed of our politicians for taking this route.

It's called fearmongering. Standard poitical tactic of the GOP for years. It didn't work on the American people in 2008, but I gues since the GOP has won back the House, they figured it might work again?

Both of you are full of shit.

Did either of you even whatch part of the hearing?

Did you miss the part where immams terrorise immagrants to THIS COUNTRY into not talking to the cops when their kids are taken?

Why do you want this to continue?

Why are you OK with an America immagrant living in fear?

The racism fear mongering crap is a fucking lie.

So, where are the hearings on the Timothy McVeighs and Ted Kaczinskis of the US?
Oh, yeah, from the people who brought you...




THAT'S fear mongering...in fact, it's very much like blood libel.

Fear mongering is NOT pointing out danger where danger exists...i.e., it isn't "fear mongering" to point out that every country Islam has invaded, and every single country that suffers under Sharia law, is a festering boil of human degradation and death. That's an observation of something that's, well, true and observable.

Making shit up, then THAT'S fear mongering, besides being a false premise.

Blood libel like "death panels" perhaps?

No. Like they took 21 of our local kids away and sent them to samlia to become radical terrorist. And when we asked our Immams where they where, we were told not to go to the police b/c we would get put into gitmo, all mosques would be closed in America and our families would go to hell.

But I guess you are OK with this going on in America.
It's called fearmongering. Standard poitical tactic of the GOP for years. It didn't work on the American people in 2008, but I gues since the GOP has won back the House, they figured it might work again?

Both of you are full of shit.

Did either of you even whatch part of the hearing?

Did you miss the part where immams terrorise immagrants to THIS COUNTRY into not talking to the cops when their kids are taken?

Why do you want this to continue?

Why are you OK with an America immagrant living in fear?

The racism fear mongering crap is a fucking lie.

So, where are the hearings on the Timothy McVeighs and Ted Kaczinskis of the US?

Typical lib deflection tactic. Can't repond to the facts so bring up another subject.


McVeigh is dead.

But neither has/had the support of a vast international group bent on the destruction of everything that is not like them.

Either way, I'd be willing to bet the FBI/ATF is already investigating them so there is no need to expose them with a hearing.
It's called fearmongering. Standard poitical tactic of the GOP for years. It didn't work on the American people in 2008, but I gues since the GOP has won back the House, they figured it might work again?

Both of you are full of shit.

Did either of you even whatch part of the hearing?

Did you miss the part where immams terrorise immagrants to THIS COUNTRY into not talking to the cops when their kids are taken?

Why do you want this to continue?

Why are you OK with an America immagrant living in fear?

The racism fear mongering crap is a fucking lie.

So, where are the hearings on the Timothy McVeighs and Ted Kaczinskis of the US?

Right here-


Washington, DC, July 11, 1995...The threat of the fanatical anti-Federal Government militias was the focus of Anti-Defamation League (ADL) expert testimony today at a public hearing on the connection between the militia movement and racist hate groups. Thomas Halpern, Acting Director of the ADL Fact Finding Department, told the hearing, "America Under the Gun: The Militia Movement and Hate Groups in America," that since the Oklahoma City bombing, membership in the anti-democratic, paranoid militias has grown nationwide.

Today's hearing was convened by U.S. Rep. Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) after he, Secretary of the Treasury Robert E. Rubin and others -- including ADL -- met with resistance to their requests for Congressional hearings on the militia movement, in view of the already scheduled extensive House investigation on supposed Government abuses during the 1993 events at the Branch Davidian compound near Waco, Texas. Concerned about the increasing harassment and violence by the militias, Schumer, the Ranking Democrat on the House Crime Subcommittee, provided a forum for specialists, victims of militia intimidation and others to testify unofficially.

Halpern testified how some militia strategists have advised groups "to organize into small units designed to be less susceptible to detection, monitoring and infiltration by law enforcement." Known as "leaderless resistance," this approach is a concept promoted by the former leader of the Texas Ku Klux Klan and other far right figures.

ADL has issued two reports on the militias: Armed and Dangerous: Militias Take Aim at the Federal Government, published in October 1994 -- months before the Oklahoma City bombing -- and Beyond the Bombing: The Militia Menace Grows, released last month. Halpern said the "first report on militias noted that a number of militia figures have histories of bigotry. The current survey confirms that some militia propaganda continues to exhibit an anti-Semitic strain that could well become more pervasive among militia groups as a result of the movement's obsessive conspiracy-mongering."

Stating the chief responsibility for keeping on top of the militia threat plainly rests with the law enforcement arm of the government, Halpern said. ADL urges states that do not have anti-paramilitary training statutes to seriously consider implementing them. In the 1980's, ADL drafted a model anti-paramilitary training statute in response to a proliferation of paramilitary training camps then being operated by the KKK and other racist groups in clandestine training centers in several states. The ADL model statute provides for criminal penalties.

Editor's Note: Copies of the reports are available on-line on Nexis, code search USNWR, and from the ADL Public Relations Department.

The Anti-Defamation League, founded in 1913, is the world's leading organization fighting anti-Semitism through programs and services that counteract hatred, prejudice and bigotry.
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I guess I haven't been paying attention, but wtf are we doing this for...what goal are we trying to accomplish?

And then this stupid Republican from California comes out and says they are no different than having hearings on Nazis or the KKK???

He's trying to pizz off every muslim in the US. That's the only motive I can see in the way the hearing played out. No information, just a couple stories parents who had stupid kids.
I guess I haven't been paying attention, but wtf are we doing this for...what goal are we trying to accomplish?

And then this stupid Republican from California comes out and says they are no different than having hearings on Nazis or the KKK???

He's trying to pizz off every muslim in the US. That's the only motive I can see in the way the hearing played out. No information, just a couple stories parents who had stupid kids.

So you are cool with kids getting kidnapped.

Nice to know

curious, How would you feel if you were threatened into not calling the cops by your community leaders if your kid went missing?
But conduct a hearing on how many in the Christian religion bully their way in State and Federal Legislation and hear the "victim" cry.
It goes both ways.
Both of you are full of shit.

Did either of you even whatch part of the hearing?

Did you miss the part where immams terrorise immagrants to THIS COUNTRY into not talking to the cops when their kids are taken?

Why do you want this to continue?

Why are you OK with an America immagrant living in fear?

The racism fear mongering crap is a fucking lie.

So, where are the hearings on the Timothy McVeighs and Ted Kaczinskis of the US?

Typical lib deflection tactic. Can't repond to the facts so bring up another subject.


McVeigh is dead.

But neither has/had the support of a vast international group bent on the destruction of everything that is not like them.

Either way, I'd be willing to bet the FBI/ATF is already investigating them so there is no need to expose them with a hearing.

Defending Islam requires deflection distortion and lies .Its all they have.

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