Why the hell are we having Muslim hearings?

PS.........Great Britain has tried this silly-ass experiment and now they are fcukked.

King doesnt want us to be next given all the PC fcukupedness going on in America. Make no mistake.........Al-Queda coould be marching down Main Street in your town and assholes like RDean, Ravi and Rightwinger would be out setting up fruit stands and welcoming committees for the terrorists.

Fucking A they'll gut them, film it, put it on YouTube, and laugh their asses off while doing it.

The liberal losers are the ones they see as the enemies. It's classic that the nitwits want to allow them to slaughter at will, as they are the primary targets.

It's sort of the way overcrowded rats act...they become really self destructive and bizarro, suicidal and homicidal and cannibalistic. They remind me of libs.
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You think these same people would be protesting as much if these were hearings on right wing extremism or right wing terrorism.

somehow I doubt it.

LOL and I doubt that these right wingers defending the current hearings would be defending hearings on rigthwing extremism or right wing terrorism.

Amazing how easy roles reverse when the subject is changed. LOL
Maybe things like the stuff below might give you a clue why we need hearings......


The Council on American-Islamic Relations said it will remove a poster from the group's website promoting an upcoming conference that encourages people not to talk to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The poster, which appeared on the website of CAIR’s California chapter, features a sinister-looking FBI agent with the headlines “Build a Wall of Resistance” and “Don’t Talk to the FBI.” The poster was designed in the late 1970s or early 1980s and has been reproduced by various groups and activists since then in response to alleged harassment by the FBI and to protest grand jury subpoenas.

“I think it’s subject to misinterpretation,” spokesman Ibrahim Hooper told Fox News Radio when speaking about the poster. “We decided out of extreme caution to take it down.”

So should the government have hearings about militia groups and right wing extremists who don't trust the government??
The GOP had and still have no ideas on how to turn around the economy or help to create jobs, so since taking back the House, they have orchestrated a number of initiatives that they and the Tea Party feel are much more important, such as redefining the defition of rape. Now, they have moved onto fear mongering and singling out a group based on their religious beliefs. I am REALLY starting to wonder if any of them remember why our founding fathers came here in the first place.:eusa_eh:

Wow and to think I used to take your posts seriously?

what happened to you VaYank?

If my comments don't make sense just ask yourself how a republican house can affect any changes in the laws when the senate and presidency are controlled by their opposition?

Wow more of the same. you can't deal with the content so you go after the poster and then make lame excuses as to why the republicans are catering to their base focusing on social issues and fear mongering instead of doing what they campaigned on. LOL

I think the spread of Islam and terrorism in the US constitutes a social and safety issue.

But you apparently don't.

That says all I need to know about you. To the left line, please, to pick up your standard abortion kit, DNA testing kit, how to blow yourself up manual, and a list of local terrorists who need safe housing.
Maybe things like the stuff below might give you a clue why we need hearings......


The Council on American-Islamic Relations said it will remove a poster from the group's website promoting an upcoming conference that encourages people not to talk to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The poster, which appeared on the website of CAIR’s California chapter, features a sinister-looking FBI agent with the headlines “Build a Wall of Resistance” and “Don’t Talk to the FBI.” The poster was designed in the late 1970s or early 1980s and has been reproduced by various groups and activists since then in response to alleged harassment by the FBI and to protest grand jury subpoenas.

“I think it’s subject to misinterpretation,” spokesman Ibrahim Hooper told Fox News Radio when speaking about the poster. “We decided out of extreme caution to take it down.”

So should the government have hearings about militia groups and right wing extremists who don't trust the government??

They're Christians. They have no such obligation(s).....​

"Imagine a young man, a Muslim, who changes in troubling ways. His two best friends become concerned, then alarmed, as the young man abandons Western dress, displays a newfound religiosity and begins to echo jihadist rhetoric about the decadence of American society. Both friends suspect that the young man has become radicalized and might even attempt some kind of terrorist attack.

One friend is Muslim, the other Christian. Does the Muslim friend have a greater responsibility than the Christian to contact the authorities? By the logic of King's witch hunt, he does."

When you're talkin' right wing extremists, you're venturing-into the whole "family-values" zone....and, that'd be UN-American.....

Open hearings are as American as you can get. And if someone says something at an open hearing that may offend someone and they don't like it, well then fuck them. If you are not open to criticism then go back to where you came from and see if they allow open ANYTHING over there.
Maybe things like the stuff below might give you a clue why we need hearings......


The Council on American-Islamic Relations said it will remove a poster from the group's website promoting an upcoming conference that encourages people not to talk to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The poster, which appeared on the website of CAIR’s California chapter, features a sinister-looking FBI agent with the headlines “Build a Wall of Resistance” and “Don’t Talk to the FBI.” The poster was designed in the late 1970s or early 1980s and has been reproduced by various groups and activists since then in response to alleged harassment by the FBI and to protest grand jury subpoenas.

“I think it’s subject to misinterpretation,” spokesman Ibrahim Hooper told Fox News Radio when speaking about the poster. “We decided out of extreme caution to take it down.”

So should the government have hearings about militia groups and right wing extremists who don't trust the government??

They already have.
KKK ring any bells?

We have. It's how we determined they truly are scumbags.

Same thing happened with the Nazis. And the Mormons.

And now it will happen with Islam. It's a putrid festering human-rights-violating cult that spreads nothing but death and depravity. And now finally people are starting to recognize that.

Are you saying because some Muslims are terrorist and violate human rights, all Muslims are scumbags?

Sa'id Raja'i-Khorassani, the Permanent Delegate to the United Nations from the Islamic Republic of Iran, declared, according to Amir Taheri, that "the very concept of human rights was 'a Judeo-Christian invention' and inadmissible in Islam. . . . According to Ayatollah Khomeini, one of the Shah's 'most despicable sins' was the fact that Iran was one of the original group of nations that drafted and approved the Universal Declaration of Human Rights."

So you quote the extremists to define the whole. Got it. So why was it wrong with the left tried to do that with the tea party??
PS.........Great Britain has tried this silly-ass experiment and now they are fcukked.

King doesnt want us to be next given all the PC fcukupedness going on in America. Make no mistake.........Al-Queda coould be marching down Main Street in your town and assholes like RDean, Ravi and Rightwinger would be out setting up fruit stands and welcoming committees for the terrorists.

Fucking A they'll gut them, film it, put it on YouTube, and laugh their asses off while doing it.

The liberal losers are the ones they see as the enemies. It's classic that the nitwits want to allow them to slaughter at will, as they are the primary targets.

It's sort of the way overcrowded rats act...they become really self destructive and bizarro, suicidal and homicidal and cannibalistic. They remind me of libs.

LMAO!! Great analogy!!
Fuck the leftists.. Give them half of the country and FUCK EM.. They can take all the welfare recipients, all the muslims which happens to include TERROR TYPES, you know like the shitweed in the Ft. Hood masacre??!! I'm so sick of these liberals and their destructive BULLSHIT. It's time to separate from these scum.. Let them make it on their own with all of their leftist policies.. They'll crash and burn in less than a year.. FUCK EM!
Maybe things like the stuff below might give you a clue why we need hearings......


The Council on American-Islamic Relations said it will remove a poster from the group's website promoting an upcoming conference that encourages people not to talk to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The poster, which appeared on the website of CAIR’s California chapter, features a sinister-looking FBI agent with the headlines “Build a Wall of Resistance” and “Don’t Talk to the FBI.” The poster was designed in the late 1970s or early 1980s and has been reproduced by various groups and activists since then in response to alleged harassment by the FBI and to protest grand jury subpoenas.
Gee.....how convenient....having a FAUX Noise History re-writer scripting your talking-points......




"Ya' hear THAT, boys.....“Don’t Talk to the FBI” was a late 1970s or early 1980s thang??!!!"

Fuck the leftists.. Give them half of the country and FUCK EM.. They can take all the welfare recipients, all the muslims which happens to include TERROR TYPES, you know like the shitweed in the Ft. Hood masacre??!! I'm so sick of these liberals and their destructive BULLSHIT. It's time to separate from these scum.. Let them make it on their own with all of their leftist policies.. They'll crash and burn in less than a year.. FUCK EM!

Still working hard, I see. You're insatiable.

Get well soon.
Wow and to think I used to take your posts seriously?

what happened to you VaYank?

If my comments don't make sense just ask yourself how a republican house can affect any changes in the laws when the senate and presidency are controlled by their opposition?

Wow more of the same. you can't deal with the content so you go after the poster and then make lame excuses as to why the republicans are catering to their base focusing on social issues and fear mongering instead of doing what they campaigned on. LOL

I think the spread of Islam and terrorism in the US constitutes a social and safety issue.

But you apparently don't.

That says all I need to know about you. To the left line, please, to pick up your standard abortion kit, DNA testing kit, how to blow yourself up manual, and a list of local terrorists who need safe housing.
They ARE ALL out to get you, Allie. ALL OF THEM!!!!
Fuck the leftists.. Give them half of the country and FUCK EM.. They can take all the welfare recipients, all the muslims which happens to include TERROR TYPES, you know like the shitweed in the Ft. Hood masacre??!! I'm so sick of these liberals and their destructive BULLSHIT. It's time to separate from these scum.. Let them make it on their own with all of their leftist policies.. They'll crash and burn in less than a year.. FUCK EM!

Still working hard, I see. You're insatiable.

Get well soon.

Get a new line and obsess over someone else Hagitha.. I'm not interested. I don't swing your way..
In other words, because certain terrorist attacks were carried out by Muslim fundamentalists, it is okay to hold hearings investigating Muslims in our country to determine how widespread this fundamentalism may run. The flaw in this argument is that it fails to realize that there are millions of (non-terrorist) Muslim Americans who are part of our society. A further flaw in the argument is the assumption that the few terrorists speak for this larger group. Today, there are more Muslims in America than either Episcopalians or Presbyterians.

Instead of hearings that are already inciting protests and creating an us-versus-them atmosphere, why can't we instead open up more avenues for productive inter-religious dialogue? And by dialogue, I don't mean accusatory congressional hearings. An open-minded dialogue among participants of different faiths starts to reveal some interesting things: parallels among the religions, influences between them, and lessons that we can learn from them.

Jeffrey Small: Begin a Christian-Muslim Dialogue, Not Congressional Hearings

^^^ This
Fuck the leftists.. Give them half of the country and FUCK EM.. They can take all the welfare recipients, all the muslims which happens to include TERROR TYPES, you know like the shitweed in the Ft. Hood masacre??!! I'm so sick of these liberals and their destructive BULLSHIT. It's time to separate from these scum.. Let them make it on their own with all of their leftist policies.. They'll crash and burn in less than a year.. FUCK EM!

Still working hard, I see. You're insatiable.

Get well soon.

Get a new line and obsess over someone else Hagitha.. I'm not interested. I don't swing your way..

Gay women thruout the world thank you.

So, I saw that yesterday was a very interesting day for you.....both of you. :eusa_whistle:

Get well soon.

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