Why the hell are we having Muslim hearings?

Sad watching people try to use pseudo-intellect to explain their bigotry.

I wish I'd just hear honesty.

"I hate them because they don't share my God."
Those kids weren't kidnapped. They were convinced the radicals had a just cause and acted on that. If some community leader advised him to not call the cops when his kid disappeared and he followed that advice, then not only was his kid stupid, but so was the parent. Community leaders can advise you anything, but here in America, the final decision on what you do or don't do is up to you.

You truly are speaking w/o a single clue as to the real world.

These people are isolated and are deeply faithful. The only thing they are familiar with as an authority figure is the immams. When they tell you not to do something or your whole family will go to hell, you beleive them. They have not had the chance to assimalate.

And thanks for confirming that you're cool with kids getting murdered so we don't hurt anyones feelings.

Same thing some radical christian parents do when they don't take their dying kid to the doctor for proper treatment because of their religion. Bullshit deflection. Another pussy that can't face facts so he has to lie. When was the last time these radical christians went on a killing spree? hint; never.

Blindly following the twisted way their religious book tells them to act.

However since they have the same god as you,Lie based on a false assumption. Im not a christian or a jew. you don't want to have taxpayer dollars wasted on a forum on christianity. Priests raping kids, there were trials, or did you miss that. KKK,the klan? it's be 50-60 years since that killed anyone. And yeah, they were and are investigated. aryan brotherhood, just as dumb as bringing up the klan.parents avoiding taking sick kids to the doctor, abortion clinic bombers, What is the name of the vast organisation that blows up these places? those things should all be handled individually but not the overall religion.

There's truly no major issue in America I can think of where republicans and democrats aren't hypocritical.

So you are all for letting immagrants and muslim stay under the thumb of the radicals in their midst.

Didn't know you hated muslims that much.

Me, I think of them as in danger and want to help them get rid of this cancer. Since most of them are good people living in fear.
This is the Rabbit Hole the Right Wing wants to take us down.

Ill ask you both.

Where is the vast multinational multi billion dollar organisation that controls the rapists and murderer in America?

I see, so a multi-billion dollar organization is now what we use to judge 2 billion people.

So if Bill Gates does something, that means all americans do it.

Try again


all you do is prove that you don't care that people are living in fear.

Fear of their fellow muslims
Fear to come forward

Tell me. Why do you hate muslims so much that you would leave them to be abused like this?
You truly are speaking w/o a single clue as to the real world.

These people are isolated and are deeply faithful. The only thing they are familiar with as an authority figure is the immams. When they tell you not to do something or your whole family will go to hell, you beleive them. They have not had the chance to assimalate.

And thanks for confirming that you're cool with kids getting murdered so we don't hurt anyones feelings.

Same thing some radical christian parents do when they don't take their dying kid to the doctor for proper treatment because of their religion. Bullshit deflection. Another pussy that can't face facts so he has to lie. When was the last time these radical christians went on a killing spree? hint; never.

Blindly following the twisted way their religious book tells them to act.

However since they have the same god as you,Lie based on a false assumption. Im not a christian or a jew. you don't want to have taxpayer dollars wasted on a forum on christianity. Priests raping kids, there were trials, or did you miss that. KKK,the klan? it's be 50-60 years since that killed anyone. And yeah, they were and are investigated. aryan brotherhood, just as dumb as bringing up the klan.parents avoiding taking sick kids to the doctor, abortion clinic bombers, What is the name of the vast organisation that blows up these places? those things should all be handled individually but not the overall religion.

There's truly no major issue in America I can think of where republicans and democrats aren't hypocritical.

So you are all for letting immagrants and muslim stay under the thumb of the radicals in their midst.

Didn't know you hated muslims that much.

Me, I think of them as in danger and want to help them get rid of this cancer. Since most of them are good people living in fear.

When was the last time an american muslim went on a killing spree that you couldn't find AT LEAST 1 similar example of an american christian doing the same thing in the same time frame?

When you tried to counter what I said you were essentially agreeing with me. You want those christian issues handled individually (as they should be) but you want the muslim issues handled collectively as a religion wide issue.

Just about every disgusting thing the Q'uran says you can find in the Bible. I'm not deflecting, I'm saying we should have the same standard for both or we're just showing yet another instance of our government showing favoritism of christianity over other religious beliefs and non-beliefs.
LOL and I doubt that these right wingers defending the current hearings would be defending hearings on rigthwing extremism or right wing terrorism.

Amazing how easy roles reverse when the subject is changed. LOL

Well when rightwingers start blowing us up and killing innocent folks going about their busy days.... lets hold hearing to look into christian churches.


I'm sure the woman killed by the Atlanta Olympics bombing is comforted by your statement. I'm sure the 178 killed in Oklahoma City, including the infants in the child care center, are comforted by your comments.
So, how real is the "homegrown" Islamist terrorist threat?

The New America Foundation and Syracuse University's Maxwell School of Public Policy examined the post-9/11 cases of Americans or U.S. residents convicted of or charged with some form of jihadist terrorist activity directed against the U.S., as well as the cases of American citizens who have traveled overseas to join a jihadist terrorist group. (Read the full report)

The number of such cases has certainly spiked in the past two years. In 2009 and 2010, there were 76, almost half of the total since 9/11.

This increase was driven in part by plots that could have killed dozens, such as the attempt by Faisal Shahzad, a Pakistani-American, to bomb Times Square in May. It was also driven by nine arrests in FBI sting operations and the 31 people who were charged with fundraising, recruiting or traveling abroad to fight for the Somali terrorist group Al-Shabaab.

Only four of the homegrown plots since 9/11 progressed to an actual attack in the U. S. -- attacks that resulted in 17 deaths. The most notable was the 2009 shooting at Fort Hood, Texas, in which Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan allegedly killed 13 people.

By way of comparison, 73 people were killed in hate crimes in the U.S. between 2001 and 2009, according to the FBI. And more than 15,000 people are murdered in the U.S. every year.

None of the 175 individual jihadist terrorism cases we investigated involved plotting with chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear weapons. Given all the post-9/11 concerns about terrorists armed with weapons of mass destruction, this is one of our more positive findings.

The U.S. military, fighting wars in two Muslim countries, is firmly in the cross hairs of homegrown jihadist militants.

Around one-third of such cases involved a U.S. military target, ranging from the U.S. Marine Corps base in Quantico, Virginia, to American soldiers serving overseas. And in a third of the cases, the individuals involved were training on weapons or were manufacturing or acquiring weaponry.

Contrary to King's assertion that Muslim-American communities have not cooperated with law enforcement, more than one-fifth of the post-9/11 Islamist terrorism cases originated with tips from Muslim community members or involved the cooperation of the families of alleged plotters. (Not included in our total were the tips from the local community that led to investigations into the disappearances of Somali-American youths in Minnesota to fight for Al-Shabaab, because it is difficult to put an exact number on the cases affected by those tips.)

Tips from Muslim communities and families warned authorities, for instance, about the danger posed by Daniel Boyd, who was planning to attack the Quantico base in 2009, as well as the "D.C. 5," who tried to join militant groups in Pakistan the same year.

A third of cases we surveyed involved the use of an informant, while a further one in 10 involved an undercover federal agent. (Five cases involved both). The large number of informants and undercover agents driving these cases raises the issue of how many of these arrests happened because the defendants were entrapped.

While no one in a terrorism case since 9/11 has successfully used an entrapment defense, some of these cases certainly raise the specter of entrapment. For instance, in 2009, a government informant promised $250,000 in cash and a BMW to a group of impoverished men if they would participate in a plot to attack synagogues in the Bronx and an Air National Guard base in Newburgh, New York.

We also found that rather than being the uneducated, young Arab-American immigrants of popular imagination, the homegrown militants do not fit any particular socioeconomic or ethnic profile.

Their average age is 30. Of the cases for which ethnicity could be determined, only a quarter are of Arab descent, while 13% are Caucasian, 10% are African-American, 18% are South Asian, 20% are of Somali descent and the rest are either mixed race or of other ethnicities. About half the cases involved a U.S.-born American citizen, while another third were naturalized citizens.
And of the 94 cases where education could be ascertained, nearly two-thirds pursued at least some college courses, and one in 10 had completed a master's degree, Ph.D. or doctoral equivalent.

The data on jihadist terrorism cases shows that there is a tiny but growing problem of militancy in the Muslim-American community, but it also shows that the consequences of this are quite small.
King Risks Alienating Ally in Fight Against Homegrown Terror | NewAmerica.net
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Same thing some radical christian parents do when they don't take their dying kid to the doctor for proper treatment because of their religion. Bullshit deflection. Another pussy that can't face facts so he has to lie. When was the last time these radical christians went on a killing spree? hint; never.

Blindly following the twisted way their religious book tells them to act.

However since they have the same god as you,Lie based on a false assumption. Im not a christian or a jew. you don't want to have taxpayer dollars wasted on a forum on christianity. Priests raping kids, there were trials, or did you miss that. KKK,the klan? it's be 50-60 years since that killed anyone. And yeah, they were and are investigated. aryan brotherhood, just as dumb as bringing up the klan.parents avoiding taking sick kids to the doctor, abortion clinic bombers, What is the name of the vast organisation that blows up these places? those things should all be handled individually but not the overall religion.

There's truly no major issue in America I can think of where republicans and democrats aren't hypocritical.

So you are all for letting immagrants and muslim stay under the thumb of the radicals in their midst.

Didn't know you hated muslims that much.

Me, I think of them as in danger and want to help them get rid of this cancer. Since most of them are good people living in fear.

When was the last time an american muslim went on a killing spree that you couldn't find AT LEAST 1 similar example of an american christian doing the same thing in the same time frame? Fort Hood. Keep the lies coming, it's almost funny how pathetic you are.

When you tried to counter what I said you were essentially agreeing with me. You want those christian issues handled individually (as they should be) but you want the muslim issues handled collectively as a religion wide issue. Now you are making crap up.

Just about every disgusting thing the Q'uran says you can find in the Bible. couldn't care less without alcohol. I'm not deflecting, I'm saying we should have the same standard for both or we're just showing yet another instance of our government showing favoritism of christianity over other religious beliefs and non-beliefs.

Non-sense. You want muslims living in fear of their radicals. it's very clear.
Murders, kidnapping, honor killings, mass murder, attempts at bombings are happening here, now.

And your counter was a group of people that won't take a sick kid to a hospital.

That's lame since if that is discovered the government moves in to care for the child, and it hardly ever leads to death.


they do not have international support to force their agenda on us by force.

Do you get it now?

You are choosing to leave muslims in the hands of radicals.

Do you think the Italians cared that we went after the mob?
Do you think Americans cared that we went after communist?
The Irish, did they care that we went after the Irish mob?

See what I'm saying? They need our help.
Thanks all for trying, but no one really gave a good answer.

In my view all these hearings will accomplish is the demonization of a group of Americans that are as a majority not in any way connected to terrorists.

Bad things happen when groups are demonized and I am ashamed of our politicians for taking this route.

It's called fearmongering. Standard poitical tactic of the GOP for years. It didn't work on the American people in 2008, but I gues since the GOP has won back the House, they figured it might work again?

Fearmongering,Tell that to the families who lost loved ones on 9/11 and at Ft.Hood
you muslim loving piece of liberal S#IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOL and I doubt that these right wingers defending the current hearings would be defending hearings on rigthwing extremism or right wing terrorism.

Amazing how easy roles reverse when the subject is changed. LOL

Well when rightwingers start blowing us up and killing innocent folks going about their busy days.... lets hold hearing to look into christian churches.


I'm sure the woman killed by the Atlanta Olympics bombing is comforted by your statement. I'm sure the 178 killed in Oklahoma City, including the infants in the child care center, are comforted by your comments.

New day... same crazy lies.
Thanks all for trying, but no one really gave a good answer.

In my view all these hearings will accomplish is the demonization of a group of Americans that are as a majority not in any way connected to terrorists.

Bad things happen when groups are demonized and I am ashamed of our politicians for taking this route.

It's called fearmongering. Standard poitical tactic of the GOP for years. It didn't work on the American people in 2008, but I gues since the GOP has won back the House, they figured it might work again?

Fearmongering,Tell that to the families who lost loved ones on 9/11 and at Ft.Hood
you muslim loving piece of liberal S#IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whoa! Flashback to being called a ****** lover in the South during the 50s.
It's called fearmongering. Standard poitical tactic of the GOP for years. It didn't work on the American people in 2008, but I gues since the GOP has won back the House, they figured it might work again?

Fearmongering,Tell that to the families who lost loved ones on 9/11 and at Ft.Hood
you muslim loving piece of liberal S#IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whoa! Flashback to being called a ****** lover in the South during the 50s.

You were?

Well to be called that you would at least have to have been 10. It's 2011. so you are in your 70's at least.

Damn, that just shoots the saying that wisdom comes with age all to hell. :lol:
Fearmongering,Tell that to the families who lost loved ones on 9/11 and at Ft.Hood
you muslim loving piece of liberal S#IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whoa! Flashback to being called a ****** lover in the South during the 50s.

You were?

Well to be called that you would at least have to have been 10. It's 2011. so you are in your 70's at least.

Damn, that just shoots the saying that wisdom comes with age all to hell. :lol:

Not me personally, but I didn't miss it by much. I remember visiting down South in the 60s and seeing the "Colored Only" signs.
Maybe things like the stuff below might give you a clue why we need hearings......


So should the government have hearings about militia groups and right wing extremists who don't trust the government??

They're Christians. They have no such obligation(s).....​

"Imagine a young man, a Muslim, who changes in troubling ways. His two best friends become concerned, then alarmed, as the young man abandons Western dress, displays a newfound religiosity and begins to echo jihadist rhetoric about the decadence of American society. Both friends suspect that the young man has become radicalized and might even attempt some kind of terrorist attack.

One friend is Muslim, the other Christian. Does the Muslim friend have a greater responsibility than the Christian to contact the authorities? By the logic of King's witch hunt, he does."

When you're talkin' right wing extremists, you're venturing-into the whole "family-values" zone....and, that'd be UN-American.....


How much of a dumbass is this hopeless asshole?

How much of the American population is more concerned with the far right than AL-Queda?

Less than 5% s0n...........all fcukking k00ks too.:fu::fu::fu:

Guys like Shaman could see AlQueda bad guys parading down Main Street in his town of Bumfook USA!! He'd be setting up a lemonade stand and a welcoming committee like his bretheren k00ks on this board. We all know who they are........
Same thing some radical christian parents do when they don't take their dying kid to the doctor for proper treatment because of their religion. Bullshit deflection. Another pussy that can't face facts so he has to lie. When was the last time these radical christians went on a killing spree? hint; never.

Blindly following the twisted way their religious book tells them to act.

However since they have the same god as you,Lie based on a false assumption. Im not a christian or a jew. you don't want to have taxpayer dollars wasted on a forum on christianity. Priests raping kids, there were trials, or did you miss that. KKK,the klan? it's be 50-60 years since that killed anyone. And yeah, they were and are investigated. aryan brotherhood, just as dumb as bringing up the klan.parents avoiding taking sick kids to the doctor, abortion clinic bombers, What is the name of the vast organisation that blows up these places? those things should all be handled individually but not the overall religion.

There's truly no major issue in America I can think of where republicans and democrats aren't hypocritical.

So you are all for letting immagrants and muslim stay under the thumb of the radicals in their midst.

Didn't know you hated muslims that much.

Me, I think of them as in danger and want to help them get rid of this cancer. Since most of them are good people living in fear.

When was the last time an american muslim went on a killing spree that you couldn't find AT LEAST 1 similar example of an american christian doing the same thing in the same time frame?

When you tried to counter what I said you were essentially agreeing with me. You want those christian issues handled individually (as they should be) but you want the muslim issues handled collectively as a religion wide issue.

Just about every disgusting thing the Q'uran says you can find in the Bible. I'm not deflecting, I'm saying we should have the same standard for both or we're just showing yet another instance of our government showing favoritism of christianity over other religious beliefs and non-beliefs.
Idiot,I dont remember a Christain murdering in the name of God like that American muslim pig at Ft.Hood!
Maybe things like the stuff below might give you a clue why we need hearings......


So should the government have hearings about militia groups and right wing extremists who don't trust the government??

They're Christians. They have no such obligation(s).....​

"Imagine a young man, a Muslim, who changes in troubling ways. His two best friends become concerned, then alarmed, as the young man abandons Western dress, displays a newfound religiosity and begins to echo jihadist rhetoric about the decadence of American society. Both friends suspect that the young man has become radicalized and might even attempt some kind of terrorist attack.

One friend is Muslim, the other Christian. Does the Muslim friend have a greater responsibility than the Christian to contact the authorities? By the logic of King's witch hunt, he does."

Peter King's Modern-Day Witch Hunt

When you're talkin' right wing extremists, you're venturing-into the whole "family-values" zone....and, that'd be UN-American.....​


Still living in the past I see. Shaman? Your ride has arrived.​

So you are all for letting immagrants and muslim stay under the thumb of the radicals in their midst.

Didn't know you hated muslims that much.

Me, I think of them as in danger and want to help them get rid of this cancer. Since most of them are good people living in fear.

When was the last time an american muslim went on a killing spree that you couldn't find AT LEAST 1 similar example of an american christian doing the same thing in the same time frame?

When you tried to counter what I said you were essentially agreeing with me. You want those christian issues handled individually (as they should be) but you want the muslim issues handled collectively as a religion wide issue.

Just about every disgusting thing the Q'uran says you can find in the Bible. I'm not deflecting, I'm saying we should have the same standard for both or we're just showing yet another instance of our government showing favoritism of christianity over other religious beliefs and non-beliefs.
Idiot,I dont remember a Christain murdering in the name of God like that American muslim pig at Ft.Hood!

No, they just gun down people IN church.
When was the last time an american muslim went on a killing spree that you couldn't find AT LEAST 1 similar example of an american christian doing the same thing in the same time frame?

When you tried to counter what I said you were essentially agreeing with me. You want those christian issues handled individually (as they should be) but you want the muslim issues handled collectively as a religion wide issue.

Just about every disgusting thing the Q'uran says you can find in the Bible. I'm not deflecting, I'm saying we should have the same standard for both or we're just showing yet another instance of our government showing favoritism of christianity over other religious beliefs and non-beliefs.
Idiot,I dont remember a Christain murdering in the name of God like that American muslim pig at Ft.Hood!

No, they just gun down people IN church.


It's an established documented fact that the Al Qaeda uses women and children as their shields and use mosques not only to propagandize and recruit their fellow muslims but also as firing strong points in the event of an attack.

So, enough of your LIEberrhoidal Lezbo Bullshit.

You really shouldn't fantasize while you're making love to a dildo labelled "AL QAEDA", you ugly Devil Worshiping Lezbo.
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so rep. Ellison engages in what has been broadcast wholesale across the networks as a moving homily to a man who was maligned because he was Muslim it was 911 etc etc.

Problem- he is wrong, very wrong. In fact, its bullshit.

heres ellison at the King hearing-

Muslim Rep. Keith Ellison breaks down in Muslim radicalization hearings - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

read the CBS commentary-

In testimony before the Homeland Security Committee's hearing on radicalization in the Muslim community Thursday, Minnesota Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison, one of two Muslim members of Congress, broke down in tears while delivering an emotional tribute to a young Muslim-American who lost his life in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks - and whose reputation was later maligned due to his faith.

Ellison, who argues that the hearings unjustly target the Muslim-American community for the acts of a few Islamic terrorists, closed his remarks with the story of 23-year-old Mohammed Salman Hamdani, a paramedic who died trying to save lives in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

"Mr. Hamdani bravely sacrificed his life to try and help others on 9/11. After the tragedy some people tried to smear his character solely because of his Islamic faith," Ellison said, his voice breaking. "Some people spread false rumors and speculated that he was in league with the attackers only because he was Muslim. It was only when his remains were identified that these lies were fully exposed."

"His life should not be defined as a member of an ethnic group or a member of a religion, but as an American who gave everything for his fellow citizens," he continued.


well, he was, he was honored before they even had his body in hand....

The congressman told a teachable story this morning. One problem: It’s untrue

This morning, Rep. Keith Ellison (Democratic-Farmer-Labor party, Minn.) appropriated a hearing on Islamic radicalism by weeping his way through a speech about whata-buncha-nasty-bigots Americans are. He chose as his case in point Mohammed Salman Hamdani, a Pakistani-born Muslim American who rushed to lower Manhattan on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, to assist in rescue efforts, and died in the collapse of the World Trade Center. Here’s how Representative Ellison tells the story of the aftermath of his death:

After the tragedy some people tried to smear his character solely because of his Islamic faith. Some people spread false rumors and speculated that he was in league with the attackers only because he was Muslim. It was only when his remains were identified that these lies were fully exposed. Mohammed Salman Hamdani was a fellow American who gave his life for other Americans. His life should not be defined as a member of an ethnic group or a member of a religion, but as an American who gave everything for his fellow citizens.

Does Ellison’s account check out with reality?

No. It is actually pretty close to the opposite of the truth. In fact, six weeks after the September 11 attacks — before Hamdani’s remains were identified, which Ellison implies to be the turning point of public perception — Congress signed the PATRIOT Act into law with this line included: “Many Arab Americans and Muslim Americans have acted heroically during the attacks on the United States, including Mohammed Salman Hamdani, a 23-year-old New Yorker of Pakistani descent, who is believed to have gone to the World Trade Center to offer rescue assistance and is now missing.” That is, Hamdani was actually singled out for particular high honors among the thousands of victims of the September 11 attacks.

There’s little evidence of the “rumors” of which Ellison speaks, either. Poke around yourself. Go to Google and search for Mohammed Salman Hamdani’s name, using various time frames from before today’s hearings (say, in the week after the September 11 attack). You’ll discover two discordant sets of returns: none for sites and news reports accusing Hamdani of being a terrorist, and many thousands of pages honoring him as a hero while claiming that he was “widely accused” of being a terrorist.

Rep. Keith Ellison

Ellison is sensationalist trash, and and is CBS, fact check anyone? they fact checked sarah palins wardrobe.

And at the same hearing-

who heard of this...

I googled-

Memphis man testifies his son was 'brainwashed' by Islamic radicals

heres the list at google..not one msm source, not one.


anyway, heres a link to his sons story his son how ate up Islamic radicalism and killed

WASHINGTON -- Memphian Melvin Bledsoe spoke to the nation Thursday, telling a congressional panel and an overflow hearing room that Islamic "hunters" brainwashed his son, Carlos, who went on to kill a military recruiter in Little Rock, and wounded another.

Apologizing to the families of those his son shot in 2009, Bledsoe said he wanted to talk about those complicit in the crime -- "Islamic radicals who programmed and trained my son, Carlos, to kill."

Bledsoe was the fifth of seven witnesses in a more than four-hour hearing on the "radicalization" of domestic Muslims and the response of the Muslim community called by Homeland Security Committee chairman Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y.

Bledsoe, 55, said he knew something was wrong with his son when he announced he'd converted to Islam while away at Tennessee State University in Nashville and took down the picture of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. that hung on his bedroom wall.

Memphis man testifies his son was 'brainwashed' by Islamic radicals » The Commercial Appeal

wheres the networks on this?
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