Why the modern meat industry effiminizes men

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Senior Member
Nov 26, 2019
The reality is that most men aren't game hunters; modern, processed meat industry makes access to meat easier than it was in the days of the ancients, where only top hunters had access to meat most of the time.

For what it's worth, the interesting thing is that, even in the Bible, as far as creation was concerned, God only mentioned Adam and Eve eating fruits of the trees, while the eating of meat was a consequence of the fall of man, not necessarily a good, much as the Bible was proposing that men be stewards of the earth; and minding it to some degree or another, sadly the Bible is often used out of context by idiots to justify nonsense such as complete apathy towards the earth, as well as slavery, despite their being plenty of Biblical arguments against slavery, whether Exodus or Jesus' attempting to bring peace between Samaritans and Jews.

I've attempted to explain this to some effeminates idiots before, they usually react and object on impulse, afraid of having morality forced on them, since they're too weak to defend themselves from that, were it to happen, as it often does anyway.

Usually though, when given a very direct response they shut up and are taken aback, willing to compromise and dispose of their erroneous notions and ideas. and submit in regards to their effeminates and childish impulses, so quaintly put in check.
so just what are we questioning here Q..? modern meat processing ? meat additives? biblical meat ?.....~S~
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