Why the rape case against Trump will end up thrown into the trash

Trump had about 40 percent of the vote in NY in 2020. It takes one vote in a jury not concurring to hang a verdict. This means statistically in a jury of 9, 3 to 4 would have voted for Trump. In fact we know that in the first jury their was a juror who got his information exclusively from Tim Poole.

My point is this. If bias truly was what caused the jury too rule in a certain way Trump would have had to have at least have had the ability to hang the 2 juries. Barring some weird statistical anamoly.
That jury was illegally purified and then ludicrously handcuffed.
You really have horseshit logic. Trump wouldn't have to pay $83 million if he wasn't first convicted of sexual assault.
Now you're getting it. He was NEVER CONVICTED OF SEXUAL ASSAULT or any other crime. That is exactly why this unjust award will be overturned on appeal. :dance::dance::dance::dance::dance:
A Jury decided Trump did not rape E. Jean Carroll. Bet you did not know that.
Here is a video that shows the facts of this case. Evaluate it honestly. Do not presume guilt. The Jury did not presume guilt. So you should not.

E,Jean Carroll is a Gold digging whore. Just like Christine Blowssey Ford and Anita Hill. And Stormy Daniels. Funny. Democrats ALWAYS commit sex crimes ,and then accuse Repubs.
I have provided the link. Go back and read it you lazy fuck!

You really have horseshit logic. Trump wouldn't have to pay $83 million if he wasn't first convicted of sexual assault.

You are also a major hypocrite for saying you are defending the Constitution while supporting a wannabe dictator who wants to get rid of the Constitution.
Your problem is she got an award of 83 million dollars and she did not get Trump put into prison. Sexual assault is punished by prison time.
E,Jean Carroll is a Gold digging whore. Just like Christine Blowssey Ford and Anita Hill. And Stormy Daniels. Funny. Democrats ALWAYS commit sex crimes ,and then accuse Repubs.
She probably is not a whore. She says she does not have sex at all. She is clearly a gold digger.
E,Jean Carroll is a Gold digging whore. Just like Christine Blowssey Ford and Anita Hill. And Stormy Daniels. Funny. Democrats ALWAYS commit sex crimes ,and then accuse Repubs.
Looks like Tara Reade is going after some of Joe Biden's Chinese millions since EJC has made headlines. Good luck to her.
I like the fact that you defend someone who thinks it's okay to grab a woman by the pussy!

What I said is not a lie. He was found guilty of sexual assault in a court of law. I don't give a rats ass what kind of court it was, it is still a conviction that will cost that piece of shit $83 million.

You keep trying to frame this into something ridiculous. "Oh, he wasn't convicted in a criminal court, so the incident never happened!". Is that what you are trying to say? That is horseshit nonsense!
As usual you are being an idiot. Trump was found LIABLE, not GUILTY. He was never even charged with rape or sexual assault. The burden of proof is far lower in civil court, it can be as low as we think he MIGHT have done it.
this civil court rape finding
The civil court did not determine that he raped anyone. It found him liable for sexual assault -- without evidence, which will be overturned on appeal. You, slow donkey and billo really stupid need to come back to reality, quit howling at the moon and most of all, just quit lying. Its a bad look on you. Makes you look like a democrat propogandist.

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