Why Trump's tax cuts will NOT create many US jobs....


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Based on Trump's tax plan, 47% of all cuts in 2017 will be going to the top 1%......

We have seen this scenario before....From Reagan to GWB and with Obama extending the same tax cuts during his administration.....These tax cuts ONLY decrease the revenue to our treasury and do NOT create US jobs.......

Now, picture yourself as CEO of a large US manufacturing company......You get huge tax cuts and you decide that it may be a good time to widen and extend your company's output.

You choice for new workers are then to hire US labor at almost 5 times the amount of salary for an American worker, VERSUS hiring workers in Vietnam, China or Mexico or some other country where the labor costs (and benefits) are cheap and benefits virtually non-existent.

Be honest....Which of the 2 options would you choose....To spend more on US workers, or expatriate the labor to cheaper venues?

The ONLY jobs that can be created in the US are NOT coal miners' or manufacturing anything...The US jobs that WOULD remain within our shores are jobs connected with infrastructure. Trump's tax cuts should be directly devoted to those companies whose work entails fixing our crumbling infrastructure.
Based on Trump's tax plan, 47% of all cuts in 2017 will be going to the top 1%......

We have seen this scenario before....From Reagan to GWB and with Obama extending the same tax cuts during his administration.....These tax cuts ONLY decrease the revenue to our treasury and do NOT create US jobs.......

Now, picture yourself as CEO of a large US manufacturing company......You get huge tax cuts and you decide that it may be a good time to widen and extend your company's output.

You choice for new workers are then to hire US labor at almost 5 times the amount of salary for an American worker, VERSUS hiring workers in Vietnam, China or Mexico or some other country where the labor costs (and benefits) are cheap and benefits virtually non-existent.

Be honest....Which of the 2 options would you choose....To spend more on US workers, or expatriate the labor to cheaper venues?

The ONLY jobs that can be created in the US are NOT coal miners' or manufacturing anything...The US jobs that WOULD remain within our shores are jobs connected with infrastructure. Trump's tax cuts should be directly devoted to those companies whose work entails fixing our crumbling infrastructure.

I'm surprised Trump hasn't offered you a cabinet position. You're so full of it. Taxes are not the only vehicle he is going to use for job creation, Idiot. He will roll back regulations which stifle business and economic growth and renegotiate trade agreements. You go right ahead with your half-truths and lies and at the end of the day you will continue your goal of being exposed as the biggest fool on USMB and Trump will still be President.
Its not about tax cuts its about importing everything from other country's. So your points are invalid China holds like 30% of jobs that could be given to a American citizen if we can cut that in half and convince people putting an Iphone together isn't that bad that's less unemployment.
Based on Trump's tax plan, 47% of all cuts in 2017 will be going to the top 1%......
Because, of course, the top 1% are paying 47% of all personal income taxes. (The liberals never get around to telling you that part.)

Poor little liberals. Crying and squalling after receiving the biggest electoral defeat in living memory.

Why should anyone pay attention to you? Normal people know you'll just keep complaining and whining no matter what we say. Since you're no longer in a position to do harm to the country, there's no point in paying attention to you. You're just not worth the trouble.
Why? Because the rich at the top that will get most of them already pay about 0 to 15% in taxes...The middle class small business won't be effected and will probably be harmed even more by this as we will have less enforcement of anti-trust and they're pushed out because of it.

Our problem is the inability to develop small business that compete against low third world outsourced labor. One of the few policies that make some sense is the 35% import tax as that will help shield our industry. The problem is once we do the big businesses will start fighting like hell to remove the minimum wage and destroy the unions so they can transform a class of serfs here in America so they can keep making super cheap crap.
The best that Trump can do to stimulate jobs is the same thing that Reagan and FDR did -- create jobs with infrastructure programs and military spending.

Obviously this will spur skyrocketing deficits to even greater heights, which McConnell and Ryan may NOT agree with. So there could be gridlock on this Trump proposal.

I do not expect that there will be any tax cuts. The USA will remain at a war footing on taxes as before.

The corporate tax rate may come down, but that is all. But at the same time the nasty corporations like Apple, Google, Microsoft, Walmart, etc. who shift their profits to low tax countries need to reigned in. Reigning them in may pay for the tax cuts for other corporations. The way to reign-in these wayward corporations is called "Subpart F." You can look it up.
The Human Being: How will Trumps tax plan help you?

I'll leave that one up to my daughter. My corporation will see a lower tax rate but I don't know yet myself what corporation deductions will go away or what will stay. I'll have to wait and see what is actually finally approved and my daughter, who is the corporation's tax attorney, will cope with whatever comes down the pike.
The Human Being: How will Trumps tax plan help you?

I'll leave that one up to my daughter. My corporation will see a lower tax rate but I don't know yet myself what corporation deductions will go away or what will stay. I'll have to wait and see what is actually finally approved and my daughter, who is the corporation's tax attorney, will cope with whatever comes down the pike.

IDK would've sufficed
The Human Being: How will Trumps tax plan help you?

I'll leave that one up to my daughter. My corporation will see a lower tax rate but I don't know yet myself what corporation deductions will go away or what will stay. I'll have to wait and see what is actually finally approved and my daughter, who is the corporation's tax attorney, will cope with whatever comes down the pike.

IDK would've sufficed

That's true because none of us know what proposal will finally be passed.
The Human Being: How will Trumps tax plan help you?

I'll leave that one up to my daughter. My corporation will see a lower tax rate but I don't know yet myself what corporation deductions will go away or what will stay. I'll have to wait and see what is actually finally approved and my daughter, who is the corporation's tax attorney, will cope with whatever comes down the pike.

IDK would've sufficed

That's true because none of us know what proposal will finally be passed.

So yelling at someone about how their lying doesnt seem reasonable now does it?
The Republicans have been fooling conservatives that tax cuts for the top one percent create jobs for decades.

However, independent study after independent study have proven this is a LIE. But, the simple-minded right-wingers will only believe what their GOP politicians tell them.

Look at Kansas, Brownback has proven beyond any doubt that the Republican tax cutting agenda is a failure. He has that state going broke but the conservatives still swear that tax cuts for the very rich create jobs and make the economy thrive. Wisconsin is another Republican failed state, while in California, the voters raised taxes to repair the massive damage done by the Republican Schwarzenegger and that state made a rapid comeback.,,

No, conservatives are too badly brainwashed by Republican propaganda and have lost all ability for analytical thought. They follow the GOP like sheep, and that will never change, which makes them a danger to our country's continued well-being.

The idiocy they have posted in response to your OP is proof.

When we do we had better strengthen our unions, increase minimum wage and demand enforcement of anti-trust. We need to focus on small business and increasing the size of the middle class. The last thing we want is for these big businesses to push wages to the floor in order to keep making insane profit.
The Human Being: How will Trumps tax plan help you?

I'll leave that one up to my daughter. My corporation will see a lower tax rate but I don't know yet myself what corporation deductions will go away or what will stay. I'll have to wait and see what is actually finally approved and my daughter, who is the corporation's tax attorney, will cope with whatever comes down the pike.

IDK would've sufficed

That's true because none of us know what proposal will finally be passed.

So yelling at someone about how their lying doesnt seem reasonable now does it?

Even discussing his tax cuts are rather stupid at this point. I only pointed out that there is a lot more to what Trump is proposing that will effect business and individual than simly saying "tax cuts". Even his proposed cuts have to be go to committee and will have adjustments made there as well as amendments submitted by members of Congress. Nat has just succeeded in throwing some of you into a tantrum over an issue that is a long way from being realized.
The best that Trump can do to stimulate jobs is the same thing that Reagan and FDR did -- create jobs with infrastructure programs and military spending.

Obviously this will spur skyrocketing deficits to even greater heights, which McConnell and Ryan may NOT agree with. So there could be gridlock on this Trump proposal.

I do not expect that there will be any tax cuts. The USA will remain at a war footing on taxes as before.

The corporate tax rate may come down, but that is all. But at the same time the nasty corporations like Apple, Google, Microsoft, Walmart, etc. who shift their profits to low tax countries need to reigned in. Reigning them in may pay for the tax cuts for other corporations. The way to reign-in these wayward corporations is called "Subpart F." You can look it up.

"The best that Trump can do to stimulate jobs is the same thing that Reagan and FDR did -- create jobs with infrastructure programs and military spending." That's what Obama did.
The best that Trump can do to stimulate jobs is the same thing that Reagan and FDR did -- create jobs with infrastructure programs and military spending.

Obviously this will spur skyrocketing deficits to even greater heights, which McConnell and Ryan may NOT agree with. So there could be gridlock on this Trump proposal.

I do not expect that there will be any tax cuts. The USA will remain at a war footing on taxes as before.

The corporate tax rate may come down, but that is all. But at the same time the nasty corporations like Apple, Google, Microsoft, Walmart, etc. who shift their profits to low tax countries need to reigned in. Reigning them in may pay for the tax cuts for other corporations. The way to reign-in these wayward corporations is called "Subpart F." You can look it up.

"The best that Trump can do to stimulate jobs is the same thing that Reagan and FDR did -- create jobs with infrastructure programs and military spending." That's what Obama did.

I believed he stated that he was all for rebuilding the military and also made some comments about our infrastructure as well.. I'm going to wait and see just how much the Congress goes along with his plans myself. Once Congress gets hold of something, it can change very drastically from the original proposal.
My God but liberals are dumb. So allowing businesses and individuals to keep more of THEIR money THEY earned vs being pissed away on stupid shit by the government won't create jobs? That's a special kind of stupid right there.

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