Why Trump's tax cuts will NOT create many US jobs....

....From Reagan to GWB and with Obama extending the same tax cuts during his administration.....These tax cuts ONLY decrease the revenue to our treasury and do NOT create US jobs.......
Time to start correcting the liberals' lies and wishful thinking (a neverending process)

Reagan's tax cut caused revenue to the treasury to triple, and created huge numbers of US jobs.

We now return you to your regular diet of leftist fibs and dreams.
You are not. You are speaking to some of the things Trump is proposing and you actually have no clue as to what he will actually propose to Congress.

So, you're suggesting we wait until we ARE fucked, before complaining about the possibility that Trump wants to fuck us in his proposals.

I'm suggesting you grow a pair and get over your butt hurt. There's too much butt hurt coming down the road to be upset yet. Get some Preparation H.
You are not. You are speaking to some of the things Trump is proposing and you actually have no clue as to what he will actually propose to Congress.

So, you're suggesting we wait until we ARE fucked, before complaining about the possibility that Trump wants to fuck us in his proposals.

Well Dems still passed Obama Care, dispite the disapproval of 55% of Americans and all Republicans in congress and we all knew we were fucked with that bill and we were right.
Based on Trump's tax plan, 47% of all cuts in 2017 will be going to the top 1%......

We have seen this scenario before....From Reagan to GWB and with Obama extending the same tax cuts during his administration.....These tax cuts ONLY decrease the revenue to our treasury and do NOT create US jobs.......

Now, picture yourself as CEO of a large US manufacturing company......You get huge tax cuts and you decide that it may be a good time to widen and extend your company's output.

You choice for new workers are then to hire US labor at almost 5 times the amount of salary for an American worker, VERSUS hiring workers in Vietnam, China or Mexico or some other country where the labor costs (and benefits) are cheap and benefits virtually non-existent.

Be honest....Which of the 2 options would you choose....To spend more on US workers, or expatriate the labor to cheaper venues?

The ONLY jobs that can be created in the US are NOT coal miners' or manufacturing anything...The US jobs that WOULD remain within our shores are jobs connected with infrastructure. Trump's tax cuts should be directly devoted to those companies whose work entails fixing our crumbling infrastructure.

Yawwn...the same numbers again? Wouldnt be talking.points....naaaaah
Jobs are not created by govt. Just reducing regulation will allow coal jobs to come back.

The point of tax cuts flowed by socking it to comapmies that leave are tonequal thag pay field.

But think you for showing why the min wage is bad. The more bennys and higher wages make it more expensive and jobs overseas, thank yoyou for finally describing what causes outsourcing.
Tax cuts for the rich is just a pay off.

Tax cuts should benefit everybody IE start at the bottom of the pyramid.

Poor people get a tax cut and spend the cash = good for the economy.
Rich people get a tax cut and send the cash to Panama = good for rich people.
Of course theres more involved than just saying tax cuts. I'm glad that you took it upon yourself to state the obvious

Well, since neither you nor the OP wouldn't, I did.

Maybe because it was obvious to everyone but you thought it needed to be said

I actually think you are making an issue out of my pointing out that the OP is a juvinile one with no merit because of you post election butt hurt.

No, you're wrong. Sorry

Then explain to me exactly how Trump's tax plan which I don't know what has been approved as of this date but you and the OP apparently do know, effects you?

Do you know Trump has a tax plan? If the answer is yes move down. If the answer is no. You lose right here

Since you know he has a tax plan, do you know that it was reviewed by other people? If the answer is yes move down. If the answer is no. You lose right here

Since you know that Trump has a tax plan AND you know that it has been reviewed. Did you know they came to conclusions? If the answer is yes move down. If the answer is no. You lose right here

Since you know they came to conclusions about the plan....How are you unaware of any of the details reviewed?
Well, since neither you nor the OP wouldn't, I did.

Maybe because it was obvious to everyone but you thought it needed to be said

I actually think you are making an issue out of my pointing out that the OP is a juvinile one with no merit because of you post election butt hurt.

No, you're wrong. Sorry

Then explain to me exactly how Trump's tax plan which I don't know what has been approved as of this date but you and the OP apparently do know, effects you?

Do you know Trump has a tax plan? If the answer is yes move down. If the answer is no. You lose right here

Since you know he has a tax plan, do you know that it was reviewed by other people? If the answer is yes move down. If the answer is no. You lose right here

Since you know that Trump has a tax plan AND you know that it has been reviewed. Did you know they came to conclusions? If the answer is yes move down. If the answer is no. You lose right here

Since you know they came to conclusions about the plan....How are you unaware of any of the details reviewed?

I'm asking you. Tell me which parts of his plan is now Law. Are any of his proposal current tax law? When the sky starts to actually fall, I will move to take cover. Until then, you're just full of bullshit with no substance.
When we do we had better strengthen our unions, increase minimum wage and demand enforcement of anti-trust. We need to focus on small business and increasing the size of the middle class. The last thing we want is for these big businesses to push wages to the floor in order to keep making insane profit.
Sadly, conservatives fight to keep wages low, and that hurts the middle class and the working poor. But, when you consider how devoted right-wingers are to protecting the profits of the fat cats, there is no wonder why the Republicans keep winning elections. They are the billionaires' lap dogs.

But think you for showing why the min wage is bad. The more bennys and higher wages make it more expensive and jobs overseas, thank yoyou for finally describing what causes outsourcing.

Sure, moron...reintroduce SLAVERY and you'll get "jobs back to the US"......
Based on Trump's tax plan, 47% of all cuts in 2017 will be going to the top 1%......

We have seen this scenario before....From Reagan to GWB and with Obama extending the same tax cuts during his administration.....These tax cuts ONLY decrease the revenue to our treasury and do NOT create US jobs.......

Now, picture yourself as CEO of a large US manufacturing company......You get huge tax cuts and you decide that it may be a good time to widen and extend your company's output.

You choice for new workers are then to hire US labor at almost 5 times the amount of salary for an American worker, VERSUS hiring workers in Vietnam, China or Mexico or some other country where the labor costs (and benefits) are cheap and benefits virtually non-existent.

Be honest....Which of the 2 options would you choose....To spend more on US workers, or expatriate the labor to cheaper venues?

The ONLY jobs that can be created in the US are NOT coal miners' or manufacturing anything...The US jobs that WOULD remain within our shores are jobs connected with infrastructure. Trump's tax cuts should be directly devoted to those companies whose work entails fixing our crumbling infrastructure.
So what?

People earned the money, they deserve to keep the money.

Taxation is theft.
Maybe because it was obvious to everyone but you thought it needed to be said

I actually think you are making an issue out of my pointing out that the OP is a juvinile one with no merit because of you post election butt hurt.

No, you're wrong. Sorry

Then explain to me exactly how Trump's tax plan which I don't know what has been approved as of this date but you and the OP apparently do know, effects you?

Do you know Trump has a tax plan? If the answer is yes move down. If the answer is no. You lose right here

Since you know he has a tax plan, do you know that it was reviewed by other people? If the answer is yes move down. If the answer is no. You lose right here

Since you know that Trump has a tax plan AND you know that it has been reviewed. Did you know they came to conclusions? If the answer is yes move down. If the answer is no. You lose right here

Since you know they came to conclusions about the plan....How are you unaware of any of the details reviewed?

I'm asking you. Tell me which parts of his plan is now Law. Are any of his proposal current tax law? When the sky starts to actually fall, I will move to take cover. Until then, you're just full of bullshit with no substance.

Fine, ignore the findings of the plan Trump proposed. Just don't try and tell me there is no plan and how it will help you because you dont care about things until it happens.

You can light dynamite and hold it in your pants screaming "how do you know it's going to explode?" All you like. But people have looked at dynamite and knows what it does. Just like they've looked at Trump's plan.
I actually think you are making an issue out of my pointing out that the OP is a juvinile one with no merit because of you post election butt hurt.

No, you're wrong. Sorry

Then explain to me exactly how Trump's tax plan which I don't know what has been approved as of this date but you and the OP apparently do know, effects you?

Do you know Trump has a tax plan? If the answer is yes move down. If the answer is no. You lose right here

Since you know he has a tax plan, do you know that it was reviewed by other people? If the answer is yes move down. If the answer is no. You lose right here

Since you know that Trump has a tax plan AND you know that it has been reviewed. Did you know they came to conclusions? If the answer is yes move down. If the answer is no. You lose right here

Since you know they came to conclusions about the plan....How are you unaware of any of the details reviewed?

I'm asking you. Tell me which parts of his plan is now Law. Are any of his proposal current tax law? When the sky starts to actually fall, I will move to take cover. Until then, you're just full of bullshit with no substance.

Fine, ignore the findings of the plan Trump proposed. Just don't try and tell me there is no plan and how it will help you because you dont care about things until it happens.

You can light dynamite and hold it in your pants screaming "how do you know it's going to explode?" All you like. But people have looked at dynamite and knows what it does. Just like they've looked at Trump's plan.

Thanks, I will. I'll not worry about it until there's actually something out there to worry about. Hell, I've survived eight years of Obama.
Based on Trump's tax plan, 47% of all cuts in 2017 will be going to the top 1%......

We have seen this scenario before....From Reagan to GWB and with Obama extending the same tax cuts during his administration.....These tax cuts ONLY decrease the revenue to our treasury and do NOT create US jobs.......

Now, picture yourself as CEO of a large US manufacturing company......You get huge tax cuts and you decide that it may be a good time to widen and extend your company's output.

You choice for new workers are then to hire US labor at almost 5 times the amount of salary for an American worker, VERSUS hiring workers in Vietnam, China or Mexico or some other country where the labor costs (and benefits) are cheap and benefits virtually non-existent.

Be honest....Which of the 2 options would you choose....To spend more on US workers, or expatriate the labor to cheaper venues?

The ONLY jobs that can be created in the US are NOT coal miners' or manufacturing anything...The US jobs that WOULD remain within our shores are jobs connected with infrastructure. Trump's tax cuts should be directly devoted to those companies whose work entails fixing our crumbling infrastructure.

Given that the tax burden is already low I doubt there will be much growth from them. Well except for the debt, I expect that to grow a lot. Reagan tripled the debt with his tax cuts. Bush ruined a balanced budget with his.
Based on Trump's tax plan, 47% of all cuts in 2017 will be going to the top 1%......

We have seen this scenario before....From Reagan to GWB and with Obama extending the same tax cuts during his administration.....These tax cuts ONLY decrease the revenue to our treasury and do NOT create US jobs.......

Now, picture yourself as CEO of a large US manufacturing company......You get huge tax cuts and you decide that it may be a good time to widen and extend your company's output.

You choice for new workers are then to hire US labor at almost 5 times the amount of salary for an American worker, VERSUS hiring workers in Vietnam, China or Mexico or some other country where the labor costs (and benefits) are cheap and benefits virtually non-existent.

Be honest....Which of the 2 options would you choose....To spend more on US workers, or expatriate the labor to cheaper venues?

The ONLY jobs that can be created in the US are NOT coal miners' or manufacturing anything...The US jobs that WOULD remain within our shores are jobs connected with infrastructure. Trump's tax cuts should be directly devoted to those companies whose work entails fixing our crumbling infrastructure.

We live in a nation's of fucking idiots, thanks Nikki for volvo and fighting Obama on Boeing

Liberal Mindset:

Free Stuff for Minorities: Sounds Good
Free Stuff for illegal immigrants: Sounds great
Your taxes go up to pay for the forementioned free stuff: I am getting screwed, take more from the 1%, they don't deserve it they must pay more!!!!!
They could cut taxes to 0% and eliminate every regulation and foreign labor is still going to be cheaper.

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