Why Trump's tax cuts will NOT create many US jobs....

You are not. You are speaking to some of the things Trump is proposing and you actually have no clue as to what he will actually propose to Congress.

So, you're suggesting we wait until we ARE fucked, before complaining about the possibility that Trump wants to fuck us in his proposals.

Well Dems still passed Obama Care, dispite the disapproval of 55% of Americans and all Republicans in congress and we all knew we were fucked with that bill and we were right.

Suddenly the will of the People matters to you?
The federal government does not create jobs… Fact

So Trump's trillion dollar infrastructure plan will be carried out by people without jobs? How will that work?
Federal government jobs are not real jobs, of course military, police and fire and the like are absolutely necessary. But all federal government jobs are still a liability, the taxpayer has to pay for them.
You need to take a economics class
Well, coal miners will just have to learn (quickly) how to pave highways, and move from West Virginia to Minnesota....See, how simple it is? LOL
The federal government does not create jobs… Fact

So Trump's trillion dollar infrastructure plan will be carried out by people without jobs? How will that work?

What is the broken window fallacy?
Based on Trump's tax plan, 47% of all cuts in 2017 will be going to the top 1%......

We have seen this scenario before....From Reagan to GWB and with Obama extending the same tax cuts during his administration.....These tax cuts ONLY decrease the revenue to our treasury and do NOT create US jobs.......

Now, picture yourself as CEO of a large US manufacturing company......You get huge tax cuts and you decide that it may be a good time to widen and extend your company's output.

You choice for new workers are then to hire US labor at almost 5 times the amount of salary for an American worker, VERSUS hiring workers in Vietnam, China or Mexico or some other country where the labor costs (and benefits) are cheap and benefits virtually non-existent.

Be honest....Which of the 2 options would you choose....To spend more on US workers, or expatriate the labor to cheaper venues?

The ONLY jobs that can be created in the US are NOT coal miners' or manufacturing anything...The US jobs that WOULD remain within our shores are jobs connected with infrastructure. Trump's tax cuts should be directly devoted to those companies whose work entails fixing our crumbling infrastructure.

Just more Democrat kool-aid. You don't know history or economics
Based on Trump's tax plan, 47% of all cuts in 2017 will be going to the top 1%......

We have seen this scenario before....From Reagan to GWB and with Obama extending the same tax cuts during his administration.....These tax cuts ONLY decrease the revenue to our treasury and do NOT create US jobs.......

That is patently false and the numbers prove it.
No, you're wrong. Sorry

Then explain to me exactly how Trump's tax plan which I don't know what has been approved as of this date but you and the OP apparently do know, effects you?

Do you know Trump has a tax plan? If the answer is yes move down. If the answer is no. You lose right here

Since you know he has a tax plan, do you know that it was reviewed by other people? If the answer is yes move down. If the answer is no. You lose right here

Since you know that Trump has a tax plan AND you know that it has been reviewed. Did you know they came to conclusions? If the answer is yes move down. If the answer is no. You lose right here

Since you know they came to conclusions about the plan....How are you unaware of any of the details reviewed?

I'm asking you. Tell me which parts of his plan is now Law. Are any of his proposal current tax law? When the sky starts to actually fall, I will move to take cover. Until then, you're just full of bullshit with no substance.

Fine, ignore the findings of the plan Trump proposed. Just don't try and tell me there is no plan and how it will help you because you dont care about things until it happens.

You can light dynamite and hold it in your pants screaming "how do you know it's going to explode?" All you like. But people have looked at dynamite and knows what it does. Just like they've looked at Trump's plan.

Thanks, I will. I'll not worry about it until there's actually something out there to worry about. Hell, I've survived eight years of Obama.

Dont forget to buy your guns because Obama is gonna take em! Oh sorry, you're going to wait until the govt starts taking guns and then go buy one.

Silly me....You're the "I dont need no fire extinguisher" type of guy
Democrats have convinced themselves that tax cuts to business owners will not result in business expansion. They also believe that tax cuts can really be given to homeless drug addicts.
Democrats have convinced themselves that tax cuts to business owners will not result in business expansion. They also believe that tax cuts can really be given to homeless drug addicts.

Go take a nap.....obviously you need one....LOL
Democrats have convinced themselves that tax cuts to business owners will not result in business expansion. They also believe that tax cuts can really be given to homeless drug addicts.

Business expansion, not necessarily job expansion.
The federal government does not create jobs… Fact

So Trump's trillion dollar infrastructure plan will be carried out by people without jobs? How will that work?
Federal government jobs are not real jobs, of course military, police and fire and the like are absolutely necessary. But all federal government jobs are still a liability, the taxpayer has to pay for them.
You need to take a economics class
Thats about the dumbest thing I have read in a long time.
The federal government does not create jobs… Fact

So Trump's trillion dollar infrastructure plan will be carried out by people without jobs? How will that work?
Federal government jobs are not real jobs, of course military, police and fire and the like are absolutely necessary. But all federal government jobs are still a liability, the taxpayer has to pay for them.
You need to take a economics class
Thats about the dumbest thing I have read in a long time.
You do understand that the federal job no matter how necessary is a liability because taxpayers have to pay for that job. You should take economics class… LOL
Then explain to me exactly how Trump's tax plan which I don't know what has been approved as of this date but you and the OP apparently do know, effects you?

Do you know Trump has a tax plan? If the answer is yes move down. If the answer is no. You lose right here

Since you know he has a tax plan, do you know that it was reviewed by other people? If the answer is yes move down. If the answer is no. You lose right here

Since you know that Trump has a tax plan AND you know that it has been reviewed. Did you know they came to conclusions? If the answer is yes move down. If the answer is no. You lose right here

Since you know they came to conclusions about the plan....How are you unaware of any of the details reviewed?

I'm asking you. Tell me which parts of his plan is now Law. Are any of his proposal current tax law? When the sky starts to actually fall, I will move to take cover. Until then, you're just full of bullshit with no substance.

Fine, ignore the findings of the plan Trump proposed. Just don't try and tell me there is no plan and how it will help you because you dont care about things until it happens.

You can light dynamite and hold it in your pants screaming "how do you know it's going to explode?" All you like. But people have looked at dynamite and knows what it does. Just like they've looked at Trump's plan.

Thanks, I will. I'll not worry about it until there's actually something out there to worry about. Hell, I've survived eight years of Obama.

Dont forget to buy your guns because Obama is gonna take em! Oh sorry, you're going to wait until the govt starts taking guns and then go buy one.

Silly me....You're the "I dont need no fire extinguisher" type of guy

Why should I get all in a thither about it all? You and Nat can do the worrying for all of us. LOL!!

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