Why Was No One Armed & Shooting Back In El Paso WalMart ?

What’s really disgusting is the left is actually happy this happened and will use it to score political points. As if any laws would have prevented this from happening.

If the guy wanted to shoot as many Mexicans as possible to stop Texas from turning blue, he certainly picked a very poor strategy.

Seems to me that he is just a psycho and it’s too bad someone didn’t off him.

No it's a good thing he wasn't finished off, now we may find out why he actually committed this horrible crime.

The corporate media already told us. He is a Trumpette and was trying to reduce the number of immigrants in Texas.

Logically speaking, I can only assume that only Mexicans were killed and no conservatives were victims.

Honestly he only killed 3 Mexicans.
It takes quite some time to fire that many shots individually, as this guy did, walking aisle to aisle, through the store. If there had been an armed security guard, or any armed citizen with a CCW license, this guy could have (and should have) been stopped cold after the first 2 or 3 shots.
It's Texas, so of course there were plenty of "good guys with a gun" they just didn't want to go up against an assault weapon with a little pistol. So much for the NRA's good guy with a gum BULLSHIT.

It certain situations it is fine.

But if you take any serious firearms course and the topic comes up, they will tell you NOT to draw a weapon and try to confront the shooter until you are sure what is going on, who is doing the shooting, and how many people are doing it.

Like in the movie.

This guy is shooting indiscriminately are you going to stay and remain by the mannequin or cashier? Or run?

It’s a massive confusion and if I see you with a gun and I’m not sure if you are the bad guy or good guy???? I’ll beat you up myself. Now I’m the hero. When cops showed up. I’ll tell them you are one of the bad guy. At the end I’ll tell them I was confused.
So, everyone on the Left agrees that we are better off as a gun free nation, and that even though history proves armed societies at large are overall safer than unarmed societies in the long run?

And do all leftists agree that we are "safer" if no one is legally armed even though the number of people actually killed in "mass shootings" (while a tragedy) is statistically extremely small?
What will stop illegal arms from slipping across the border?

So this is to say, leftists who agree with the above are certain that government tyranny cannot evolve to the point of endangering millions of people (even though it just occurred in Venezuela) where the population was recently disarmed just before a dictator took over the nation.

LA Times: Venezuela’s raging homicide epidemic is going unrecorded
Op-Ed: Venezuela's raging homicide epidemic is going unrecorded

Most on the Left feel Donald Trump is the next Adolph Hitler.....and yet still scream for disarming American citizens? Does that make sense if they really believe that?

Or do you feel that only "assault weapons" need to be banned and taken? (What happens after that when shooters kill dozens with pistols?)

Is there no one on the left who can coherently and reasonably discuss how being a disarmed population given history and current events makes a society safer when even in Australia and the UK where gun control far exceeds that in the USA, shootings still occur (and are on the rise), knife attacks are a national crisis and robbery and assaults and rape are common?

Will America really be "safer", or is it a false hope? Will gun deaths be replaced by stabbings, clubbings and vehicles used in mass homicide? Will crime overall skyrocket?

Truth is, it is more likely that more deaths and more violence would be the result of disarming America. But few if any on the left dare to think it over.
Your first statement is erroneous.
What does illegals have to do with checks and balances?
Of course it is true. UK, Germany, France, Italy, Denmark, Japan... The list is quite long really.

Name the rest...then we'll go through them....
I've named many. Throw in Sweden too, it really doesn't matter. Fact is even Israel who is practically in a war zone has a much lower homicide rate than us. They have strong gun control.
But Israel itself inside it is not a war zone.
No, they have strong gun control.
They have a wall........I believe...also...
Democrats call for an emergency session of Congress to once and for all deal with the "Gun Violence" issue.

Trump declares 'hate has no place in our country,' as Dems demand recall of Congress
Trump declares 'hate has no place in our country,' as Dems demand recall of Congress

As the president spoke, top Democratic presidential candidates -- including Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Cory Booker -- demanded Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell recall Congress from its recess, currently slated to last until the second week of September, to address gun violence. They did not elaborate on their legislative plans for such a special session.

Addressing reporters in Morristown, New Jersey, Trump promised "we're going to take care" of the problem. He said he's been speaking to the attorney general, FBI director and members of Congress and will be making an additional statement Monday morning.

Is Trump about to cave in to Democrats and issue a new ban on certain long guns?

I doubt it he knows his base and he is not about to upset them, he will just go thru the motions that he cares
So, was it a WalMart or a Mall??? lol that isn't even straight in this thread. I've never seen a Walmart in a Mall.
That was very confusing, they seemed to keep flip flopping on it even today. Sounds like it was in the Walmart then he left, got in his car headed toward the mall when the cops got him.
The El Paso Walmart shooter killed 20 people (so far) and wounded 26 more. He may well have fired some shots missing people also. It's pretty fair to say this nut fired at least 50 shots, and very possibly well more than that.

It takes quite some time to fire that many shots individually, as this guy did, walking aisle to aisle, through the store. If there had been an armed security guard, or any armed citizen with a CCW license, this guy could have (and should have) been stopped cold after the first 2 or 3 shots.

As someone who has a CCW license, and is armed 99% of the time, when I'm walking around outside, it is amazing to me that there could have been that many people walking around unarmed and defenseless. Why? Don't they know something like this could happen at any time ?

In contrast, in 2002, a Muslim terrorist (Hesham Mohamed Hadayet) walked into Los Angeles Airport (LAX) armed with 2 handguns, plus magazines loaded with dozens of bullets. He shot and killed 2 people, and wounded 4. The airport was filled with people. The terrorist was shot dead right on the spot, by a security guard who was armed and ready to deal. Without that good guy with a gun, the airport would have been a bloodbath, just like this WalMart, and probably even worse.

This ARMED DEFENSE is what should have been the case in El Paso. How this guy could pull off what he did without getting shot, by a guard or CCW carrying citizen is mind boggling.

2002 Los Angeles International Airport shooting - Wikipedia
This is only an opinion, but I believe you are naive. For an ordinary civilian shopper, even if armed, it takes a while to figure out
what is happening and where it is coming from. Texas is a open carry State and I doubt there were no armed shoppers. However they were mentally geared for WalMart, not Fallujah. I think we're lucky no innocent shopper was killed by a 'good guy with a gun'.

Clearly you are the naive one, at least considering people who go thru the training and process to be licensed to open carry. All the people I know, 20 plus, who have either the license for concealed or open carry where permitted, are expecting these situations. That’s why the got the license in the first place.
I would imagine that the shooting did not last to long when he shot all his ammo and then like a coward surrendered.
It is kinda down to what Archie Bunker once said-arm all the passengers
I don’t know anymore
Maybe a revolutionary awareness of the plights of your fellow man?
Otherwise let 1 in 10 fully capable carry a gun everywhere.and see where we go.
It would be rare that Walmart store was in a mall as they prefer stand alone stores and I suspect that the mall mention was close by as Walmart locations do have a lot of strip malls close by.
It is becoming clear that he was a Trump supporter

Twitter account linked to the suspected shooter
shows him sharing and retweeting President Trump's tweets, posting about the border wall and liking memes disparaging Bernie Sanders and Nancy Pelosi.

Crusius' Twitter account liked a post from an anonymous account showing Trump's name spelled out with guns.

Just a couple days before, he posted a tweet saying, "#BuildTheWall is the best way @POTUS has worked to secure our country so far!"
Yeah but you're not Protectionist. Big difference
No difference at all. Everything he said, I have also. 2 years US Army. 4 years Army national guard. 30+ years armed. licensed Security in California and Florida, and yes, I carry hollow points.

Actually, I've already said all this previously in the thread. You're not paying attention.

And who said anything about "required" to act ? You should act because you SHOULD, required or not. Liberals are clueless on guns and law. If conservatives were running the schools, people would be better advised on guns and law.
Okay, let's unpack this.

First, though some gun carriers may watch too much tv (and so think they are going to take out the bad guys, get the girl, go to commercial), mostly they will look to get themselves and their companions to safety, just like the rest of us. That's the smart thing to do.

Second, gun carriers are at a decided disadvantage against someone who goes into a school, or store, or crowd, and starts shooting everyone. While the shooter doesn't discriminate in his targets, the legal carrier will (and should). When hysterical people are fleeing in every direction, when echoes make it hard to determine how many shooters there are and where they are, when other gun carriers may be doing what you are doing (and you don't want to shoot them, right?), it makes for an untenable situation.

Third, most people just don't want to carry a gun.
All of that was addressed earlier. Read the thread before posting. :rolleyes:
What is the job of the security officer at the airline counter?
And what is the job of a security guard at a mall?

What is the difference in how you would defend the airline counter & personnel versus how you would attempt to defend a Walmart superstore/mall?
No difference at all, with respect to a sudden appearance of a mass shooter. You point and shoot. Period.
That incident at lax was at the Israeli ticket counter and he had a beef with the airline his intentions weren't to kill whoever comes in his path...and the Israeli airline ticket counter is always secured with armed personnel.

That been said why dont you join th4 civilised world and stop the blood bath I have been to so many countries where gun deaths or any deaths are rare. Join the 21st century.
1. He was an Islamic TERRORIST as classified by Dept of Homeland Security, his
Motive >> To influence U.S. government policy in favor of the Palestinians

Try reading the link >>

2002 Los Angeles International Airport shooting - Wikipedia

2. Yes they have armed security, as should be everywhere.

3. I'm in the civilized world, what's you problem ?
It is a bullshit story, he hates Israelis and he did what he did. It is an act of terror just like the one committed by white mass shooters here in the US.
It is a bullshit story, he hates Israelis and he did what he did. It is an act of terror just like the one committed by white mass shooters here in the US.
What are you claiming is "bullshit" ? :confused:

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