Why Washington D.C. Compulsively Lies About Donald Trump

I thought I'd never see republicans worship and carry water for a person like they did Bush -- but I was wrong.....their delusional worship of Trump is not going to age well at all
Benjamin Netanyahu likes having a "US President" who is a completely compromised sellout, like Traitor W, Cocksucker Obama, and Hitlery.....

That's why all the Zionist Israel supporters want Trump out....
And then, of course, are his behaviors and temperament.

His followers have been conditioned to (somehow) believe that the only way to fix problems that they see is Trump's way - acting like a petulant, spoiled, ignorant teenager.

That simply isn't true. The way we act and the way we treat others plays a role in how they will respond to us, AND in how they perceive our honesty and competence.

This is just fundamental human nature. Empathy. But the man himself simply doesn't have any empathy, and by predictable extension, neither do his followers.

He's being painted as a victim here. The level of denial and myopia this requires is astonishing.
When does the Mueller Report drop?
When you decide to read it....?

Why would I read the Mueller "No Collusion/No Obstruction" report? Is there a new surprise ending?

There's an audio version, for the "seeing impaired and blind"!!!
Because he’s not like the rest of the political hacks inside the Beltway.

I think the world generally, and the world of the powerful in particular, is far less lucid and more incoherent than most assume. The main difference between Trump and his predecessors is that the professional class / deep state / neoliberal order / whatever-you-want-to-call-it is fluent in a language that imposes a kind of regulative fiction on that chaos. Their fluency gives them gives them a patina of legitimacy and not a little power over the less fluent, which comforts some normies but also drives conspiratorial thinking. Trump and a lot of the people around him lack this fluency and have no interest in cultivating it.

In other words, he doesn’t speak their lingo or play their games.

Trump is sui generis in many ways, but voters are probably right to suspect that anyone who threatened the existing order would meet Resistance, as anyone who watched the political press cheer Obama on when he spent months calling Mitt Romney a felon in 2012 can attest to. There will be an election soon, and voters can have their say about Trump directly.

More @ Why Washington D.C. Compulsively Lies About Donald Trump
Poor fat donnie....can't catch a break....most persecuted so-called president in the history of the WORLD!!!!
And then, of course, are his behaviors and temperament.

His followers have been conditioned to (somehow) believe that the only way to fix problems that they see is Trump's way - acting like a petulant, spoiled, ignorant teenager.

That simply isn't true. The way we act and the way we treat others plays a role in how they will respond to us, AND in how they perceive our honesty and competence.

This is just fundamental human nature. Empathy. But the man himself simply doesn't have any empathy, and by predictable extension, neither do his followers.

He's being painted as a victim here. The level of denial and myopia this requires is astonishing.
When does the Mueller Report drop?
When you decide to read it....?

Why would I read the Mueller "No Collusion/No Obstruction" report? Is there a new surprise ending?

There's an audio version, for the "seeing impaired and blind"!!!

If you squint, you can see Collusion in the penumbra
Because he’s not like the rest of the political hacks inside the Beltway.

I think the world generally, and the world of the powerful in particular, is far less lucid and more incoherent than most assume. The main difference between Trump and his predecessors is that the professional class / deep state / neoliberal order / whatever-you-want-to-call-it is fluent in a language that imposes a kind of regulative fiction on that chaos. Their fluency gives them gives them a patina of legitimacy and not a little power over the less fluent, which comforts some normies but also drives conspiratorial thinking. Trump and a lot of the people around him lack this fluency and have no interest in cultivating it.

In other words, he doesn’t speak their lingo or play their games.

Trump is sui generis in many ways, but voters are probably right to suspect that anyone who threatened the existing order would meet Resistance, as anyone who watched the political press cheer Obama on when he spent months calling Mitt Romney a felon in 2012 can attest to. There will be an election soon, and voters can have their say about Trump directly.

More @ Why Washington D.C. Compulsively Lies About Donald Trump

Why does Trump compulsively lie about- well everything?

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