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Why We Are Not Making Progress Against Racism

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Yes, you actually do. You body may be here but you mind exists in a non existent imaginary world that does not exist.

Nope ... Still here ... Same as your mind.

The only good part is that with any luck ... I'll still be here after you are dead and gone.
Maybe then you'll escape your self imposed prison.

Yes, you actually do. You body may be here but you mind exists in a non existent imaginary world that does not exist.

Nope ... Still here ... Same as your mind.

The only good part is that with any luck ... I'll still be here after you are dead and gone.
Maybe then you'll escape your self imposed prison.


And there you have it, evidence of the fact you live in a imaginary world.
The world is leaving you and your garbage behind ... Sorry if you missed the bus ... :thup:

LOL! Come into reality then talk.

Stay where you are and act like I really care ... :dunno:

You aren't going anywhere if you are stuck in the past ... That's reality.
The simple fact I have no use for your foolishness ... Is not something you can argue with.

You can pretend whatever you want.
You can try to shackle the future with the past.

That very well could be your reality ... It is what you insist on.
We'll be here when you get through chasing your tail ... And we'll laugh at you until then.

You're a fool. The examples i used were just tools to explain that there is more to success than looking inward. My point is that you imagine the black community is rife with problems and poverty.. Then you double down by offering lame advice on fixing those imaginary problems .Get it through your dumb head...most blacks are not impoverished and most are hard working Christians. If a collective problem exists all, it is centered in being a despised minority in a hostile nation.
Economic parity is the ultimate goa.lAnd whites like you are doing everything they can to maintain the status quo.

I don't have to fix imaginary problems ... If it isn't a problem, then I am not worried about it.

Your point is irrelevant ... >>>Because I don't mention or imagine anything about a black community rife with problems.<<<<<
If you have a problem with blacks, whites, Christians, government, racists, money, education, or opportunity ... Shut the fuck up and look around.

It's the 21st Century ... Has been for a while ... It's about time you get on the right page.

Er..did YOU say this?... :
>>>Because I don't mention or imagine anything about a black community rife with problems.<<<<<

And now your contradiction comes back to haunt you.


If you have amnesia I just cured it.
In 2018, it's time we become better informed. Some of the things I read in here makes no sense. Zero nada, zilch.

Why We Are Not Making Progress Against Racism

At this point, the whole race thing is over . . . it doesn’t matter anymore. We’ve transcended it. Now we have a black president, so clearly we are not racist,” stated one young woman after the first election of Barack Obama as president of the United States. In the euphoria of Obama’s first election, many Americans—on the left, right, and center—agreed that America had become post-racial. Today, many on the left recognize that America is still struggling with racism. But what liberals may not fully appreciate is the degree to which the rest of America is still deep within a post-racial haze.

New research from social psychologists at Yale and Northwestern Universities reveals that Americans—especially rich, white Americans—greatly overestimate how much racial progress we have made toward economic equality. Averaging across 5 economic measures, the researchers find that Americans estimate that we have made about 25 percent more progress toward black-white economic equality than we actually have made.

Worse still, Americans are most inaccurate on the most important economic measure—wealth. Scholars have come to recognize that wealth—the value of assets minus debts—is the most important measure of a family’s overall economic well-being. The social psychologists find that Americans overestimate our progress toward black-white wealth equality by about 80 percent. Today, for every dollar of wealth that whites have, blacks have only a few cents. "

" For those who believe that black people are already equal with white people, any policy that seeks to address anti-black discrimination looks like an attempt to give blacks an advantage over whites.
Many Americans, particularly Republicans, believe that today there is more discrimination against white people than against black people.

Because so many Americans are not grounded in the reality of American racism, the call for a “conversation on race” is a bad idea. We need Americans to go on fact-finding missions on racism, not try to engage in conversation when there is no agreement on the basic facts.

We have to be aware that because we are a segregated society, many white people learn about black people from the media. Some white people see prominent, highly successful black people in movies and on television and assume that those individuals are indicative of the economic standing of African Americans. Also, there is right-wing media that consciously tries to mislead white Americans about racism and to foster a sense of white victimization. We have to find ways to penetrate Americans’ information bubbles. "

Why We Are Not Making Progress Against Racism

This is America to hear most of you tell it, we should be way beyond this.
That's easy

Because too many people profit from it
LOL! Come into reality then talk.

Stay where you are and act like I really care ... :dunno:

You aren't going anywhere if you are stuck in the past ... That's reality.
The simple fact I have no use for your foolishness ... Is not something you can argue with.

You can pretend whatever you want.
You can try to shackle the future with the past.

That very well could be your reality ... It is what you insist on.
We'll be here when you get through chasing your tail ... And we'll laugh at you until then.

Are you accusing me of being a historian? BTW you certainly don't sound like a conservative. Tradition is their cornerstone and the past is the substance of tradition. Damn, I'm more conservative than I thought. But oh well...so is Louis Farrakhan.
Permit me to take you back to the early 20th Century for a moment when picnic lynchings were common.
I can envision you advising a black man about to be lynched to "look inward". When the black community seeks justice and the authorities reject their pleas you recommend they "look inward." Taking your advice does nothing to stop the lynchings.

Fast foward to 2018.
Your "look inward " advisory is just as hollow and meaningless now as it would have been
In advising a man about to be hanged. Frankly, the phrase is more applicable for individuals not for a collective of 42 million people.

Your poor advice is just a thinly veiled manifestation of the bitter hate and fear you have for blacks. We've seen what your ilk would do to eliminate people you despise
for being different....that is... if you ever get the chance.
picnic lynchings were never "common", moron.
Is that it? Is that subjective reality all you could focus your beady little eyes on? If you can prove me wrong get to it. If not::shutupsmiley:
That was the main claim/premise in your post, moron.

Just because you post a lot of meaningless, recycled garbage from some shitty diploma mill doesn't mean I am required to respond to every nonsensical line.

No, idiot, you are trying to MAKE it the main claim in my post. BTW I wasn't responding to you. Thats what happens when fools enter into other people's conversations. You come blundering in hurling epithets without even knowing the context of the ongoing conversation. Gwon, GIT! You aren't worth my time.

ptwb is a loser white dude who is socially inept so he found acceptance in white supremacy. He's been radicalized.
Reality radicalized me.

Social supremacy and a high IQ lead me to investigate that reality.
picnic lynchings were never "common", moron.
Is that it? Is that subjective reality all you could focus your beady little eyes on? If you can prove me wrong get to it. If not::shutupsmiley:
That was the main claim/premise in your post, moron.

Just because you post a lot of meaningless, recycled garbage from some shitty diploma mill doesn't mean I am required to respond to every nonsensical line.

No, idiot, you are trying to MAKE it the main claim in my post. BTW I wasn't responding to you. Thats what happens when fools enter into other people's conversations. You come blundering in hurling epithets without even knowing the context of the ongoing conversation. Gwon, GIT! You aren't worth my time.

ptwb is a loser white dude who is socially inept so he found acceptance in white supremacy. He's been radicalized.
Reality radicalized me.

Social supremacy and a high IQ lead me to investigate that reality.
Insecurity and fear radicalized you. You must constantly find reassurance in the illusion of whiteness by denigrating those who do not meet your illusory social identification as being "white." Kirk Douglas isn't white...he's a JEW according to EWE!
Wrote this a couple years ago...didn't get much traction...

The past is prologue.

It's a classic "sins of the father" scenario.

Slavery to Jim Crow to Separate but Equal...segregation thwarted assimilation, and now instead of regional American cultures that blend together at the edges, African-Americans have...thru segregationist policies...developed their own distinct culture with sharp and distinct boundaries within the older regional culture.

And it is literally the inequities of our father upon black slaves and later free black men (and women) that are being visited upon us...the generations that followed.

How can we unring that bell? Appalachia has maintained it's own distinct culture since the dawn of the nation, despite the more "sophisticated" [ :lol: ] Northeast's attempts to quash it. As has Massachusetts and NYC and Virginia and the South and the Ozarks etc. Once a culture is established, it's self perpetuating.

So the real question is...here we are, now what?

I Apologize for Slavery of Blacks

Slavery was not the only sin or was the only issue. Apologizing doesn't do it when you owe 10 trillion dollars in lost earnings and make excuses a to why you won't pay.

I didn't apologize. I never owned a slave.

There will never be one thin dime of reparations in either of our lifetimes.
Whites owned slaves and if you are white it falls on you.
Bull shit. My ancestors fought and died to free the slaves. I have never owned a slave nor has any living Americans.

So you can F yourself.
“My family never owned slaves” is something you hear White Americans say. Although not racist in itself it has the effect of turning a blind eye towards racism.

The statement by itself is true for most whites: even back in slave days in 1860 fewer than 2% of whites owned slaves! Slaves cost way too much for most people and in half the country it was against the law. On top of that millions of whites came to America long after the slaves were freed, like most Italians and Jews.

The trouble with the statement is not its truth but how it is used: to cut white people off from history. When they say black people live in the past and need to give the slave thing a rest, they are making the very same argument: history does not matter, it somehow magically does not affect anyone alive now. If we are affected at all by history it is only through our families, nothing else.

That is wishful thinking. America’s slave past still profoundly affects its present. Most white people, it seems, refuse to see that: it makes them uncomfortable. By saying “My family never owned slaves” they are trying to buy themselves a pass from American history, both past and present. As if their family had been living on some Robinson Crusoe island all these years – and still does.

Your ancestors did not have to own slaves to benefit – either then or now. If anything the opposite seems to be true: most descendants of slave owners seem to be black, not white, like the descendants of Thomas Jefferson. Most blacks are part white and most of that white comes from slave owners.

A white American saying “My family never owned slaves” is like the daughter of a Mafia boss wearing her diamonds and pearls and saying she never murdered anyone or shook anyone down for money. As if the diamonds and pearls fell from the sky.

The rest.

“My family never owned slaves”
Hello IM2 - been taking a break from computer for Lent and Easter. See you are still busy. All of this reminds me of these quotes: William Faulkner said, "The past is never dead. It's not even past." And Samantha Towle said, "Pain of the past never goes away, you just find a way to deal with it."

I really hope that we as a country can find a way to deal with our painful past that will strengthen us all, realizing that the past really is never dead.
Wrote this a couple years ago...didn't get much traction...

The past is prologue.

It's a classic "sins of the father" scenario.

Slavery to Jim Crow to Separate but Equal...segregation thwarted assimilation, and now instead of regional American cultures that blend together at the edges, African-Americans have...thru segregationist policies...developed their own distinct culture with sharp and distinct boundaries within the older regional culture.

And it is literally the inequities of our father upon black slaves and later free black men (and women) that are being visited upon us...the generations that followed.

How can we unring that bell? Appalachia has maintained it's own distinct culture since the dawn of the nation, despite the more "sophisticated" [ :lol: ] Northeast's attempts to quash it. As has Massachusetts and NYC and Virginia and the South and the Ozarks etc. Once a culture is established, it's self perpetuating.

So the real question is...here we are, now what?

I Apologize for Slavery of Blacks

Slavery was not the only sin or was the only issue. Apologizing doesn't do it when you owe 10 trillion dollars in lost earnings and make excuses a to why you won't pay.

I didn't apologize. I never owned a slave.

There will never be one thin dime of reparations in either of our lifetimes.
Whites owned slaves and if you are white it falls on you.
Bull shit. My ancestors fought and died to free the slaves. I have never owned a slave nor has any living Americans.

So you can F yourself.
“My family never owned slaves” is something you hear White Americans say. Although not racist in itself it has the effect of turning a blind eye towards racism.

The statement by itself is true for most whites: even back in slave days in 1860 fewer than 2% of whites owned slaves! Slaves cost way too much for most people and in half the country it was against the law. On top of that millions of whites came to America long after the slaves were freed, like most Italians and Jews.

The trouble with the statement is not its truth but how it is used: to cut white people off from history. When they say black people live in the past and need to give the slave thing a rest, they are making the very same argument: history does not matter, it somehow magically does not affect anyone alive now. If we are affected at all by history it is only through our families, nothing else.

That is wishful thinking. America’s slave past still profoundly affects its present. Most white people, it seems, refuse to see that: it makes them uncomfortable. By saying “My family never owned slaves” they are trying to buy themselves a pass from American history, both past and present. As if their family had been living on some Robinson Crusoe island all these years – and still does.

Your ancestors did not have to own slaves to benefit – either then or now. If anything the opposite seems to be true: most descendants of slave owners seem to be black, not white, like the descendants of Thomas Jefferson. Most blacks are part white and most of that white comes from slave owners.

A white American saying “My family never owned slaves” is like the daughter of a Mafia boss wearing her diamonds and pearls and saying she never murdered anyone or shook anyone down for money. As if the diamonds and pearls fell from the sky.

The rest.

“My family never owned slaves”
Dumb and racist as usual.
Is that it? Is that subjective reality all you could focus your beady little eyes on? If you can prove me wrong get to it. If not::shutupsmiley:
That was the main claim/premise in your post, moron.

Just because you post a lot of meaningless, recycled garbage from some shitty diploma mill doesn't mean I am required to respond to every nonsensical line.

No, idiot, you are trying to MAKE it the main claim in my post. BTW I wasn't responding to you. Thats what happens when fools enter into other people's conversations. You come blundering in hurling epithets without even knowing the context of the ongoing conversation. Gwon, GIT! You aren't worth my time.

ptwb is a loser white dude who is socially inept so he found acceptance in white supremacy. He's been radicalized.
Reality radicalized me.

Social supremacy and a high IQ lead me to investigate that reality.
Insecurity and fear radicalized you. You must constantly find reassurance in the illusion of whiteness by denigrating those who do not meet your illusory social identification as being "white." Kirk Douglas isn't white...he's a JEW according to EWE!
Fear and insecurity are the essence of your persona. You fear white people asserting their identity and having the right to protect their heritage because you know that once that happens people like you will be of no use to the world and will have to slink back into the sewers from whence you came.
That was the main claim/premise in your post, moron.

Just because you post a lot of meaningless, recycled garbage from some shitty diploma mill doesn't mean I am required to respond to every nonsensical line.

No, idiot, you are trying to MAKE it the main claim in my post. BTW I wasn't responding to you. Thats what happens when fools enter into other people's conversations. You come blundering in hurling epithets without even knowing the context of the ongoing conversation. Gwon, GIT! You aren't worth my time.

ptwb is a loser white dude who is socially inept so he found acceptance in white supremacy. He's been radicalized.
Reality radicalized me.

Social supremacy and a high IQ lead me to investigate that reality.
Insecurity and fear radicalized you. You must constantly find reassurance in the illusion of whiteness by denigrating those who do not meet your illusory social identification as being "white." Kirk Douglas isn't white...he's a JEW according to EWE!
Fear and insecurity are the essence of your persona. You fear white people asserting their identity and having the right to protect their heritage because you know that once that happens people like you will be of no use to the world and will have to slink back into the sewers from whence you came.

What you believe has nothing to do with reality. You are a dumb social misfit that found acceptance with other losers.Your whole premise here is based on your fear and insecurity junior. When have whites not ever been able to assert their identity or protect their heritage? What you fear is that if all of us take our rightful places which reduces white influence, you get sent back to the septic tank.
You're a fool. The examples i used were just tools to explain that there is more to success than looking inward. My point is that you imagine the black community is rife with problems and poverty.. Then you double down by offering lame advice on fixing those imaginary problems .Get it through your dumb head...most blacks are not impoverished and most are hard working Christians. If a collective problem exists all, it is centered in being a despised minority in a hostile nation.
Economic parity is the ultimate goa.lAnd whites like you are doing everything they can to maintain the status quo.

I don't have to fix imaginary problems ... If it isn't a problem, then I am not worried about it.

Your point is irrelevant ... >>>Because I don't mention or imagine anything about a black community rife with problems.<<<<<
If you have a problem with blacks, whites, Christians, government, racists, money, education, or opportunity ... Shut the fuck up and look around.

It's the 21st Century ... Has been for a while ... It's about time you get on the right page.

Er..did YOU say this?... :
>>>Because I don't mention or imagine anything about a black community rife with problems.<<<<<

And now your contradiction comes back to haunt you.

View attachment 186680

If you have amnesia I just cured it.

Damn, talk about owning someone...no pun intended.

There are many people that “talk” a good game about not being racist or say they are colorblind, but they sure seem to pop up in threads about racism and attempt to denigrate those that highlight racism in society, but sure are fucking quiet when members in other threads say racist things like “why do black have offspring, if they can’t afford it”

I mean, do they really think that shit isn’t obvious?
No, idiot, you are trying to MAKE it the main claim in my post. BTW I wasn't responding to you. Thats what happens when fools enter into other people's conversations. You come blundering in hurling epithets without even knowing the context of the ongoing conversation. Gwon, GIT! You aren't worth my time.

ptwb is a loser white dude who is socially inept so he found acceptance in white supremacy. He's been radicalized.
Reality radicalized me.

Social supremacy and a high IQ lead me to investigate that reality.
Insecurity and fear radicalized you. You must constantly find reassurance in the illusion of whiteness by denigrating those who do not meet your illusory social identification as being "white." Kirk Douglas isn't white...he's a JEW according to EWE!
Fear and insecurity are the essence of your persona. You fear white people asserting their identity and having the right to protect their heritage because you know that once that happens people like you will be of no use to the world and will have to slink back into the sewers from whence you came.

When have whites not ever been able to assert their identity or protect their heritage?
Every day since before I was even born?

Where do you think this irrational and racist fear of the alt-right comes from? Why do you think Democrats accuse Republicans of playing white identity politics like it is some terrible thing and Republicans have to literally deny it to save their jobs? Why do you think white nationalists get fired despite having done absolutely no harm to anyone?

Your massive ignorance about long established events is not becoming for someone who considers themselves intelligent.
ptwb is a loser white dude who is socially inept so he found acceptance in white supremacy. He's been radicalized.
Reality radicalized me.

Social supremacy and a high IQ lead me to investigate that reality.
Insecurity and fear radicalized you. You must constantly find reassurance in the illusion of whiteness by denigrating those who do not meet your illusory social identification as being "white." Kirk Douglas isn't white...he's a JEW according to EWE!
Fear and insecurity are the essence of your persona. You fear white people asserting their identity and having the right to protect their heritage because you know that once that happens people like you will be of no use to the world and will have to slink back into the sewers from whence you came.

When have whites not ever been able to assert their identity or protect their heritage?
Every day since before I was even born?

Where do you think this irrational and racist fear of the alt-right comes from? Why do you think Democrats accuse Republicans of playing white identity politics like it is some terrible thing and Republicans have to literally deny it to save their jobs? Why do you think white nationalists get fired despite having done absolutely no harm to anyone?

Your massive ignorance about long established events is not becoming for someone who considers themselves intelligent.

.Drop all your bullshit and answer the fucking question:

When have whites not ever been able to assert their identity or protect their heritage?
Reality radicalized me.

Social supremacy and a high IQ lead me to investigate that reality.
Insecurity and fear radicalized you. You must constantly find reassurance in the illusion of whiteness by denigrating those who do not meet your illusory social identification as being "white." Kirk Douglas isn't white...he's a JEW according to EWE!
Fear and insecurity are the essence of your persona. You fear white people asserting their identity and having the right to protect their heritage because you know that once that happens people like you will be of no use to the world and will have to slink back into the sewers from whence you came.

When have whites not ever been able to assert their identity or protect their heritage?
Every day since before I was even born?

Where do you think this irrational and racist fear of the alt-right comes from? Why do you think Democrats accuse Republicans of playing white identity politics like it is some terrible thing and Republicans have to literally deny it to save their jobs? Why do you think white nationalists get fired despite having done absolutely no harm to anyone?

Your massive ignorance about long established events is not becoming for someone who considers themselves intelligent.

.Drop all your bullshit and answer the fucking question:

When have whites not ever been able to assert their identity or protect their heritage?
I already have.

Drop your ignorance and fucking read what I am typing.
You pay reparations for the blacks your ancestors enslaved and then sold on to whites. Let’s start at the beginning of the chain and see how that goes :wink:

No the US government system made slavery and apartheid legal, so the government owes us money for the human rights violations created because they did so. That's the beginning of the chain.
no it's not.

you know damn well that it was black africans that captured other africans and sold them as slaves.

lying about it doesn't do any good and only makes you the reason we can't move on.
Why are you so hung up on that fact? People like money. Money makes the world go 'round. Who originally captured who makes no difference. We fucking bought them in the end and made them property in perpetuity. So sit down and shut up about it.
uhm, no.

im2 just blames whites, she lies about what blacks did.

Im hung up on facts b/c they are facts, if you don't like to read facts put me on iggy

I'm fully aware of what happened in Africa. But the problem here is whites did buy them. They did not have to. And when you actually research what did go on you find whites equipped certain tribes with the equipment needed to win battles against their enemies in return for payment for those they captured. Africans did not capture opposing tribes, get on ships and go to Europe selling them. Europeans invaded Africa and did exactly what I said. Those are the facts. But it's easier for a bitch like half thumb to say Africans sold each other instead pf discussing the actual logistics.

So let's say we play along with half thumbs raggedy bitch made analysis and hold only Africans accountable for slavery in his country. Slavery ended in 1863. So then we have to deal with the apartheid that happened for 100 years after that. Africans did not do that. But a pussy like half thumbs does not want tp discuss that. But they are the facts.

.I am a man, but to show how childish punks like half thumbs are,, they think calling me she is supposed to be doing something. All it does is show why we cannot advance on matters of race due to the fact white men like half a thumb don't have the balls to face the truth.

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