Why we love Trump....

Nobody is proposing it
What are you hallucinating about?

You just asked me a question and I answered.

And now I will have to correct you, there are bunch of crazy hard left loons that are proposing it, and you would come very close.
You raised the issue
I just mocked you for it

That was the lamest attempt at mockery I have read for quite some time. I did not even realize that it was mockery, more like pure idiocy. And for what reason? I raised a completely legitimate point. The never Trumpers don't make a lot of sense.
No you didn't raise a point

You raised conservative hyperbole
Nope, I raised a great point. If you didn't get it you must not be very smart. But that we already knew so nothing new here.
Only in your goofy mind is it "a great point". In fact, it is stupidity rampant.
You just asked me a question and I answered.

And now I will have to correct you, there are bunch of crazy hard left loons that are proposing it, and you would come very close.
You raised the issue
I just mocked you for it

That was the lamest attempt at mockery I have read for quite some time. I did not even realize that it was mockery, more like pure idiocy. And for what reason? I raised a completely legitimate point. The never Trumpers don't make a lot of sense.
No you didn't raise a point

You raised conservative hyperbole

Nope, I raised a great point. If you didn't get it you must not be very smart. But that we already knew so nothing new here.
You need to put Breitbart away

You need to stop telling people how to live.

Although I suppose, since you are on the far left, you can't help it.

I don't read Breitbart, but definitely am going to crack it open now. Thanks for the tip...
I love watching the alt right commiecons screaming at the sky in futility.

I love watching your butthurt and blaming the alt right for it, ROFL!

(By the way, you are the only one here who is screaming, or more like screeching).
Continue your cry babying, Norman. We are mocking your nuts.

Yes, mocking me by asking me questions, what a brilliant mockery!

These people are so dumb, they can't even mock people properly. Just shows what the leftist indoctrination does to the brain. Morons...
No one in the thread above is asking questions of you, goof ball. :)
You raised the issue
I just mocked you for it

That was the lamest attempt at mockery I have read for quite some time. I did not even realize that it was mockery, more like pure idiocy. And for what reason? I raised a completely legitimate point. The never Trumpers don't make a lot of sense.
No you didn't raise a point

You raised conservative hyperbole

Nope, I raised a great point. If you didn't get it you must not be very smart. But that we already knew so nothing new here.
You need to put Breitbart away
You need to stop telling people how to live.Although I suppose, since you are on the far left, you can't help it.I don't read Breitbart, but definitely am going to crack it open now. Thanks for the tip...

That Alt Right commiecons follow the Alinsky-Limbaugh Rules: accuse others of what they do.

You freaks are trying to make the rest of America live as you want. No, that will never happen.
I love watching the alt right commiecons screaming at the sky in futility.

I love watching your butthurt and blaming the alt right for it, ROFL!

(By the way, you are the only one here who is screaming, or more like screeching).
Continue your cry babying, Norman. We are mocking your nuts.

Yes, mocking me by asking me questions, what a brilliant mockery!

These people are so dumb, they can't even mock people properly. Just shows what the leftist indoctrination does to the brain. Morons...
No one in the thread above is asking questions of you, goof ball. :)

He just did.

This is great 2 vs 1. I love it when the far leftists gang up. Yet they still lose, because they are losers.
I love watching the alt right commiecons screaming at the sky in futility.

I love watching your butthurt and blaming the alt right for it, ROFL!

(By the way, you are the only one here who is screaming, or more like screeching).
Continue your cry babying, Norman. We are mocking your nuts.

Yes, mocking me by asking me questions, what a brilliant mockery!

These people are so dumb, they can't even mock people properly. Just shows what the leftist indoctrination does to the brain. Morons...
No one in the thread above is asking questions of you, goof ball. :)

He just did.

This is great 2 vs 1. I love it when the far leftists gang up. Yet they still lose, because they are losers.
Not in the string above did he ask you anything, Norman. Gang stalking is the general tactic of the alt right commiecons.
I love watching your butthurt and blaming the alt right for it, ROFL!

(By the way, you are the only one here who is screaming, or more like screeching).
Continue your cry babying, Norman. We are mocking your nuts.

Yes, mocking me by asking me questions, what a brilliant mockery!

These people are so dumb, they can't even mock people properly. Just shows what the leftist indoctrination does to the brain. Morons...
No one in the thread above is asking questions of you, goof ball. :)

He just did.

This is great 2 vs 1. I love it when the far leftists gang up. Yet they still lose, because they are losers.
Not in the string above did he ask you anything, Norman. Gang stalking is the general tactic of the alt right commiecons.

More projection, only the far left is known for the gang up tactic. You would know since you are using it right as we speak.

But sadly it still doesn't work. You are a moronic loser, so it's incomprehensible for you to understand that I was of course referring to the question asked a few replies ago.

For so long we have just let these people who have no standards win, abusing the fact that others do have standards. No longer...
Addressing the point of the OP it brings back the trouble I felt George HW Bush was creating for himself when he marveled about a checkout price scanner. It had already become quite common and here was Bush acting like he had just gotten off the boat, so to speak. It made him seem completely out of touch with the common person, and for sure the media was more than glad to play it up.

No one needs a gang tactic against the alt right.

RightWinger can hold off a dozen of your ilk. I can hold off six of you with opening an eye.

You guys are simply pathetic.
It's about Trumps lack of decorum, dignity and statesmanship.

Essentially correct!
We have had all of the above many, many times and all it has ever gotten us is more of the very same crap that has put us where we are: say one thing to get elected, then go off and do a 180 furthering the globalist agenda. For all of Trump's faults in style, he is doing what he said, as best as the law has allowed, and he is the kryptonite to BOTH parties, both derailing the Left and the Dems until they don't know what side is up, as well as tearing at the old guard GOP.

Neither party is good and the longer Trump stays in office, the more change he is going to force on both parties: I don't expect much from the Dems, they have totally lost all sight of credibility, but either Trump will be beaten down by the Old Republicans or he will slowly force them out, ushering in a new party of younger thinkers more attune to the electorate instead of themselves.

Could you please take a look at the people he has put in power. there backgrounds, ability . then Show me the younger thinkers that you speak of.

Could you please realize I was speaking of new Republicans coming into the party, outsiders less ruled by the Old Guard and more willing to put the country rather than the party first! Who he puts in his current cabinet to deal with the problems of today with gobs of private industry and military experience has nothing to do with that but differs WILDLY from Obama's administration where nearly all of them had spent their lives as nothing but academicians having hardly ever even held down a real job.
It's about Trumps lack of decorum, dignity and statesmanship.

Essentially correct!
We have had all of the above many, many times and all it has ever gotten us is more of the very same crap that has put us where we are: say one thing to get elected, then go off and do a 180 furthering the globalist agenda. For all of Trump's faults in style, he is doing what he said, as best as the law has allowed, and he is the kryptonite to BOTH parties, both derailing the Left and the Dems until they don't know what side is up, as well as tearing at the old guard GOP.

Neither party is good and the longer Trump stays in office, the more change he is going to force on both parties: I don't expect much from the Dems, they have totally lost all sight of credibility, but either Trump will be beaten down by the Old Republicans or he will slowly force them out, ushering in a new party of younger thinkers more attune to the electorate instead of themselves.

Could you please take a look at the people he has put in power. there backgrounds, ability . then Show me the younger thinkers that you speak of.

In the trump administration one stands a better chance of getting indicted than accomplishing anything.
3 more years and the AH is gone

Another famous claim just like those who SWORE last Spring he'd be impeached and out of office by this year's end. Where will you be in three years when your wistful thinking doesn't come true again?
80 visits to his golf clubs since jan 20

Wait. You mean those golf courses he largely OWNS? It's one thing to sit around doing nothing with your feet up on the Oval Office desk playing golf like Obama, quite another thing to be out there getting up before dawn and working your ass off all day until long after sunset earning a few hours away when you can afford it, often using those golf sessions to take other leaders to to talk over worldly matters trying to hammer out deals!
Could you please take a look at the people he has put in power. there backgrounds, ability . then Show me the younger thinkers that you speak of.

In the trump administration one stands a better chance of getting indicted than accomplishing anything.
3 more years and the AH is gone

At the minimum!
Not really Marion could be less....btw 80 visits to his golf clubs since jan 20 But you remember him saying he just wants to stay in the WH and work his ass off???? And people like you here believed him lol
And how much did those 80 visits cost the tax payers Marion >?? You pay taxes? And morons complained when Obama went on vacation

Wait a minute. Obama played golf 333 times! Then there are all those massively funded extravagant vacations he took! Eisenhower played about 800 rounds of golf. Wilson played about 1200! That puts Trump in at about 480 over eight years; you got a problem with Wilson and Eisenhower too? Or are you just jealous you can't play as often. At least Trump plays golf or takes a vacation to rest after doing much work; Obama played golf and took vacations even when a crisis was going on! He took vacations to get away from his job because he couldn't do it, I never once saw Obama worn out from doing too much work! Obama's 2 terms was just one long lavish Hollywood party.
You just asked me a question and I answered.

And now I will have to correct you, there are bunch of crazy hard left loons that are proposing it, and you would come very close.
You raised the issue
I just mocked you for it

That was the lamest attempt at mockery I have read for quite some time. I did not even realize that it was mockery, more like pure idiocy. And for what reason? I raised a completely legitimate point. The never Trumpers don't make a lot of sense.
No you didn't raise a point

You raised conservative hyperbole

Nope, I raised a great point. If you didn't get it you must not be very smart. But that we already knew so nothing new here.
You need to put Breitbart away

We love Breitbart...

You got Butt Hurt.....
That was the lamest attempt at mockery I have read for quite some time. I did not even realize that it was mockery, more like pure idiocy. And for what reason? I raised a completely legitimate point. The never Trumpers don't make a lot of sense.
No you didn't raise a point

You raised conservative hyperbole

Nope, I raised a great point. If you didn't get it you must not be very smart. But that we already knew so nothing new here.
You need to put Breitbart away
You need to stop telling people how to live.Although I suppose, since you are on the far left, you can't help it.I don't read Breitbart, but definitely am going to crack it open now. Thanks for the tip...

That Alt Right commiecons follow the Alinsky-Limbaugh Rules: accuse others of what they do.

You freaks are trying to make the rest of America live as you want. No, that will never happen.

I am sure you don't have any idea of how

stupid this makes you look.

alinsky's rules for radicals is the bible of the left...

Rush Limbaugh exposes liberals for what they are..

It's your liberal Freak Show that tries to dictate

people's lives.
Last edited:
It's about Trumps lack of decorum, dignity and statesmanship.

Essentially correct!
We have had all of the above many, many times and all it has ever gotten us is more of the very same crap that has put us where we are: say one thing to get elected, then go off and do a 180 furthering the globalist agenda. For all of Trump's faults in style, he is doing what he said, as best as the law has allowed, and he is the kryptonite to BOTH parties, both derailing the Left and the Dems until they don't know what side is up, as well as tearing at the old guard GOP.

Neither party is good and the longer Trump stays in office, the more change he is going to force on both parties: I don't expect much from the Dems, they have totally lost all sight of credibility, but either Trump will be beaten down by the Old Republicans or he will slowly force them out, ushering in a new party of younger thinkers more attune to the electorate instead of themselves.

Could you please take a look at the people he has put in power. there backgrounds, ability . then Show me the younger thinkers that you speak of.

Could you please realize I was speaking of new Republicans coming into the party, outsiders less ruled by the Old Guard and more willing to put the country rather than the party first! Who he puts in his current cabinet to deal with the problems of today with gobs of private industry and military experience has nothing to do with that but differs WILDLY from Obama's administration where nearly all of them had spent their lives as nothing but academicians having hardly ever even held down a real job.
There are no 'new Republicans' coming into the party from the alt and far right that want to put country before their antiAmerican agendas.
I am sure you don't have any idea of how stupid this makes you look. alinsky's rules for radicals is the bible of the left...Rush Limbaugh exposes liberals for what they are.. It's your liberal Freak Show that tries to dictate people's lives.
And let your little light of stupidity shine.

Limbaugh lives by Alinsky's rules every day on his freak show.
I am sure you don't have any idea of how stupid this makes you look. alinsky's rules for radicals is the bible of the left...Rush Limbaugh exposes liberals for what they are.. It's your liberal Freak Show that tries to dictate people's lives.
And let your little light of stupidity shine.

Limbaugh lives by Alinsky's rules every day on his freak show.

You are full of shit....

Provide an example or admit you

are full of shit...

This should be fun watching you flop

around like a fish out of water...

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