Why western lying presstitutes never report about suffering children in Donbass?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Western lying corporate presstitutes are the biggest enemies of humanity, they cause wars, are guilty on millions murders, destroyed countries and cities. All wars beginning from 1914 were launched after huge lies in so-called 'free press' ( owned by a couple of international criminals ).
Today presstitutes are crying out about suffering kids in ISIS cities, but these lying demons NEVER reported about Children of Donbass, the True Victims of International Antirussian Gang leads by Merkel, Deep State and Devil.

When Western Folks want to be free they shall never purchase and read lying MS presstitutes.

Because they tear and print. Reuters and Bloomberg have the budget for an adequate and competent reporting staff, everybody else not so much.

You are laughing!

Wait, wait!

Wait for ?

Because they tear and print. Reuters and Bloomberg have the budget for an adequate and competent reporting staff, everybody else not so much.

Both are liars too.
left wing yes but with $10K/year for Reuters and $25/yr for a terminal subscription from Bloomberg out right lies cost then too much. Their political coverage sucks but they are mostly reporters on the market.
After Obama's administration+Soros+McCain brought their "democracy" to my home country of Ukraine not only Ukraine officially became the poorest country in Europe but Poroshenko, a Soros puppet, started a civil war in Donbass, which he calls "Russian aggression".

Except for Russian journalists there are basically no journalists from other countries in Donbass (BTW, Ukrainian Army is responsible for the death of 4 Russian and 1 Italian journalists in Donbass).

Deep State, who controls current Ukrainian officials, doesn't want the world to know the truth about civil war and killing civilians by Ukrainian army in Donbass, On the contrary, Deep State and its loyal Media has been doing their best to keep the world as ignorant as possible about situation in Donbass. Why? Because as soon as the world figures out the ugly truth about it, Ukrainian junta and their American puppeteers will be judged by International Military tribunal. And we pray about that every day....
After Obama's administration+Soros+McCain brought their "democracy" to my home country of Ukraine not only Ukraine officially became the poorest country in Europe but Poroshenko, a Soros puppet, started a civil war in Donbass, which he calls "Russian aggression".

Except for Russian journalists there are basically no journalists from other countries in Donbass (BTW, Ukrainian Army is responsible for the death of 4 Russian and 1 Italian journalists in Donbass).

Deep State, who controls current Ukrainian officials, doesn't want the world to know the truth about civil war and killing civilians by Ukrainian army in Donbass, On the contrary, Deep State and its loyal Media has been doing their best to keep the world as ignorant as possible about situation in Donbass. Why? Because as soon as the world figures out the ugly truth about it, Ukrainian junta and their American puppeteers will be judged by International Military tribunal. And we pray about that every day....

Nothing was changed the last 100 years.
Presstitutes stay the same.
Look below imaginable and really lying press in the West


Even if millions of Russians get killed in Ukraine no one say anything in the West.
Putin shall take all Russian Territorials back in Russia.

Actually Ukraine and ukrainians are part of Russia and russians.
Absolutely the same history, traditions, language.
Ukraine appeared in 1918 by Bolsheviks and it couldn't prove it is a separate nation/country during the whole century.
Ukraine (okraina) means "the edge (of russian land)"..."the border".
But fluence of Poland amd Hungary allowed some new words, traditions, even new confession to find their way to this territory drop by drop...

Soon! Very soon Russia will arise and be rejoined!
Soon! Very soon Russia will arise and be rejoined!
Thank you, Eugene, for another profound post of yours.

Interesting thing, I can't explain but since the year has started I have the same feeling. It is not based on any current events, just a strong feeling.

May I ask you what makes you think that?
I travel much so I have opportunity to compare different countries as they were 15-10-5 years ago and now. I used to live in Ukraine for long, now I live in Russia. And I see changes, I see the change in trends (economic, psychological in people’s minds and so on).
And I don’t see any progress in EU, Japan; I see huge regress in Ukraine, I cannot judge the USA and Australia.

And from the other side I notice great changes in Russian society. People becsme wealthy, they feel stability inspite of sanctions and western mass media hysteria, people feel proud for their country achievements. And that is all thanks to our authorities which came in power in 2000 and slowly step by step moves Russia forward.
Still there is a lot of problems, yes. But people stopped suffering of poverty, population began growing and we know that any changes inspired from west will not happen.
At last most of people realized that western civilization is lyes and they don’t wish to help us just suck our blood. That is the reason why Putin has such a high rating - general condition of Russia became better and people like it.
Eugene , you are just a priceless poster for this forum: you are from Russia, you are a decent and honest person and you know the history well. Your every post benefits Russia and Russians (inside and outside the country), all Russian World. Too bad you don't post too much.

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