Why will Putin invade Ukraine; How shall NATO respond?

Putting up photos means NOTHING. Why did Ukraine elect a Jew for President?
Your lame smear attempt is similar to putting up photos of the KKK and saying they reflect USA. Maybe that would be more accurate if Trump was still President; KKK likes Trump.
Why is Selensky a Jew?
Do YOU believe Russia will invade Ukraine?
Maybe in a couple of weeks. For now Putin will run the clock and make all those folks crying 'imminent attack' look like the boy who cried wolf. Which will greatly diminish their credibility.
What happened to Ukraine that 170,000 troops are enough to invade Ukraine? Is the Ukrainian army completely rotten?
So? Doesn´t matter that Ukraine is now a Bandera-Ukraine with the Bandera-Salute being mandatory for police and army. Bandera cooperated with Germany and was allegedly involved in killings of Jews and Poles.
Nice misinformation try.
Your idiotic post suggests that Putin and current Russians are responsible for Stalin's genocides in the 1930's & beyond.
Grow up and look at CURRENT situations. Are all Germans now responsible for what Hitler did?
Well TODAY, we have an elected Jewish President in Ukraine that killer Putin is trying to destroy; maybe put him and independent Ukrainians into Putin's GULAG.
Nice misinformation try.
Your idiotic post suggests that Putin and current Russians are responsible for Stalin's genocides in the 1930's & beyond.
Grow up and look at CURRENT situations. Are all Germans now responsible for what Hitler did?
Well TODAY, we have an elected Jewish President in Ukraine that killer Putin is trying to destroy; maybe put him and independent Ukrainians into Putin's GULAG.
Stop shitting at me. It is fact. And it has nothing to do with Stalin or whatever, we are in the present. Your claims are unsupported and you maintain them for personal reasons. EVen if Selenksy has Jewish roots, he is as Jewish as Zuckerberg is or as Trump is: 0 %.
Russia said Tuesday it was pulling back some of its forces near the Ukrainian border to their bases, in what would be the first major step towards de-escalation in weeks of crisis with the West.

The move came amid an intense diplomatic effort to avert a feared Russian invasion of its pro-Western neighbor and after Moscow amassed more than 100,000 troops near Ukraine's borders.

The crisis — the worst between Russia and the West since the end of the Cold War — reached a peak this week with U.S. officials warning that a full-scale invasion, including an assault on the capital Kyiv, was possible within days.

Russia is faking the "pullback" of some of its military, according to this source:
Can Russia be trusted?
Of course NOT. They are masters of disinformation and outright lying, as in 2014 when they initially denied invading Crimea and supporting Russian "separatists" in eastern Ukraine.
Putin is still a KGB trickster, but much much more dangerous now. He has shut down independent media in Russia and ramped up propaganda to his own people like USSR 30+ years ago.

If NATO does not respond to Russian aggression on a sovereign nation, then Taiwan is toast too. So much for democracy around the world that America WAS the leader for.
100th time Russian invasion is imminent and you believe it again :rolleyes:
What do you say now?
Putin was simply waiting for the Olympics to end, to not insult China, or waiting for Ukraine to respond to Russian separatist provocations so he can claim his lunacy of "defense".
Putin's recent speech proved he's a KILLER, a warmonger.
100th time Russian invasion is imminent and you believe it again :rolleyes:
Putin is not taking anymore crap from the deep state.:yes_text12: this guy listens way to much to the CIA controlled media,it is not Russia that is a threat there it is NATO.NATO is murdering civialians and Russia is giving the deep state the middle finger

Can Russia be trusted?
Of course NOT. They are masters of disinformation and outright lying, as in 2014 when they initially denied invading Crimea and supporting Russian "separatists" in eastern Ukraine.
Putin is still a KGB trickster, but much much more dangerous now. He has shut down independent media in Russia and ramped up propaganda to his own people like USSR 30+ years ago.

If NATO does not respond to Russian aggression on a sovereign nation, then Taiwan is toast too. So much for democracy around the world that America WAS the leader for.
are you actually this stupid that you think NATO can be trusted and they are not evil always trying to start wars?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
What do you say now?
Putin was simply waiting for the Olympics to end, to not insult China, or waiting for Ukraine to respond to Russian separatist provocations so he can claim his lunacy of "defense".
Putin's recent speech proved he's a KILLER, a warmonger.
Actually no. From the Russian point of view, they didn't start the war - they are going to finish the war, started by the Western backed militants on Maidan in 2013 and defend Russian people and strategically important land of Ukraine.
Can Russia be trusted?
Of course NOT. They are masters of disinformation and outright lying, as in 2014 when they initially denied invading Crimea and supporting Russian "separatists" in eastern Ukraine.
Putin is still a KGB trickster, but much much more dangerous now. He has shut down independent media in Russia and ramped up propaganda to his own people like USSR 30+ years ago.

If NATO does not respond to Russian aggression on a sovereign nation, then Taiwan is toast too. So much for democracy around the world that America WAS the leader for.
You see... To respond properly (not to just commit murder-suicide) we need proper weapon and ability to alleviate consequences of the Russian retaliation strike. And right now we have not the Credible First Strike Capability.
Actually no. From the Russian point of view, they didn't start the war - they are going to finish the war, started by the Western backed militants on Maidan in 2013 and defend Russian people and strategically important land of Ukraine.
The Russian point of view is classic USSR propaganda that Putin learned well as a KGB agent in east Berlin.
The freedom-loving EU-leaning Ukrainians participated in the 2014 Euromaidan revolt (aka Revolution of Dignity) after Putin's puppet, President Yanukovych, failed to sign their EU-Ukraine Association Agreement that he promised to do. Eventually, he left Ukraine for Russia and gave up his Presidency.
Since the UKRAINIAN revolt, Ukraine had TWO democratic Presidential elections. Ukraine is a sovereign country in the UN that Putin has repeatedly violated its territorial borders.
Ukraine has been a peaceful country outside its borders, unlike Russia, and was/is defending itself inside its borders from Putin's Hitler style aggression.

Winning ‘hearts’ and PR war, but Ukraine has a “Nazi” problem that NATO and USA do not talk about​

The cartel of western nations, who is otherwise swift and prompt in condemning anti-Semitism, look the other way, nay, openly arm and encourage fascist groups with neo-Nazi leanings, if that helps them in thwarting their opponents and reasserting their hegemony

Ukraine’s dalliance with anti-semitic and bigoted forces​

Azov Special Operations Department or Azov Battalion, as it is commonly known, is a right-wing extremist and neo-Nazi unit of the National Guard of Ukraine. Formed in 2014 as a volunteer militia during the Odesa clashes, the Azov Battalion was soon incorporated into the National Guard of Ukraine, serving in the state capacity despite having allegiance to and drawing inspiration from the supremacist Nazi beliefs.

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