Why would a God even need a hell?

Why do Christians need hell?

Why to make their religion relevant and scare the pants off of the future of humans.
Why would God need an eternal hell , who's going to feed them forever? Do they have to stand on their feet forever? Wear the same clothes for all eternity? Will God let them take bathes every million years or so? Are we going to give them sleep breaks every 20 trillion years or so?

What about hair cuts? What , do we just burn their hair off?
There is at least one or two hell in Christianity hell. Dark and light. Swedish hell exist.
God doesn't need a hell.

We need one, so that we don't have to spend eternity listening to libturd parasites piss and moan about everything in heaven. A lifetime is long enough. Life is hellish enough as it is. Libturds are miserable no matter where they are anyway, so they ought to go to hell.

Why would God need a hell? Why would he want to hurt humans forever?

Were hurting enough as it is. Putting up with religions is hurtful enough as it is.
I hold no interest in calling people names ; and see absolutely no worth in doing it.

I do.

Things need to be labeled and categorized so that they can be organized and prioritized.

For instance, mindless libturd drones need to be ignored or ridiculed.

Cognitive people who can think independently should have their opinions considered and discussed.

I hold no interest in calling people names ; and see absolutely no worth in doing it.

I do.

Things need to be labeled and categorized so that they can be organized and prioritized.

For instance, mindless libturd drones need to be ignored or ridiculed.

Cognitive people who can think independently should have their opinions considered and discussed.

I hold no interest in name calling. Its a waste of words.
Will the Christians still be allowed to preach in hell, lets say once every billion years.
I tell you humans in hell will have to be a Super being, "Super Sufferers", they will have legs like the incredible hulk , because they must stand up for all eternity , they will have bodies like the human torch, can burn for billions of years but never burn up. They can swim in the fire like Aqua man. Their minds must be super to keep them from going mad at this insane hell.

You know something , these Super Sufferers are going to be quite formidable, and after what , 999 quadrillion years of suffering , some of them may be mad at God. We had better post 12 legions of Cerephim and angels;

we would not want any of these things getting out, now would we?
Religion needs a hell ; God is not religion. Religions are using God to advance THEIR theology.
Religion needs a hell to help it fill its den of doom they crave.
Religion needs a hell to help it fill its den of doom they crave.

With Christ, there is no doom or gloom ------- only Faith, Hope, Charity and LOVE. Those without Christ are condemned already.

And what IS the condemnation? Eternal hell punishing like you Christians preach and desire? The condemnation, ( or judgment), is revealed in next verse; John 3:19 " And THIS IS the condemnation, that light is come into the world but men loved darkness." Spiritual blindness IS the condemnation, not your precious hell. You Christians are hell mongers , flooding the world with your message of condemnation, because you desire that for the world. You want the consciousness of the world to be infected with the fear of condemnation that you are infected with.
I have asked myself why a God would need a hell, ( and by hell I mean the Christian version of it). I mean here this great being of life and love , is said to have created a place of eternal misery? And something is just not right with that, because it makes no sense at all. But a lot of things in religion make no sense, but religion rains on humanity, getting all of our consciousness wet in one manner or another.

My view of God, and I don't know God, have never seen him or heard his voice; is a view that I know is already distorted by many things; but I view him as merciful, loving, kind, forgiving, longsuffering, all the things that this Christian hell is not. So I don't think this hell is God's creation, I think the Christians created it. I think this eternal hell punishing is what Christians would do with unbelievers, not God. I think its moreso what the Christians want.

Why would God make an eternal monument out of evil? For what? Why would such a being of great power of change, co-exist with misery forever? Why? I can't see it. I think something is seriously wrong with this myopic view of hell! The powers that exist which can seduce the consciousness of humanity into believing nonsense, is simply stunning.
Where is God supposed to put evil fucks, if not in hell? Fucking Cleveland or something?
Why does Batman need the Joker? Why does Chief Brody need the shark? Why does Bruce Willis need the cranky huge asteroid?

You can't tell a good story without a protagonist and an antagonist. Austin Powers and Dr Evil (it is even spelled out in that one). The Priest and Linda Blair. Fred Sanford and Aunt Ester. Crockett and Tubbs and Drug Dealer and Other Drug Dealer. Simba and Scar. Pepsi and Coke. Sarah Palin and education.

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