Why would a God even need a hell?

If Atheism has no alternative needs, then explain why they seem to need religious forums to post their un needing views? Explain to me how Atheism is an absence of belief, but yet Theism is not absent in their conversations?

When a person says that they do not believe in X they have to use X in their conversations with people who believe in X because that's how people communicate..

I agree and I view that as a need. I then disagree that Atheism has no alternative needs.

Maybe its more of a duty than a need, like making sure that the mentally unstable do not direct the course of a nation.

In my view , Atheism and Theism NEED each other; and that is reality as it really is , not as it seems to be!

That's fine and dandy. Just don't try to run for any government office or position of any level that requires rational thought and the public trust. You have disqualified yourself.
God needs a Hell for when he's tired of hanging with the wimps in heaven.
God needs a Hell for when he's tired of hanging with the wimps in heaven.

I have noticed your need for sarcasm in your conversation , perhaps that is heaven for your mouth.
I find the story of the talking snake similar to Carl in Caddy Shack, when he shapes plastic explosives to look like squirrels and as he is tossing them down the gopher hole he says "yeah, hi, it's just me mr squirrel, it isn't a plastic explosive or anything like that, no need to be alarmed. I thought I'd pop in there for a few laughs."

Why would a loving god do that to people?
It's just a story.

Moses made it up.
I find the story of the talking snake similar to Carl in Caddy Shack, when he shapes plastic explosives to look like squirrels and as he is tossing them down the gopher hole he says "yeah, hi, it's just me mr squirrel, it isn't a plastic explosive or anything like that, no need to be alarmed. I thought I'd pop in there for a few laughs."

Why would a loving god do that to people?
It's just a story.

Moses made it up.

So you speak for figures in the bible? That might work in Sunday school class but not here. Just speak for yourself.
God needs a Hell for when he's tired of hanging with the wimps in heaven.

I have noticed your need for sarcasm in your conversation , perhaps that is heaven for your mouth.
Heaven for my mouth is a nice pussy.

Your mouth is raping the human language every day ; your a conversation rapist. And you get off on doing it. I have seen this behavior before.
God needs a Hell for when he's tired of hanging with the wimps in heaven.

I have noticed your need for sarcasm in your conversation , perhaps that is heaven for your mouth.
Heaven for my mouth is a nice pussy.

Your mouth is raping the human language every day ; your a conversation rapist. And you get off on doing it. I have seen this behavior before.
So you don't like to plunge your face into a nice wet pussy?
Heaven for my mouth is a nice pussy.
Just get dimsum it all tastes the same.
I'm not into Asian bush, it smells like wet rice.

I object your verbal abuse of the English language ;I object to how you verbally abuse communication with impunity; I object to the pervertish joy to get from doing as such ; I object to the malicious movement of your mouth and mind.
Heaven for my mouth is a nice pussy.
Just get dimsum it all tastes the same.
I'm not into Asian bush, it smells like wet rice.

I object your verbal abuse of the English language ;I object to how you verbally abuse communication with impunity; I object to the pervertish joy to get from doing as such ; I object to the malicious movement of your mouth and mind.
So you're saying that you don't like pussy? Why am I not surprised?
Heaven for my mouth is a nice pussy.
Just get dimsum it all tastes the same.
I'm not into Asian bush, it smells like wet rice.

I object your verbal abuse of the English language ;I object to how you verbally abuse communication with impunity; I object to the pervertish joy to get from doing as such ; I object to the malicious movement of your mouth and mind.
So you're saying that you don't like pussy? Why am I not surprised?

I hold no interest in a decent conversation with you , you would rape it too much. I have absolutely no need to disrespect women or the human language. I object to how you handle a conversation as if you are "The Joker", standing on a stage to get a laugh at anyone's expense. I object to intelligence that likes to abuse. And if you keep talking to me, I'll just keep exposing you for what you really are.
With Christ, there is no doom or gloom ------- only Faith, Hope, Charity and LOVE. Those without Christ are condemned already.

And what IS the condemnation? Eternal hell punishing like you Christians preach and desire? The condemnation, ( or judgment), is revealed in next verse; John 3:19 " And THIS IS the condemnation, that light is come into the world but men loved darkness." Spiritual blindness IS the condemnation, not your precious hell. You Christians are hell mongers , flooding the world with your message of condemnation, because you desire that for the world. You want the consciousness of the world to be infected with the fear of condemnation that you are infected with.

And YOU love the darkness. YOU condemn YOURSELF. YOU distort the Truth. Your reject CHRIST.

I want people to seek GOD and to see their spiritual need for salvation by GOD through CHRIST JESUS. Spiritual blindness equals spiritual death. And Adam and Eve were faced with spiritual death because they rejected GOD and ate of the tree wanting to be "God".

You are wrong , Adam and Eve ate because they were set up by God to eat, that is WHY God sent the serpent into Eden, he knew they were absolutely no match for satan. But what Christianity does not have eyes to see is that in the garden, he was "Creating the need for Christ to come to earth." Adam and Eve were predestined to fail , just like Judas was. God knows what he is doing ; we just don't know.
How do you know? What is your proof? What is the result if you are WRONG?

I know it's a long shot that would amount to being a miracle, but some people actually learn from their mistakes.

Rejecting God's atonement is the only unforgiven sin. An eternity separated from God is not the thing I would want to study.
With Christ, there is no doom or gloom ------- only Faith, Hope, Charity and LOVE. Those without Christ are condemned already.

And what IS the condemnation? Eternal hell punishing like you Christians preach and desire? The condemnation, ( or judgment), is revealed in next verse; John 3:19 " And THIS IS the condemnation, that light is come into the world but men loved darkness." Spiritual blindness IS the condemnation, not your precious hell. You Christians are hell mongers , flooding the world with your message of condemnation, because you desire that for the world. You want the consciousness of the world to be infected with the fear of condemnation that you are infected with.

And YOU love the darkness. YOU condemn YOURSELF. YOU distort the Truth. Your reject CHRIST.

I want people to seek GOD and to see their spiritual need for salvation by GOD through CHRIST JESUS. Spiritual blindness equals spiritual death. And Adam and Eve were faced with spiritual death because they rejected GOD and ate of the tree wanting to be "God".

You are wrong , Adam and Eve ate because they were set up by God to eat, that is WHY God sent the serpent into Eden, he knew they were absolutely no match for satan. But what Christianity does not have eyes to see is that in the garden, he was "Creating the need for Christ to come to earth." Adam and Eve were predestined to fail , just like Judas was. God knows what he is doing ; we just don't know.
How do you know? What is your proof? What is the result if you are WRONG?

The bible is my proof Christian, read it in Gen.3:7 Adam and Eve's " Eves were opened" , simply meaning they were spiritually blind to everything that happened BEFORE verse 7. Its academic , they did not have God's Spirit , they were not trained and God did not help them. But Christianity is blind to this.
They LOST God's Spirit and became Spiritually DEAD! In the day they ate the fruit they became dead to God.
Heaven for my mouth is a nice pussy.
Just get dimsum it all tastes the same.
I'm not into Asian bush, it smells like wet rice.

I object your verbal abuse of the English language ;I object to how you verbally abuse communication with impunity; I object to the pervertish joy to get from doing as such ; I object to the malicious movement of your mouth and mind.
So you're saying that you don't like pussy? Why am I not surprised?

I hold no interest in a decent conversation with you , you would rape it too much. I have absolutely no need to disrespect women or the human language. I object to how you handle a conversation as if you are "The Joker", standing on a stage to get a laugh at anyone's expense. I object to intelligence that likes to abuse. And if you keep talking to me, I'll just keep exposing you for what you really are.
I bet you like to slobber over a stiff black cock and then gobble up all the cum.
Just get dimsum it all tastes the same.
I'm not into Asian bush, it smells like wet rice.

I object your verbal abuse of the English language ;I object to how you verbally abuse communication with impunity; I object to the pervertish joy to get from doing as such ; I object to the malicious movement of your mouth and mind.
So you're saying that you don't like pussy? Why am I not surprised?

I hold no interest in a decent conversation with you , you would rape it too much. I have absolutely no need to disrespect women or the human language. I object to how you handle a conversation as if you are "The Joker", standing on a stage to get a laugh at anyone's expense. I object to intelligence that likes to abuse. And if you keep talking to me, I'll just keep exposing you for what you really are.
I bet you like to slobber over a stiff black cock and then gobble up all the cum.

Tell us ,what's it really feel like to be so mutinous with your mouth? Does spitting out garbage make you energized or give you some kind of worth? How's it make you feel? What's it feel like to have speak's with someone who will not throw garbage back at you?
I'm not into Asian bush, it smells like wet rice.

I object your verbal abuse of the English language ;I object to how you verbally abuse communication with impunity; I object to the pervertish joy to get from doing as such ; I object to the malicious movement of your mouth and mind.
So you're saying that you don't like pussy? Why am I not surprised?

I hold no interest in a decent conversation with you , you would rape it too much. I have absolutely no need to disrespect women or the human language. I object to how you handle a conversation as if you are "The Joker", standing on a stage to get a laugh at anyone's expense. I object to intelligence that likes to abuse. And if you keep talking to me, I'll just keep exposing you for what you really are.
I bet you like to slobber over a stiff black cock and then gobble up all the cum.

Tell us ,what's it really feel like to be so mutinous with your mouth? Does spitting out garbage make you energized or give you some kind of worth? How's it make you feel? What's it feel like to have speak's with someone who will not throw garbage back at you?
I noticed that you didn't disagree with what I said. Good for you.

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