Why would a God even need a hell?

I have asked myself why a God would need a hell, ( and by hell I mean the Christian version of it). I mean here this great being of life and love , is said to have created a place of eternal misery? And something is just not right with that, because it makes no sense at all. But a lot of things in religion make no sense, but religion rains on humanity, getting all of our consciousness wet in one manner or another.

My view of God, and I don't know God, have never seen him or heard his voice; is a view that I know is already distorted by many things; but I view him as merciful, loving, kind, forgiving, longsuffering, all the things that this Christian hell is not. So I don't think this hell is God's creation, I think the Christians created it. I think this eternal hell punishing is what Christians would do with unbelievers, not God. I think its moreso what the Christians want.

Why would God make an eternal monument out of evil? For what? Why would such a being of great power of change, co-exist with misery forever? Why? I can't see it. I think something is seriously wrong with this myopic view of hell! The powers that exist which can seduce the consciousness of humanity into believing nonsense, is simply stunning.
Where is God supposed to put evil fucks, if not in hell? Fucking Cleveland or something?

I think the real evil here is a mind that will not forgive and change the evil humans ; a mind like yours that will herd those humans like cattle into your pain pit mentality. You been infected by Christian theology.
Why does Batman need the Joker? Why does Chief Brody need the shark? Why does Bruce Willis need the cranky huge asteroid?

You can't tell a good story without a protagonist and an antagonist. Austin Powers and Dr Evil (it is even spelled out in that one). The Priest and Linda Blair. Fred Sanford and Aunt Ester. Crockett and Tubbs and Drug Dealer and Other Drug Dealer. Simba and Scar. Pepsi and Coke. Sarah Palin and education.

Mentalities like yours created those senarios , humanity needs to be saved from thinking like yours.
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Why does Batman need the Joker? Why does Chief Brody need the shark? Why does Bruce Willis need the cranky huge asteroid?

You can't tell a good story without a protagonist and an antagonist. Austin Powers and Dr Evil (it is even spelled out in that one). The Priest and Linda Blair. Fred Sanford and Aunt Ester. Crockett and Tubbs and Drug Dealer and Other Drug Dealer. Simba and Scar. Pepsi and Coke. Sarah Palin and education.

Mentalities like yours created those senarios , humanity needs to from thinking like yours.

Why does Batman need the Joker? Why does Chief Brody need the shark? Why does Bruce Willis need the cranky huge asteroid?

You can't tell a good story without a protagonist and an antagonist. Austin Powers and Dr Evil (it is even spelled out in that one). The Priest and Linda Blair. Fred Sanford and Aunt Ester. Crockett and Tubbs and Drug Dealer and Other Drug Dealer. Simba and Scar. Pepsi and Coke. Sarah Palin and education.

Mentalities like yours created those senarios , humanity needs to from thinking like yours.


You forgot the Atheism needs Theism joke; how they feed off each other like parasites in the dark, trying to survive.
Why does Batman need the Joker? Why does Chief Brody need the shark? Why does Bruce Willis need the cranky huge asteroid?

You can't tell a good story without a protagonist and an antagonist. Austin Powers and Dr Evil (it is even spelled out in that one). The Priest and Linda Blair. Fred Sanford and Aunt Ester. Crockett and Tubbs and Drug Dealer and Other Drug Dealer. Simba and Scar. Pepsi and Coke. Sarah Palin and education.

Mentalities like yours created those senarios , humanity needs to from thinking like yours.


You forgot the Atheism needs Theism joke; how they feed off each other like parasites in the dark, trying to survive.

Atheism doesn't need an alternative. It isn't a belief in something. It is the absence of belief.

Abstinence is not a sex position. And you find it hard to laugh, so solly miss Molly.
The Philosophy God is a creation of philosophers. As Immanuel Kant said, if there were no God it would be necessary for mankind to create one.

Similarly in Confucianism and Buddhism, those two thinkers being philosophers, they simply created a working system for a Philosophy God.

Hinduism has a Pantheon of Gods and Goddesses -- they still think as though they live in the Bronze Age when everything in nature was thought to be a God. Heaven was a god. Earth was a goddess. Heavens rain and Earth becomes fertilized and gives forth fruits and grains.

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have revelatory Gods.

In Judaism the God announced himself as YHVH and appeared to Moses and commanded him to bring his people out of Egypt. These chosen people lasted about 700 years until first the Assyrians and then the Babylonians conquered them. The chosen people managed to hang on for another 800 years though while the Greeks and Romans conquered them. Then around 100 A.D. the Romans destroyed their capitol and looted all their gold and brass and ivory and built the Coliseum with it. Even so the chosen people managed to hang on another 1800 years until they got their homeland back from the Turks and the Palestinians.

In Christianity the God announced himself in Greek as Theos and fathered a Son Of God. This Son Of God gave new commandments to the Jews which from there spread to the Greeks and Romans and Syrians and the rest of Europe and the world. In 325 AD Christianity even conquered the Roman Empire.

Islam has a prophet who lived in a cave and claimed he heard voices from an archangel called Gabriel. In this sense it is plagiarized Christianity and plagiarized Judaism. The Islamic book is a long boring rant that sounds like it is from a madman.

That's who the God and Gods are.

That's where they came from.

That's how we know about them -- from numerous books from the Gita's to the Tenakh and the New Testament Bible and the Quran.
Atheism doesn't need an alternative. It isn't a belief in something. It is the absence of belief.

Abstinence is not a sex position. And you find it hard to laugh, so solly miss Molly.

Funny thing is that in the Bible people are taught to not be gullible, to not believe in what is irrational...

If God actually does exist, then atheists will fare much better at the judgement than those who profess to believe in lies.
Funny thing is that in the Bible people are taught to not be gullible, to not believe in what is irrational...

If God actually does exist, then atheists will fare much better at the judgement than those who profess to believe in lies.
Atheists are NOT hedging any of their bets.

So unfortunately in the next world they will look really stupid and will have nothing to say.

Nobody will even listen to them anymore. Just waive them off as useless.
Funny thing is that in the Bible people are taught to not be gullible, to not believe in what is irrational...

If God actually does exist, then atheists will fare much better at the judgement than those who profess to believe in lies.
Atheists are NOT hedging any of their bets.

So unfortunately in the next world they will look really stupid and will have nothing to say.

Nobody will even listen to them anymore. Just waive them off as useless.

You don't understand. Atheists are not hedging any bets because they do not go for the standard lines. They do not believe. Its simply a matter of being honest with themselves and others. Isn't that the right thing to do?

How could any just God find fault with that?

If people weren't saying and doing so many bizarre and irrational things in the name of God and had something concrete and verifiable for people to examine then they might believe in what can be proven to be true..

Those who gamble with life , hedge bets, and profess to believe in what is irrational and condemn others who do not believe are the ones who are being waved off as useless right now, in the real world.

If you really believed that God exists, how can you also believe that you can gamble your way into the world to come? How smart is that? Do you think that you can outwit God?
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Religion needs a hell to help it fill its den of doom they crave.

With Christ, there is no doom or gloom ------- only Faith, Hope, Charity and LOVE. Those without Christ are condemned already.

And what IS the condemnation? Eternal hell punishing like you Christians preach and desire? The condemnation, ( or judgment), is revealed in next verse; John 3:19 " And THIS IS the condemnation, that light is come into the world but men loved darkness." Spiritual blindness IS the condemnation, not your precious hell. You Christians are hell mongers , flooding the world with your message of condemnation, because you desire that for the world. You want the consciousness of the world to be infected with the fear of condemnation that you are infected with.

And YOU love the darkness. YOU condemn YOURSELF. YOU distort the Truth. Your reject CHRIST.

I want people to seek GOD and to see their spiritual need for salvation by GOD through CHRIST JESUS. Spiritual blindness equals spiritual death. And Adam and Eve were faced with spiritual death because they rejected GOD and ate of the tree wanting to be "God".
Why does Batman need the Joker? Why does Chief Brody need the shark? Why does Bruce Willis need the cranky huge asteroid?

You can't tell a good story without a protagonist and an antagonist. Austin Powers and Dr Evil (it is even spelled out in that one). The Priest and Linda Blair. Fred Sanford and Aunt Ester. Crockett and Tubbs and Drug Dealer and Other Drug Dealer. Simba and Scar. Pepsi and Coke. Sarah Palin and education.

Mentalities like yours created those senarios , humanity needs to from thinking like yours.


You forgot the Atheism needs Theism joke; how they feed off each other like parasites in the dark, trying to survive.

Atheism doesn't need an alternative. It isn't a belief in something. It is the absence of belief.

Abstinence is not a sex position. And you find it hard to laugh, so solly miss Molly.

If Atheism has no alternative needs, then explain why they seem to need religious forums to post their un needing views? Explain to me how Atheism is an absence of belief, but yet Theism is not absent in their conversations?
Religion needs a hell to help it fill its den of doom they crave.

With Christ, there is no doom or gloom ------- only Faith, Hope, Charity and LOVE. Those without Christ are condemned already.

And what IS the condemnation? Eternal hell punishing like you Christians preach and desire? The condemnation, ( or judgment), is revealed in next verse; John 3:19 " And THIS IS the condemnation, that light is come into the world but men loved darkness." Spiritual blindness IS the condemnation, not your precious hell. You Christians are hell mongers , flooding the world with your message of condemnation, because you desire that for the world. You want the consciousness of the world to be infected with the fear of condemnation that you are infected with.

And YOU love the darkness. YOU condemn YOURSELF. YOU distort the Truth. Your reject CHRIST.

I want people to seek GOD and to see their spiritual need for salvation by GOD through CHRIST JESUS. Spiritual blindness equals spiritual death. And Adam and Eve were faced with spiritual death because they rejected GOD and ate of the tree wanting to be "God".

You are wrong , Adam and Eve ate because they were set up by God to eat, that is WHY God sent the serpent into Eden, he knew they were absolutely no match for satan. But what Christianity does not have eyes to see is that in the garden, he was "Creating the need for Christ to come to earth." Adam and Eve were predestined to fail , just like Judas was. God knows what he is doing ; we just don't know.
If Atheism has no alternative needs, then explain why they seem to need religious forums to post their un needing views? Explain to me how Atheism is an absence of belief, but yet Theism is not absent in their conversations?

When a person says that they do not believe in X they have to use X in their conversations with people who believe in X because that's how people communicate..
If Atheism has no alternative needs, then explain why they seem to need religious forums to post their un needing views? Explain to me how Atheism is an absence of belief, but yet Theism is not absent in their conversations?

When a person says that they do not believe in X they have to use X in their conversations with people who believe in X because that's how people communicate..

I agree and I view that as a need. I then disagree that Atheism has no alternative needs.
Religion needs a hell to help it fill its den of doom they crave.

With Christ, there is no doom or gloom ------- only Faith, Hope, Charity and LOVE. Those without Christ are condemned already.

And what IS the condemnation? Eternal hell punishing like you Christians preach and desire? The condemnation, ( or judgment), is revealed in next verse; John 3:19 " And THIS IS the condemnation, that light is come into the world but men loved darkness." Spiritual blindness IS the condemnation, not your precious hell. You Christians are hell mongers , flooding the world with your message of condemnation, because you desire that for the world. You want the consciousness of the world to be infected with the fear of condemnation that you are infected with.

And YOU love the darkness. YOU condemn YOURSELF. YOU distort the Truth. Your reject CHRIST.

I want people to seek GOD and to see their spiritual need for salvation by GOD through CHRIST JESUS. Spiritual blindness equals spiritual death. And Adam and Eve were faced with spiritual death because they rejected GOD and ate of the tree wanting to be "God".

You are wrong , Adam and Eve ate because they were set up by God to eat, that is WHY God sent the serpent into Eden, he knew they were absolutely no match for satan. But what Christianity does not have eyes to see is that in the garden, he was "Creating the need for Christ to come to earth." Adam and Eve were predestined to fail , just like Judas was. God knows what he is doing ; we just don't know.
How do you know? What is your proof? What is the result if you are WRONG?
If Atheism has no alternative needs, then explain why they seem to need religious forums to post their un needing views? Explain to me how Atheism is an absence of belief, but yet Theism is not absent in their conversations?

When a person says that they do not believe in X they have to use X in their conversations with people who believe in X because that's how people communicate..

I agree and I view that as a need. I then disagree that Atheism has no alternative needs.

Maybe its more of a duty than a need, like making sure that the mentally unstable do not direct the course of a nation.
Religion needs a hell to help it fill its den of doom they crave.

With Christ, there is no doom or gloom ------- only Faith, Hope, Charity and LOVE. Those without Christ are condemned already.

And what IS the condemnation? Eternal hell punishing like you Christians preach and desire? The condemnation, ( or judgment), is revealed in next verse; John 3:19 " And THIS IS the condemnation, that light is come into the world but men loved darkness." Spiritual blindness IS the condemnation, not your precious hell. You Christians are hell mongers , flooding the world with your message of condemnation, because you desire that for the world. You want the consciousness of the world to be infected with the fear of condemnation that you are infected with.

And YOU love the darkness. YOU condemn YOURSELF. YOU distort the Truth. Your reject CHRIST.

I want people to seek GOD and to see their spiritual need for salvation by GOD through CHRIST JESUS. Spiritual blindness equals spiritual death. And Adam and Eve were faced with spiritual death because they rejected GOD and ate of the tree wanting to be "God".

You are wrong , Adam and Eve ate because they were set up by God to eat, that is WHY God sent the serpent into Eden, he knew they were absolutely no match for satan. But what Christianity does not have eyes to see is that in the garden, he was "Creating the need for Christ to come to earth." Adam and Eve were predestined to fail , just like Judas was. God knows what he is doing ; we just don't know.
How do you know? What is your proof? What is the result if you are WRONG?

I know it's a long shot that would amount to being a miracle, but some people actually learn from their mistakes.
If Atheism has no alternative needs, then explain why they seem to need religious forums to post their un needing views? Explain to me how Atheism is an absence of belief, but yet Theism is not absent in their conversations?

When a person says that they do not believe in X they have to use X in their conversations with people who believe in X because that's how people communicate..

I agree and I view that as a need. I then disagree that Atheism has no alternative needs.

Maybe its more of a duty than a need, like making sure that the mentally unstable do not direct the course of a nation.

In my view , Atheism and Theism NEED each other; and that is reality as it really is , not as it seems to be!
Religion needs a hell to help it fill its den of doom they crave.

With Christ, there is no doom or gloom ------- only Faith, Hope, Charity and LOVE. Those without Christ are condemned already.

And what IS the condemnation? Eternal hell punishing like you Christians preach and desire? The condemnation, ( or judgment), is revealed in next verse; John 3:19 " And THIS IS the condemnation, that light is come into the world but men loved darkness." Spiritual blindness IS the condemnation, not your precious hell. You Christians are hell mongers , flooding the world with your message of condemnation, because you desire that for the world. You want the consciousness of the world to be infected with the fear of condemnation that you are infected with.

And YOU love the darkness. YOU condemn YOURSELF. YOU distort the Truth. Your reject CHRIST.

I want people to seek GOD and to see their spiritual need for salvation by GOD through CHRIST JESUS. Spiritual blindness equals spiritual death. And Adam and Eve were faced with spiritual death because they rejected GOD and ate of the tree wanting to be "God".

You are wrong , Adam and Eve ate because they were set up by God to eat, that is WHY God sent the serpent into Eden, he knew they were absolutely no match for satan. But what Christianity does not have eyes to see is that in the garden, he was "Creating the need for Christ to come to earth." Adam and Eve were predestined to fail , just like Judas was. God knows what he is doing ; we just don't know.
How do you know? What is your proof? What is the result if you are WRONG?

The bible is my proof Christian, read it in Gen.3:7 Adam and Eve's " Eves were opened" , simply meaning they were spiritually blind to everything that happened BEFORE verse 7. Its academic , they did not have God's Spirit , they were not trained and God did not help them. But Christianity is blind to this.
I find the story of the talking snake similar to Carl in Caddy Shack, when he shapes plastic explosives to look like squirrels and as he is tossing them down the gopher hole he says "yeah, hi, it's just me mr squirrel, it isn't a plastic explosive or anything like that, no need to be alarmed. I thought I'd pop in there for a few laughs."

Why would a loving god do that to people?

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