Why would a God even need a hell?

Why would a God need a hell?
Again............like I said before................God doesn't need hell, churches and the people that form those churches need hell to scare others into the pews and to get them indoctrinated into their belief system.
Again............like I said before................God doesn't need hell, churches and the people that form those churches need hell to scare others into the pews and to get them indoctrinated into their belief system.
And like I said before hell is being eternally separated from God.
Again............like I said before................God doesn't need hell, churches and the people that form those churches need hell to scare others into the pews and to get them indoctrinated into their belief system.
And like I said before hell is being eternally separated from God.
And like I said before hell is being eternally separated from God.

that's what an immortal evil would attempt, and why there is nothing representing the 4th century christian hell ... satan is dead, get over it.
Again............like I said before................God doesn't need hell, churches and the people that form those churches need hell to scare others into the pews and to get them indoctrinated into their belief system.
And like I said before hell is being eternally separated from God.
And like I said before hell is being eternally separated from God.

that's what an immortal evil would attempt, and why there is nothing representing the 4th century christian hell ... satan is dead, get over it.
I never mentioned satan. Hell is being eternally separated from God.
Again............like I said before................God doesn't need hell, churches and the people that form those churches need hell to scare others into the pews and to get them indoctrinated into their belief system.
And like I said before hell is being eternally separated from God.
And like I said before hell is being eternally separated from God.

that's what an immortal evil would attempt, and why there is nothing representing the 4th century christian hell ... satan is dead, get over it.
I never mentioned satan. Hell is being eternally separated from God.
I never mentioned satan. Hell is being eternally separated from God.

good luck trying ... your with evil in the attempt.
Again............like I said before................God doesn't need hell, churches and the people that form those churches need hell to scare others into the pews and to get them indoctrinated into their belief system.
And like I said before hell is being eternally separated from God.
And like I said before hell is being eternally separated from God.

that's what an immortal evil would attempt, and why there is nothing representing the 4th century christian hell ... satan is dead, get over it.
I never mentioned satan. Hell is being eternally separated from God.
I never mentioned satan. Hell is being eternally separated from God.

good luck trying ... your with evil in the attempt.
How so?
God needs a hell because he's not perfect and fucks up his creations now and then. Just like when he deforms babies. Or makes clowns.
Again............like I said before................God doesn't need hell, churches and the people that form those churches need hell to scare others into the pews and to get them indoctrinated into their belief system.
And like I said before hell is being eternally separated from God.
A "lake of fire" is not "eternally separated from God", but inhuman torture. Scientific Humanism did not bring forward "heaven/hell" because it's just too morally risky to just HOPE that the "lake of fire" is some kind of metaphor, and that the Bible can't be taken at it's word, that it does NOT mean what it says and does NOT say what it means.
Again............like I said before................God doesn't need hell, churches and the people that form those churches need hell to scare others into the pews and to get them indoctrinated into their belief system.
It's also risky to believe that an all-loving god would believe that killing gays (multiple places in the Bible) is the best way, and hate gays so much that his son never corrected Romans where it says that gays (even ethical ones) can't get into heaven, but will burn with the, say, mass-murderers like, say, Hitler.
Scientific Humanism is the most LGBT-friendly overall belief system, and believes that LGBT deserve far far better treatment than Hitler deserves! The Bible doesn't, so we can't bring those parts forward for our impressionable young children.

Since we seek to have the most forgiving belief system, we believe in forgiving god/Jesus/Christians for this, however.
Again............like I said before................God doesn't need hell, churches and the people that form those churches need hell to scare others into the pews and to get them indoctrinated into their belief system.
And like I said before hell is being eternally separated from God.
And like I said before hell is being eternally separated from God.

that's what an immortal evil would attempt, and why there is nothing representing the 4th century christian hell ... satan is dead, get over it.
I never mentioned satan. Hell is being eternally separated from God.
As a Scientific Humanist we believe that what would be best for the world would be if god/Jesus arrested "satan" (if he even exists, and there is no court-room level of evidence for that, however.)

Christians will put a pot-smoking 19 year old in prison but won't agree with us that the all-powerful and all-evil "satan" should be put in prison. .. So I think we have fortunately developed a more loving, and more intellectually-consistent, overall belief system - that understands proper priorities more than even their god does. Hopefully Christians/Muslims/Buddhists/New-Atheists can help us create an even better belief system in the future. We're on a roll!
Christians need hell to help their PR stunt of spreading terror to the world.
Christians need hell to help their PR stunt of spreading terror to the world.

That terror is their twisting of the bible and putting the truth of the of God to the rear and their love of the hell message to the front.
You know, if you look at things from the Jewish viewpoint, there is no hell, and Satan isn't so much of an evil being, but is perceived as such because of his job as adversary, meaning that he reports everything that you do to God and holds you accountable for your actions.

And, for those Christians who may have forgot, Jesus was Jewish.
You know, if you look at things from the Jewish viewpoint, there is no hell, and Satan isn't so much of an evil being, but is perceived as such because of his job as adversary, meaning that he reports everything that you do to God and holds you accountable for your actions.

And, for those Christians who may have forgot, Jesus was Jewish.
Either way it has the same effect. We are being tested.

No, we know that Jesus IS a Jew.
You know, if you look at things from the Jewish viewpoint, there is no hell, and Satan isn't so much of an evil being, but is perceived as such because of his job as adversary, meaning that he reports everything that you do to God and holds you accountable for your actions.

And, for those Christians who may have forgot, Jesus was Jewish.

Oh satan is evil, no doubt about it. And Jesus was Jewish, but he did not " Think Jewish!" If you know what I mean.

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