Why Would Anyone Wish Christianity to Not Be True?

I would hope that a real god would be nicer than the one depicted in the bible.
Nicer than being born so as to take the blame for everything bad you’ve ever done?

Not what I said. The god of the bible starts out in chapter one by drowning nearly everyone.
I think that's Chapter 7, actually.
It also destroys cities, kills first born, boots us out of a nice place (Eden), and generally does pretty bad things throughout and threatens people with hell...
Hell really isn't a biblical concept. Or not hell as in the fiery pit of eternal torment, anyway.
Anyway, we've found what people who associate with Jesus are like and he is known by the company he keeps.
Not what I said. The god of the bible starts out in chapter one by drowning nearly everyone. It also destroys cities, kills first born, boots us out of a nice place (Eden), and generally does pretty bad things throughout and threatens people with hell...
But then he raped poor mary and realized he needed to go through rehab before his bastard child was born. Having children changes your outlook on life.
Now he loves everyone and forgives. Praise gawd!
Ya, I forgot He RAPED A VIRGIN!!!!!:eek2:
You also need a theology 101 class.

So the conclusion is those that oppose are ignorant of the facts.
So what about all this: The god of the bible starts out in chapter one by drowning nearly everyone. It also destroys cities, kills first born, boots us out of a nice place (Eden), and generally does pretty bad things throughout and threatens people with hell...
I have no issue, it’s your lack of knowledge of events is your issue.
No, it's the outcomes I have an issue with.
I would hope that a real god would be nicer than the one depicted in the bible.
Nicer than being born so as to take the blame for everything bad you’ve ever done?

Not what I said. The god of the bible starts out in chapter one by drowning nearly everyone.
I think that's Chapter 7, actually.
It also destroys cities, kills first born, boots us out of a nice place (Eden), and generally does pretty bad things throughout and threatens people with hell...
Hell really isn't a biblical concept. Or not hell as in the fiery pit of eternal torment, anyway.
The takeaway here is ignorance is the primary driver.
Yes, you certainly show you haven't thought things through.
If I was going to wish for something I don't think it would be this world as it is.
The world is what you make it to be. That is the definition of being pragmatic.
No it isn't. The definition of pragmatic is accepting the world as it is. I may wish to flap my arms and fly but I know I can't change gravity. I may wish for a heaven but that doesn't make it a reality.
I would hate to know our creator was a genocidal tyrant hellbent on complete subordination.
But thats just me.
Why don't a bunch of us who never truly studied the Bible, the histories, the cultures, and languages of the times rewrite and reinterpret the Bible? And let's call them myths! That way we can convince those who have done all that studying that they should not believe in God. After all, the best way to convince those with actual knowledge and understanding is through our ignorance and misconstructions!

One of the benefits of completing Weatherman's Theology 101 course, is that you may then be able to argue non-belief with logic and intelligence instead of ignorance.
One of the benefits of completing Weatherman's Theology 101 course, is that you may then be able to argue non-belief with logic and intelligence instead of ignorance.
Educate me. When was the Trinity formed?
I would hate to know our creator was a genocidal tyrant hellbent on complete subordination.
But thats just me.
Why don't a bunch of us who never truly studied the Bible, the histories, the cultures, and languages of the times rewrite and reinterpret the Bible? And let's call them myths! That way we can convince those who have done all that studying that they should not believe in God. After all, the best way to convince those with actual knowledge and understanding is through our ignorance and misconstructions!

One of the benefits of completing Weatherman's Theology 101 course, is that you may then be able to argue non-belief with logic and intelligence instead of ignorance.
Yea i know. I need to have a hack tell me how to interpret the bible.
One day i will learn :rolleyes:
The answer file is emptier by the second. So when did Jesus come into existence and when was the Trinity formed?
New Testament teaching on this is that God (I am who I am) was ever Trinity, God revealing this about Himself was done by Christ.
New Testament teaching on this is that God (I am who I am) was ever Trinity, God revealing this about Himself was done by Christ.
Then Jesus was never born, he/she/it always existed. But was his/her/its own father.
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By the way, when did the Holy Spirit show up?
The Spirit of God ever was. While the Old Testament does not refer to this as the Holy Spirit, it does speak of God's spirit. Jesus spoke about sending the Holy Spirit, and said that this could not happen until after he had gone. The Church teaches that the Holy Spirit descended on Pentecost, and from that day on Christians have been baptized by water and spirit.
I would hope that a real god would be nicer than the one depicted in the bible.
Nicer than being born so as to take the blame for everything bad you’ve ever done?

Not what I said. The god of the bible starts out in chapter one by drowning nearly everyone.
I think that's Chapter 7, actually.
It also destroys cities, kills first born, boots us out of a nice place (Eden), and generally does pretty bad things throughout and threatens people with hell...
Hell really isn't a biblical concept. Or not hell as in the fiery pit of eternal torment, anyway.
The takeaway here is ignorance is the primary driver.

Do you believe in God?
I am not talking about the Christianity that has been hijacked by people and religion throughout the centuries to gain power and control. I am not talking about what your opinion you learned as a child in some Sunday school class. I am not talking about what you learned from some friend or website about Christianity.

I am not even talking about if you think Jesus is a myth. I am talking about wouldn't it be great if Jesus was real?

The stand up to the corrupt religious leaders of the time Jesus. The I'm going to take in all of the outcasts you so called religious people refuse to be around Jesus. The God so loved the world that he came to save us Jesus. The I am here to make you new Jesus.

What is the objection to walking with Jesus?

Why don't people want it to be true? Easy peasy!

John 3:17-19 New International Version (NIV)

17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. 19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil

People just want to enjoy their sinning and the pleasures it brings, die, and then never wake up and pay for their crimes.
Educate me. When was the Trinity formed?
After you were born, when did your fingers arrive? They have always been a part of you.

Christians believe God is so far beyond our comprehension we cannot accurately describe Him. He is who He is. One way of recognizing how far beyond human life and existence God is, there is a model of Trinity. God did not become Trinity, He is Trinity. And much-much-much more. The fact that we cannot understand Trinity reinforces the fact that God is beyond our comprehension.
Couldn’t find the clip on YouTube but here is an excerpt from the script of Paint Your Wagon . Lee Marvin’s lines are in bold.

You should read the Bible.
-l have read the Bible.
Didn't that discourage you
from drinking?
-No. Killed my appetite for reading.


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