Why you should never ever ever ever vote democrat

Now lets take another look at this mental midgets post.

They are addicted to obese junkies telling them what to do and how to vote as they sit swilling beer in their single wides.

This is what I am talking about. They want to control what you listen too. This is an obvious reference to Rush Limbaugh. Now because I have an FM Modulator in my truck, I am unable to get AM Talk radio, but I have heard these references before. I have never heard a Rush Limbaugh show myself, but the Socialist moron wants to insult Rush's listeners so bad he cannot stand it. God forbid anyone be able to listen to or discuss anything other than this Socialist posters Socialist positions.

Control Control Control

Meanwhile, fair minded conservatives invite free speech. I say the Communist, Marxists and Socialist Obama supporters are free to discuss all of their Wealth Redistribution, Welfare and Food stamps all they want.
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Because they're authoritarian whack jobs that redundantly violate the Bill of Rights.

They're one step below dictatorship and authoritarian rule... Hell they even have crazy shit in some states because they've brainwashed the public.

Interesting that only a rightwinger was called hitler, murdered off a 1/2 million innocent people in a imbecilic quest to find non-existent WMDs.

Interesting how you don't understand language.

The Nazi's are only "right" because they're a progressive liberal much like you.

They are "right" of classical liberal (which I am)..... They're actually national socialists.

Authoritarian ideas are "right" - much like your gun control and happy meal toy bans are "right" as well.

How about banning shit isn't "classical liberal" at all?? yet you support these super ***** that do it....

So you're petty fucking ignorant...

Anyone with a half decent education could have told you what I just did.......

Ear to the ground cock sucker, I am further right than you ever dreamed of being, so shut your face asshole. You want to talk about gun control? Every rightwinged president wanted gun control since Nixon. Nixon said guns were an abomination in the hands of citizens. Reagan supported the biggest gun legislation in American history, the Brady bill. Both Bush's are on record restricting gun use, so any case you can make is certainly weak in the shorts. The republican congress & NRA just had 6 years of control over the 2nd Amendment, and did nothing to restore the 2nd Ammendment.

Are you ready to give felons & the mentally ill their gun rights? If not you are no better than the rest of the rightwinged turds who don't believe in "Shall not be infringed."
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Do you value freedom? Freedom of Choice? Personal Freedom? Freedom of Speech? Freedom of thought? Freedom of personal responsibility?
Democrats are 100% against Freedom. I will prove this.
Let’s start at the local level. Do you think Harley riders voted for helmets? According to Democrats Harley riders are not smart enough to decide whether they should wear a helmet or not. This kind of law takes the personal decision away from the user because they think they know better. This is the mindset of the Democrat. They will tell you what is right for you.
Let’s say you own a restaurant. Should you as an owner get to decide what kind of food you serve? Of course. Should you get to decide your dress code policy? I should hope so. Then why would you not get to decide your own smoking policy? There would be some non smoking restaurants and some smoking restaurants. Shouldn’t it be up to the owner? This is a freedom that you as a business owner give up. These are the kinds of policies the Dems want to make for you.
Healthcare - The government wants to control your healthcare. You are not smart enough. They know what is better for you and your family, right? Sure! They will control your healthcare and help regulate what your health insurance will and will no cover. You do not need to decide which policy if right for you.
Economics – Democrats also think they know economics better than you do. What if you can’t pay your bills , you just open another credit card, right? Then, if you still can’t pay your bills, then you just open another credit card right? Why not just keep opening credit cards up? Isn’t that what the Democrat government is doing? They just keep spending and open up new credit cards. Right now they are trying to increase the debt ceiling (aka asking for more credit).
There are other issues – like gun control, shutting down Fox News, etc. etc. etc. – regulation, regulation regulation.
Big Government or Freedom you cannot have both.
Now there are a few reasons to vote Democrat:
1. You are too stupid to make our own decisions and you need the government to decide for you.
2. You want the handout the Dems want dish out.
3. You are a complete socialist and have not learned that Socialism continues to fail time and time again.
Don’t be a moron. Never ever ever ever vote Democrat

I'll give it a stab.

Helmet laws. Currently voluntary on the state level. 3 states have none, 27 have it only for minors and 20 are mandatory. Anyone that rides without one is a suicidal idiot in reality and should be left on the road when they, inevitably, meet the pavement. Any idea of the party affiliations of the original 1967 proposal? And why single out Harleys? Should only rice burners ride safely?

Smoking. Vast citizenry movement to implement bans on local and state levels. Not a partisan issue at all. If you have a Libertarian bent, would you prefer that all non-smokers sue smokers and the businesses that allow it for damages?

Healthcare. The same remedies are available with gov funded healthcare as you currently have if your employers healthcare or your private policy don't meet your current needs. Buy a different policy or pay retail. The retail market will never go away.

Economics. If I can't pay my bills I get another job and increase my income. The GOP has refused to do so and prefers to put it on the credit card and has been since Ronnie "Deficits Don't Matter" Reagan. I certainly wouldn't quit my full-time job for a part-time job like Bush did while spending billions on unnecessary wars for Islamic freedom.

If you think that safety regulation is anti-freedom, I've got a sweet regulation-free factory in China you can enjoy. You have no idea how free you are.
If you think Nazis were socialists, you WERE born yesterday...

"The essence of the Liberal outlook lies not in what opinions are held, but in how they are held: instead of being held dogmatically, they are held tentatively, and with a consciousness that new evidence may at any moment lead to their abandonment." -Bertrand Russell
Interesting that only a rightwinger was called hitler, murdered off a 1/2 million innocent people in a imbecilic quest to find non-existent WMDs.

Interesting how you dont understand language.

Hes only "right" because hes a progressive liberal much like you.

Hes "right" of classical liberal (which I am).....

Authoritarian ideas are "right" - much like your gun control and happy meal toy bans - thats "right" as well.

How about banning shit isn't "classical liberal" at all?? yet you support these super ***** that do it....

So you're petty fucking ignorant...

Anyone with a half decent education could have told you what I just did.......

There's not such thing as a "classical liberal". That's made up bullshit from Conservatives to try to get a "buy in" on the Constitution..which is far from Conservative.

Dude I hope you're just being facetious - if not:

Of course there is not, because it destroys your authoritarian prospects of an Orwellian society.

I suppose I should just ignore the fucking Bill of Rights??

How about history in general?

Let me guess the Magna Carta was manifested by republicans too in 1200?
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Do you value freedom? Freedom of Choice? Personal Freedom? Freedom of Speech? Freedom of thought? Freedom of personal responsibility?
Democrats are 100% against Freedom. I will prove this.
Let’s start at the local level. Do you think Harley riders voted for helmets? According to Democrats Harley riders are not smart enough to decide whether they should wear a helmet or not. This kind of law takes the personal decision away from the user because they think they know better. This is the mindset of the Democrat. They will tell you what is right for you.
Let’s say you own a restaurant. Should you as an owner get to decide what kind of food you serve? Of course. Should you get to decide your dress code policy? I should hope so. Then why would you not get to decide your own smoking policy? There would be some non smoking restaurants and some smoking restaurants. Shouldn’t it be up to the owner? This is a freedom that you as a business owner give up. These are the kinds of policies the Dems want to make for you.
Healthcare - The government wants to control your healthcare. You are not smart enough. They know what is better for you and your family, right? Sure! They will control your healthcare and help regulate what your health insurance will and will no cover. You do not need to decide which policy if right for you.
Economics – Democrats also think they know economics better than you do. What if you can’t pay your bills , you just open another credit card, right? Then, if you still can’t pay your bills, then you just open another credit card right? Why not just keep opening credit cards up? Isn’t that what the Democrat government is doing? They just keep spending and open up new credit cards. Right now they are trying to increase the debt ceiling (aka asking for more credit).
There are other issues – like gun control, shutting down Fox News, etc. etc. etc. – regulation, regulation regulation.
Big Government or Freedom you cannot have both.
Now there are a few reasons to vote Democrat:
1. You are too stupid to make our own decisions and you need the government to decide for you.
2. You want the handout the Dems want dish out.
3. You are a complete socialist and have not learned that Socialism continues to fail time and time again.
Don’t be a moron. Never ever ever ever vote Democrat

I'll give it a stab.

Helmet laws. Currently voluntary on the state level. 3 states have none, 27 have it only for minors and 20 are mandatory. Anyone that rides without one is a suicidal idiot in reality and should be left on the road when they, inevitably, meet the pavement. Any idea of the party affiliations of the original 1967 proposal? And why single out Harleys? Should only rice burners ride safely?

Smoking. Vast citizenry movement to implement bans on local and state levels. Not a partisan issue at all. If you have a Libertarian bent, would you prefer that all non-smokers sue smokers and the businesses that allow it for damages?

Healthcare. The same remedies are available with gov funded healthcare as you currently have if your employers healthcare or your private policy don't meet your current needs. Buy a different policy or pay retail. The retail market will never go away.

Economics. If I can't pay my bills I get another job and increase my income. The GOP has refused to do so and prefers to put it on the credit card and has been since Ronnie "Deficits Don't Matter" Reagan. I certainly wouldn't quit my full-time job for a part-time job like Bush did while spending billions on unnecessary wars for Islamic freedom.

If you think that safety regulation is anti-freedom, I've got a sweet regulation-free factory in China you can enjoy. You have no idea how free you are.

Hey stupid - I said I was starting at the local level. These are local Dems hell bent on a nanny state. These are Dems passing this shit. Helmet laws are only your business if you are getting on a bike. Are you? If not Fvck off!!!

Smoking Example: Check out SB 575 in California. Here is state wide prohibition on smoking even in cigars lounges in California. Look at this you stupid controlling piece of sh*t. Even the owner of a cigar lounge that you liberal douchebags are not going to go in will be banned from allowing smoke. Just like the helmet law. It is none of you fvcking business. The Bill's sponsor is Senator Mark DeSaulnier. He is a Democrat, of course.

Your little explainations on why we need these laws just made my point. Control Control Control. We don't need your nanny state. We choose freedom.

What an idiot!!!
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Do you think the voters who vote for Democrats are too stupid to know that this is going on?

Dem voters are morons.

I think Ben Frank said it best

See below:
Do you value freedom? Freedom of Choice? Personal Freedom? Freedom of Speech? Freedom of thought? Freedom of personal responsibility?
Democrats are 100% against Freedom. I will prove this.
Let’s start at the local level. Do you think Harley riders voted for helmets? According to Democrats Harley riders are not smart enough to decide whether they should wear a helmet or not. This kind of law takes the personal decision away from the user because they think they know better. This is the mindset of the Democrat. They will tell you what is right for you.
Let’s say you own a restaurant. Should you as an owner get to decide what kind of food you serve? Of course. Should you get to decide your dress code policy? I should hope so. Then why would you not get to decide your own smoking policy? There would be some non smoking restaurants and some smoking restaurants. Shouldn’t it be up to the owner? This is a freedom that you as a business owner give up. These are the kinds of policies the Dems want to make for you.
Healthcare - The government wants to control your healthcare. You are not smart enough. They know what is better for you and your family, right? Sure! They will control your healthcare and help regulate what your health insurance will and will no cover. You do not need to decide which policy if right for you.
Economics – Democrats also think they know economics better than you do. What if you can’t pay your bills , you just open another credit card, right? Then, if you still can’t pay your bills, then you just open another credit card right? Why not just keep opening credit cards up? Isn’t that what the Democrat government is doing? They just keep spending and open up new credit cards. Right now they are trying to increase the debt ceiling (aka asking for more credit).
There are other issues – like gun control, shutting down Fox News, etc. etc. etc. – regulation, regulation regulation.
Big Government or Freedom you cannot have both.
Now there are a few reasons to vote Democrat:
1. You are too stupid to make our own decisions and you need the government to decide for you.
2. You want the handout the Dems want dish out.
3. You are a complete socialist and have not learned that Socialism continues to fail time and time again.
Don’t be a moron. Never ever ever ever vote Democrat

I'll give it a stab.

Helmet laws. Currently voluntary on the state level. 3 states have none, 27 have it only for minors and 20 are mandatory. Anyone that rides without one is a suicidal idiot in reality and should be left on the road when they, inevitably, meet the pavement. Any idea of the party affiliations of the original 1967 proposal? And why single out Harleys? Should only rice burners ride safely?

Smoking. Vast citizenry movement to implement bans on local and state levels. Not a partisan issue at all. If you have a Libertarian bent, would you prefer that all non-smokers sue smokers and the businesses that allow it for damages?

Healthcare. The same remedies are available with gov funded healthcare as you currently have if your employers healthcare or your private policy don't meet your current needs. Buy a different policy or pay retail. The retail market will never go away.

Economics. If I can't pay my bills I get another job and increase my income. The GOP has refused to do so and prefers to put it on the credit card and has been since Ronnie "Deficits Don't Matter" Reagan. I certainly wouldn't quit my full-time job for a part-time job like Bush did while spending billions on unnecessary wars for Islamic freedom.

If you think that safety regulation is anti-freedom, I've got a sweet regulation-free factory in China you can enjoy. You have no idea how free you are.

Hey stupid - I said I was starting at the local level. These are local Dems hell bent on a nanny state. These are Dems passing this shit. Helmet laws are only your business if you are getting on a bike. Are you? If not Fvck off!!!

Smoking Example: Check out SB 575 in California. Here is state wide prohibition on smoking even in cigars lounges in California. Look at this you stupid controlling piece of sh*t. Even the owner of a cigar lounge that you liberal douchebags are not going to go in will be banned from allowing smoke. Just like the helmet law. It is none of you fvcking business. The Bill's sponsor is Senator Mark DeSaulnier. He is a Democrat, of course.

Your little explainations on why we need these laws just made my point. Control Control Control. We don't need your nanny state. We choose freedom.

What an idiot!!!

Ah, my little foul-mouthed friend, did you miss the voluntary aspect of the helmet law? Don't fucking like it, move mother-fucker. My skull bucket goes on every time and my sister gets tired of calling time-of-death on idiot mother-fuckers that think their skull is harder than pavement. So you can fuck off, ****.

Don't fucking like California? Move, idiot. I didn't say we need these laws, as far as I'm concerned we can scotch all the fucking safety regs and reduce the idiot level in society, I'm just letting you know that it's the fucking community you live in and that you do have fucking choices that you can exercise if you don't wish to live by the laws of your current community.

yeah, rightwingnut loons love small government except when governement interferes with women's bodies and imposing religion on people.

Interesting that only a rightwinger was called hitler, murdered off a 1/2 million innocent people in a imbecilic quest to find non-existent WMDs.

Another dyslexic Socialist MFer

There is a reason the Nazis were the National Socialist Party.

What a moron! LOL

Are you saying that Nazi Germany was a socialist run country? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

ignorant people think everything they don't like is "left".

but that's because they're ignorant.
Do you think the voters who vote for Democrats are too stupid to know that this is going on?

Dem voters are morons.

I think Ben Frank said it best

See below:

Yep who pushed thru and supported the Patriot Act?
Only Dems?

Giving up freedoms for security....

Who pushed thru exemptions in bills for ATT and Verizon for violating privacy laws at the request of the Bush Administration?
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Poor ol' Cowbuns definately is losing on this one. Perhaps the goat roper will get a job.
....Or (more-than-likely), ask for an increase in his allowance.


What's "liad"?

That is called a typo you stupid fvcknut

And your rant about restaurants and commies is pretty par for the course.

Full of shit and pretty foolish to boot.

So...Helmet Laws, Smoking Bans, Gun Control, Healthcare, Inceasing Debt Ceilings...Those are not the Democrats?

You stupid lying fvckface. Eat shit and die!

People like you are the reason I left the Republican Party. You are repulsive to say the least.
yeah, rightwingnut loons love small government except when governement interferes with women's bodies and imposing religion on people.


There are rights involved with baby killing, the baby's right to life. Abortion is murder.

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