WikiLeaks has a surprise for Tim Kaine and Donna Brazile?

I'm sorry, but this Wikileaks isn't going to do anything. Unless they have a picture of HRC raping a goat or killing someone, she is going to beat Trump. The Republicans screwed up big time this year.

If Hillary Clinton blew Barack Obama's brains out on national TV; rdean, G5000, and gnat would STILL vote for her.

I'm just saying.
I'm sorry, but this Wikileaks isn't going to do anything. Unless they have a picture of HRC raping a goat or killing someone, she is going to beat Trump. The Republicans screwed up big time this year.

To the Republicans on the board, can you sum up this "new" Hillary corruption you're wailing about? Cause I'm not seeing it.

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Look I don't like the fact that Trump can make millions upon millions of dollars today and not pay taxes, but as he has pointed out, Hillary was in a position for years to change the laws so he couldn't do that, but she never did because she is a puppet to the rich and she wasn't going to bite the hand that feeds her. And despite what she says now, she won't change once elected President.

For at least 2 years, while the democrats had a majority in Congress during Bushs last 2 years...

But she and Obama were too busy running for president to worry about the country.
Clinton is getting hammered by WikiLeaks. What's up next? Tim Kaine and Donna Brazile.

WikiLeaks on Twitter

Brazile already complained that she's being persicutified.

Donna Brazile Claims She's Being 'Persecuted' When Megyn Kelly Brings Up WikiLeaks Email
Only a matter of time before she starts using the woman card
She already used the female-negro card when she was confronted by Megan Kelly.
Donna better start looking seriously at that Deep Fried Chicken food truck in S.Utah for sale.
Look I don't like the fact that Trump can make millions upon millions of dollars today and not pay taxes, but as he has pointed out, Hillary was in a position for years to change the laws so he couldn't do that, but she never did because she is a puppet to the rich and she wasn't going to bite the hand that feeds her. And despite what she says now, she won't change once elected President.

i had NO idea that a senator from NY or Sec, of State could single hand change the taxation codes....Thanks for clearing that up.........
And your wisedom has lead you teach people that Donald the clown Trump is the best pick to be president of the USA???! Are you mad?

Trump being the "best" pick is irrelevant.

Hillary Soprano is the worst pick. She is a criminal who has taken bribes from our enemies.
For at least 2 years, while the democrats had a majority in Congress during Bushs last 2 years...

But she and Obama were too busy running for president to worry about the country.

Almost as bad as giving out HUGE tacx cuts while involved in TWO wars, isn't it???
So you think Clinton is in control of the polls? Really? How exactly does that work?

How about fox? Surly you wouldn't be dumb enough to suggest fox is in the tank for Clinton would you? What do they have to say about the likely hood of trump winning?

Her media is.

{From having veto power over quotes to getting a heads up on stories before they published and being given exact interview questions ahead of time, Hillary Clinton’s cozy relationship with the media has been on full display in the emails released from WikiLeaks thus far. The relationship is so close, in fact, that Team Clinton referred to The New York Times as “our press.”}

WikiLeaks: Clinton Camp Calls The New York Times "Our Press"

The press is nothing more than and apparatus of the Clinton campaign. They don't even bother to hide it.
Correction Natalie, the Supremes have tossed the illegals amnesty one out and said he had no authority to do so.

Do you even know WHY the SCOTUS overturned Obama's EO???

Let me educate you morons.....

Obama made recess appointments while the GOP Congress pulled a stunt to NOT be in recess....Do you want to know how these idiots did that?

Well, although congress was indeed in recess, some republicans who live close by D.C. DID come in for a cup of coffee making......supposedly....congress NOT in recess.

Hope that clears the slime for you.
If the leaks directly about Ms. Clinton have done zilch (which they have by every reputable poll), do you guys really think illegally attained e-mails by Wiki-Leaks about Mr. Kaine and Ms. Brazille will do anything?

Not with you..

You applaud the utter and complete lack of ethics by your party bosses. It reflects exactly your own level of integrity.
Clinton is getting hammered by WikiLeaks.
An objective smart analyst has to wonder why Wikileaks is providing only stolen DNC emails? What about Trump insider emails?
Who hacked those DNC emails? Russians? Were they altered before given to Wikileaks?
Wikileaks has been criticized for not verifying their source information.
Even Snowden has criticized Wikileaks for their sloppiness.

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