Will anyone explain this crap?

I had a hard time following her "logic." This act is legal, that act is legal, this third act is legal, but when you add them up, it's a criminal conspiracy. Huh?
Fani really stepped in it.
Do I see anything wrong with dragging the 40 year old memories of a little girl needing to blame someone for her life failures into the public arena to make unfounded allegations against the President?

We've beens seeing this crap since 2019. Your need and desire to have Biden be as nasty as Trump is obvious because if Biden isn't as nasty as Trump then your support of Trump makes you the dick. DICK.

So she lied in her diary when she was 12?


The lengths you leftists go to lie to yourselves is nothing short of stunning.
I saw the pieces, but I didn't imagine this. First, I saw the manipulated rage building over time, but the way it has metastasized like this has been mind-blowing. I had a real sense of foreboding when he won, and I know these people are conditioned to hate the government, but I never expected they'd push our very democracy to the brink of collapse like this. And this cult -- no way this could happen here. And over this guy???? No fuckin' way. We're definitely better than that.

I've always assumed we had learned from world history. Obviously I was wrong there.
I think you should reread what happened in Germany from 1930-1939.
This is just vile and disgusting.
This country is fucked.
In a word? TRIBALISM. Our media has sown the seeds for years, nurtured the hate, and divided the nation to the point of potential civil war. It has all been done intentionally.
Just ask yourself, has there ever been a previous instance where tens of millions of our fellow Americans have exhibited a RABID level of hate for a person they've never met, likely never will meet, and who has never done them or their families any personal harm?
If an instance of this exists, I'm not aware of it. It's a psych-op that's been underway since before he won the office. If he should happen to win next year, they'll kill him. I have no doubt about it. They simply will NOT allow an outsider into their little DC domain again.

I agree, our country IS fucked. That doesn't mean they'll get away with it without paying their own price, though.
I think you should reread what happened in Germany from 1930-1939.
Yes. One profoundly damaged megalomaniac, enabled by a variety of craven government individuals, twisted and took advantages of weaknesses in the German government system and rose to singular power, playing on the anger and fear of a smitten populace, maintaining and growing his power through brutish threats, intimidation, conditioning, and vulgar, blatant lies. Desperate to quench his insatiable need for validation, power and approval, he allowed a country to LITERALLY fall apart around him as he clung to his position at all costs. And of course, he blamed everyone else for his failures.

I know, I know. You'll pretend I'm talking about the spectacularly mediocre Biden. And you'll be lying. Because that's what you people are conditioned to do. Coincidentally.
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I care.
Investigate, c'mon MTG, do something ya lazy ass.
Go after biden, start impeachment hearings, investigate and bring proof.
Why do you insist that I don't care, impeachment him, indict him, I DON'T CARE.

But how about that trump guy, you and your slimy ILK will defend that turd of his crimes, meanwhile you scream......but biden.

Fuck You Clowns.
Impeach him for something he did 40 years ago? lol
I dont like Trump. Please, for the love of gawd, stop being such a dumbass.
You have zero proof of this unlike Trump's admission and conviction for sexual abuse.

What you have are 40 year old memories of a little girl looking to blame someone for her failures.

Of course, your position isn't surprising. If Joe Biden isn't every bit as nasty as Trump then what does that say about your perverted ass?
His daughter admitting it happened isnt good enough? LOL
She lying to herself in a diary she thought no one would ever read? LMAO
The cult runs deep!
YOu do realize that not even those lying shit-weasels at project veritas tried to claim this was real, right?
You realize Biden admitted it was hers? You realize people went to jail over it? Even had ASHLEY BIDEN on the warrant?
Im sure you do. You just dont care.
You really are ignorant to phrase a statement then follow it with a question mark?

I don't attack Trump for every little thing he does.
I DO critique Trump for every little law he breaks and every little person he hates.

Bull fucking shit.
Yes. One profoundly damaged megalomaniac, enabled by a variety of craven government individuals, twisted and took advantages of weaknesses in the German government system and rose to singular power, playing on the anger and fear of a smitten populace, maintaining and growing his power through brutish threats, intimidation, conditioning, and vulgar, blatant lies. Desperate to quench his insatiable need for validation, power and approval, he allowed a country to LITERALLY fall apart around him as he clung to his position at all costs. And of course, he blamed everyone else for his failures.

I know, I know. You'll pretend I'm talking about the spectacularly mediocre Biden. And you'll be lying. Because that's what you people are conditioned to do. Coincidentally.
You failed to mention the disarming of the people, establishment of a propaganda network, kangaroo courts,
establishment of national police, national takeover of schools, and medical atrocities.

I guess your TDS blocked you realizing all that correlation between then and now happening for you.
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You failed to mention the disarming of the people, establishment of a propaganda network, kangaroo courts,
establishment of national police, national takeover of schools, and medical atrocities.

I guess your TDS blocked you realizing all that correlation between then and now happening for you
Outside of the last example, on which we agree, none of those are actually happening. Only in your paranoid minds.

What I pointed out was correct, and you ignored all of it. As I expected. You HAVE to.
The 40 year old remembrances of a child looking for someone to blame for her life choices is no evidence or even hint of abuse.
As opposed to the taped admission of Trump to molesting women and a court finding that he raped at least one of them.

Your desperate need for Biden to be as slimy as Trump is obvious. Otherwise what doe s your support of the sexual deviant Trump say about you.
I find your attempt to psychoanalyze Ashley to be, shall we say, less than credible.

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