Will AOC win tomorrow?

Will AOC win her primary?

  • yes

    Votes: 15 57.7%
  • no

    Votes: 11 42.3%

  • Total voters
Have they done a poll there? Don't believe much in them but they are a gauge.

I didn't even realize there was a primary there tomorrow until I seen this topic, so I looked into it. Can't find anything on it yet alone a poll which I find pretty interesting given her popularity on the left.
Yeah, New Yorkers are stupid. I guess that would explain why it’s the single most important place in the world.

Used to be, that's for sure. Then President Trump followed the Maha Rushdie to Palm Beach Florida, and the crime rate in the Big, Rotten Apple tripled.

Trump has done what he can to get things back in order in NYC, but its really up to Fredo and DeBlasio. Mr. Trump had the do-nothing US Attorney who was responsible disposed of, and libs are whining about that.
Probably. The Democrat voters in her district are concerned about being called a racist misogynist.
They would be called "racist misogynist" if Ocasio-Cortez lost to her female challenger Caruso-Cabrera ?

I bet you think you're clever, don't you.
Caruso-Cabrera is a carpetbagger who literally moved from Trump Tower to AOC's district less than a year ago.
It's amazing how much power a first term female congresscritter has over the pointy-headed Trumptards.

It has to be some kind of sex thing.
“Gooberville USA”
Is that where everybody goes to church, loves the same God, speaks English, knows what restroom to use, knows a penis belongs in a vagina...etc etc?
Sounds like a terrible place.

I was listening to a financial program on the radio yesterday, and this fellow is a straight arrow non-partisan, just reporting the facts.

There has been a real increase in interest in Suburban residential property in 2020.

My guess is that regular people- even libs- aren't as charmed with Rioting, looting and burning as the media tries to say.
Yeah, New Yorkers are stupid. I guess that would explain why it’s the single most important place in the world.
Famous for it's incredibly moronic residents? I would agree with that.
Look at that imbecile Ocasio-Cortez, the Jew hating mayor, the governor, the congressional delegation.
The incredible crime and cheapness of life there. Look at how Cuomo virtually executed all those senior Covid
virus patients.

What else would explain such all around degenerate idiocy?
Hard to believe that little roof top dancing bartender twit won in the first place. Gotta be some real stupid people in her district so, hard to say if she'll lose or not.

Surely would be sweet to see that dumbass bubble head sent packing though.

the primary qualifier is skin color within the party of “skin color doesn’t matter”
I was listening to a financial program on the radio yesterday, and this fellow is a straight arrow non-partisan, just reporting the facts.

There has been a real increase in interest in Suburban residential property in 2020.

My guess is that regular people- even libs- aren't as charmed with Rioting, looting and burning as the media tries to say.
Gee, it can't possibly be because mortgage rates are at record lows...or that urban housing costs keep skyrocketing.


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