Will AOC win tomorrow?

Will AOC win her primary?

  • yes

    Votes: 15 57.7%
  • no

    Votes: 11 42.3%

  • Total voters
Hard to believe that little roof top dancing bartender twit won in the first place.
The next thing you know, we'll be electing a clueless moron game show host to run the whole country!

Oh wait...

“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” - H.L. Mencken
The random violent attacks directed at strangers. Always the hallmark of a great place to live.
Cops kneeling on a black man's throat until he dies.

Always the hallmark of a great place to live.
Will left wing nut job AOC win her primary?

Dems have learned every tool for propping up their failing candidates.. Look at the Biden "confinement" strategy..

So the party has thrown 12 or more candidates at her.. In a district that STUPID -- the anti-AOC vote will split 12 ways and she will survive.. But with like 22% of the vote because EVERY POLL says she's an embarrassment to anyone who KNOWS who she is...

When I said her district was STUPID -- I have the numbers.. FOURTY ONE PERCENT of those polled in her district -- dont FREAKING KNOW who she is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ponder that.... That's country destroying stupid right there....
Dems have learned every tool for propping up their failing candidates.. Look at the Biden "confinement" strategy..

So the party has thrown 12 or more candidates at her.. In a district that STUPID -- the anti-AOC vote will split 12 ways and she will survive.. But with like 22% of the vote because EVERY POLL says she's an embarrassment to anyone who KNOWS who she is...

When I said her district was STUPID -- I have the numbers.. FOURTY ONE PERCENT of those polled in her district -- dont FREAKING KNOW who she is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ponder that.... That's country destroying stupid right there....
I am absolutely certain that if I polled your congressional district, at least 80 percent would not know who your Congressman is.
For those members who choose to run for re-election, the House of Representatives has an astounding 98 percent re-election rate.

A rate which has stood for at least 50 years.

So when some Kool-Aid drinker tells you the Dems have a way of propping up their zombies, this is what is called a "half-truth" or a "lie of omission", boys and girls.
You basically have to wait for a Congressman to retire or die if you want his seat.

Except for AOC. She kicked the balls right off the fourth-from-the-top Democrat in the House.

That's why everyone has heard of her.
Let me know when it’s no longer the financial capital of the world.
Now London is

London has been for centuries. The establishment of the Fiat Currency was a powder keg for the growth of the area located in London known as "The City". They have financed many wars and made massive profits. The belief in truth is that they know when they control the currency of a nation, they control the nation. They let the nations hang themselves with their stupidity in abusing the Fiat Currency. Even if they warn them. Our debt and adherence to sound financial policies have left us at least a quarter century ago. We had warnings. We are located in a region of the word with two nations abutting us. Both friendly or somewhat friendly. Canada and Mexico. Thousands of miles between us and other more hostile nations separated by water. Only Alaska abuts a potential enemy and that is in the Arctic. Our nation is no better then Venezuela. But we are the investment of near last resort and have a powerful military. Which says "safety" to others and their Fiat Currencies. Fiat currencies are born...Once born...they are on their way to die. Our politicians have played games with it. During the good times, not running deficit spending would have been prudent. Now if we balance it, there will be pain. Pain somewhere. There are owners of the Fiat Currencies and other investments who are relatives that have provided funds to nations that have fought teach other. Only after the death and carnage they became even richer. "The City" is the center of the world. Without it, Britain would be really not that much of anything. And to think, they were near everything until a century ago or so.
Will left wing nut job AOC win her primary?
My guess is "yes".

The fruitcakes that voted for her in the first place knew what kind of POS they were sending to DC.

And she's probably bringing home some 'pork' for her district, given all the noise she makes.

I seriously doubt that the flakes in her district have changed their spots enough to send her packing.
You basically have to wait for a Congressman to retire or die if you want his seat.

Except for AOC. She kicked the balls right off the fourth-from-the-top Democrat in the House.

That's why everyone has heard of her.

The reason people hear of her is because of the stupidity that comes out of her mouth.

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