Will Ginsburg Have To Recuse Herself On Travel Suspension

After all the negative comments RGB made during the election about Trump can she objectively hear this case?

In interviews with the Associated Press and the New York Times she remarked, “I can’t imagine what the country would be with Donald Trump as our president. For the country, it could be four years. For the court, it could be –I don’t even want to contemplate that.” Then she added that her husband would have declared, “Now it’s time for us to move to New Zealand.”

Days later, in a CNN interview, she said of candidate Trump, “He is a faker. He has no consistency about him. He says whatever comes into his head at the moment. He really has an ego. How has he gotten away with not turning over his tax returns?”

Gregg Jarrett: Justice Ginsburg must disqualify herself in the Trump travel ban case

Personally, I don't how she can be objective after such statements. Even an appearance of bias should disqualify a judge. This is much more than an appearance.




Of course you'd be saying the same if the situation were reversed, right?




  1. Justice Ginsburg must disqualify herself in travel ban case ...

    Jun 04, 2017 · Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg should disqualify herself from the U ... the U.S. Supreme Court’s review of ... the ban. The Supreme Court has ...

  2. Judge Nap: Ginsburg Should Have to Recuse Herself From Travel ...

    Jun 04, 2017 · ... Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg ... Should Have to Recuse Herself From Travel Ban ... Bader Ginsburg should recuse herself from ...

  3. Ginsburg Should Recuse Herself | Baptist Christian ForumsGinsburg Should Recuse Herself. ... Circuit used to deny Trump’s travel ban must require Ginsburg’s recusal in the Supreme Court’s review of that travel ban. ...

  4. OPINION: Ginsburg should recuse herself from Trump travel ban ...

    ... Ginsburg should recuse herself from Trump travel ban ... Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court, ... No one can force Justice Ginsburg to recuse herself from ...

  5. OPINION: Ginsburg should recuse herself from Trump travel ban ...

    ... the Trump administration asked the Supreme Court to vacate lower ... should recuse herself from Trump travel ban ... Ginsburg to recuse herself from ...

  6. Will Justice Ginsburg Behave Ethically and Recuse Herself ...

    Jun 04, 2017 · Will Justice Ginsburg Behave Ethically and Recuse Herself From the Trump Travel Ban ... Supreme Court would not hear a ... review is sought. Will Ginsburg ...

  7. Should Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg recuse ...

    ... in the Supreme Court’s review of that travel ban. ... Recuse Herself From Trump Travel Ban ... require Ginsburg’s recusal in the Supreme Court’s ...

  8. Ginsburg Should Have to Recuse Herself from Travel Ban CaseGinsburg Should Have to Recuse Herself from Travel Ban ... Judge Andrew Napolitano said Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg should recuse herself from the ...

  9. Justice Ginsburg under fire, many calling for her recusal in ...

    Jun 04, 2017 · ... she should disqualify herself from the U.S. Supreme Court’s review of ... Bader Ginsburg should recuse herself from the ... ban,” and accused the ...

  10. Demand Ruth Bader Ginsburg recuse herself from the upcoming ...

Thanks for proving my point, you don't see NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSLSD or anyone on the left there.

Indeed Ginsburg should actually have been impeached and removed for the comments, not to mention her unconstitutional approach to legislation.
  1. Justice Ginsburg must disqualify herself in travel ban case ...

    Jun 04, 2017 · Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg should disqualify herself from the U ... the U.S. Supreme Court’s review of ... the ban. The Supreme Court has ...

  2. Judge Nap: Ginsburg Should Have to Recuse Herself From Travel ...

    Jun 04, 2017 · ... Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg ... Should Have to Recuse Herself From Travel Ban ... Bader Ginsburg should recuse herself from ...

  3. Ginsburg Should Recuse Herself | Baptist Christian ForumsGinsburg Should Recuse Herself. ... Circuit used to deny Trump’s travel ban must require Ginsburg’s recusal in the Supreme Court’s review of that travel ban. ...

  4. OPINION: Ginsburg should recuse herself from Trump travel ban ...

    ... Ginsburg should recuse herself from Trump travel ban ... Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court, ... No one can force Justice Ginsburg to recuse herself from ...

  5. OPINION: Ginsburg should recuse herself from Trump travel ban ...

    ... the Trump administration asked the Supreme Court to vacate lower ... should recuse herself from Trump travel ban ... Ginsburg to recuse herself from ...

  6. Will Justice Ginsburg Behave Ethically and Recuse Herself ...

    Jun 04, 2017 · Will Justice Ginsburg Behave Ethically and Recuse Herself From the Trump Travel Ban ... Supreme Court would not hear a ... review is sought. Will Ginsburg ...

  7. Should Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg recuse ...

    ... in the Supreme Court’s review of that travel ban. ... Recuse Herself From Trump Travel Ban ... require Ginsburg’s recusal in the Supreme Court’s ...

  8. Ginsburg Should Have to Recuse Herself from Travel Ban CaseGinsburg Should Have to Recuse Herself from Travel Ban ... Judge Andrew Napolitano said Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg should recuse herself from the ...

  9. Justice Ginsburg under fire, many calling for her recusal in ...

    Jun 04, 2017 · ... she should disqualify herself from the U.S. Supreme Court’s review of ... Bader Ginsburg should recuse herself from the ... ban,” and accused the ...

  10. Demand Ruth Bader Ginsburg recuse herself from the upcoming ...
Thanks for proving my point, you don't see NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSLSD or anyone on the left there..
What is MSM to you. Only those? None of the above?

Playing skittles, are you? Accept breitbart, infowars, zerowhatever, do you?
  1. Justice Ginsburg must disqualify herself in travel ban case ...

    Jun 04, 2017 · Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg should disqualify herself from the U ... the U.S. Supreme Court’s review of ... the ban. The Supreme Court has ...

  2. Judge Nap: Ginsburg Should Have to Recuse Herself From Travel ...

    Jun 04, 2017 · ... Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg ... Should Have to Recuse Herself From Travel Ban ... Bader Ginsburg should recuse herself from ...

  3. Ginsburg Should Recuse Herself | Baptist Christian ForumsGinsburg Should Recuse Herself. ... Circuit used to deny Trump’s travel ban must require Ginsburg’s recusal in the Supreme Court’s review of that travel ban. ...

  4. OPINION: Ginsburg should recuse herself from Trump travel ban ...

    ... Ginsburg should recuse herself from Trump travel ban ... Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court, ... No one can force Justice Ginsburg to recuse herself from ...

  5. OPINION: Ginsburg should recuse herself from Trump travel ban ...

    ... the Trump administration asked the Supreme Court to vacate lower ... should recuse herself from Trump travel ban ... Ginsburg to recuse herself from ...

  6. Will Justice Ginsburg Behave Ethically and Recuse Herself ...

    Jun 04, 2017 · Will Justice Ginsburg Behave Ethically and Recuse Herself From the Trump Travel Ban ... Supreme Court would not hear a ... review is sought. Will Ginsburg ...

  7. Should Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg recuse ...

    ... in the Supreme Court’s review of that travel ban. ... Recuse Herself From Trump Travel Ban ... require Ginsburg’s recusal in the Supreme Court’s ...

  8. Ginsburg Should Have to Recuse Herself from Travel Ban CaseGinsburg Should Have to Recuse Herself from Travel Ban ... Judge Andrew Napolitano said Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg should recuse herself from the ...

  9. Justice Ginsburg under fire, many calling for her recusal in ...

    Jun 04, 2017 · ... she should disqualify herself from the U.S. Supreme Court’s review of ... Bader Ginsburg should recuse herself from the ... ban,” and accused the ...

  10. Demand Ruth Bader Ginsburg recuse herself from the upcoming ...
Thanks for proving my point, you don't see NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSLSD or anyone on the left there..
What is MSM to you. Only those? None of the above?

Playing skittles, are you? Accept breitbart, infowars, zerowhatever, do you?

Sorry you lack the ability to read and comprehend. I named the MSM outlets I was talking about.

  1. Justice Ginsburg must disqualify herself in travel ban case ...

    Jun 04, 2017 · Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg should disqualify herself from the U ... the U.S. Supreme Court’s review of ... the ban. The Supreme Court has ...

  2. Judge Nap: Ginsburg Should Have to Recuse Herself From Travel ...

    Jun 04, 2017 · ... Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg ... Should Have to Recuse Herself From Travel Ban ... Bader Ginsburg should recuse herself from ...

  3. Ginsburg Should Recuse Herself | Baptist Christian ForumsGinsburg Should Recuse Herself. ... Circuit used to deny Trump’s travel ban must require Ginsburg’s recusal in the Supreme Court’s review of that travel ban. ...

  4. OPINION: Ginsburg should recuse herself from Trump travel ban ...

    ... Ginsburg should recuse herself from Trump travel ban ... Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court, ... No one can force Justice Ginsburg to recuse herself from ...

  5. OPINION: Ginsburg should recuse herself from Trump travel ban ...

    ... the Trump administration asked the Supreme Court to vacate lower ... should recuse herself from Trump travel ban ... Ginsburg to recuse herself from ...

  6. Will Justice Ginsburg Behave Ethically and Recuse Herself ...

    Jun 04, 2017 · Will Justice Ginsburg Behave Ethically and Recuse Herself From the Trump Travel Ban ... Supreme Court would not hear a ... review is sought. Will Ginsburg ...

  7. Should Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg recuse ...

    ... in the Supreme Court’s review of that travel ban. ... Recuse Herself From Trump Travel Ban ... require Ginsburg’s recusal in the Supreme Court’s ...

  8. Ginsburg Should Have to Recuse Herself from Travel Ban CaseGinsburg Should Have to Recuse Herself from Travel Ban ... Judge Andrew Napolitano said Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg should recuse herself from the ...

  9. Justice Ginsburg under fire, many calling for her recusal in ...

    Jun 04, 2017 · ... she should disqualify herself from the U.S. Supreme Court’s review of ... Bader Ginsburg should recuse herself from the ... ban,” and accused the ...

  10. Demand Ruth Bader Ginsburg recuse herself from the upcoming ...
Thanks for proving my point, you don't see NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSLSD or anyone on the left there..
What is MSM to you. Only those? None of the above?

Playing skittles, are you? Accept breitbart, infowars, zerowhatever, do you?
Sorry you lack the ability to read and comprehend. I named the MSM outlets I was talking about..
So you admit you can't answer the question. Of course you can't.
  1. Justice Ginsburg must disqualify herself in travel ban case ...

    Jun 04, 2017 · Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg should disqualify herself from the U ... the U.S. Supreme Court’s review of ... the ban. The Supreme Court has ...

  2. Judge Nap: Ginsburg Should Have to Recuse Herself From Travel ...

    Jun 04, 2017 · ... Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg ... Should Have to Recuse Herself From Travel Ban ... Bader Ginsburg should recuse herself from ...

  3. Ginsburg Should Recuse Herself | Baptist Christian ForumsGinsburg Should Recuse Herself. ... Circuit used to deny Trump’s travel ban must require Ginsburg’s recusal in the Supreme Court’s review of that travel ban. ...

  4. OPINION: Ginsburg should recuse herself from Trump travel ban ...

    ... Ginsburg should recuse herself from Trump travel ban ... Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court, ... No one can force Justice Ginsburg to recuse herself from ...

  5. OPINION: Ginsburg should recuse herself from Trump travel ban ...

    ... the Trump administration asked the Supreme Court to vacate lower ... should recuse herself from Trump travel ban ... Ginsburg to recuse herself from ...

  6. Will Justice Ginsburg Behave Ethically and Recuse Herself ...

    Jun 04, 2017 · Will Justice Ginsburg Behave Ethically and Recuse Herself From the Trump Travel Ban ... Supreme Court would not hear a ... review is sought. Will Ginsburg ...

  7. Should Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg recuse ...

    ... in the Supreme Court’s review of that travel ban. ... Recuse Herself From Trump Travel Ban ... require Ginsburg’s recusal in the Supreme Court’s ...

  8. Ginsburg Should Have to Recuse Herself from Travel Ban CaseGinsburg Should Have to Recuse Herself from Travel Ban ... Judge Andrew Napolitano said Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg should recuse herself from the ...

  9. Justice Ginsburg under fire, many calling for her recusal in ...

    Jun 04, 2017 · ... she should disqualify herself from the U.S. Supreme Court’s review of ... Bader Ginsburg should recuse herself from the ... ban,” and accused the ...

  10. Demand Ruth Bader Ginsburg recuse herself from the upcoming ...
Thanks for proving my point, you don't see NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSLSD or anyone on the left there..
What is MSM to you. Only those? None of the above?

Playing skittles, are you? Accept breitbart, infowars, zerowhatever, do you?
Sorry you lack the ability to read and comprehend. I named the MSM outlets I was talking about..
So you admit you can't answer the question. Of course you can't.

With the exception of Fox, I only see the others when they're posted here or occasionally when they come up in a search. I never click on Breitbart or infowars, never heard of the other. Answer enough for ya?

OK, tell the truth, please.

  1. Calls increase for Ginsburg to recuse herself in same-sex ...
    Conservatives are calling for one of the most liberal justices on the bench to recuse herself in ... Ginsburg to recuse herself in ... NBC News and MSNBC.

  2. Justice Ginsburg Wears ‘Dissent’ Collar ... - NBC News

    Justice Ginsburg Wears ‘Dissent’ Collar Following Contentious Election. by ... The Supreme Court did not return a request from NBC News for comment. Ginsburg has ...

  3. Would Ruth Bader Ginsburg have to recuse herself if Donald ...

    Jul 12, 2016 · Would Ruth Bader Ginsburg have to recuse herself if ... she would have to recuseherself if the ... Justice Ginsburg to recuse herself ...
OK, tell the truth, please.

  1. Calls increase for Ginsburg to recuse herself in same-sex ...Conservatives are calling for one of the most liberal justices on the bench to recuse herself in ... Ginsburg to recuse herself in ... NBC News and MSNBC.

  2. Justice Ginsburg Wears ‘Dissent’ Collar ... - NBC News

    Justice Ginsburg Wears ‘Dissent’ Collar Following Contentious Election. by ... The Supreme Court did not return a request from NBC News for comment. Ginsburg has ...

  3. Would Ruth Bader Ginsburg have to recuse herself if Donald ...

    Jul 12, 2016 · Would Ruth Bader Ginsburg have to recuse herself if ... she would have to recuseherself if the ... Justice Ginsburg to recuse herself ...

Haven't seen them on air, watched NBC last night, CBS this morning and not a word. I don't routinely look at their web sites. Don't want to give them the clicks.

OK, I don't care what you think about it or whether you saw it on air or anything.

You got your ass handed to you. You can put me on ignore like sassy did to xelor when he handed her ass to her.
After all the negative comments RGB made during the election about Trump can she objectively hear this case?

In interviews with the Associated Press and the New York Times she remarked, “I can’t imagine what the country would be with Donald Trump as our president. For the country, it could be four years. For the court, it could be –I don’t even want to contemplate that.” Then she added that her husband would have declared, “Now it’s time for us to move to New Zealand.”

Days later, in a CNN interview, she said of candidate Trump, “He is a faker. He has no consistency about him. He says whatever comes into his head at the moment. He really has an ego. How has he gotten away with not turning over his tax returns?”

Gregg Jarrett: Justice Ginsburg must disqualify herself in the Trump travel ban case

Personally, I don't how she can be objective after such statements. Even an appearance of bias should disqualify a judge. This is much more than an appearance.




Of course you'd be saying the same if the situation were reversed, right?





You asked a question. I answered it with complete honesty. You are just unable to recognize honesty.
After all the negative comments RGB made during the election about Trump can she objectively hear this case?

In interviews with the Associated Press and the New York Times she remarked, “I can’t imagine what the country would be with Donald Trump as our president. For the country, it could be four years. For the court, it could be –I don’t even want to contemplate that.” Then she added that her husband would have declared, “Now it’s time for us to move to New Zealand.”

Days later, in a CNN interview, she said of candidate Trump, “He is a faker. He has no consistency about him. He says whatever comes into his head at the moment. He really has an ego. How has he gotten away with not turning over his tax returns?”

Gregg Jarrett: Justice Ginsburg must disqualify herself in the Trump travel ban case

Personally, I don't how she can be objective after such statements. Even an appearance of bias should disqualify a judge. This is much more than an appearance.




Of course you'd be saying the same if the situation were reversed, right?





You asked a question. I answered it with complete honesty. You are just unable to recognize honesty.
She can't and should recuse herself but won't because she needs the attention in her final days of life.
Total bullshit answer from a total bullshit poster.
Total bullshit thread too.
DEPLORABLES will do anything but talk about the biggest news item of the year. Comey testifying against the president.
She can't and should recuse herself but won't because she needs the attention in her final days of life.
Total bullshit answer from a total bullshit poster.
Total bullshit thread too.
DEPLORABLES will do anything but talk about the biggest news item of the year. Comey testifying against the president.
The topic is fine but trying to derail this thread is not. You want to talk about that? Fine. Start a thread idiot.
She opened her filthy liberal mouth and stuck her foot in it, she's toast, she has to recuse herself.

Ginsburg, "I can’t imagine what the country would be with Donald Trump as our president."
Ginsburg, "For the country, it could be four years. For the court, it could be –I don’t even want to contemplate that.”
Ginsburg, "He is a faker. He has no consistency about him. He says whatever comes into his head at the moment. He really has an ego. How has he gotten away with not turning over his tax returns?

That last one goddamn she's a SCOTUS justice and doesn't know he's not legally required to do so??
These were all objective and proven to be true accurate statements made by Ginsburg.
You're a moron. That statem has been verified to be true and accurate.
After all the negative comments RGB made during the election about Trump can she objectively hear this case?

In interviews with the Associated Press and the New York Times she remarked, “I can’t imagine what the country would be with Donald Trump as our president. For the country, it could be four years. For the court, it could be –I don’t even want to contemplate that.” Then she added that her husband would have declared, “Now it’s time for us to move to New Zealand.”

Days later, in a CNN interview, she said of candidate Trump, “He is a faker. He has no consistency about him. He says whatever comes into his head at the moment. He really has an ego. How has he gotten away with not turning over his tax returns?”

Gregg Jarrett: Justice Ginsburg must disqualify herself in the Trump travel ban case

Personally, I don't how she can be objective after such statements. Even an appearance of bias should disqualify a judge. This is much more than an appearance.


So what are you saying? Trump cases should only go before Trump butt kissers?

Nope, just ones that haven't expressed personal animosity toward him.


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After all the negative comments RGB made during the election about Trump can she objectively hear this case?

In interviews with the Associated Press and the New York Times she remarked, “I can’t imagine what the country would be with Donald Trump as our president. For the country, it could be four years. For the court, it could be –I don’t even want to contemplate that.” Then she added that her husband would have declared, “Now it’s time for us to move to New Zealand.”

Days later, in a CNN interview, she said of candidate Trump, “He is a faker. He has no consistency about him. He says whatever comes into his head at the moment. He really has an ego. How has he gotten away with not turning over his tax returns?”

Gregg Jarrett: Justice Ginsburg must disqualify herself in the Trump travel ban case

Personally, I don't how she can be objective after such statements. Even an appearance of bias should disqualify a judge. This is much more than an appearance.




Of course you'd be saying the same if the situation were reversed, right?





You asked a question. I answered it with complete honesty. You are just unable to recognize honesty.

What I recognized was the lack of convincing statement.

OK, I don't care what you think about it or whether you saw it on air or anything.

You got your ass handed to you. You can put me on ignore like sassy did to xelor when he handed her ass to her.

Never used ignore, never plan to.

Trump should recuse himself from being president since his entire life is a conflict of interest with holding that job.
She can't and should recuse herself but won't because she needs the attention in her final days of life.
Total bullshit answer from a total bullshit poster.
Total bullshit thread too.
DEPLORABLES will do anything but talk about the biggest news item of the year. Comey testifying against the president.

Yeah, get back to us when that happens.

After all the negative comments RGB made during the election about Trump can she objectively hear this case?

In interviews with the Associated Press and the New York Times she remarked, “I can’t imagine what the country would be with Donald Trump as our president. For the country, it could be four years. For the court, it could be –I don’t even want to contemplate that.” Then she added that her husband would have declared, “Now it’s time for us to move to New Zealand.”

Days later, in a CNN interview, she said of candidate Trump, “He is a faker. He has no consistency about him. He says whatever comes into his head at the moment. He really has an ego. How has he gotten away with not turning over his tax returns?”

Gregg Jarrett: Justice Ginsburg must disqualify herself in the Trump travel ban case

Personally, I don't how she can be objective after such statements. Even an appearance of bias should disqualify a judge. This is much more than an appearance.


So what are you saying? Trump cases should only go before Trump butt kissers?
That's what they want, you know.

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