Will Jeff Sessions be confirmed by Senate?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Aside from the fact that he looks like a Keebler Elf, he's carrying some really serious racist baggage. Such as:


Sen. Jeff Sessions thought that “almost no one” from the Dominican Republic coming to the U.S. had skills to benefit America.

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AG is a fairly impotent job. Look at all the BHO AG's and how little they accomplished.

I doubt anyone in the Senate will want to oppose this.
I have serious doubts that Sessions will be confirmed. The man is a documented racist, and I think public pressure will prevent his confirmation.
He'll get the gig. The confederacy will have to be put down a second time.
He will likely sail through.
So it is going to take 51 Senators to confirm him. The Makeup of the Senate come January 2017, 51 Republicans, 46 Democrats, 2 Independents, and I think 1 guy that is Democrat but thinking of switching parties. So for him to get confirmed it would just take every Republican... but, who's to say they will all vote for him? You know the Democrats won't vote for him. Do either of the Independents vote for him? What about the wild card?

Would his career be over if he got shot down for the second time trying to get confirmed?
Racism isn't that big a deal to people.
Could jail hillary clinton??? Look. Progressivism LOST. Conservatism WON. Jeff Sessions will be confirmed. Liberals will have other battles far more important to them. They will choose carefully which they want fight. Piss off Trump and they will lose every damned one. obama has ruled by executive order for the last 6 years. I see no problem with Trump doing the same. PAY BACK IS A BITCH!
Thanks to Harry Reid's rule of 51 votes and the R's now have 52 yes he will be confirmed.

Only if all those Republican Senators have no honor or integrity.

During his last set of confirmation hearings, before the Senate Judiciary Committee in 1986, Jefferson Beauregard Sessions lost out on an appointment to the federal bench.

Witnesses testified that the Alabama Republican had called major civil rights organizations “un-American,” used racially insensitive language with associates and even said pot-smoking was the only reason he no longer thought the KKK was OK. His nomination was withdrawn after two fellow Republicans crossed the partisan divide on the panel to disapprove of his confirmation.

Jeff Sessions Is Unfit for the Cabinet - Roll Call

Most likely since Harry Reid made it so that only 51% have to approve him instead of the 60% that was SOP until recently because the progressive Democrats didn't like filibusters. So if all the Republicans stand together on the matter he's in.

Ain't life a bitch when things someone pushes for bites them in the south end?


Yes, all of Trump's nominees will be appointed. We can all thank Harry Reid.

Thanks Harry.

Unfortunately, his vision for the future was missing. Perhaps he lost it in his bathroom.

Your desperation is starting to produce a fowl odor, the crying over this loss is going to make global warming seam inconsequential, we will have no where to store all these tears...
Thanks to Harry Reid's rule of 51 votes and the R's now have 52 yes he will be confirmed.

Only if all those Republican Senators have no honor or integrity.

During his last set of confirmation hearings, before the Senate Judiciary Committee in 1986, Jefferson Beauregard Sessions lost out on an appointment to the federal bench.

Witnesses testified that the Alabama Republican had called major civil rights organizations “un-American,” used racially insensitive language with associates and even said pot-smoking was the only reason he no longer thought the KKK was OK. His nomination was withdrawn after two fellow Republicans crossed the partisan divide on the panel to disapprove of his confirmation.

Jeff Sessions Is Unfit for the Cabinet - Roll Call
He may have called BLM un-American The New Black Pather Party? Possibly. hillary clinton reportedly regulary uses racial epithets to describe blacks and Jews and has as much as called Native Americans savages. Here's her top ten:

#1 – In 1974, after Bill Clinton lost his bid for a Senate seat, Hillary lashed out at campaign manager Paul Fray calling him a, “f*cking Jew bastard!” This outburst was witnessed and confirmed by 3 people, so it definitely happened.

#2 – As First Lady, Hillary called young black men “super-predators” indicating that she thought all young black males were violent criminals. She also said, “We have to bring them to heel,” like young blacks are the same as dogs. Despite thinking this was incredibly racist, blacks still support Hillary.

#3 – While serving in the US Senate, Hillary tried to make a joke that disparaged a civil rights icon and demeaned all people from India. “I love this quote. It’s from Mahatma Gandhi. He ran a gas station down in St. Louis for a couple of years. Mr. Gandhi, do you still go to the gas station?” asked Clinton.

#4 – In 2005 Hillary said, “I am adamantly against illegal immigrants.” She also, as a Senator, voted to construct a wall between the US and Mexico. Considering the main “proof” of Trump’s racism is that he opposes illegal immigration and wants to build a wall, isn’t it odd that Hillary gets off for having said the same thing?

#5 – During the 2008 democratic primaries Hillary Clinton’s campaign started the “birther” rumors, questioning Obama’s US citizenship. They even circulated the now famous picture of Obama in full Muslim garb. Somehow Trump’s campaign to get Obama to release his birth certificate is racist, but Hillary’s role in starting the birther movement is not.

#6 – Also during the 2008 presidential race, Hillary’s husband Bill said this of Obama: “A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee.” Hillary didn’t say this one but her husband did and she certainly never disavowed it.

#7 – Shortly after announcing her candidacy, Hillary said “all lives matter” in a black church. I don’t think this one is racist, but lefties, black activists, and Hillary herself all do, so it makes the list. Plus as is the case with most of this stuff, if Trump had said it liberals would freak the hell out.

#8 – In November of 2015, Hillary called people in this country illegally “illegal aliens.” Trump is a racist when he says “illegal aliens,” why isn’t Hillary?

#9 – In April of this year, Hillary joined NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio on stage at a democratic fundraiser for a scripted joke about how lazy black people are. The two liberals made reference to “colored people’s time” which is a super-racist way of saying black people are chronically tardy and lethargic.

#10 – April was a great month for Hillary’s racism, as she also made a comment disparaging Native Americans. She said she had experience dealing with wild men when they “get off the reservation.” In essence she said Native Americans are savages who must be segregated from the rest of society.

As a bonus:

#11 – On a black radio show, Hillary pandered to black voters by claiming she always carries hot sauce in her purse. It was racist when Donald Trump pandered Hispanics by eating a taco bowl, but not racist when Hillary pandered blacks. How does that work?

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