Will Liz Cheney become the first woman president?

The way she could get the nomination is two-fold.

First, a lot of Presidential Primaries allow "crossover" votes from Democrats and independents. Since the D nomination is pre-determined, it frees up the voters to cross over and cause mischief.

Second, the GOP establishment hates the millions of little Trumpsters worse than the Democrats due. They are embarrassed by them, and would prefer to lose respectfully than give credence to the Basket of Deplorables. The GOP Establishment are the ones who write the rules for the nomination procedure.

I think not.

"millions of little trumpsters"
… I can envision her becoming a traditional Republican president. She is sane, smart and tough. What do you think?
Then I don’t believe you understand Traditional Conservatism. Traditional Conservatism does not allow for women in politics or other post of power.
Then I don’t believe you understand Traditional Conservatism. Traditional Conservatism does not allow for women in politics or other post of power.

Yet countries with female leaders had the lowest rate of death and illness in the covid pandemic. The governments are more stable, and properous. In fact, how well a country does economically is directly tied to the level of education and political involvement women have in their country's governance.
Yet countries with female leaders had the lowest rate of death and illness in the covid pandemic. The governments are more stable, and properous. In fact, how well a country does economically is directly tied to the level of education and political involvement women have in their country's governance.
Liz Cheney is the best thing that Republicans have going for them - but they are too dumb and rabid to know it.
Let's see what we have here. A hard-core democrat praising Cheney up and down, yet we all know there is absolutely no way said democrat will EVER vote for her. Now, what do we call that? In the same spirit, I want to be ever so helpful to the democrats on this board by reminding them that the lines will be much shorter if they wait to vote until Nov 9. Let those pesky Republicans wait in their long lines on the 8th.
Yet countries with female leaders had the lowest rate of death and illness in the covid pandemic. The governments are more stable, and properous. In fact, how well a country does economically is directly tied to the level of education and political involvement women have in their country's governance
So what? The metrics you measure by are not the ones I do. I measure solely by the Morality and Decency of a nation. Neither of those metrics score well for women being in charge.
She shows great courage in the face of fierce hatred and incredible stupidity and servile worship of an Orange Baboon-God... I'd vote for Liz in a heartbeat.
Thank goodness no one's doing that around here. That would be bad.
She certainly has all the right stuff. Although I don't agree with most of her conservative ideology, I can envision her becoming a traditional Republican president. She is sane, smart and tough. What do you think?

I don't understand. You say she's sane, which implies she's not a Democrat, yet you say you don't agree with her.

Oh wait, you're a Democrat. Hey, a step into the right direction Lakhota, but I don't know if Cheney is a good example.
Then I don’t believe you understand Traditional Conservatism. Traditional Conservatism does not allow for women in politics or other post of power.
I don't recall seeing you in the meeting. Were you hiding behind the potted plants again?
I don't understand. You say she's sane, which implies she's not a Democrat, yet you say you don't agree with her.

Oh wait, you're a Democrat. Hey, a step into the right direction Lakhota, but I don't know if Cheney is a good example.
Don't believe it for a second. Lakhota would be the first and loudest voice shrieking about how evil Cheney is if she was up against Quid Pro Joe. It's not a step, it's a head fake. Don't fall for it.
Don't believe it for a second. Lakhota would be the first and loudest voice shrieking about how evil Cheney is if she was up against Quid Pro Joe. It's not a step, it's a head fake. Don't fall for it.

Just like the Dems did with Romney. During the Republican primaries they loved him, they weren't even seeing how they were going to run against him vigorously. Then when he got the nomination, they figured it out, LOL ...
Just like the Dems did with Romney. During the Republican primaries they loved him, they weren't even seeing how they were going to run against him vigorously. Then when he got the nomination, they figured it out, LOL ...
Yup, it's a pattern that plays out every election. The democrats and their allies in the MSM pick the most wishy-washy, easiest to beat Republican candidate they can and pump them up. Then if they win the nomination, suddenly the candidate is evil incarnate. And why not? It's worked for them for a long time.
I don't agree with all of her political views. But, imo, she's one of the most outstanding women in politics. I would vote for her. I also think she has a quality that is incredibly rare in our politics: integrity.

Like it or not, she has the guts to say what she thinks and to stand up and take the heat from her detractors.

Liz Cheney is twice the man Donnie Trump could ever be. Bet she would NEVER whine and moan and act like a fucking crybaby, as donnie-boy does on a daily basis.

The GOP should embrace Liz Cheney, not ostracize her.

Lord knows the GOP now has far too many conspiracy crackpots in their ranks - such as MT Greene.

She's currently running 28 points behind her challenger. At this rate she won't keep the job she has.
Yet countries with female leaders had the lowest rate of death and illness in the covid pandemic. The governments are more stable, and properous. In fact, how well a country does economically is directly tied to the level of education and political involvement women have in their country's governance.
We are suffering now for that. The shutdown of states was dangerous. Something for nothing does not exist. And in the end most males will not listen to Prog women when it gets bad. The Western World is screwed.

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