Will Liz Cheney become the first woman president?

She won't survive her primary challenge

Which Frees her up to run for President.

(Which actually makes sense, in a Clinton Like accident, Biden chokes on his depends, and the Dems run her as their choice to bridge the parties) - It could happen.
Which Frees her up to run for President.

(Which actually makes sense, in a Clinton Like accident, Biden chokes on his depends, and the Dems run her as their choice to bridge the parties) - It could happen.
Since the right will not vote for her in large numbers and the left will not vote for her at all, no it can't actually happen.

This is true with all of the right wingers the left or left wingers the other side always gloms onto. They may like them on the OTHER side but that does not mean anyone will actually vote for them if they change parties.
She certainly has all the right stuff. Although I don't agree with most of her conservative ideology, I can envision her becoming a traditional Republican president. She is sane, smart and tough. What do you think?

Yep. She is at least intelligent and principled.
Yep. She is at least intelligent and principled.

I don't think hating your base is the definition of "principled"

I can see Ms. Cheney as a Republican Nominee for President, but not as anyone who would actually win the election and implement policy.
Since the right will not vote for her in large numbers and the left will not vote for her at all, no it can't actually happen.

This is true with all of the right wingers the left or left wingers the other side always gloms onto. They may like them on the OTHER side but that does not mean anyone will actually vote for them if they change parties.

Nobody wants Trump.. Liz Cheney is an excellent candidate. I think she could count on independents, moderates and some Republicans who haven't been caught up in demagoguery.
I don't think hating your base is the definition of "principled"

I can see Ms. Cheney as a Republican Nominee for President, but not as anyone who would actually win the election and implement policy.

Trump has been trolling the bottom of the barrel since he came down the elevator in Trump Tower.
Nobody wants Trump.. Liz Cheney is an excellent candidate. I think she could count on independents, moderates and some Republicans who haven't been caught up in demagoguery.

If the election can down between Biden and Cheney, I'd vote for Biden to keep Cheney out in 2024. It would be an anti-Cheney , not pro-Brandon ballot.
If the election can down between Biden and Cheney, I'd vote for Biden to keep Cheney out in 2024. It would be an anti-Cheney , not pro-Brandon ballot.

I would vote for Cheney. Trump is out for revenge. He wants to destroy both parties and all institutions... Like Bannon.
Nobody wants Trump.. Liz Cheney is an excellent candidate. I think she could count on independents, moderates and some Republicans who haven't been caught up in demagoguery.
This has nothing to do with Trump. There is no ballot that Trump is on. If he should decide to run it will not be a decision between Cheney and Trump, that is just a fact.

And no, she is not an 'excellent candidate.' That is noting more than personal bias talking while ignoring absolutely everything.

It is a simple fact that there is a large percentage of the right that will not vote for her, period. You cannot win in a party where you have alienated 30 percent of the base. It just is not going to happen. To think that there are significant numbers on the left who would pull for her is just asinine, there is no reason whatsoever that a democrat is going to vote for a republican because they like them better than other republicans. Instead, they will pull that lever for someone that is actually a democrat. I will never understand this silly notion that democrats or republicans are going to suddenly vote for an opposing party member because they are doing something that they like right this minuet. The second her record is brought up the left will remember that she is not what they are looking for.

As an independent, the vast majority of independent voters are going to see her as a republican because, well, that is what she is.

So, far from being an 'excellent candidate,' she is an absolutely terrible candidate unless you define it in a manner that is just nonsensical.
I would vote for Cheney. Trump is out for revenge. He wants to destroy both parties and all institutions... Like Bannon.

I doubt it. You'd likely find another reason not to vote for Ms. Cheney, who would be literally crucified by Biden for being literally Hitler.
This has nothing to do with Trump. There is no ballot that Trump is on. If he should decide to run it will not be a decision between Cheney and Trump, that is just a fact.

And no, she is not an 'excellent candidate.' That is noting more than personal bias talking while ignoring absolutely everything.

It is a simple fact that there is a large percentage of the right that will not vote for her, period. You cannot win in a party where you have alienated 30 percent of the base. It just is not going to happen. To think that there are significant numbers on the left who would pull for her is just asinine, there is no reason whatsoever that a democrat is going to vote for a republican because they like them better than other republicans. Instead, they will pull that lever for someone that is actually a democrat. I will never understand this silly notion that democrats or republicans are going to suddenly vote for an opposing party member because they are doing something that they like right this minuet. The second her record is brought up the left will remember that she is not what they are looking for.

As an independent, the vast majority of independent voters are going to see her as a republican because, well, that is what she is.

So, far from being an 'excellent candidate,' she is an absolutely terrible candidate unless you define it in a manner that is just nonsensical.
Listen to her speak.
I doubt it. You'd likely find another reason not to vote for Ms. Cheney, who would be literally crucified by Biden for being literally Hitler.

She knows Biden isn't Hitler. BTW that's what Barr called Trump the day he came down the escalator in Trump Tower jabbering about Mexican rapists and murderers.
She knows Biden isn't Hitler. BTW that's what Barr called Trump the day he came down the escalator in Trump Tower jabbering about Mexican rapists and murderers.

Biden and his minions would be the one calling Cheney Hitler.

Not vice versa, and Cheney would stand there and take it.

It would be like the McCain candidacy- a complete schlonging by Sleepy Joe.
True, as long as the current Trump crazies are running the GOP, but they are on a death spiral and circling the drain. Liz Cheney may be the salvation of the traditional Republican Party.

This administration and the entire Democratic Party is being run by far-left children. This is why they will be ousted in the mid-terms and in 2024. Seriously, you can't get crazier nor more anti-American than the current crop of Democrats.

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