Will Obamas wiretapping of Trumps home bring down the democrat party?

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owebo, post: 16721498
What prison do you think they will put your Obama in?

Obama owns twitter dittohead Trump fool on this one. Trump may have lied on twitter one too many this time. They should close his account for malicious slander.
We expect unsupported accusations on the campaign trail but not from the president. Doesn't Trump understand he's president and both friend an foe expect true from him, not wild tales, exaggerations, and out right lies. What he is doing is creating an atmosphere of confusion and mistrust. His staff seems to spend an inordinate amount of their time trying to justify, deflect, or explains his comments.

I hear ya. We'll see if what he said turns out to be reality. Right now, i can't say. But from what i'm reading and hearing, Obama may have engaged in some very dirty stuff. Stay tuned.
Treasonous even.....

He was known for abusing his power. He should have been Impeached for his awful IRS abuses alone. So it wouldn't surprise me if he used his power to try and sabotage Trump. It just wouldn't.
Trump's Russia-Putin connection/denial has the Impeachment talks-winds already put in place.
Owebo, most Americans aren't as gullible as the Trumpsters.
Remember, when Trump told us the 3-4 million illegal votes were cast and that's why he lost the popular vote.
What happened there? He proof evaporated in thin hair, he had no proof.
He about all those ailments that Hillary Clinton had, according to the Trumpsters. Poof! Gone. proved to be bullshit.
Trump again, "I was wire tapped", ahhh, where's the evidence. All we get from the Trumpsters and their hero is conjecture.
I hope this "wire tap" claim, sparks an investigation by an independent investigator. Not by one of Trump's swamp buddies.

I think the Sewer is going to get drained h
I hear ya. We'll see if what he said turns out to be reality. Right now, i can't say. But from what i'm reading and hearing, Obama may have engaged in some very dirty stuff. Stay tuned.
Treasonous even.....

He was known for abusing his power. He should have been Impeached for his awful IRS abuses alone. So it wouldn't surprise me if he used his power to try and sabotage Trump. It just wouldn't.
Putin is black mailing Trump as we speak. Trump has Russian-Putin Problem for the next 4 years.

Trump won't last 4 years. If Republicans can do 8 separate investigations into Benghazi, it's not real hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & Cover Up in 2018 when they take over.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador - CNNPolitics.com
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign - CNNPolitics.com

What prison do you think they will put your Obama in?

Treason is a life sentence--so imagine a few of Trump surrogates, possibly himself will end up in one. It used to be a hanging offense.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador - CNNPolitics.com
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign - CNNPolitics.com

Obama is not in office, Trump is like Putin, and you cannot put together a consistent post.
We are discussion Obamas actions child.....this act of political terrorism has the ability to end your party.....
You are discussing your submission for fake news this morning.
Delusional owebo post, or, owebo misinformation post, trump talking point to his nut job cult followers, or, another example of how trump plays cult followers like owebo.

EXCLUSIVE: FBI ‘Granted FISA Warrant’ Covering Trump Camp’s Ties To Russia

You should work on your memory. The FBI investigated Trump for those ties, and a wiretap would be normal in an investigation wouldn't it?

So the D Bags had tried as early as JUNE to get the wire taps approved. Very telling.

Which means there were no grounds for them. Yet another example of how the obummer admin was taking us down the road to a fucking third world banana republic. The level of government corruption that that man brought to our country is despicable. Any sane person should not just be concerned but outraged at that level of corruption. It says a lot about the progressives here that they are not.
When do predict the GOP Congress begins to distance themselves from Trump and his Russia-Putin connections?

Trump is screwed and the GOP won't lose seats to protect trump!!!!
Owebo, most Americans aren't as gullible as the Trumpsters.
Remember, when Trump told us the 3-4 million illegal votes were cast and that's why he lost the popular vote.
What happened there? He proof evaporated in thin hair, he had no proof.
He about all those ailments that Hillary Clinton had, according to the Trumpsters. Poof! Gone. proved to be bullshit.
Trump again, "I was wire tapped", ahhh, where's the evidence. All we get from the Trumpsters and their hero is conjecture.
I hope this "wire tap" claim, sparks an investigation by an independent investigator. Not by one of Trump's swamp buddies.
You mean the democrat voter fraud investigation VP Pence is conducting?

You do know the Republicans have been caught and convicted of voter fraud. So why is Pence's investigation only focused on Dems.
Is this just another taypayer funded political witch hunt, that the GOP is famous for?
Considering that many non-partisan voter frauds studies have been conducted and no one found even 0.05% of the total vote was voter fraud. Why do you think Pence will find something different?
America has never seen this level of democrat fascism.....Trump now knows all, and will attack democrats with the truth.....can they survive?
more puke bullshit just like your birther crap Where 's the ah's proof??
Calm down....relax....try typing again without your blown head gasket over your fascist Obama...,
proof proof proof let's see the morons proof ...like his birther proof
Since when do Dims give a rat's ass about proof?
They are fascists, little buddy, not commies.

What is so "fascist" about supporting globalism, LGBT and "open boarders"?


Did any fascists do that?

Go and educate yourself about Communism and Fascism, and then come back.
Forcing young girls to shower with perverts who have dicks is pure fascism. Forcing a baker to bake a cake for a wedding he/she wants no part of is fascism.

Open borders is treason, pure and simple. It forces Americans to live and work with people that don't belong here. The left has imposed this shit on the majority of Americans who don't want it. That's fascism.
The Russians don't belong in our elections either!!! But somehow Donald calculated he needed Russia's help to defeat Hillary.
Wrong. If anyone was in cahoots with the Russians it was Hillary.
bripat9643, post: 16720379
The AG could, moron, and if you believe Obama Lynch wouldn't do whatever Obama requested, then you are a special kind of fool.

That is a right wing sack of lying crap. The Attorney General can't order a wiretap either. Your right wing media propaganda machine lies so much and you believe every word they say. Just like dumb tweeting dittohead Trump does

The FISA Court is the only agency that could do it.

If they did then the court agreed with the FBI there was probable cause.

Under U.S. law, a federal court would have to have found probable cause that the target of the surveillance is an “agent of a foreign power” in order to approve a warrant authorizing electronic surveillance of Trump Tower.

Several conservative news outlets and commentators have made allegations in recent days about Trump being wiretapped during the campaign, without offering any evidence.

Obama Refutes Allegation That He Wiretapped Trump Tower During Campaign | The Huffington Post

Stop being so stupid for Trump.

The FISA court doesn't order wire taps. moron, it only allows or disallows them when requested by government agencies. The Justice Department is one of those agencies.
America has never seen this level of democrat fascism.....Trump now knows all, and will attack democrats with the truth.....can they survive?
more puke bullshit just like your birther crap Where 's the ah's proof??
Calm down....relax....try typing again without your blown head gasket over your fascist Obama...,
proof proof proof let's see the morons proof ...like his birther proof
Since when do Dims give a rat's ass about proof?
Plenty of Republicans and lots of independents are fed up with the President with such a pathological, habitual and serial lying history that it an obvious mental health issue with the delusional President. Blaming trump's problems on the democrats and the media is a delusional idea in and of itself.
Trump spouts off crap without evidence and his followers believe it, while when Obama and all the intelligence agencies say Russia hacked the DNC and meddled in the election they won't believe it until they see evidence...

Donna Brazile meddled in the Elections. Go shit yourself over that. There is evidence. CNN style.

So you admit you only want evidence when it is counteractive to your desires, got it. Now move along.
America has never seen this level of democrat fascism.....Trump now knows all, and will attack democrats with the truth.....can they survive?
more puke bullshit just like your birther crap Where 's the ah's proof??
Calm down....relax....try typing again without your blown head gasket over your fascist Obama...,
proof proof proof let's see the morons proof ...like his birther proof
Since when do Dims give a rat's ass about proof?
Plenty of Republicans and lots of independents are fed up with the President with such a pathological, habitual and serial lying history that it an obvious mental health issue with the delusional President. Blaming trump's problems on the democrats and the media is a delusional idea in and of itself.
You're delusional. No one who voted for the corrupt criminal has any credibility with regard to lying.
Trump spouts off crap without evidence and his followers believe it, while when Obama and all the intelligence agencies say Russia hacked the DNC and meddled in the election they won't believe it until they see evidence...

Donna Brazile meddled in the Elections. Go shit yourself over that. There is evidence. CNN style.

So you admit you only want evidence when it is counteractive to your desires, got it. Now move along.

Prior to the election, brought up on this board that Hillary's private email server was vulnerable to a hack and many Hillary supporters brushed it off at the time saying there was no evidence of the server being hacked. Hillary lost and the same people who said there was no evidence of a hack prior to the election, now are sure there was a hack.
Trump spouts off crap without evidence and his followers believe it, while when Obama and all the intelligence agencies say Russia hacked the DNC and meddled in the election they won't believe it until they see evidence...

Donna Brazile meddled in the Elections. Go shit yourself over that. There is evidence. CNN style.

So you admit you only want evidence when it is counteractive to your desires, got it. Now move along.

Prior to the election, brought up on this board that Hillary's private email server was vulnerable to a hack and many Hillary supporters brushed it off at the time saying there was no evidence of the server being hacked. Hillary lost and the same people who said there was no evidence of a hack prior to the election, now are sure there was a hack.

Russia hacked the DNC not Hillary's server. Could Hillary's server have been hacked? Most certainly, but there is no proof of it like there is the DNC.

So again, when the government says Russia hacked the DNC, gave the information to WikiLeaks, and they made up fake news and spread the propaganda to meddle in the U.S. elections, why do you have to see proof of that from them to believe them, but when Trump says Obama wiretapped him, you don't need to see that proof to believe that? It's a pretty straight forward question.
This has the potential of making the Watergate scandal, along with all the convictions surrounding the Clinton cabal and administration look like a Sunday school picnic.

The first FISA request was denied, almost unheard of. They are ALWAYS granted.

The carefully crafted denial from the White House is very, very telling. Look at it closely, it states that the White House never ORDERED the FISA request.

Because they CANNOT ORDER ONE. Saying that the FBI or whoever ordered it, without the knowledge and consent of petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama is ludicrous.

Sit back folks, this is going to be a WILD RIDE!
bripat9643, post: 16720379
The AG could, moron, and if you believe Obama Lynch wouldn't do whatever Obama requested, then you are a special kind of fool.

That is a right wing sack of lying crap. The Attorney General can't order a wiretap either. Your right wing media propaganda machine lies so much and you believe every word they say. Just like dumb tweeting dittohead Trump does

The FISA Court is the only agency that could do it.

If they did then the court agreed with the FBI there was probable cause.

Under U.S. law, a federal court would have to have found probable cause that the target of the surveillance is an “agent of a foreign power” in order to approve a warrant authorizing electronic surveillance of Trump Tower.

Several conservative news outlets and commentators have made allegations in recent days about Trump being wiretapped during the campaign, without offering any evidence.

Obama Refutes Allegation That He Wiretapped Trump Tower During Campaign | The Huffington Post

Stop being so stupid for Trump.

The FISA court doesn't order wire taps. moron, it only allows or disallows them when requested by government agencies. The Justice Department is one of those agencies.
And th President can not order th Justice department to request a FISA warrant from th Court.

The FBI when they have gathered enough info that shows that who they want surveillance,with probability, are agents of a foreign power....or have committed a crime, the FBI gets our Lawyers in th Justice department, to create a fisa warrant request that will go before the Court Judge...the reason most FISA warrants are approved, is because the Justice department is always extremely careful in their request, to where their I's are dotted and tees are crossed, Constitutionally.

The justice department never requests a Warrant out of the clear blue, or for some obscure fuzzy wuzzy reason, their investigative agencies come to the Lawyers in the Justice department with their evidence and ask the Justice dept lawyers/prosecutors to draw up the FISA Warrant request.for the Judge in the FISA Court. and the Justice dept makes certain the FBI has enough of a case with their investigation to request it.

The President does not request the Justice department to draw up a FISA Warrant for him....that is utterly ridiculous.
America has never seen this level of democrat fascism.....Trump now knows all, and will attack democrats with the truth.....can they survive?

The real question is if the orange twitter addict in chief will survive

I hope he does because the entertainment he provides is truly yuuuge, magnificent and beautiful

America has never seen this level of democrat fascism.....Trump now knows all, and will attack democrats with the truth.....can they survive?

The real question is if the orange twitter addict in chief will survive

I hope he does because the entertainment he provides is truly yuuuge, magnificent and beautiful

The Trumpenfuhrer will be victorious!
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