Will Obamas wiretapping of Trumps home bring down the democrat party?

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So the story is that this request was rejected in June and accepted in October, just before the election. Now, IF this is true of course, I repeat, IF, it could have been a desperate game of high stakes for Obama.

Basically, I assume he would have done this for National Security purposes, an altruistic desire to protect the government from foreign influence. I try and see the best in people and believe this would be true, though it's hard to believe this considering the whole Clinton Foundation and massive funding from foreign depots (this International Foundation arm, since disbanded by the Foundation after her loss...hmmmm). So I have to believe it is plausible this was a serious, emergency situation. However...

What if it was purely as a fail safe plan, just in case Trump won? Was he going to do this in hopes it would expose some connection and take down Trump? Was he hoping to find some direct connection that would deny Trump a win if he did win and/or, simply leak this suspicion (as it appears was done to some degree with all the questions about Russia from some networks)?

IF this tapping occurred and IF it was done for political purposes, this is very poor judgement. Not just from the perspective of democracy and government over reach which borders on fascism, but, Obama had to know that this wiretape request would be leaked. Even if only a handful of people knew, it would be massive risk to assume it wouldn't surface and find the light of day if Trump won. Furthermore, knowing Trump, he wouldn't be silent about it, on the contrary.

So yes, if this report and accusation is accurate, it could spell serious trouble for the core of the Democratic Party. Certainly it would draw a number of supporters to the GOP, or, at best, it would probably create internal turmoil and a split of sorts from the Sanders-type supporters and the Old Democratic loyalists. It could even cause a major investigation into past Democratic activities against the GOP. From IRS targeting Conservatives to the AG turning a blind eye to Clinton activities.

So again, I suggest, IF this wiretap request is true AND this wasn't done for all of the right reasons and the purest, most patriotic reasons, the consequences could resonate very far.
For Obama to be forced to issue a defensive statement today in response to Trump is a harbinger of doom to the democrats.....

Obama is trying to put out an inferno with a bucket......it's over for democrats....
This diagram says it all...

I agree.
And just as Sessions folded when he recused himself. Pisses me off.
So, you approve of Obamas Putin like actions against political rivals.....what else do you approve of Putins?
Obama is not in office, Trump is like Putin, and you cannot put together a consistent post.

Obama used the power of his office, while he was still in office, to investigate the opposing political party as well as setting up traps for his administration. the last minute rule changes Obama made before he left were not by accident but by design. You may be a fine person but The DNC operatives would accept nothing less than Hillary, they are out to roadblock Trump at every turn. Trump was th eonly candidate who could have survived the Democrat media collusion. Any other candidate would have crumbled at the first fake news stories about them and went into appology mode like a normal good republican does. This is why the Democrats are so furious with Trump, he has the audacity to not play their stupid game.
Sessions has a couple of strikes against him. Him talks with a southern dialect and he's a product of incest.
I agree.
And just as Sessions folded when he recused himself. Pisses me off.
So, you approve of Obamas Putin like actions against political rivals.....what else do you approve of Putins?
Obama is not in office, Trump is like Putin, and you cannot put together a consistent post.

Obama used the power of his office, while he was still in office, to investigate the opposing political party as well as setting up traps for his administration. the last minute rule changes Obama made before he left were not by accident but by design. You may be a fine person but The DNC operatives would accept nothing less than Hillary, they are out to roadblock Trump at every turn. Trump was th eonly candidate who could have survived the Democrat media collusion. Any other candidate would have crumbled at the first fake news stories about them and went into appology mode like a normal good republican does. This is why the Democrats are so furious with Trump, he has the audacity to not play their stupid game.
Sessions has a couple of strikes against him. Him talks with a southern dialect and he's a product of incest.

You have him confused with you, but hey....she's your mama.
We expect unsupported accusations on the campaign trail but not from the president. Doesn't Trump understand he's president and both friend an foe expect true from him, not wild tales, exaggerations, and out right lies. What he is doing is creating an atmosphere of confusion and mistrust. His staff seems to spend an inordinate amount of their time trying to justify, deflect, or explains his comments. In fact, they sometimes say just opposite of what Trump says.
We expect unsupported accusations on the campaign trail but not from the president. Doesn't Trump understand he's president and both friend an foe expect true from him, not wild tales, exaggerations, and out right lies. What he is doing is creating an atmosphere of confusion and mistrust. His staff seems to spend an inordinate amount of their time trying to justify, deflect, or explains his comments.
So, you're saying the POTUS doesn't have access to this type of information...do tell....
We expect unsupported accusations on the campaign trail but not from the president. Doesn't Trump understand he's president and both friend an foe expect true from him, not wild tales, exaggerations, and out right lies. What he is doing is creating an atmosphere of confusion and mistrust. His staff seems to spend an inordinate amount of their time trying to justify, deflect, or explains his comments.

I hear ya. We'll see if what he said turns out to be reality. Right now, i can't say. But from what i'm reading and hearing, Obama may have engaged in some very dirty stuff. Stay tuned.
Trump spouts off crap without evidence and his followers believe it, while when Obama and all the intelligence agencies say Russia hacked the DNC and meddled in the election they won't believe it until they see evidence...

Donna Brazile meddled in the Elections. Go shit yourself over that. There is evidence. CNN style.
Trump spouts off crap without evidence and his followers believe it, while when Obama and all the intelligence agencies say Russia hacked the DNC and meddled in the election they won't believe it until they see evidence...

Donna Brazile meddled in the Elections. Go shit yourself over that. There is evidence. CNN style.

Another CNN Fake News asshole.
We expect unsupported accusations on the campaign trail but not from the president. Doesn't Trump understand he's president and both friend an foe expect true from him, not wild tales, exaggerations, and out right lies. What he is doing is creating an atmosphere of confusion and mistrust. His staff seems to spend an inordinate amount of their time trying to justify, deflect, or explains his comments.

I hear ya. We'll see if what he said turns out to be reality. Right now, i can't say. But from what i'm reading and hearing, Obama may have engaged in some very dirty stuff. Stay tuned.
Treasonous even.....
America has never seen this level of democrat fascism.....Trump now knows all, and will attack democrats with the truth.....can they survive?
more puke bullshit just like your birther crap Where 's the ah's proof??
We expect unsupported accusations on the campaign trail but not from the president. Doesn't Trump understand he's president and both friend an foe expect true from him, not wild tales, exaggerations, and out right lies. What he is doing is creating an atmosphere of confusion and mistrust. His staff seems to spend an inordinate amount of their time trying to justify, deflect, or explains his comments.

I hear ya. We'll see if what he said turns out to be reality. Right now, i can't say. But from what i'm reading and hearing, Obama may have engaged in some very dirty stuff. Stay tuned.
Treasonous even.....

He was known for abusing his power. He should have been Impeached for his awful IRS abuses alone. So it wouldn't surprise me if he used his power to try and sabotage Trump. It just wouldn't.
America has never seen this level of democrat fascism.....Trump now knows all, and will attack democrats with the truth.....can they survive?
more puke bullshit just like your birther crap Where 's the ah's proof??
Calm down....relax....try typing again without your blown head gasket over your fascist Obama...,
proof proof proof let's see the morons proof ...like his birther proof
America has never seen this level of democrat fascism.....Trump now knows all, and will attack democrats with the truth.....can they survive?
more puke bullshit just like your birther crap Where 's the ah's proof??
Calm down....relax....try typing again without your blown head gasket over your fascist Obama...,
proof proof proof let's see the morons proof ...like his birther proof
Hillary has the birther proof...go ask her....:lol:
We know that they were wire tapping Russian phone lines, and when the Trump campaign called in to talk they're obviously being wiretapped. Whether intelligence agencies thought it was important to tap the TRUMP TOWER where the phones calls to the Russians were going back & forth, then they have every right to do that, and without warrants because this is ESPIONAGE aka spying on a foreign adversary which is perfectly legal to do.


We know it's been one lie after another coming out of the Trump circle. 5 times the inner circle has denied any contact with Russians during the campaign season. THAT WAS A LIE.
Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

And it's been one lie after another ever since. Flynn first.
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy

Sessions second: Sessions actually filled out a form before the confirmation meeting and checked a box that stated he had no contact with any Russians, which is why he is refusing to go back and testify under oath.

We know that not only did they have meetings with the Russian ambassador, but they were also on the phone with Russian intelligence officials and those phone calls were numerous, (especially via Trumps son-in-law) during the same time that the Russians were hacking into DNC databases.

More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador - CNNPolitics.com
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign - CNNPolitics.com


We know that Trump continually denied the Russian hacking, including the intelligence of the CIA, the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, 13 other intelligence agencies including the entire Republican held Senate. Even at one point stating: I know people who know more than they do, and I'll get back to you next week. He didn't.

When people are continually LYING it's usually because they're trying to hide something.

And I'll leave you to ponder two quotes:

Trump: "Russia if that's you, if you could find Hillary Clinton's 30K emails, you would be greatly rewarded by the media.

OBAMA: I want this Russian Investigation done BEFORE I leave office--LOL. Clearly he did not turn this over to FBI director James Comey, because he is also under investigation for his interference into this election. And he certainly would not have turned it over to Republicans who would have squashed it.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

Trump and company have been wholly OUTFOXED by Barack Obama, and I imagine he will release the Kracken in 2018 when Democrats take over, if not sooner.
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