Will Obamas wiretapping of Trumps home bring down the democrat party?

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Trump must be removed.

If the Russians were in fact in touch with the campaign staff. Trump and Pence must be removed.

Hello, President Ryan.
Obama needs to be arrested for treason as a result of the Dark Government wire tapping of President Trump. The question is, while Obama get his US citizenship revoked? Obama might get the last laugh and admit he never was a Natural Born Citizen to begin with! :p

Yo dumbass , that's the same thing the NY Times is saying.


But on their January 19th, 2017 edition they state that several government agencies have admitted that wiretapping have occurred.


Stupid fucks


They are fascists, little buddy, not commies.

What is so "fascist" about supporting globalism, LGBT and "open boarders"?


Did any fascists do that?

Go and educate yourself about Communism and Fascism, and then come back.
Forcing young girls to shower with perverts who have dicks is pure fascism. Forcing a baker to bake a cake for a wedding he/she wants no part of is fascism.

Open borders is treason, pure and simple. It forces Americans to live and work with people that don't belong here. The left has imposed this shit on the majority of Americans who don't want it. That's fascism.
They are fascists, little buddy, not commies.

What is so "fascist" about supporting globalism, LGBT and "open boarders"?


Did any fascists do that?

Go and educate yourself about Communism and Fascism, and then come back.
Forcing young girls to shower with perverts who have dicks is pure fascism. Forcing a baker to bake a cake for a wedding he/she wants no part of is fascism.

Open borders is treason, pure and simple. It forces Americans to live and work with people that don't belong here. The left has imposed this shit on the majority of Americans who don't want it. That's fascism.
The fascist democrats hate it when people call them what they are....i wonder where they will go when the democrat party collapses?
This latest episode of madness by modern American conservatism should allay the fears of any liberals out there who thought the Right was going to take over the world any time soon.
Is that why urine is running down your leg?
"The order has to come from the court, and the court operates independently." Not the President.

Contumacious, post: 16719556
The bad news is that scumbag Obama is able to get a warrant to wiretap DJT

Obama could not and did not get a warrant to wiretap DJT.

Trump and you moron Trumpeteeerd are idiots.

Here's why:

Tower of FISA
If nothing else, Trump’s tweets show he doesn’t understand how the FISA system works. If he did, he may have limited himself to tweeting about Arnold Schwartzeneggerquitting The Apprentice this morning.

“While the order would have been requested by some part of the executive branch, Obama can’t order anything. Nor can Trump,” says former NSA lawyer April Doss, who stresses that her comments are based only on public information. “The order has to come from the court, and the court operates independently.”

If the Feds Did Wiretap Trump Tower, It’s Not Obama Who Should Worry

Trump is the one in deep shit here. He has no proof Obama wire tapped him or knew about whatever the courts were doing.

The AG could, moron, and if you believe Obama Lynch wouldn't do whatever Obama requested, then you are a special kind of fool.
America has never seen this level of democrat fascism.....Trump now knows all, and will attack democrats with the truth.....can they survive?

lol, you are out of your goddamn mind.
Where's the proof? Give us some proof.
you need to listen to the POTUS.....this news is a bombshell....
Obama Responds to Trump Wiretapping Charge - Towleroad

Said Obama spokesman Kevin Lewis in a statement:

“A cardinal rule of the Obama Administration was that no White House official ever interfered with any independent investigation led by the Department of Justice. As part of that practice, neither President Obama nor any White House official ever ordered surveillance on any U.S. citizen. Any suggestion otherwise is simply false.”
An you believe that? You're a bigger fool than I thought.
He could have said, "if you're stupid enough to believe our 'cardinal rule', you can keep believing it, period." :lmao:
Breaking Update:

Here's an analysis from an experienced attorney, with many details for those interested in them.

What I'd like to know is, under 50 USC 1805, is it possible to have a wiretap order issued strictly on the authorization of the Attorney General?

Here is a snippet that contains the wording in question:

"the judge shall enter an ex parte order as requested or as modified approving the electronic surveillance if he finds that - (1) the application has been made by a Federal officer and approved by the Attorney General"

Since we know the request was turned-down once by the FISA court (a rare occurrance indicating the reason for getting the wiretap approval were really weak) - did Obama turn to his own AG to go ahead and do it anyway? I say yes.

Yes, There Could Be Serious Legal Problems if Obama Admin Involved in Illegal Surveillance
Let's just hope that as Hussein Obama is exposed for his criminal activity he'll go down in the basement of his bunker, strap on his suicide belt, and pull the cord.
Spying on the opposition party's presidential candidate is as low as it gets. Especially when you don't find anything. Let's see how the MSM handles this fiasco.
Spying on the opposition party's presidential candidate is as low as it gets. Especially when you don't find anything. Let's see how the MSM handles this fiasco.
The MSM will protect their fascist Obama as long as they can....but without control of all the levers of leviathan, Obama can avoid the hangman only so long...
So the story is that this request was rejected in June and accepted in October, just before the election. Now, IF this is true of course, I repeat, IF, it could have been a desperate game of high stakes for Obama.

Basically, I assume he would have done this for National Security purposes, an altruistic desire to protect the government from foreign influence. I try and see the best in people and believe this would be true, though it's hard to believe this considering the whole Clinton Foundation and massive funding from foreign depots (this International Foundation arm, since disbanded by the Foundation after her loss...hmmmm). So I have to believe it is plausible this was a serious, emergency situation. However...

What if it was purely as a fail safe plan, just in case Trump won? Was he going to do this in hopes it would expose some connection and take down Trump? Was he hoping to find some direct connection that would deny Trump a win if he did win and/or, simply leak this suspicion (as it appears was done to some degree with all the questions about Russia from some networks)?

IF this tapping occurred and IF it was done for political purposes, this is very poor judgement. Not just from the perspective of democracy and government over reach which borders on fascism, but, Obama had to know that this wiretape request would be leaked. Even if only a handful of people knew, it would be massive risk to assume it wouldn't surface and find the light of day if Trump won. Furthermore, knowing Trump, he wouldn't be silent about it, on the contrary.

So yes, if this report and accusation is accurate, it could spell serious trouble for the core of the Democratic Party. Certainly it would draw a number of supporters to the GOP, or, at best, it would probably create internal turmoil and a split of sorts from the Sanders-type supporters and the Old Democratic loyalists. It could even cause a major investigation into past Democratic activities against the GOP. From IRS targeting Conservatives to the AG turning a blind eye to Clinton activities.

So again, I suggest, IF this wiretap request is true AND this wasn't done for all of the right reasons and the purest, most patriotic reasons, the consequences could resonate very far.
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