Will Obamas wiretapping of Trumps home bring down the democrat party?

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Trump wouldn't have tweeted anything without proof.

Really? He tweeted and said he had the largest Electoral College victory in decades... how did that work out for him?
You mean POTUS Trump? :lol:

Keep it up, when Trump become the very first POTUS ever impeached AND removed from office, you will never hear the end of it.
You need to walk out of the democrat swamp....it's consuming you.....

Let's put this so simple that even you can understand how fucking retarded you are.

#1. Trump says after seeing the evidence that Russia hacked the DNC and released the information to WikiLeaks.
#2. You say it isn't true because you haven't seen the evidence.
#3. Trump tweets out that Obama wiretapped his place in New York.
#4. You believe it is true without seeing any evidence.

#5. You are in the stage of denial, or brain dead, you chose.
Link to inter agency review of DNC server....all I can find is the DNC refused to turn it over...

Obama admitted he wire tapped Trumps home already....

You are not very good at this politics thing, are you.....
Actually, that's speculation around poshest as private email account....Seth Rich seems to be the more direct connection to the DNC server information...but democrats murdered him....

Again so you belive some crazy theory without evidence but don't believe it when the government under Obama AND under Trump tells you that Russia hacked the DNC and Podesta and released it to WikiLeaks?

That just invalidates your entire opinion on the whole matter.
Again, you have some crazy theory without evidence...

I do believe the democrat staffer who gave wikileaks info is deader than dead.....

You HAVE NO EVIDENCE and you believe that... but you don't believe what the government under Obama AND UNDER YOUR butt buddy Trump tell you is true...

You're delusional.
Do you deny presidential candidate Trump was wiretapped during the campaign?

Do I deny it? I have no way of knowing, there is no proof of it, and a Tweet from the guy who has been deemed the most lying candidate in the modern history of politics isn't going to convince me.
You mean the POTUS.....are you saying he doesn't have access to all information within the ,gov?

Apparently the first attempt by Obama/Lynch to get the wiretap via the FISA court was not successful. Lynch then met on the tarmac with Bill Clinton. Apparently the meeting covered more than just the no indictment discussion.

Kenny Dial
Kenny Dial · @kenny_dial
2 hours
Loretta Lynch had secret tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton potentially days after FISA court denied initial Trump wiretap.

Meeting on the Tarmac was June 27th.

TRUTH comes out. WJC was talking to Loretta Lynch about the wiretap being denied. Hillary needed it.

Kenny Dial on Gab
The FBI requested the Justice department lawyers to ask for a FISA WARRANT on a forign bank that was communicating with a Trump srver that was only conn to the Russian Bank in a suspicious way
The President does not request the Justice department to draw up a FISA Warrant for him....that is utterly ridiculous.

Right, Loretta would never do such a thing just to please Obama or Hillary.....


The FBI's investigation was ALREADY OVER when she and Bill Talked...
Really? He tweeted and said he had the largest Electoral College victory in decades... how did that work out for him?
You mean POTUS Trump? :lol:

Keep it up, when Trump become the very first POTUS ever impeached AND removed from office, you will never hear the end of it.
You need to walk out of the democrat swamp....it's consuming you.....

Let's put this so simple that even you can understand how fucking retarded you are.

#1. Trump says after seeing the evidence that Russia hacked the DNC and released the information to WikiLeaks.
#2. You say it isn't true because you haven't seen the evidence.
#3. Trump tweets out that Obama wiretapped his place in New York.
#4. You believe it is true without seeing any evidence.

#5. You are in the stage of denial, or brain dead, you chose.
Link to inter agency review of DNC server....all I can find is the DNC refused to turn it over...

Obama admitted he wire tapped Trumps home already....

You are not very good at this politics thing, are you.....



Simple question. Why do you believe EVERYTHING ELSE Trump says except when he tells you Russia hacked the DNC and gave over the information to WikiLeaks? I don't want to hear anything about anything else... I want a simple answer to a simple question. If you can't answer this question you are just proving how big of an idiot hack you are, and are just as big of a scum as Hillary and her buddies for what they did in the DNC primaries.
Breaking Update number 2:

Jon Favreau‏ @jonfavs I'd be careful about reporting that Obama said there was no wiretapping. Statement just said that neither he nor the WH ordered it.12:00 PM · Mar 4, 2017

Jonathan E. "Jon" Favreau is a political commentator and the former Director of Speechwriting for President Barack Obama
Again so you belive some crazy theory without evidence but don't believe it when the government under Obama AND under Trump tells you that Russia hacked the DNC and Podesta and released it to WikiLeaks?

That just invalidates your entire opinion on the whole matter.
Again, you have some crazy theory without evidence...

I do believe the democrat staffer who gave wikileaks info is deader than dead.....

You HAVE NO EVIDENCE and you believe that... but you don't believe what the government under Obama AND UNDER YOUR butt buddy Trump tell you is true...

You're delusional.
Do you deny presidential candidate Trump was wiretapped during the campaign?

Do I deny it? I have no way of knowing, there is no proof of it, and a Tweet from the guy who has been deemed the most lying candidate in the modern history of politics isn't going to convince me.
You mean the POTUS.....are you saying he doesn't have access to all information within the ,gov?

No, there are some things that are on a "need to know" basis that even the President doesn't have access to that gives him plausible deniability.
by law, 43 made wire taps legal, and Trump isnt above the law of the land. Hes surrounded with Russian lovers, his base gives him props, and defends him when anyone even mentions Russia, they are Russian lovers too, and that gives HS probable cause which makes him a suspect.

wire tap the entire Trump Cartel they damn sure deserve it.
Roger Stone Baited Into Admitting "Back Channel to Assange"
Caroline O.‏ @RVAwonk 29m29 minutes ago
Roger... you got some 'splainin to do!
Trump Advisor Roger Stone Launches Into Vulgar Twitter Rant, Suggests Back Channel To Assange During Clinton Leaks | The Huffington Post

View image on Twitter


Senior Trump adviser Roger Stone sent this tweet in August. Podesta's emails weren't released until Oct. pic.twitter.com/w0iHJAniPe @RVAwonk

3:22 AM - 5 Mar 2017
Deflections by bode and owebo are laughable.

Your Trump has his leg caught in the RussiaGate trap.

He is cooked goose.
Intelligence expert on Trump rants: 'target starts getting buggy, because he knows that he's caught'

Intelligence expert on Trump rants: 'target starts getting buggy, because he knows that he's caught'
Malcolm Nance, counterterrorism expert and intelligence community member who has been deployed to intelligence operations around the world, was on MSNBC this morning to discuss Donald Trump’s tweetstorm and the growing collection of information verifying that Trump aides continually met with Russian officials throughout the campaign and after the election, before Trump took office. Those revelations sent Trump on a accusation-filled Twitter rant this morning, where Trump essentially confirmed a wiretap was in place at Trump Tower. Enter Malcolm Nance this morning who says this is the type of behavior you might expect to see when people know they’ve been caught:
Yep, Trump is s screwed, bigly.
Deflections by bode and owebo are laughable.

Your Trump has his leg caught in the RussiaGate trap.

He is cooked goose.
Intelligence expert on Trump rants: 'target starts getting buggy, because he knows that he's caught'

Intelligence expert on Trump rants: 'target starts getting buggy, because he knows that he's caught'
Malcolm Nance, counterterrorism expert and intelligence community member who has been deployed to intelligence operations around the world, was on MSNBC this morning to discuss Donald Trump’s tweetstorm and the growing collection of information verifying that Trump aides continually met with Russian officials throughout the campaign and after the election, before Trump took office. Those revelations sent Trump on a accusation-filled Twitter rant this morning, where Trump essentially confirmed a wiretap was in place at Trump Tower. Enter Malcolm Nance this morning who says this is the type of behavior you might expect to see when people know they’ve been caught:
Yep, Trump is s screwed, bigly.
You mean Obama.....
Deflections by bode and owebo are laughable.

Your Trump has his leg caught in the RussiaGate trap.

He is cooked goose.
Intelligence expert on Trump rants: 'target starts getting buggy, because he knows that he's caught'

Intelligence expert on Trump rants: 'target starts getting buggy, because he knows that he's caught'
Malcolm Nance, counterterrorism expert and intelligence community member who has been deployed to intelligence operations around the world, was on MSNBC this morning to discuss Donald Trump’s tweetstorm and the growing collection of information verifying that Trump aides continually met with Russian officials throughout the campaign and after the election, before Trump took office. Those revelations sent Trump on a accusation-filled Twitter rant this morning, where Trump essentially confirmed a wiretap was in place at Trump Tower. Enter Malcolm Nance this morning who says this is the type of behavior you might expect to see when people know they’ve been caught:
Yep, Trump is s screwed, bigly.
You mean Obama.....
Answer Lewdog.
Deflections by bode and owebo are laughable.

Your Trump has his leg caught in the RussiaGate trap.

He is cooked goose.
Intelligence expert on Trump rants: 'target starts getting buggy, because he knows that he's caught'

Intelligence expert on Trump rants: 'target starts getting buggy, because he knows that he's caught'
Malcolm Nance, counterterrorism expert and intelligence community member who has been deployed to intelligence operations around the world, was on MSNBC this morning to discuss Donald Trump’s tweetstorm and the growing collection of information verifying that Trump aides continually met with Russian officials throughout the campaign and after the election, before Trump took office. Those revelations sent Trump on a accusation-filled Twitter rant this morning, where Trump essentially confirmed a wiretap was in place at Trump Tower. Enter Malcolm Nance this morning who says this is the type of behavior you might expect to see when people know they’ve been caught:
Yep, Trump is s screwed, bigly.
You mean Obama.....
Answer Lewdog.
I did child...
Watch this all blow up and then Trump resigns... and says, "I did this all on purpose in order to expose the corruption of government! Mission accomplished!" He then goes on to write a book about it all and try to make shit tons of money off of being a corrupted crook that set back our country decades.
Actually this is blowing up in Obama's face. Trump will come out victorious.

If you think Trump is coming out of this unscathed, you are about as sharp as a we bag of marbles.
Trump wouldn't have tweeted anything without proof.

Really? He tweeted and said he had the largest Electoral College victory in decades... how did that work out for him?
You mean POTUS Trump? :lol:
Deflections by bode and owebo are laughable.

Your Trump has his leg caught in the RussiaGate trap.

He is cooked goose.
Intelligence expert on Trump rants: 'target starts getting buggy, because he knows that he's caught'

Intelligence expert on Trump rants: 'target starts getting buggy, because he knows that he's caught'
Malcolm Nance, counterterrorism expert and intelligence community member who has been deployed to intelligence operations around the world, was on MSNBC this morning to discuss Donald Trump’s tweetstorm and the growing collection of information verifying that Trump aides continually met with Russian officials throughout the campaign and after the election, before Trump took office. Those revelations sent Trump on a accusation-filled Twitter rant this morning, where Trump essentially confirmed a wiretap was in place at Trump Tower. Enter Malcolm Nance this morning who says this is the type of behavior you might expect to see when people know they’ve been caught:
Yep, Trump is s screwed, bigly.
You mean Obama.....
Answer Lewdog.
I did child...
You did not, and it appears you are afraid to.
Intelligence expert on Trump rants: 'target starts getting buggy, because he knows that he's caught'

Intelligence expert on Trump rants: 'target starts getting buggy, because he knows that he's caught'
Malcolm Nance, counterterrorism expert and intelligence community member who has been deployed to intelligence operations around the world, was on MSNBC this morning to discuss Donald Trump’s tweetstorm and the growing collection of information verifying that Trump aides continually met with Russian officials throughout the campaign and after the election, before Trump took office. Those revelations sent Trump on a accusation-filled Twitter rant this morning, where Trump essentially confirmed a wiretap was in place at Trump Tower. Enter Malcolm Nance this morning who says this is the type of behavior you might expect to see when people know they’ve been caught:
Yep, Trump is s screwed, bigly.
You mean Obama.....
Answer Lewdog.
I did child...
You did not, and it appears you are afraid to.
It appears it was well over your education level...good luck with that....
Again so you belive some crazy theory without evidence but don't believe it when the government under Obama AND under Trump tells you that Russia hacked the DNC and Podesta and released it to WikiLeaks?

That just invalidates your entire opinion on the whole matter.
Again, you have some crazy theory without evidence...

I do believe the democrat staffer who gave wikileaks info is deader than dead.....

You HAVE NO EVIDENCE and you believe that... but you don't believe what the government under Obama AND UNDER YOUR butt buddy Trump tell you is true...

You're delusional.
Do you deny presidential candidate Trump was wiretapped during the campaign?

Do I deny it? I have no way of knowing, there is no proof of it, and a Tweet from the guy who has been deemed the most lying candidate in the modern history of politics isn't going to convince me.
You mean the POTUS.....are you saying he doesn't have access to all information within the ,gov?
Trump is lying about it as he always does, he lies and makes something up in order to CHANGE the subject or in order to make the feeble minded Trumpettes believe everyone is lying BUT HIM....it works every time. :whistle:

The president can get access to whatever he wants (as long as it is not an on going investigation about himself) and declassify it so we can see it, he just has to know what to ask for...

I think the President KNOWS some more information on his campaign team's contacts or on him is coming out that he is trying to soften the blow with this made up lie...

For the first time he released info about meetings with the Russians BEFORE we learned about it through the press...he admitted that there was another meeting with the Russian Ambassador in Trump tower with his son in law Jarrod and Flynn.... Which means that Jarrod ALSO LIED TO PENCE or in the least allowed the LIE that Pence put out on all the Sunday news shows to go on, saying the Trump team had NO CONTACTS AT ALL with the Russians outside of Flynn and no discussions from Flynn with the ambassador about the sanctions....

Jarrod KNEW that was an out right LIE, yet he never went to Pence after the news shows to tell Pence, what he was saying, was not true, because he and Flynn met with the Ambassador in Trump tower.

So we have Flynn Lying, the president lying, Sessions lying and Jarrod allowing the lies...this is the MOST UNTRUSTWORTHY President and administration in our HISTORY. :eek:

WHY OH WHY have they all lied thru their teeth on all of this? Why did they feel they needed and had to, LIE?

What are they trying to hide from the American people?
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