Will Obamas wiretapping of Trumps home bring down the democrat party?

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And this evidence and the Warrnt request, has to meet constitutional muster, before they request a FISA warrnt from the Fisa court Judge...

So YES, I am saying Lynch could not and can not just request a Fisa Court warrant out of the clear blue, just because the President or anyone asks her to....

There has to be EVIDENCE that the FISA surveillance has probable cause of espionage between foreign powers or entities.

While this is true, you have to color it with FISA judges approve the vast majority of requests. At least that was true in the past. Which is why when Bush said that wiretaps required warrants, while having thousands of wiretaps without warrants, it was pointed out how easy FISA warrants were, where they denied only a dozen out of thousands every year.
I saw two former Justice dept prosecutors on the news and they BOTH SAID the reason Fisa Warrants are usually approved IS BECAUSE the Justice dept is meticulous, dotting all i's and crossing all t's with their evidence and constitutionality for the requests...It is NOT because they are "easier" to get...
Out of the thousands of FISA warrants given, only 12 were rejects, including one from Obama asking to wiretap Trumps home.....
So the question becomes, is it just Trump that gets removed or does Pence and the entire cabinet appointed by Trump get removed? It would kind of suck to have Paul Ryan as President the next 3 and a half years.
So the question becomes, is it just Trump that gets removed or does Pence and the entire cabinet appointed by Trump get removed? It would kind of suck to have Paul Ryan as President the next 3 and a half years.
No, the question is...

What did Obama know, and when did Obama know it?
I saw two former Justice dept prosecutors on the news and they BOTH SAID the reason Fisa Warrants are usually approved IS BECAUSE the Justice dept is meticulous, dotting all i's and crossing all t's with their evidence and constitutionality for the requests...It is NOT because they are "easier" to get...they don't request a FISA warrant willy nilly, they KNOW thy will get it, due to their hard work. preparing to apply for it....

I accept that.
I saw two former Justice dept prosecutors on the news and they BOTH SAID the reason Fisa Warrants are usually approved IS BECAUSE the Justice dept is meticulous, dotting all i's and crossing all t's with their evidence and constitutionality for the requests...It is NOT because they are "easier" to get...they don't request a FISA warrant willy nilly, they KNOW thy will get it, due to their hard work. preparing to apply for it....

I accept that.
They are like candy.....
So, you're saying Obamas wire taps of Trumps home just happened under Obama.....fascinating.....

I'm saying that Obama did not admit he ordered the wiretaps.

Obama admitted he wire tapped Trumps home already....

You are not very good at this politics thing, are you.....

What you posted is nothing more than fake news. And you should be ashamed of yourself for trying to spread it.
If Trump's tweets are a bid to deflect attention from 'Russiagate', it's not working
Trump’s Russia Controversy Isn’t Going Away
March 4, 2017

Dan Balz: “Russia has become the slow burn of President Trump’s administration. It is the issue that he and his team cannot get beyond. They cannot get beyond it because they are skittish about accepting what is already known. They cannot get beyond it because they have not been as forthcoming as they could be about what they did. They cannot get beyond it because they don’t know what they don’t know.”

“It’s important to remember that much isn’t yet known about the whole controversy, particularly the contacts between Trump campaign officials or advisers and the Russians. That there were contacts is not in dispute. Some appear routine, but the circumstances and the content of all those contacts is far from fully known. It’s possible they will add up to little or nothing. It’s also possible they will add up to something significant.”

So the question becomes, is it just Trump that gets removed or does Pence and the entire cabinet appointed by Trump get removed? It would kind of suck to have Paul Ryan as President the next 3 and a half years.

Under our constitution and laws, the decisions of a president or acting president are not overturned by his removal, resignation or impeachment. So everything Trump ordered, and all appointments he made, stand.

The next president can make changes, but only to those positions that "serve at the pleasure of the president", or whom are asked for their resignation, and they tender it.
The Justice dept Lawyers have to have PROBABLE CAUSE, shown to them by the evidence their investigative agency, the FBI, gives them.

And this evidence and the Warrnt request, has to meet constitutional muster, before they request a FISA warrnt from the Fisa court Judge...

So YES, I am saying Lynch could not and can not just request a Fisa Court warrant out of the clear blue, just because the President or anyone asks her to....

There has to be EVIDENCE that the FISA surveillance has probable cause of espionage between foreign powers or entities.

I admire your faith in the "justice" system allthough you're awfully naive, the "evidence" thingy went out of style decades ago and everyone (except you) knows the Fisa court is just a rubber stamp

But we'll see what comes to light, Obama is a smart guy and probably made sure there wouldn't be any evidence to be found so I doubt Trump can prove he was behind it. But maybe Loretta forgot to delete some emails......

So the question becomes, is it just Trump that gets removed or does Pence and the entire cabinet appointed by Trump get removed? It would kind of suck to have Paul Ryan as President the next 3 and a half years.

Under our constitution and laws, the decisions of a president or acting president are not overturned by his removal, resignation or impeachment. So everything Trump ordered, and all appointments he made, stand.

The next president can make changes, but only to those positions that "serve at the pleasure of the president", or whom are asked for their resignation, and they tender it.

I would think most people like Tillerson, Sessions, and Ross that have been shown to have Russian ties would resign.
The Justice dept Lawyers have to have PROBABLE CAUSE, shown to them by the evidence their investigative agency, the FBI, gives them.

And this evidence and the Warrnt request, has to meet constitutional muster, before they request a FISA warrnt from the Fisa court Judge...

So YES, I am saying Lynch could not and can not just request a Fisa Court warrant out of the clear blue, just because the President or anyone asks her to....

There has to be EVIDENCE that the FISA surveillance has probable cause of espionage between foreign powers or entities.

I admire your faith in the "justice" system allthough you're awfully naive, the "evidence" thingy went out of style decades ago and everyone (except you) knows the Fisa court is just a rubber stamp

But we'll see what comes to light, Obama is a smart guy and probably made sure there wouldn't be any evidence to be found so I doubt Trump can prove he was behind it. But maybe Loretta forgot to delete some emails......

Seems Obama left Comey behind...oops ....:lol:
I would think most people like Tillerson, Sessions, and Ross that have been shown to have Russian ties would resign.

I believe the common excuse is "so they can spend more time with the family"
Outfoxed? We shall see.
"Oh, what a tangled web we weave
When first we practise to deceive!"
Might want to look up that tale...
We know that they were wire tapping Russian phone lines, and when the Trump campaign called in to talk they're obviously being wiretapped. Whether intelligence agencies thought it was important to tap the TRUMP TOWER where the phones calls to the Russians were going back & forth, then they have every right to do that, and without warrants because this is ESPIONAGE aka spying on a foreign adversary which is perfectly legal to do.


We know it's been one lie after another coming out of the Trump circle. 5 times the inner circle has denied any contact with Russians during the campaign season. THAT WAS A LIE.
Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

And it's been one lie after another ever since. Flynn first.
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy

Sessions second: Sessions actually filled out a form before the confirmation meeting and checked a box that stated he had no contact with any Russians, which is why he is refusing to go back and testify under oath.

We know that not only did they have meetings with the Russian ambassador, but they were also on the phone with Russian intelligence officials and those phone calls were numerous, (especially via Trumps son-in-law) during the same time that the Russians were hacking into DNC databases.

More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador - CNNPolitics.com
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign - CNNPolitics.com


We know that Trump continually denied the Russian hacking, including the intelligence of the CIA, the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, 13 other intelligence agencies including the entire Republican held Senate. Even at one point stating: I know people who know more than they do, and I'll get back to you next week. He didn't.

When people are continually LYING it's usually because they're trying to hide something.

And I'll leave you to ponder two quotes:

Trump: "Russia if that's you, if you could find Hillary Clinton's 30K emails, you would be greatly rewarded by the media.

OBAMA: I want this Russian Investigation done BEFORE I leave office--LOL. Clearly he did not turn this over to FBI director James Comey, because he is also under investigation for his interference into this election. And he certainly would not have turned it over to Republicans who would have squashed it.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

Trump and company have been wholly OUTFOXED by Barack Obama, and I imagine he will release the Kracken in 2018 when Democrats take over, if not sooner.
Go fetch? Only lackies "go fetch". You want it? Look it up. It is even in this thread. Not far to look. And before you start, his spokesman speaks for him. So don't try to deny he made it.
Obamas statement was posted earlier in this thread....

Then go fetch. You said you would provide proof, and so far you've posted shit.
Honey, Trump won't be removed....
So the question becomes, is it just Trump that gets removed or does Pence and the entire cabinet appointed by Trump get removed? It would kind of suck to have Paul Ryan as President the next 3 and a half years.
I admire your faith in the "justice" system allthough you're awfully naive, the "evidence" thingy went out of style decades ago and everyone (except you) knows the Fisa court is just a rubber stamp:popcorn:

We have many career employees at the justice department who have been doing FISA warrants for years. I believe it's their hard work that produces such a high FISA warrant approval rate. Just like the US Postal services Inspection Service, has the highest conviction rate of any law enforcement. In 2015 out of the 5,500 arrests, there were 5,069 convictions.

https://postalinspectors.uspis.gov/radDocs/2015 AR(single).pdf

That's from hard work.
Go fetch? Only lackies "go fetch". You want it? Look it up. It is even in this thread. Not far to look. And before you start, his spokesman speaks for him. So don't try to deny he made it

I already gave him one chance to post proof of his statement, and he epic failed. Then he claims it's among the 600+ posts on this thread. Since only he knows where he read it, it's on him to find the needle in the haystack.
All he states is he did not directly order it. The doj was part of his administration. And suggestions go a long way with them.
Obama admitted he wire tapped Trumps home already....
I wasn't aware Obama made any comment about it. And his spokesman denied it.

Do you have a link?

From your link:

A number of ex-Obama officials appear to suggest that the Obama administration may have actually wiretapped the Trump campaign, but that if they did it would have been justified by a court and part of an investigation by the Justice Department—not led by or ordered from the White House or the former president himself.

In other words, these ex-Obama officials are subtly confirming the accuracy of the reporting—that the Obama administration did in fact conduct surveillance on Trump Tower in October and post-election, and that the administration originally sought a warrant back in the summer of 2016—but they say the president himself and the Obama White House was not involved in the decision.
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